Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Dr. Monjul Saikia

Associate Professor

Information Security, Wireless Sensor Networks Key Pre-distribution, Image and Video Processing

(EPBX/Office) : 03602257401-8 extn. 6241(O)


11-07-200710-07-2020Assistant ProfessorComputer Science and Engineering, NERIST
11-07-2020PresentAssociate ProfessorComputer Science and Engineering, NERIST
IEI Young Engineers Award 2011-2012Institution of Engineers (India)February 4, 2012
Ph.D.Key Pre-distribution in Wireless Sensor NetworksElectronics and Communication Engineering, NERIST2020
M.Tech.Computer Science and EngineeringComputer Science and Engineering, NERIST2011
BEComputer Science and EngineeringJorhat Engineering College, Jorhat2005
HSScienceCotton College, Guwahati, Assam2001
20122015Coordinator Spoken-tutorial Project, IIT BombayDepartment of CSE, NERIST
20142016Nodal Officer for InstituteSpoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay
20152016WardenBlock- E NERIST
2013present NBA Departmental CoordinatorNERIST
2016presentDepartment Website CoordinatorNERIST
TopicFunding AgencyYear
Development of Robust Multimedia Fingerprinting AlgorithmsThe Institution of Engineers (India)2009-11
YearSessionCourse CodeCourse NameBatch
2007Jan-MayCS 4003Computer OrganizationDIP
CS 4204Principles of programming LanguageB.Tech.
July-DecCS5007Computer oriented numerical techniquesB.Tech.
CS 4377Programming with C/C++B.Tech.
CS 4377Programming with C/C++B.Tech.
2008Jan-MayCS 2200Basics of computerB.Tech.
ES 3101Principles of programming LanguageB.Tech.
July-DecCS 5007Computer oriented numerical techniquesB.Tech.
CS 4377Programming with C/C++B.Tech.
2009Jan-MayCS 4202Computer ArchitectureB.Tech.
CS 4403Computer ArchitectureB.Tech.
CS 5201Computer GraphicsB.Tech.
July-DecCS 4100Computer OrganizationB.Tech.
CS 6006Distributed SystemsB.Tech.
CS 4377Programming with C/C++B.Tech.
2010Jan-MayCS 4202Computer ArchitectureB.Tech.
CS 4403Computer ArchitectureB.Tech.
CS 5201Computer GraphicsB.Tech.
July-DecCS 3101Basics of Computer B.Tech.
CS 4301Object Oriented Programming with C++B.Tech.
CS 6006Distributed SystemsB.Tech.
CS 4377Programming with C/C++B.Tech.
2011Jan-MayCS 4002Computer Graphics and ModelingB.Tech.
CS 5201Computer GraphicsB.Tech.
July-DecCS 4301Object Oriented Programming with C++B.Tech.
CS 6006Distributed SystemsB.Tech.
CS 4103Computer Architecture and Organization B.Tech.
CS 4302Computer Architecture and Organization B.Tech.
2012Jan-MayCS 4001Web TechnologyB.Tech.
CS 5201Computer GraphicsB.Tech.
July-DecIT 7102Information System DesignM.Tech.
CS 6006Distributed SystemsB.Tech.
IT 7105Information Processing LabM.Tech.
2013Jan-MayIT 7200Multimedia SystemsM.Tech.
CS 4403Computer ArchitectureB.Tech.
CS 5201Computer GraphicsB.Tech.
July-DecIT-7102Information System DesignM.Tech
CS-7109Computer Programming and Data ProcessingM.Tech.
CS 6006Distributed SystemsB.Tech.
2014Jan-MayIT 7200Multimedia SystemsM.Tech.
CS-5202Theory of Computation B.Tech.
July-DecIT-7102Information System DesignM.Tech
CS-6005Distributed AlgorithmsB.Tech.
2015Jan-MayIT 7200Multimedia SystemsM.Tech.
CS-5202Theory of Computation B.Tech.
