NERIST Health Unit


About NERIST Health Unit (NHU):

The NERIST Health Unit is dedicated to the service of the students and staff community. It was first started in the form of a dispensary and today it is a six bed hospital with 24 hour emergency ward and hosts other facilities and laboratory. The activities of the hospital include treatment and regular checkups. The students and staff members get free medical consultancy for any physical problems. NERIST health unit provide 24 hours ambulance facility for emergency patients.

Currently, NHU consists of two regular medical officers, one medical officer on contract, one each of Pharmacist, Nurse, ANM, Dresser, Lab-technician with Lab-attendants and Ward helpers.

Services provided by Section/Cell:

NERIST Health Unit provides facilities like normal routine examinations (Hb, Blood sugar, Blood grouping, Widal, RMT, Dengue etc.). A 24 hours medical store is also available. NHU consists of a 6-bedded ward to cater to any minor medical emergencies and also consists of a dressing room for minor OT purpose. It provides regular Pulse Polio Immunization (IPPI) and conducts blood donation camps. NHU also provides regular screening programmes like BMD, Liver Scan, Hepatitis screening etc.

Key Persons:

PhotoNameDesignationPhone (EPBX/Office)Mobile no.
Dr. Padma Raj Gajurel,

Professor, Department of Forestry
E-Mail ID:
Chairperson, NHU6045/6509+91-9436219543
Dr. Sushmita Pradhan Taggu

JIPMER, Pondicherry
E-Mail ID:
Chief Medical Officer6069/6517+91- 9862085987
Dr. Gyamar Inja

Medical Officer
Dr. Popi Camdir Tok

LHMC, New Delhi
Medical Officer6025/6527
Dr. Yuma NarahVisiting Counsellor (Psychiatrist)

Staff members:

Name of StaffDesignation
Mr. Minyo BlangeLab Assistant
Ms. Ojen BarmanPhoto Copier Operator
Mr. Eyub DiamariLab Attendant
Ms. Purnima DebLab Helper/Attendant
Mr. Mahesh MallirSweeper

Important Contact Numbers:

NHU office:(0360) 2257419
NHU Reception (NHU):6419
APCM Medicine Counter:6660

Other nearby hospitals:

Tomo Riba Institute of Health and Medical(TRIMS), Naharlagun:(0360) 2244293, (0360) 2244208
Ram Krishna Mission Hospital, Itanagar(0360) 2212263,(0360) 2212761

Hospital Timings:

Monday – Friday (working days):8.30 AM – 1.00 PM, 3.30 PM – 5.00 PM
Saturdays8.30 AM – 12.00 Noon