Department of Agricultural Engineering


The Agricultural Engineering Department started its B. Tech program in Agricultural Engineering in the year 1988. The department adopts modular pattern of education leading to the degree of B. Tech. in Agricultural Engineering, in three modules viz., Certificate, Diploma and Degree. After B. Tech students can join postgraduate programmes and Ph.D. The B. Tech. programme is accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA).

At present department has 14 faculty members. The department runs sponsored research projects on emerging areas of Agricultural Engineering and presently two All India Coordinated Research Projects viz.; AICRP on Human Engineering and Safety in Agriculture, ICAR, New Delhi and NAIP, project on Livelihood Improvement and Empowerment of Rural Poor through Sustainable Farming Systems in North Eastern Region operated at Upper Subansiri District in Arunachal Pradesh, ICAR, New Delhi are operative under the Department.



  1. Nurture global needs of sustainable food production through engineering interventions of farm mechanization and natural resource management.
  2. Cater technical manpower to meet the needs of industry and society by providing research opportunities, quality education and industry institute interaction.
  3. Impart training, research, entrepreneurship abilities and skills to have all-round development of the students.
  4. Disseminate appropriate agricultural technology to the farming community and industries.



Research Publications

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Area of Research

  • Ergonomics
  • Occupational Health
  • Safety and injury prevention
  • Farm Machinery and Power
  • Hydroinformatics
  • Processing and Food Engineering
  • Post Harvest Process and Food Engineering
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