Area Of Research

Recent Research, Publications, Project and Consultancy

  1. Transportation Engineering (Traffic, Planning, Pavement and Road Safety)
  2. Geotechnical Engineering
  3. Computation Mechanics
  4. Environmental Engineering
  5. Water Resources Engineering
  6. Concrete Technology
  1. Tado, N., Medhajit, S., and Pal, D.(2025) "Forecasting California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of Soil Using Machine Learning Algorithms: A Review." DOI:
  2. Sorum, N. G., and Pal, D. (2024). "Modeling Driver Injury Severity Using Machine Learning Algorithms ." Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 51(11), 1302-1316. DOI:
  3. Goswami, G., Darang, J., Prasad, R.K. et al. (2024). Evaluating water availability and flow characteristics for Dikrong river in Arunachal Pradesh using Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. 10, 103.
  4. Ray, T., Devi, D., and Baishya, S. (2024). "Unleashing the Power of OpenSees: A Versatile Framework for SBFEM Analysis”, International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(9s), 264-270.
  5. Sorum, N. G., and Pal, D. (2024). "Identification of the Best Machine Learning Model for the Prediction of Driver Injury Severity." International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 31(3), 360-375, DOI:
  6. Sorum, N. G., and Sorum, M. G. (2024). "Evaluation of Effects of Risk Factors on Injury Severity of Single-Vehicle Accidents" Municipal Engineer, Proceedings of the ICE. DOI:
  7. Sarkar, R., Devi, D., and Tamang, S. K. (2024). " Experimental Studies on Fiber Reinforced Soil Stabilized with Lime and Fly Ash", International Journal of Integrated Engineering, (ISSN: 2229-838X e-ISSN: 2600-7916 IJIE), 16(5), 428-443
  8. Gyadi, T., Bhart, A., et al. (2024). Influential factors in anaerobic digestion of rice-derived food waste and animal manure: A comprehensive review, Bioresource Technology, 413, 131398,
  9. Kiron, Bini., Prasad, R. K. (2023), Simulating Equity in Intermittent Water Supply using Pressure Sustaining Valve in EPANET 2.2, Urban Water Journal,
  10. Das, K., & Bharti, A. (2023). A sustainable approach to the collection and transportation of solid waste of Dibrugarh city, Assam. Environmental Quality Management, 33(2), 241–255.
  11. Kiron, B., & Prasad, R. K. (2023). Simulating equity in intermittent water supply using pressure sustaining valve in EPANET 2.2. Urban Water Journal, 21(1), 80–91.
  12. Goswami, G., Prasad, R.K.(2023). Trend Analysis of Rainfall Pattern in Arunachal Pradesh (India). Environ Model Assess 28, 1093–1125. 
NoProject TitleDurationFunding AgencyAmount
1Modernisation of Material Testing Laboratory for Non Destructive Testing Concrete and Concrete Structures.1st April 2002 to 31st March 2003.MHRDRs. 15.00 Lakh
2Improving quality of ACRA-Walling System and its Performance Evaluation by NDT Methods.1st April 2005 to 31st March 2007MHRDRs. 14.40 Lakh
3Spatial Planning for Perspective Urbanisation in Kosi Command AreaNovember 2004.Sponsored by NERIST, In-House Mini Research ProjectRs.50,000

Procurement and Installation of a Flexible Wall Permeability Apparatus with accessories under MODROB scheme of MHRD Government of India.

`Assessment Studies on Recent Flood in Dikrong River'--- Sponsored by Faculty on Natural Disaster Management (FNDM), the North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Nirjuli, 1999.

  1. Kumar, S., and Pal, D.(2023)."Pole for Vehicle Movement & Environmental Data Collection." Design No.: 368674-001, Dated: 02/08/2022, Government of India.