Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Dr. Amar Taggu

Associate Professor

Cognitive Radio Networks
Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Network Security
Machine Learning

(EPBX/Office): +91-360-2257401 to 410 (Extn: 6142)
11th December 2009PresentAssistant ProfessorNERIST
Ph. D.Computer Sc. & EngineeringNERIST2021
M. E.Computer Sc. & EngineeringJadavpur University2009
B. E.Computer Sc. & EngineeringVTU2006
20112015Deputy InchargeET Cell
20152019HeadET Cell
TopicFunding AgencyYear
ITRA-Mobile: “Mobile Broadband Service Support over Cognitive Radio Networks”ITRA (DEITY)2018
Network Analytics for User Performance Management using Machine Learning and Data AnalyticsAICTE2023
  1. IEEE Member
  2. ACM Member
  3. CSI Member
TitleCourse CodeModuleSemester
Object Oriented programming in C/C++CS-3102/CS-4301Diploma/Degree 
Computer ArchitectureCS-4202Degree 
Data StructuresCS-4203/4404Degree 
Computer NetworksCS-5203Degree 
Mobile ComputingCS-6004Degree 
Computer Network SecurityCS-6102Degree 
Compiler DesignCS-6101Degree 
Advanced Computer Communication and NetworkingIT-7104M Tech 
Networking and Internetworking Technology LabIT-7201M Tech  
Algorithm Design and AnalysisCS-7101M Tech 
Title of ProjectNames of Students 
Defense against Spectrum Sensing Data Falsification Attacks using Cluster Network Channeling with Distance-based Detection in Cognitive Radio Ad-hoc Networks (M. Tech) [2022-2023]Mr. Bryan Kharsohnoh 
An Adaptive Threshold Based Colluding SSDF Attacker Detection in Cognitive Radio Network (M. Tech) [2021-2022]Ms. Iginia B Marbaniang 
User Profiling for Network Management using Machine Learning (B.Tech) [2020-2021]Ms. Adella R Lyngskor and Mr. Sanjit Akoijam 
Malicious User Mitigation in Cognitive Radio Networks using Trust Based Scheme (M. Tech) [2020-2021]Ms. Jolly Valour Syiemiong 
Network Anomaly Detection using Machine Learning (M.Tech) [2020-2021]Ms. Eter Basar 
A Machine Learning Approach to User Profiling in Computer Networks (B.Tech)  [ 2019-2020]Mr. K. Simanta Singh and Mr. Subham Gupta 
Detection of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack using Machine Learning (M.Tech) [2019-2020]Mr. Premson Singh Samom 
Mitigation of SSDF attack in CRN using Trust-based Technique(M.Tech)Mr. Samuel Wangno 
Securing CRN using HMM and Machine Learning (M.Tech)Ms. Manmi Nath 
Smart Wearable Security Device using IoTMr. Manjit Kumar and Ms. Jyosmita Das 
Encryption-based PUEA Mitigation in CRN (B.Tech)Mr. Hirak Jyoti Sarmah and Mr. Gaisingam Pamei  
A study on TVWS in Nirjuli (MTech)Ms. Khoda Yasina  
Game Theory Based Jamming Attack Countermeasure in CRN (BTech)Ms. Manmi Nath, Ms. Poulami Banik, Ms. Clareen and Ms. Khumjila  
PUEA Detection in Cognitive Radio Networks (BTech)Mr. T. Baite and Mr. C. Lalrinawma  
PUEA Detection using localisation of Primary Tx in CRN (MTech)Ms. D. Salam  
A Fusion Centre Based SSDF Attacks Detection Mechanism for CRN (BTech)Mr. H. Das and Mr. F. Zonunmawia  
Collaborative Detection Strategy for SSDF Attacks in Cognitive Radio Network (M Tech)Ms. C. Chunka  
Dynamic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Networks (MTech)Ms. L. Chom  
A mechanism for wormhole detection in MANETs (BTech)Mr. Albert Mundu and Mr. Abhijit Das  
Application Layer Detection of DoS attacks in MANET using TraceGray (BTech)Mr. Abhishek Mungoli and Mr. K. Kipgen  
QuickTrace: An Application based on Mobile Agents to trace routes in MANET. (MTech)Mr. Sibesh Lodh  
Course NameSponsored ByDate
FDP on Advance in Integrated Manufacturing RoboticTEQIP and NERIST26th June-30th June, 2012
FDP on Advances in Networking TechnplogiesTEQIP and NERIST29th April to 3rd May, 2013
FDP on " Advances in Electronics & Communication (AEC)"TEQIP and NERIST22nd -26th, July , 2013
FDP on  " Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology "TEQIP and NERISTAugust 26th -30th , 2013
FDP on " Optical Technique and Devices in Scientific and Engineering System Application"TEQIP and NERIST28th Oct. - 1st Nov. 2013
FDP on "Emerging Research Issues in Speech and Natural language Processing"TEQIP and NERIST30th Sept. to 4th Oct. 2013
