Research Laboratories

Ergonomics and safety in Agriculture (ESA) NERIST center

All India Coordinated Research project (AICRP) on Ergonomics and safety in Agriculture (ESA) NERIST center is functional in the Department of Agricultural Engineering, NERIST since 2004. The mandate of the project is application of ergonomical principles in design of agricultural hand tools and machinery for increasing productivity, reducing drudgery, and minimizing accidents and occupational health problems of workers in agriculture and allied sectors. The thrust areas in which the R & D is carried out are 

  1. Integrating ergonomic aspects in design of tools and equipment used in agriculture, horticulture and hill agriculture for male and female workers. 
  2. Safety and occupational health of workers in agriculture and agro- industries sector
  3. Awareness creation on agriculture safety, ergonomically improved tools and gender friendly technology.

Ergonomical data base has been developed for the workers of Arunachal Pradesh. Seventy-nine anthropometric and 16 strength data of agricultural workers were collected under this project and the generated data is part of national repository of anthropometric data. Agricultural accident data of farmers have been collected from Arunachal Pradesh and Assam to refine the design of agricultural hand tools and machinery. 

Respirable dust, crystalline silica and endotoxin exposure among the rice mill workers is one of the pioneering works in agricultural sector. Biomechanical forces on L4-L5 among rice mill workers are one of the important contributions. Furthermore, intervention for improved health of the workers through reduction in exposure and task design has enhanced the safety and comfort of the workers. 

Green house gas and toxic gas emission from livestock farm and poultry birds have been measured and carbon foot print in this sector has been estimated. Mitigation strategies have been recommended for reducing the effect of green house gas on climate change.

Various agricultural hand tools and machinery have been ergonomically evaluated for its suitability among the female workers and women friendly hand tools and equipment has been designed, developed and commercialized. The Center has developed the following technologies for commercial use:

  1. Remote-controlled turning mechanism for power tiller
  2. Dust reduction technologies in rice mills
  3. Power-operated mini rhizome planter for hilly region 
  4. Battery assisted and manual kiwi vine prunner 
  5. Ergonomically developed battery assisted pineapple leaf prunner
  6. Fruit harvester 
  7. Fruit harvesting ladder for hill 
  8. Backpack for load carrying in sherpa mode
  9. Improved sickle 
  10. Safety gadgets for dao
  11. Ergo design of tea leaf plucking aid

Training and demonstration programmes have been organized to popularize the improved agricultural hand tools and equipment and also women friendly hand tools and equipment in Arunachal Pradesh and Assam. Success stories have been published and the patented/ copyright have been applied for developed technology of the center. The center conducts front line demonstration and training programme for the farmers and stack holders in Arunachal Pradesh and Assam. 


Prof. K.N. Dewangan, Principal Investigator

Dr. T. Patel, Co- Principal Investigator

Mr. B.S.K. Chhetry, Junior Project Officer

Ms. Sarju Thokchom, Junior Project Officer