July-DecIT-7102Information System DesignM.Tech
CS-6005Distributed AlgorithmsB.Tech.
IT 7105Information Processing LabM.Tech.
2016Jan-MayIT 7200Multimedia SystemsM.Tech.
CS-5202Theory of Computation B.Tech.
July-DecIT-7007Information System DesignM.Tech.
CS- 6004VLSI DesignB.Tech.
2017Jan-MayCS-7022Computational GeometryM.Tech.
CS-5202Theory of ComputationB.Tech.
July-DecIT-7007Information System DesignMTech
CS-6005Distributed AlgorithmsBTech
ES-2200Principles of ComputerBase
2018Jan-MayCS 7024Computational GeometryM.Tech.
CS-5200Database Management SystemsB.Tech.
July-DecCS-7007Computer GraphicsM.Tech.
CS- 6004Distributed AlgorithmsB.Tech.
2019Jan-MayCS-7022Computational GeometryM.Tech.
CS-5200Database Management SystemsB.Tech.
ES-2200Fundamental of ComputerBase
July-DecCS-4102Application SoftwareDiploma
CS- 6004Distributed AlgorithmsB.Tech.
ES-3100Programming with C++ (Practical)Diploma
2020Jan-MayCS-7022Computational GeometryM.Tech.
CS-5200Database Management SystemsB.Tech.
CS-4204Computer GraphicsBTech
July-DecCS-6004Distributed AlgorithmsBTech
CS-7007Computer GraphicsMTech
2021Jan-MayCS-4204Computer GraphicsB.Tech.
CS-5200Database Management SystemsB.Tech.
CS-7014Distributed SystemsMTech
July-DecCS-7011Software EngineeringMTech
CS-6004Distributed AlgorithmsBTech
ES-12100Programming with CBase
2022Jan-MayCS7251Computing LaboratoryMTech
CS5200Database Management SystemsBTech
CS6005Software EngineeringBTech
July-DecES12100Programming LabBTech
CS6004Distributed SystemsBTech
2023Jan-MayCS7022Information and System SecurityMTech
CS6005Information Theory and CodingBTech
CS7251Computing LaboratoryMTech
July-DecCS23100Database Management SystemsBTech
CS6004Distributed SystemsBTech
ES12100Basics of Computer and ProgrammingBTech

MTech (CSE/IT) Project Supervised 

1"Design of Secure Multimedia Transmission Algorithm"Ms. Vandana Thakur2011-12 CSE
2"Chaotic Based Image Encryption and Their Security Analysis"Ms. Nitumoni Hazarika2013-14CSE
3"Comprehensive Study on Block Matching Algorithm for Motion Estimation"Md. Hussain Ahmed Choudhuri 2013-14IT
4"Theoretical Study and FPGA Implementation of Efficient Arithmetical Units in Residue Number System (RNS) for Elliptic Curve Cryptography"Mr. Debabrata Boruah2014-15CSE
5"Design and FPGA Implementation of Image Encryption Using 3D Chaotic Maps"Mr. Bikash Baruah2015-16CSE
6"Key Pre-distribution Scheme in Wireless Sensor Network"Ms. Irani Acharjamayum2015-16IT
7"Key Predistribution Scheme for WSN using Sensor Deployment Knowledge"MsSupriyaBhuyan2016-17CSE
8"Secure Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network" Mr. UddiptaKaishyap Das2016-17IT
9"Design and Development of Wireless Sensor Node Deployment Strategy for Hilly Terrains "Ms. Sunita Saha2017-18CSE
10"Mobile Sink Trajectory Planning in Wireless Sensor Network for Efficient Data Collection"Ms. KajariAnanya Das2018-19CSE
11"Remotely Controlled Automated Systems For Badminton Club Stadium Using Iot Tailored For Rural Arunachal Pradesh Infrastructural Constraints"Mr. Mito Rumi2020-2021CSE
12Key Distribution for Wireless Sensor Network Using Different Combinatorial Design ConfigurationsMs. Gaitri Kangujam 2021-22CSE
13Sensor Data Collection In Agricultural Field Using LoRa  ModuleSANJITA HIJAM(MT/21/CSE/002)2022-23CSE

