Department of Forestry

M.Sc in Forestry

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs):

PEO1To produce well trained manpower in the field of Forestry and allied areas.
PEO2To provide quality teaching and practical knowledge to the students.
PEO3To undertake basic and advance research activities in the field.
PEO4To develop modern infrastructure and facilities to support the teaching and research.
PEO5To undertake programs for promotion of sustainable uses and conservation of forest resources of the region.
Course Structure And Syllabus


1st Year (Semester- I: July-December)

Course CodeCourse TitleL T P C
FR-7101Forest Systematises and Ethno-biology3 0 2 4
FR-7102Forest Ecology & Biodiversity Conservation3 0 2 4
FR-7103  Forest Protection 
FR-7104Forest Tree Improvement.3 0 2 3
FR-7105Forest  Biotechnology   3 0 2 4
MA-7109Biostatistics3 0 2 4

1st Year (Semester-II: January-May)

Course CodeCourse TitleL T P C
FR-7201Silviculture3 0 0 3
FR-7202Plantation Forestry3 0 0 3
FR-7203Forest Policies and Instruments3 0 0 3
FR-7204Social Forestry and Agroforestry4 0 0 4
FR-7205 Wildlife Conservation  and Ecotourism 4 0 0 4
AE-7223Forest Hydrology and Watershed Management2 1 0 3

2nd Year (Semester- I: July-December)

Course CodeCourse TitleL T P C
FR-8101Wood Science & Technology3 0 2 4
FR-8102Forest Goods & Services3 0 2 4
FR-8103Forest Geo-informatics3 0 2 4
FR-8104Forest Resource Management   3 0 0 3
FR-8105Forest Seed Technology2 0 2 3
Elective Courses: 3 0 0 3
FR-8001Global Climate Changes3 0 0 3
FR-8002Economics of Agroforestry systems3 0 0 3
FR-8003Forest Genetics Diversity and Conservation3 0 0 3
FR-8004Rangeland and Pasture Management3 0 0 3

2nd Year (Semester-II: January-May)

Course CodeCourse TitleL T P C
FR-8299Project0 0 16 8