Reference service/ Reading room facility: Library provides reference service to the users with sitting capacity of 80 persons with 3500 books of text & reference. Reading facility is provided with a sitting capacity of 140 seats. The reading room remains open from 8.00AM to 12.00 PM (Midnight) on all 7days per week. High speed Internet and WIFI service is provided inside the library for the registered members of the institute.
Book Bank: There is a separate Book Bank of 37638 vols., provided to UG students as per new syllabus. The students get a set of text books for the semester covering all courses of that semester. Number of text books available module- wise, are as stated below.
Indian Standards: Library possess full set of Indian Standard published by BIS on CD ROM. Video Training Program CDs” is available for different departments.
Institutional member:
1. Indian Liquid crystal society, Bangalore,
2. Kaziranga Wild life society, Assam,
3. Association of Indian University, New Delhi
4. National Digital Library, Sponsored by MHRD, New Delhi
5. NDLI (National Digital Library, India)
6. E-Sodha Sindhu (ESS)
7. DELNET, New Delhi