BTech Project Guided:

1“Online Railway Reservation System using ASP.NET” –Miss Paramita Chakrabaty and Miss Mandakanta Chakrabarty2008
2“A VLSI based scheme for implementation of BIBD (Balanced Incomplete Block Design) “ – Mr. Ravi Rajnish and Miss Bandana Gupta2010
3“FPGA Implementation of Hamming (7,4,1) Error Control Code” – Sashadhar Das and SailenKalita2011
4“Information Security and Cryptography”-2012
5“An Application of Error Control Coding for Copyright Protection”- ChafidulAlam and Yanga Raji2013
6“Multiple Encryption using ECC and Its Time Complexity Analysis”- Vishal Kumar, Ratnesh Kumar, Mashud A. Barbhuiya2013-14
7“Design and Implementation of a Homomorphic Encryption Scheme toward the Application of Cloud Computing” – Manish Ranjan and Md. Aup Hussain2014-15
8“Digital watermarking using chaotic maps” Th. Susma and TabyoMamung2015-16
9“Implementation of Identity-Based Cryptography for WSN”TH. Anand Kumar, Salam Herosun, Solomon Panei2016-17
10“Distributed Job-Scheduling in Android Platform”-Subhankar Das, ShanglaiWungrising2017-18
11“Web Portal And Android App Development For Indoor Games Event Organizer”- Srijana Thapa (D/17/Cs/203) and Anshu Kr. Patel (D/17/Cs/103)2019-20
12“IoT Application Development using Arduino UNO” – Bryan Samuel Kharsohnoh and Pinki Doloi2020-21
13Face Recognition based Smart Door System SAURABHJYOTI DEURI (D/18/CS/103) DHRUBARK SARMAH (D/18/CS/106)2021-22
14Niraj Dutta, Bishal Doley (D/19/CS/004, D/19/CS/112) Internet of Things.2022-23
15Prerna Khatiwara, Ks Florence (D/19/CS/117, D/19/CS/102) Error correcting codes.2022-23
16Moirangthem Surchandra Singh, Nicholash Kangujam (D/19/CS/002, D/19/CS/114) Cryptography.2022-23
17IoT-based GPS Location Tracker using NodeMCU and GPS Module- Miyin Nitik, D/20/CS/117, Moni Kumari, D/21/CS/2082023-24
18Android App Development for Tea Farming Information System- Lalrinchhana, D/20/CS/130 Vanlalhmangaiha, D/22/CS/202 Joseph Lalvensanga, D/19/CS/1052023-24
19Implementation and Analysis of Convolutional Encoder and Viterbi Decoding- Pura Obing, D/21/CS/212, Menangnochet S Longkumer, D/21/CS/2132023-24
20Automated License Plate Recognition using AI D/21/CS/114 and D/21/CS/1262024-25
21Handwritten Signature Verifying System D/21/CS/117 & D/21/CS/1422024-25
22Design of Weather Forecast App Android/IOS D/21/CS/136 & D/21/CS/1232024-25
1TEQIP Sponsored Faculty Development Programme On Prospects of Cloud Computing in Education 3rd – 7th Feb,  2014. organized at NERIST Coordinators : Mrs. M. Kathing&Mr. M. Saikia3rd – 7th Feb,  20145 days

List of Publications

  1. Saikia M “Secure Multipath Angular Routing Protocol (SMARP) for Underwarer Wireless Sensor Networks” in 1st Int. Conference on Advanced Computing and Systems (AdComSys 2024) organized by Department of CSI & CSIT, University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata, India held on 26-27th June 2024.
  2. Saikia M, Choudhury HA, Sinha N. Optimized particle swarm optimization for faster and accurate video compression. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2022 Mar 18:1-22.
  3. Saikia Monjul. "A Novel Secret Location Sharing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network". ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications. 2021 Sep 25;19(3).
