
Courses of Study and award of Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates:

The Courses of study are offered under two streams:

(i) Engineering /Technology Stream and

(ii) Applied Science stream.

1. Certificate Module: Certificate Module offered by the departments of –

(i) Agricultural Engineering

(ii) Civil Engineering

(iii) Electrical Engineering

(iv) Electronics and Communication Engineering

(v) Mechanical Engineering

2. Diploma Module: Diploma Module offered by the departments of –

(i) Agricultural Engineering (AE)

(ii) Civil Engineering (CE)

(iii) Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)

(iv) Electrical Engineering (EE)

(v) Mechanical Engineering (ME)

3. Degree Module: Degree The Institute offers Degree Module in the following streams:

(a) Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech)

(i) Agricultural Engineering (AE)

(ii) Civil Engineering (CE)

(iii) Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

(iv) Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)

(v) Electrical Engineering (EE)

(vi) Mechanical Engineering (ME)

(b) Bachelor of Science [B.Sc. (Hon.)] in Forestry

4. Master of Technology (M.Tech.): The Institute offers M.Tech in the following courses:

i. M.Tech in Environmental Science & Technology under Department of Civil

ii. M.Tech in Geotechnical Engineering under Department of Civil Engineering

iii. M.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering (Specialization in
ECE/VLSI) under the Department of Electronics & Communication

iv. M.Tech in Power System Engineering under Department of Electrical Engineering

v. M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering under Department of Computer
Science & Engineering

vi. M.Tech in Information Technology under Department of Computer Science &

vii. M.Tech in Computer Integrated Manufacturing & Automation under Department
of Mechanical Engineering

viii. M.Tech in Thermo-Fluid Engineering under Department of Mechanical

ix. M.Tech in Soil & Water Conservation Engineering under Department of
Agricultural Engineering

x. M.Tech in Farm Machinery & Power under Department of Agricultural

5. Master of Science (M.Sc.): The Institute offers M.Sc. in the following courses:

i. M.Sc. in Physics

ii. M.Sc. in Chemistry

iii. M.Sc. in Mathematics.

iv. M.Sc. in Forestry

6. Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Two-year full-time MBA programme is offered by the Centre for Management Studies.

7. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

The Institute offers PhD in the following courses:

i. Agricultural Engineering

ii. Civil Engineering

iii. Computer Science & Engineering.

iv. Mechanical Engineering.

v. Electrical Engineering

vi. Electronics & Communication Engineering.

vii. Physics

viii. Chemistry

ix. Mathematics

x. Forestry

xi. Humanities & Social Sciences.

xii. Management Studies