FDP on " Prospects of Cloud Computing in Education"TEQIP and NERIST3rd-7th February, 2014
Orientation Programme on Pedagogy (2-weeks)TEQIP, NERIST and NITTTR, Kolkata8th September to 17th September 2014
ISTE STTP on Introduction to Design of Algorithms
IIT Kharagpur27th April to 24th May 2015 (Online)
25th May to 30th May 2015 (Remote Center, NERIST)
Orientation Programme on Pedagogy
TEQIP, NERIST and NITTTR, Kolkata11th September to 20th September 2015
Short-course on Cognitive Radio and Wireless Communication - Theory, Practice and Security (2-weeks)IIT Kanpur1st September to 10th September 2016
1-week FDP on Machine Intelligence and IoTTezpur University19th February to 23rd February 2018
3-months Online Professional Training Program on Applied Machine Learning and Data ScienceIIT Kanpur1st April 2020 to 29th June 2020
1-week FDP on Artificial IntelligenceSMIT, Sikkim22nd February 2021 to 26th February 2021
1-week FDP on Applied Machine Learning and Deep LearningAssam Science and Technology University24th February 2021 to 1st March 2021
FDP on Cyber Attacks and DefencesCDAC, NOIDA12th June 2023 to 16th June 2023
1-week Industrial Training on Deep LearningIIT, Roorkee26th June 2023 to 30th June 2023
Conference NameSponsored ByDate
FDP on Advances in Networking TechnologiesTEQIP29th April – 3rd May 2013
Orientation Programme on Pedagogy  TEQIP8th September – 17th September 2014
National Conference on Computing, Communication and Information ProcessingAICTE and NEQIP2nd May – 3rd May 2015 
Winter School on Cognitive Radio and Internet of ThingsMedia Lab Asia9th-10th December 2018
Refereed Journal
1. Taggu A. and Marchang N., "Detecting Byzantine attacks in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Two-Layered approach using Hidden Markov Model and Machine Learning", Pervasive Mobile Computing, August 2021, DOI:
2. Taggu A. and Marchang N., "To Attack or Not To: An Evolutionary Game Model to Study the Dynamics of Selfish PUEA Attackers in Cognitive Radio Networks" ,International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 35(1):38, DOI: 10.1504/IJAHUC.2020.100312453. Sarmah R., Taggu A. and Marchang N., "Detecting Byzantine Attack in Cognitive Radio Networks using Machine Learning", Wireless Networks, Vol:26, Issue:6, Published on 9th July 2020, DOI: W. Singh N.,  Marchang N. and Taggu A.", "Mitigating SSDF Attack using Distance-based Outlier approach in Cognitive Radio Networks", Published on 25th September 2019,  International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 2019 Vol.32 No.2, pp.119 - 132, DOI: 10.1504/IJAHUC.2019.1024525. Marchang N., Taggu A, Patra K. A., "Detecting Byzantine Attack in Cognitive Radio Networks by Exploiting Frequency and Ordering Properties", Published on December 2018, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, Volume: 4, Issue:4, 10.1109/TCCN.2018.284538 6. Rina K, Nath S., Marchang N. and Taggu A.,"Can Clustering be Used to Detect Intrusion During Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks?”, IEEE Systems Journal (Vol:12, Issue:1, March 2018), DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2016.2584098
1. Amar Taggu and N. Marchang, "A Density-based Clustering Approach to detect Colluding SSDF Attackers in Cognitive Radio Networks", 37th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), 2022, DOI: 10.1109/ITC-CSCC55581.2022.9895018
2. Premson Singh Samom and Amar Taggu, "Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks Detection: A Machine Learning Approach", Pg. 75-87, Chapter in Springer Applied Soft Computing and Communication Networks, DOI:
3. A. Taggu and N. Marchang, " Mitigating Smart Primary User Emulation Attackers in Cognitive Radio Networks", IEEE 4th Times-ICON, Thailand, DOI: 10.1109/TIMES-iCON47539.2019.9024553
4. Amar Taggu and N. Marchang, "Random-Byzantine Attack Mitigation in Cognitive Radio Networks using a Multi-Hidden Markov Model System," 2019 International Conference on Electrical and Computing Technologies and Applications (ICECTA), Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates, 2019, pp. 1-5.