  4. Saikia, Monjul. "Delaunay Triangulation Based Key Distribution for Three-Dimensional Wireless Sensor Networks." Journal of Interconnection Networks (2021): 2150009.2.    
  5. Choudhury, Hussain Ahmed, Nidul Sinha, and Monjul Saikia. "Dynamic Block Matching Algorithm (BMA) Scheduling Algorithm for Fast and Accurate Motion Estimation." In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing and Communication Systems: I3CS 2020, NEHU, Shillong, India, vol. 170, p. 349. Springer Nature, 2021.
  6. Choudhury, H.A., Sinha, N. and Saikia, M., Application of nature-inspired algorithms (NIA) for optimization of video compression. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems ISSN print 1064-1246 ISSN online 1875-8967 vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 3419-3443, 2020. [UGC-CARE List Group II - Scopus Source List]
  7. Monjul Saikia, An Efficient D2D Quaternion Encryption System for IoT using IEEE 754 Standards, Internet of Things, 2020, 100261, ISSN 2542-6605,
  8. Monjul Saikia & Md. Anwar Hussain (2020) Efficient data encryption technique using quaternions for wireless sensor network, Cryptologia, ISSN:0161-1194E-ISSN:1558-1586, DOI: 10.1080/01611194.2020.1755745. Pages 451-471. Volume 44, 2020 - Issue 5. [UGC-CARE List Group II - Scopus Source List]
  9. Saikia, Monjul, and Anwar Hussain. "Costas array based key pre-distribution scheme (CAKPS) for WSN and its performance analysis." CSI Transactions on ICT (2020): 1-8.
  10. Monjul Saikia and Md. Anwar Hussain " Delaunay Triangulation based Key distribution for Wireless Sensor Network", In 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Information Communications held in Phuket, Thailand during January 19-21, 2019
  11. Monjul Saikia and Md. Anwar Hussain, "Delaunay Triangulation Based Key Distribution for Wireless Sensor Network," Journal of Communications, vol. 14, no. 7, pp. 530-537, 2019. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.14.7.530-537
  12. Monjul Saikia and Md. Anwar Hussain, "Wireless Sensor Node Deployment Strategy for Hilly Terrains - A Surface Approximation based Approach" IET Wireless Sensor Systems, May 2019. Volume: 9 , Issue: 5 , 10 2019 DOI: 10.1049/iet-wss.2018.5095
  13. Choudhury HA, Sinha N, Saikia M. "Nature inspired algorithms (NIA) for efficient video compression–A brief study". Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal. 2019 Nov 8.
  14. Choudhury HA, Sinha N, Saikia M. "Correlation Based Rood Pattern Search (CBRPS) for Motion Estimation in Video Processing". Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. 2019 Jan 1;36(6):5989-99.
  15. Monjul Saikia and Md. Anwar Hussain "A Novel Key Predistribution Scheme for Minimum Angle Routing in Wireless Sensor Network", In Integrated Intelligent Computing, Communication and Security, Springer Singapore 2019, pp. 301--309, ISBN 978-981-10-8797-4, doi=10.1007/978-981-10-8797-4_32. 
  16. Saikia M, Hussain MA. "Implementation of Lightweight Crypto Processor Using Logistic Map for Wireless Sensor Network". In Advances in Communication, Devices and Networking 2019 (pp. 509-519). Springer, Singapore.
  17. Monjul Saikia and Md. Anwar Hussain, "Costas Array Based Key Pre-Distribution Scheme Grid based Wireless Sensor Network" International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, ISSN 2250-0588, Volume 08 Issue 10, October 2018, Page 69-74
  18. MonjulSaikia and Md Anwar Hussain. "Combinatorial Group Based Approach for Key Predistribution Scheme in Wireless Sensor Network" International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA2017) 5-6 May 2017 Galgotias University Noida, India, page 502-506.
