Department of Civil Engineering

Dr. (Mrs.) Mudo Puming

Associate Professor

Environmental engineering, water quality assessment and improvement, solid waste management, landfilling of solid waste, landfill liner systems

0360-2257401-8 extn. 6248 (Off)
From(Date of Joining)ToDesignationOrganisationNature of Association
26/06/200626/6/2011Assistant ProfessorNERISTRegular
26/6/201126/6/2016Assistant Professor (Sr)NERISTRegular
26/6/201626/6/2019Assistant Professor (SG)NERISTRegular
26/6/2019Continuing till dateAssociate ProfessorNERISTRegular
Best Conference Paper in Environmental Engineering in the National Conference cgtrCivil Engineering, NERIST   2017
DegreeSubjectUniversity/Institute Month/Year
BECivil EngineeringMSRIT, BangaloreJuly, 2004
MTechEnvironmental EngineeringNERIST, NirjuliJanuary, 2011
Ph.D.Civil EngineeringNERIST, NirjuliFebruary, 2021
FromToDesignationOrganisationNature of Association
Session January - May 200523rd March, 2006Guest LecturerNERIST, NirjuliTemporary
24th March, 200625th June, 2006Junior EngineerDept. of PHE &WS, Itanagar,Govt. Arunachal PradeshRegular
Name of the StudentTitle of the dissertationDegree Awarded/ Ongoing
Mr. Arpan ChetiaAerobic Composting of Waste from Banana Tree (Musa Paradisiaca)
Mr.Wangpho DadaA Comparative Study of Natural Coagulants in Turbidity Treatment
of a Natural Water Source in Nirjuli
Mr.Ajay BiniA Study on Compost Preparation from Vegetable waste, Cowdung with the Addition of Bulking AgentsAwarded
Mr.Jumbom RutiComparative Study of Waste Water Generated from Orchid Drop and Polo Mineral Water Factory of Papum Pare District, Arunachal Pradesh    Awarded
Ms. Hibu MunkuIncorporation of Bamboo Charcoal in Pile Co-Composting of Kitchen
Organic Waste with Pig Manure
Mr. Talek GapakA Study on the Water Quality Monitoring of Dikrong River in Itanagar Region During the Pre-Monsoon Season  Awarded
Ms. Ipi BagraNaturally available activator material aided windrow composting of vegetable wasteAwarded
Mr. Sono TakuEffect of inorganic salt on RHA-B as a liner materialAwarded
Mr. Tado GyadiBiogas Production from the co-digestion of Kitchen Waste and Cow manureAwarded
Mr. Pakken Gemin  BojeUtilization of RH as an landfill liners of MSW landfill siteAwarded
Ms. Tori PaduEffect of inorganic salt on FA-B as landfill linersAwarded
Mr. Miloko NobengStudy of geotechnical properties of BA-S-B mixtures for MSW landfill linersAwarded
Ms. Landi KakuA study on Municipal Solid Waste of NERISTAwarded
Ms. Jide GumjaA study on the effect of inorganic salts on the strength of landfill linersAwarded
Mr. Akoijam Jayenta SinghA Study on the Composting of PhumdiAwarded
Mr. Miding PanggengSeasonal Change in Limnological Parameters and Mitigation Planning of Gyakar Sinyik, ItanagarAwarded

1.Life Member Indian Society for Technical Education

2. Member in The Institution of Engineers (India)

3. Life Member Indian Geotechnical Society

4. Life member Indian Water Resources Society

TitleCourse CodeModuleSemester
Water Supply & Sanitary ServicesCE-2104BaseFirst
Environmental Engineering-ICE-4104DiplomaFirst
Rural Water Supply and SanitationCE-4005DiplomaSecond
Diploma ProjectCE-4299DiplomaSecond
Environmental Engineering-IICE-6101DegreeFirst
Degree ProjectCE-6299DegreeFirst/Second
MTech ProjectESE-8099MTechFirst/Second
MTech SeminarESE-8100MTechSecond
Geo-Environmental EngineeringESE-7008MTechSecond
Environmental Impact AssessmentESE-7003MTechSecond
Rural Water Supply and SanitationESE-7002MTechSecond
Physico-Chemical Treatment Processes ESE-7101MTechFirst
Name of the ScholarStatus of Ph.DRegistration Day/Month/YearDegree Awarded/Ongoing
Mr. Tongbram Ashiskumar SinghFull timeIst October, 2021Comprehensive seminar completed during February 2023.
Research work ongoing.
Mr. Jumbom RutiFull time5th August, 2023Comprehensive seminar completed during January 2025.
Research work ongoing.
Assistant Deputy In-charge (T&P) Dec., 2007Dec., 2010NERIST
Warden Block-GApril, 2008May, 2011NERIST
Academic Council MemberSession 2017Session 2019NERIST
Member BoS CE dept.Session 2017Session 2020NERIST
Faculty member CATRDSept., 2008till dateNERIST
Students Counsellor UG studentsJune, 2017till dateNERIST
Member ICC-PoSHNovember, 2023till dateNERIST
Convener DPGC, CE Dept.April, 2024till dateNERIST
Field Engineering Lab, CE Dept.June, 2006till dateNERIST


