Research Laboratories

Central Research Facility (CRF)

The Central Research Facility (CRF) is an independent infrastructural unit existing for the support of Research and Development activities at NERIST. It was established during the early phase of development of NERIST in the year 1990 to provide a central facility with sophisticated instruments for cutting-edge research in a variety of scientific and technological fields. Doctorate students, post-graduate students and faculty members of the institute use these instrumental facilities housed at CRF for their research endeavors.  The students from nearby institutes of Arunachal Pradesh also use the facilities of CRF. We are hoping to add more instruments to the CRF, NERIST to improve its facilities and increase its usefulness for researchers.

Services provided by CRF

Existing Instruments

1. UV-Visible spectrophotometer,  UV-2600 (Shimadzu)
The UV-Visible spectrophotometer is used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of different organic and inorganic compounds including proteins, carbohydrates etc.

2. Electrochemical workstation/Analyzer (Cyclic Volttameter), CHI600E

The general purpose of this instrument is to measure electrochemical measurements, such as redox potential calculation of compounds, kinetic measurements, electro-analysis, research on corrosion etc. 

3. Polarizing Microscope, Metzer Trinocular Polarising Microscope
In-charge of CRF:  Dr. Jagannath Bhuyan, Asst. Professor, Department of Chemistry

Electrochemical workstation/Analyzer (Cyclic voltammetry), CHI600E
UV-Visible spectrophotometer,  UV-2600 (Shimadzu)