  19. MonjulSaikia, Uddiptakashyap Das and Md. Anwar Hussain, "Secure Energy Aware Multi-path Routing With Key Management in Wireless Sensor Network" published in 4th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN 2017). 2-3 February 2017. Amity University Noida, India.
  20. Monjul Saikia, Supriya Bhuyan and Md. Anwar Hussain, "Improving Closest Pair Key Distribution Scheme using Neighbour Node Connectivity Prediction" published in 4th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN 2017). 2-3 February 2017. Amity University Noida, India.
  21. Saikia, Monjul, and Md Anwar Hussain. "Location Dependent Key Predistribution Scheme for Square Grid and Hexagonal Grid." Indian Journal of Science and Technology 10.9 (March 2017) pp 1-6 ISSN:0974-6846,     e-ISSN: 0974-5645.
  22. Saikia, Monjul, Irani Acharjamayum, and Anwar Hussain. "Key Predistribution for Heterogeneous Group of Sensor Nodes using Combinatorial Design." Indian Journal of Science and Technology 10, no. 22 (June 2017) pp 1-6, ISSN:0974-6846,     e-ISSN: 0974-5645.
  23. Monjul Saikia and Md. A Hussain "An Analysis of Location Independent Key Pre distribution Schemes for Wireless Sensor Network" International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 p-ISSN: 2395-0072  Volume: 04 Issue: 07 | July -2017 Page 1958-1962
  24. Monjul Saikia , Md. Anwar Hussain "Location Independent Key Distribution for Sensor Network using Regular Graph" International Conference on Computing Analytics & Networking (ICCAN-2017) Organized by School of Computer Engineering, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 15th & 16th December 2017
  25. M. Saikia and M. A. Hussain, "Improving the performance of key pre-distribution scheme in sensor network using clustering of combinatorics," 2016 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA), Greater Noida, India, 2016, pp. 682-686. doi: 10.1109/CCAA.2016.7813809
  26. Saikia, Monjul, and Bikash Baruah. "Chaotic Map Based Image Encryption in Spatial Domain: A Brief Survey." In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication. Springer Singapore, First Online: 23 November 2016. pp. 569-579 DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-2035-3_58  Online ISBN 978-981-10-2035-3  Print ISBN 978-981-10-2034-6.
  27. Bikash Baruah and Monjul Saikia "An FPGA implementation of Chaos based Image Encryption and its performance Analysis" JCSN  International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Volume 5, Issue 5, October 2016 ISSN    (Online) : 2277-5420.
  28. Vishal Kumar, Ratnesh Kumar, Mashud A. Barbhuiya and MonjulSaikia, "Multiple Encryption using ECC and Its Time Complexity Analysis”, International Journal of Computer Engineering In Research Trends, 3(11):568-572, November-2016, e-ISSN: 2349-7084
  29. Ranjan, Manish, Ayub Hussain Mondal, and MonjulSaikia. "A Cloud Based Secure Voting System using Homomorphic Encryption for Android Platform." International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) ISSN: 2088-8708, 6, no. 6 pp. 2994-3000 (2016).