doi: 10.1109/ICECTA48151.2019.89597665. Amar Taggu, Abhishek Mungoli, Ani Taggu, "ReverseRoute: An Application-Layer Scheme for Detecting Blackholes in MANET using Mobile Agents", IEEE TIMES-iCON, Dec 12-14, 2018, Bangkok, Thailand, DOI:10.1109/TIMES-iCON.2018.8621825
6. Amar Taggu, Manmi Nath, Poulami Banik and Ningrinla Marchang, "A Jammer-Resilient Cognitive Radio Network using Evolutionary Game Theory", The 20th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Applications (WPMC 2017), Dec 17-20, 2017, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
7.  Amar Taggu, Kennong Rina, Khoda Yasina, Ningrinla Marchang, " A Study on Spectral Occupancy in the North Eastern India for Rural Broadband Access", 6th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), Sept. 13-16, 2017, Manipal University, Karnataka, India
8. Salam D., Taggu A., Marchang N., "An Effective Emitter-Source Localisation-based PUEA Detection Mechanism in Cognitive Radio Networks", 2016 Intl. Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), Sept. 21-24, 2016, Jaipur, India
9. Marchang, N.; Rajkumari, R.; Brahmachary, S.B.; Taggu, A., “ Dynamic Decision Rule for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks”,  2015 IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT), ISBN:  978-1-4799-6084-2, DOI:  10.1109/ICECCT.2015.7226198
10. Nath, Shikhamoni; Marchang, Ningrinla; Taggu, Amar, “ Mitigating SSDF attack using k-medoids clustering in Cognitive Radio Networks”, 2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on Networking and Communications (WiMob), Abu Dhabi, ISBN: 978-1-4799-3078-4 , DOI: 10.1109/ICACCI.2014.6968561
11. Taggu Amar, Chunka C, Marchang N, “CODES: A COllaborative DEtection Strategy for SSDF Attacks in Cognitive Radio Networks”, 2015 ACM Third International Symposium on Women in Computing and Informatics (WCI), ISBN: 978-1-4503-3361-0, DOI: 10.1145/2791405.2791501
12. Das K., Taggu A., “ A comprehensive analysis of DoS attacks in Mobile Adhoc Networks”, 2014 Third IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) ISBN:  978-1-4799-3078-4, DOI:  10.1109/ICACCI.2014.6968561
13. Taggu A., Taggu A., “ wTracert: An optimal timer based traceroute implementation for wireless networks”, 2012 Fifth IEEE Wireless Days (Dublin), ISBN: 978-1-4673-4402-9  , DOI:  10.1109/WD.2012.6402824
14. Taggu A., Taggu A., “ TraceGray : An Application Layer Scheme for Intrusion Detection in MANET using Mobile Agents ”, 2011 Third IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS), ISBN:  978-1-4244-8952-7 , DOI:   10.1109/COMSNETS.2011.5716475