Department of Civil Engineering

Critical Research and Development Issues in Environmental Engineering withFocus on Solid and Hazardous Waste Management

Civil Engineering Association of NERIST (CEAN) honoured to invite the eminent speaker Dr. Sunil Kumar, Senior Principal Scientist & Head, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Division, CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur for a talk on “Critical Research and Development Issues in Environmental Engineering with Focus on Solid and Hazardous Waste Management”.
Dr. Sunil Kumar addressed faculty and students of Civil Engineering Department, NERIST, Itanagar after meeting the Chief Patron CEAN and Director NERIST, Prof. Narendranath S. on 23rd January 2025 the Parakram Diwas.
Dr. Kumar initiated with his journey after completing B. Sc. Engg. (Civil) from Bhagalpur College of Engineering and M. Tech from IIT Kharagpur. He informed how he was motivated to work in Environment related research and development. Life is full of struggle and to do good work in any field, hard work and dedication is essential.
Dr. Kumar initially emphasized about the Science and Technology aspect followed by the establishment of CPHERI (Central Public Health Engineering Research Institute) and NEERI (National Environmental Engineering Research Institute). NEERI’s work in various facets of Environment was highlighted by Dr.
Kumar in his talk.
Thereafter, he emphasized about critical Research and Development (R & D) issues in all the six basic elements of solid waste management. Existing R & D status, emerging R & D areas and the strategy for its development was the main focus of his talk.
Lastly, he also inter-related how solid waste related research is important towards protecting water, air and soil. Biotechnology in waste management as well as modeling and optimization related research needs in solid waste management was also highlighted by Dr. Kumar.