  30. Saikia Monjul and Hussain Md. A. "Performance Analysis of Ramanujan Expander Graph based Key Pre-distribution Scheme in WSN" International Conference on Smart Trends for Information Technology and Computer Communications (SmartCom 2016), 6-7 August, 2016, Jaipur India. pp 724-732. DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-3433-6_87 print ISBN 978-981-10-3432-9
  31. Boruah, Debabrat; Saikia, Monjul, "A Pure Combinational Logic Gate Based Forward Converter for New Five Moduli Set RNS," in Advances in Computing and Communication Engineering (ICACCE), 2015 Second International Conference on , vol., no., pp.301-307, 1-2 May 2015 doi: 10.1109/ ICACCE.2015.93
  32. Debabrat Boruah, MonjulSaikia "A Review on Hardware Accelerators for Elliptic Curve Cryptography" National Conference On Computing, Communication And Information Processing (NCCCIP-2015) May 2 - 3, 2015 held at NERIST, Nirjuli Arunachal Pradesh, India
  33. Boruah, Debabrat; Saikia, Monjul, "A novel Reverse Converter design for new Five moduli set RNS," Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 2015 IEEE International , vol., no., pp.337,342, 12-13 June 2015 doi: 10.1109/IADCC.2015.7154726
  34. Ayub Hussain Mondal, Manish Ranjan and MonjulSaikia "A Brief Overview of Homomorphic Cryptosystem and Their Applications" National Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology - 2015 (NCIT-2015) 15th-16thSeptember 2015 at Rajiv Gandhi University (A Central University), Rono Hills, Doimukh, Arunachal Pradesh
  35. Saikia, Monjul; Acharjamayum, Irani; Hussain, Md.A., "A review on desirable measures for good Key Pre-distribution Scheme in wireless sensor network," in Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT), 2015 International Conference on, vol., no., pp.129-134, 8-10 Oct. 2015 doi: 10.1109/ICGCIoT.2015.7380443
  36. Saikia, Monjul; Hussain, Md. A., "Combinatorial Group Based Approach for Key Pre-distribution Scheme in Wireless Sensor Network" 4th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Sensor Network, CCSN 2015 Vol-II held in Kolkota, India during 24-25 dec 2015 organized by International Association of Science, Technology and Management, India, page no. 19-25 ISBN: 81-85824-46-0
  37. M. Saikia, S. Majumder "A Joint SVD based Watermarking and Encryption Scheme using Chaotic Logistic Map", The ECTI Transactions On Computer Eng., Computer And Information Technology (ECTI-CIT) pg 101-105, Vol 9 No 2 2015 ISSN NO: 2286-9131
  38. Hazarika Nitumoni; SaikiaMonjul, "A novel partial image encryption using chaotic logistic map, "International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN-2014) 20-21 Feb. 2014 , vol., no., pp.231,236, doi: 10.1109/SPIN.2014.6776953
  39. Choudhury Hussain Ahmed; Saikia Monjul, "Reduced three steps logarithmic search for motion estimation, "International Conference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems (ICICES), 2014, vol., no., pp.1,5, 27-28 Feb. 2014 doi: 10.1109/ICICES.2014.7033946
  40. Boruah Debabrat; SaikiaMonjul, "Implementation of ElGamal Elliptic Curve Cryptography over prime field using C," Information Communication and Embedded Systems (ICICES), 2014 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1,7, 27-28 Feb. 2014
  41. MonjulSaikia ,  Nitumoni Hazarika ,  Margaret Kathing  "Partial Image Encryption using Peter De Jong Chaotic Map based Bit-Plane Permutation and its Performance Analysis" published in ACEEE Fifth International Conference on Recent Trends in Information, Telecommunication and Computing ITC 2014 on Mar 21st at Chandigarh, India  ISBN: 978-94-91587-21-3 SearchDL ID: 02.ITC.2014.5.5 Page(s): 1 – 10 URL:
  42. Choudhury, Hussain Ahmed; Saikia, Monjul, "Survey on block matching algorithms for motion estimation," IEEE international conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP), 2014 International Conference on, vol., no., pp.036,040, 3-5 April 2014 doi: 10.1109/ICCSP.2014.6949794
  43. Hussain Ahmed Choudhury, Monjul Saikia "Cross Three Steps Logarithmic Search For Motion Estimation" Published in IEEE International Conference on Convergence of Technology 6th– 8th April 2014 at Pune, India. ISBN: 978-1-4799-3759-2/14 
  44. Hazarika, N.; Borah, S.; Saikia, M., "A wavelet based partial image encryption using chaotic logistic map," Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies (ICACCCT), 2014 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1471,1475, 8-10 May 2014 doi:10.1109/ICACCCT.2014.7019347
  45. Swanirbhar Majumder, MonjulSaikia, Souvik Sarkar, and Subir Kumar Sarkar "A Novel SVD and GEP Based Image Watermarking" ICT and Critical Infrastructure: Proceedings of the 48th Annual Convention of CSI - Volume II, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 249, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-03095-1_65, pp 601-608  © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014 DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-03095-1_65 Print ISBN 978-3-319-03094-4 Online ISBN  978-3-319-03095-1.
