Degree in Forestry

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs):

PEO1To produce well trained manpower in the field of Forestry and allied areas.
PEO2To provide quality teaching and practical knowledge to the students.
PEO3To undertake basic and advance research activities in the field.
PEO4To develop modern infrastructure and facilities to support the teaching and research.
PEO5o undertake programs for promotion of sustainable uses and conservation of forest resources of the region.
Course Structure And Syllabus


Ist Year (Semester- I: July-December)

Course CodeCourse TitleL T P C
FR-3101Concepts of Forestry2 1 0 3
FR-3102Wildlife Biology 2 0 2 3
CE-3103Surveying-I 2 0 2 3
CS-3101Basics of Computers2 0 2 3
CY-3102Environmental Chemistry3 0 2 4
HS-3102Personality and Society         3 0 0 3
MA-3102Comprehensive Mathematics- IA3 1 0 4
PH-3103Atmospheric Physics & Climate Change3 0 0 3

1st Year (Semester-II: January-May)

Course CodeCourse TitleL T P C
FR-3201Microbiology and Forest Pathology3 0 2 4
FR-3202Techniques in Forestry3 0 2 4
FR-3203Field Practice0 0 6 3
CE-3202Surveying II3 1 2 5
CY-3203Biochemistry3 0 2 4
MA-3203Applied Mathematics3 1 0 4

2nd Year (Semester- I : July-December)

Course CodeCourse TitleL T P C
FR-4101Agroforestry & Horticulture3 0 2 4
FR-4102Forest Nursery Management3 0 2 4
FR-4103Medicinal and Aromatic plants2 0 2 3
FR-4104Dendrology3 0 2 4
FR-4105Forest Protection2 1 0 3
MA-4101Biostatistics & Experimental Design4 0 0 4

2nd Year (Semester-II: January-May)

Course CodeCourse TitleL T P C
FR-4201Wild life Management3 0 2 4
FR-4202Forest Ecology3 0 2 4
FR-4203Silvicultural Systems3 0 0 3
FR-4204Tribal Studies  & Ethno-botany3 0 0 3
FR-4205Biotechnology3 0 2 4
HS-4202Forest Economics3 0 0 3
CS-4400Programming with C/C++ (with application)3 0 2 4

3rd Year (Semester- I : July-December)

Course CodeCourse TitleL T P C
FR-5101Forest Seed Technology2 0 2 3
FR-5102Silviculture of Indian Trees2 0 2 3
FR-5103Wood Anatomy3 0 2 4
FR-5104Forest Entomology & IPM2 0 2 3
FR-5105Remote Sensing & GIS3 0 2 4
FR-5106Forest Mensuration3 0 2 4

3rd Year (Semester-II: January-May)

Course CodeCourse TitleL T P C
FR-5201Tree Improvement    3104
FR-5202Wood Science & Technology3024
FR-5203Timber & Non-Timber Forest Products3024
FR-5204Forest Policies & Planning2103
CE-5207Forest Engineering3003
AE-5205Forest Hydrology and Soil Water Conservation           3024

4th Year (Semester- I: July-December)

Course CodeCourse TitleL T P C
FR-6101Forest Management & Working Plan 3104
FR-6102Conservation Biology2103
FR-6103Soil Science & Management3024
FR-6104Rangeland Management2023
FR-6105Logging & Ergonomics3024
HS- 6101Trade & Marking of Forest Products3003

4th Year (Semester-II: January-May)

Course CodeCourse TitleL T P C
FR-6279Training and Extension Forestry003015
FR-6251 Technical Report00105
FR-6289Seminar & Viva-voce00105