The vision of the Department is in line with the vision of the Institute. The Department of Civil Engineering aims to become one of the best civil engineering departments in the country, catering to the creation of technical manpower on modular pattern providing a strong theoretical foundation, advanced professional knowledge, practical skills, experience in interpersonal communication and team work, ethics, and scope for higher learning for the overall infrastructural and socio-economical development of the North Eastern Region, in particular, and the nation in general.
The mission of the Department of Civil Engineering is to support the mission of the institute through teaching, research, and technology transfer; and to provide the best under graduate education in the area of civil engineering.
The broad different components of the mission are as stated below:
To make the students professionally sound in the areas like road network for better connectivity, water resources management and hydraulic structures, water and waste water treatment, solid waste management, land slide hazards mitigation, earthquakes resistant structures, and planning and designing efficient urban infrastructures.
To inculcate leadership qualities and communicative skills among the students along with moral and professional ethics to make them confident in providing innovative ideas in the fields of civil engineering and to cope up with the present and future needs of the private and public sectors.
To produce professionals who are law abiding citizens having commitment and responsibility towards the overall growth of the society.
To offer Post Graduate and Research programs in the emerging areas of specialization which may be region specific in particular and national in general.