  46. V Thakur , M Saikia , "Hiding secret image in video," International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing (ISSP- 2013), held at Gujrat on 1-2 March 2013 page150-153,ISBN:978-1-4799-0316-0 doi:10.1109/ISSP.2013.6526892
  47. Hussain Ahmed Choudhury, Monjul Saikia "Comparative Study Of Block Matching Algorithms For Motion Estimation" International Conference on Advanced Computer Science & Information Technology (ICACSIT) Bhubaneswar, 17-11-2013 ISBN No.:978-93-82702-39-9 page 1-6
  48. Hussain Ahmed Choudhury, Monjul Saikia ,: "Comparative Study Of Block Matching Algorithms For Motion Estimation", International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN), Volume-1,Issue-10,pp 73-78 ,2013 IRAJ DOI Number -  IJACEN-IRAJ-DOI-120
  49. Choudhury, Hussain Ahmed and Saikia, Monjul “Block Matching Algorithms for Motion Estimation: A Performance-Based Study” Book chapter @2015 ISBN: 978-81-322-2463-1, Pg. 149-160 Volume-1, Issue-10, Dec-2013 DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-2464-8_12
  50. Margaret Kathing, MonjulSaikia, T Tuithung "Overview of Image Retrieval Methods on The Basis of Face Recognition" published in ETETSSD – 2012 organized in School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India during 05th – 06th June 2012 ISSN 2231-1319.
  51. Vandana Thakur, MonjulSaikia "Comprehensive Survey of Multimedia Encryption Techniques" 26th National Convention of Computer Engineers held at the Institution of Engineers (India), Assam State Centre, Panbazar, Guwahati on February 4, 2012
  52. S. Majumder, M. Saikia, T. S. Das, S. K. Sarkar "Hybrid Image Watermarking Scheme using SVD and PDFB based Contourlet Transform", ISBN 978-1-4577-1383-5 pg 130-134, proceedings of IEEE ICCCT 2011, held in MNNIT Allahabad during 15th to 17th September 2011
  53. Saikia, M.; Majumder, S., "Spread Spectrum Embedding of Colluder Traceable Codeword in Multimedia," Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT), 2011 Second International Conference on , vol., no., pp.190,193, 19-20 Feb. 2011 doi:10.1109/EAIT.2011.11
  54. M Saikia, Md. A Hussain "Robust Watermarking Using Extended Anti-collusion Codes" to be published in International IEEE conference ICIIP 2011 at JUIT Shimla on November 3-5, 2011 ISBN: 978-1-61284-859-4
  55. R Ranjan, V Gupta, M Saikia, J Bora “A VLSI Based Scheme for Implementation of BIBD” Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2011, Volume 142, Part 3, 609-614, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-19542-6_119
  56. M. Saikia, S. Majumder, T. S. Das, Md. A. Hussain, S. K. Sarkar "Coded Fingerprinting Based Watermarking to Resist Collusion Attacks and Trace Colluders", pg 120-124, proceedings of International Conference in Advances in Computer Engineering(ACE-2010) ISBN -978-1-4244-7154-6 DOI 110.1109/ACE.2010.36 published by IEEE CS DL on 21st and 22nd June 2010, in Bangalore.
  57. M. Saikia, S. Majumder, S. J. Borah "Snapshot in Distributed System: A brief Survey", in pg 256-259 proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Trends and Applications in Computer Science - 2010 (NCETACS - 2010) ISBN No: 978-81-910-147-0-9 , held on 9th and 10th April 2010 at St. Anthony's College, Shillong
  58. M. Saikia, S.J. Bora, Md. A. Hussain “A Review on Applications of Multimedia Encryption” in ISBN: 987-81-8487-088-6 in National Conference On Network Security- Issues 2010, Challenges And Techniques, at Tezpur University