Research Laboratories

Forest Systematic & Ethnobiology Laboratory

Department of Forestry

Lab In-charge: Dr. P R Gajurel

Forest and Forest Ecosystem play a vital role in Environment, Health and Socio economic development. It is imperative for all of us to know the diversified flora and fauna present in the forest ecosystem. The forest harbour all the important bioresources that are not available in cultivation. The North East India particularly the state of Arunachal Pradesh exhibits the rich biodiversity which is mostly encompasses in the forest ecosystem. Both for ecology and economy it is essential for us to systematically explore and identify the forest flora. The comprehensive data of the forest flora provide the platform for better management, conservation and utilization of the species.

The Forest Systematic & Ethnobiology Laboratory of the Forestry Department has been actively engaged in exploration, identification and utilization of the forest resources. Documentation of the various species of higher plants with the objectives to find out their accurate identity (correct nomenclature and systematic position), status of occurrence, ethnobotanical uses, economic values, ecological characters and conservation measures. Collection of germplasm and their ex situ conservation is also one of the important activities of the Laboratory. 

The Laboratory is supported with the basic facilities such as field collections tools, dissecting and stereo microscope, herbarium specimens, camera and GPS, herbarium dryer, water purification system, Rotary evaporator, oven, etc. 

About 15 students have completed their Ph. D work from the Lab and more than 10 research projects have been completed successfully. To transfer the technological know how to the local communities, the laboratory have actively engaged in training and awareness programme where about 15 programmes have been successfully organised in different parts of the state Arunachal Pradesh and Assam. 

The following achievements have been made till now

  • Discovery of five new species
  • New and rare records of plant species
  • Exploration of medicinal plant flora of the state.
  • Extensive taxonomic work on the family Piperaceae, Moracee, Primulaceae,  Rosacese, and Lamiaceae
  • Ethnobotanical studies of different tribes of north east India.
  • Documentation of utilization pattern of non timber forest products in north east India
  • Documentation of wild edible plants of the state.
  • Live collections of various rare and important plant species