Department of Forestry

Ph.D in Forestry

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs):

PEO1To produce well trained manpower in the field of Forestry and allied areas.
PEO1To provide quality teaching and practical knowledge to the students.
PEO1To undertake basic and advance research activities in the field.
PEO1To develop modern infrastructure and facilities to support the teaching and research.
PEO1To undertake programs for promotion of sustainable uses and conservation of forest resources of the region.
Course Structure And Syllabus
Course CodeCourse TitleL T P C
FR-9001Concept of Forestry3 0 0 3
FR-9002Climate Change and Forestry3 0 0 3
FR-9003Timber & Non-Timber Forest Products3 0 0 3
FR-9004Wildlife Management3 0 0 3
FR-9005Applied Microbiology3 0 0 3
FR-9006Agroforestry3 0 0 3
FR-9007Nursery and Plantation Technology3 0 0 3
FR-9008Forest Ecology and Management 3 0 0 3
FR-9009Remote Sensing and GIS in Forestry 3 0 0 3
FR-9010Wood Technology3 0 0 3
FR-9011Principles & Techniques in Biotechnology3 0 0 3
FR-9012Research Methodology4 0 0 4