Book Chapter:

Puming Mudo, Prasad R K “Optimal Reservoir Operation with Environmental Flows for Ranganadi Hydroelectric Project in Arunachal Pradesh” Book Title: Urban Hydrology, Watershed Management and Socio-Economic Aspects, Water Science and Technology Library, vol.73, pp-209-223, Publisher: Springer. Chapter DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-40195-9_17.

Course NameSponsored byDate
Interdisciplinary Approaches in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental EngineeringOnline workshop by HBTU, Kanpur17th to 21st February, 2025
Patent filing and Prior Art Search Mechanisms: A Practical ApproachOnline workshop by IISc Bangalore, Ministry of Education21st September, 2024
Seeking government funding: Essential Guidelines for Successful Grant AquisitionBRCM College of Engineering & Technology, Bahal, Haryana23rd December, 2023
Repair & Rehabilitation of structures of Hydro Power ProjectsCentral Water & Power Research Station, Pune13th to 14th December, 2023
Application of Smart MaterialsNIT Manipur, AICTE5th to 9th March, 2022
Application of Smart Materials and AI in Water and Wastewater TreatmentsNIT Manipur, AICTE17th to 21st January, 2022
Recent Advances in Renewable Energy TechnologyME Dept., NERIST17th to 18th September, 2021
International workshop on Recent development in the field of Civil EngineeringCE Dept., University of Tripura17th to 21st
May, 2021
Research MethodologyNIT Manipur, AICTE27th to 31st January, 2021
Advancements in Civil Engineering IIT Indore (Online)November 2 to7, 2020
Digital tools for Writing, Authoring and Reviewing Manuscripts Electronics & ICT Academies (Endorsed by AICTE & UGC)12th to 23rd July, 2021
Recent Advances in Earthquake and Environmental Engineering TEQIP7th to11th September, 2020
Disaster management mitigation and responses TEQIP10th to 14th August, 2020
Leadership and Team building in Academia  MHRD30th Oct. to 3rd November, 2020
Workshop on the role of NPTEL local chaptersIIT Kanpur29th April, 2017
Biological Treatment of Solid Waste MHRD8th to 10th February, 2016
4th Indest User ConventionAICTE-INDEST User committee, NERIST22nd to 23rd August, 2015 
Induction Training by NITTR KolkataMHRD11th to 20th September, 2015
Stress managementTEQIP4th to 6th November, 2013
Workshop on Engineering Optimization TEQIP14th to 18th May, 2012
Personality development TEQIP23rd to 27th April, 2012
Advances in traffic flow and environmental management TEQIP17th to 21st April, 2012
Teaching Methodology by NITTR KolkataMHRD3rd to 7th January, 2011
Renewable Energy Technology: Issues & Prospectus.Dept. of ME, NERIST24th to25th 
September, 2010
Soft computing in Engineering Applications (AICTE)
Dept. of ME, NERIST25th Jan. to 5th feb., 2010
Optimization methods for water resources planning and management AICTE15th to 19th June, 2009
Behavioural competency development: Psychological Aspects ISTE23rd to 27th March, 2009
Advances in concrete Technology and RCC design Dept of CE, NERIST9th to 13th February, 2009
Recent practices in Transportation planning and traffic engineering (DONER)Dept of CE, IIT Guwahati15th to 19th January, 2007
Rainwater harvesting and watershed management for sustainable agricultureNERIST25th to 26th  March, 2006

Journal :

1.  Puming M, Jamini M, and Gramisa S, "Design of Self Operating and Economical Water Filter to Improve the quality of Drinking Water for Domestic Supply" IJETMAS Vol. 4, Issue 6, June 2016, ISSN 2349-4476. Impact Factor: 2.24. 

2.  Puming M, Monowar H, Mido N, and Shivan D, "A Study on the Chemical Properties of Leachate and its Effect on the Geotechnical Properties of Soil" IJETSR Vol. 3, Issue 7, July 2016, ISSN 2394-3386. Impact Factor: 2.120.

3.  Puming M, Monowar H, Geli B, and Mobya N, "A study on soil improvement by using Rice Husk and Bentonite" IJIRSET Vol.5, Issue 7, July 2016, 12938-12944, DOI: 10.15680/IJIRSET.2016.0507156. Impact Factor: 6.209.

4. Puming M, Bharti A, Hussain M, "Characterization of Leachate from Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Site of Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh" IJAMTES Vol.7, Issue 11 (2017), ISSN No.: 2249-7455, pp. 111-114. Impact Factor: 6.3.

5. Puming M, Bharti A, Hussain M, "A Study On The Municipal Solid Waste Management of Itanagar Capital Complex of Arunachal Pradesh, India" IJTIMES Vol.4, Issue 5 (2017), e-ISSN: 2455-2585, pp. 865-870. Impact factor: 5.22

 6. Gyadi T, Puming M, "Biogas Production from the Co-Digestion of  Kitchen waste and Cow Manure", IJTIMES, Vol.5, Issue 3, e-ISSN: 2455-2585,  March 2019, pp. 938-946.Impact factor: 5.22.

 7. Puming M, Hibu Onya "A study on the use of Marble dust Powder to improve the property of cement concrete" IJRAR Vol.9, July 2022, P-ISSN (Online): 2349-5138.

8. Puming M, Ipi B "Windrow composting of vegetable waste using naturally available activated material" IJPRSE Vol.1, July 2022, ISSN (Online): 2582-7898, SJIF: 5.494.

9. Puming M, Mumsu L"A study on the SWM of Karsingsa Solid Waste dumping Site of Arunachal Pradesh" IJPRSE Vol.1, July 2022, ISSN (Online): 2582-7898, SJIF: 5.494.

10. Puming M, Geli Basar "Management of leaf litter by aerobic composting" IJRAR Vol.9, July 2022, P-ISSN (Online): 2349-5138.

11. Tongbram A Singh, Puming M "A Critical Analysis of Terrestrial Weed Control: Utilizing Composting and Anaerobic Digestion for Managing Chromolaena odorata" IJISRT Vol.9, Issue 5, May 2024, ISSN No. 2456-2165.

12. Jumbom R , Puming M, "A Review on Enhancing Biogas Production and Process Stability in Anaerobic Digestion through Biochar Integration" in Volume 13, Issue II, February 2025, ISSN: 2321-9653, IJRASET, p no. 555 to 562.


International Conference:

1. Puming M and Prasad R K, “Optimal Reservoir Operation with Environmental Flows for Ranganadi Hydroelectric Project in Arunachal Pradesh” International conference on Environmentally Sustainable Urban Ecosystem (ENSURE 2012), IIT Guwahati, February 24 to 26, 2012.

2. Tongram A Singh and Puming M presented a paper in a International conference on Environment, “A Review on Phytoremediation of Contaminated Soils by using Chromolaena Odorata, an Invasive Terrestial Weed” Organized by Centre for the Environment held at IIT Guwahati during December 9 to 11, 2024.

3. Jumbom R, Puming M, “ A Review on Role of Mosses in Sustainable Biogas Production in Anaerobic Digestion” for poster presentation in the DST purse sponsored International Conference on Waste Management-Recycle 2025 organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati to be held on June 5th to 6th, 2025. (Accepted for presentation)

National Conference:

1. Puming M, Bharti A, Hussain M, Presented a research paper on title "Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Generation in the Itanagar Capital Complex of Arunachal Pradesh" in National conference on CGTR during October 14 to15, 2017 at NERIST (A.P).

2. Puming M, Bharti A, Hussain M, "Characterization of Leachate from Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Site of Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh" in National conference on CGTR during October 14 to15, 2017 at NERIST (A.P).

 3. Tongram A Singh, Puming M presented a paper in a national conference “A Review on Effective management of an Invasive Terrestial Weed, Chromolaena Odorata (Siam Weed)” during December 18 to 19, 2023 held at Berhampur University, Odisha. 

4. Jumbom R, Puming M, “Integrating Algae Based Substrate with Advanced Anaerobic Digestion for Improved Biogas Yields” for poster presentation in the DST purse sponsored National conference (NCSPER – 2025) organized by Department of Energy and Environment, Thapar institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala Punjab to be held on February 19 to 20, 2025.

Others :

Design patent obtained titled “Manually Operated Rotary Drum Composting Unit” Design no. 427172-001, dated 15/8/2024, The Patent Office, Government of India by Tongram AshisKumar Singh, Dr. Mudo Puming, H D Singh and S K Chhetry.