Department of Forestry

Dr. Chaman Lal Sharma


Wood Science & Technology, NTFPs & Their Utilization, Forest Mensuration

(EPBX/Office): 2257401-8 Extension: 7153
  1. Science and Engineering Research Council Fellowship 1994-1995 by DST, New Delhi.
  2. Research  Associateship, CSIR-New Delhi, July, 1991 To 20th, March, 1992.       
  3. Senior Research Fellowship of CSIR - New Delhi from  Feb., 1988 to Jan., 1991.
  4. Senior Research Fellowship of ICAR- NEW DELHI from Jan.,1987 to Jan., 1988 
Ph. D.BotanyH. P. University Shimla1990
M. Phil.BotanyH. P. University Shimla1986
M. Sc.BotanyH. P. University Shimla1984
November, 2021Contd.Coordinator, CEPNERIST
May, 2021August, 2023Dean, AdministrationNERIST
May, 2021August, 2023Member, Board of ManagementNERIST
October, 2015November, 2018Chairman, House Allotment CommitteeNERIST
June, 2011February, 2015Head, Department of ForestryNERIST
May, 2010February, 2015Coordinator Continuing Education ProgrammeNERIST
January, 2008March, 2008Dean, Students AffairsNERIST
July, 2007 March, 2008Chairman, HMC & Chief WardenNERIST
January, 2007 September, 2008Vice Chairman, NERIST Entrance Examination CommitteeNERIST
March,2004 December, 2005Member Secretary, NERIST Entrance Examination CommitteeNERIST
May, 2002February, 2011President, Alumni Association NERIST
August, 1997March, 2001In-charge VIP Guest HouseNERIST
February, 1996May, 1997Vice Chairman, House Allotment CommitteeNERIST
October, 1996February, 1997Coordinating Warden, HostelsNERIST
September, 1994October, 1996Hostel WardenNERIST

Sponsored Research Projects

NoProject TitleName of P.I./Co-P.I.DurationFunding AgencyAmount  (Rs.)
1.Evaluation of Taxus wallichiana from North Eastern and North Western Indian Himalayas for selection of Elite clones for Artificial PropagationC. L. Sharma (PI)Three YearsDBT, New Delhi32.69 Lakhs
2. Documentation of Indigenous knowledge system of selected major tribes of Arunachal Pradesh and the relevance of Intellectual property right to IKSC.L. Sharma (Co-PI)Three YearsNATIONAL MISSION ON HIMALAYAN STUDIES” G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment and Sustainable Development (GBPNIHESD), Kosi-Katarmal, Almora48.33 Lakhs
B.Sc. (Forestry)  and M.Sc. (Forestry) Projects/Dissertations Guided / Co-guided:Total Students
1. B.Sc.(Forestry) Projects (Final Year) 28
2. M.Sc. (Forestry)  Dissertations  23

Ph. D. Students guided/guiding:

S. NoName of Ph. D. ScholarSupervised / Co-SupervisedStatus
1.Mr. Kabuk LegoSupervisedPh.D. Completed
2.Ms. Malti Kumar SinghCo-SupervisedPh.D. Completed
3. Mr. Bibhuti Ranjan GogoiCo-SupervisedPh.D. Completed
4.Mr. Govinda PanggingSupervisedPh.D. Completed
5.Mr. Lakhyajit BhuyanSupervisedPh.D. Completed
6.Ms. Pallabi BharaliSupervisedPh.D. Completed
7.Mr. Khaidem Kennedy SinghCo-SupervisedPh.D. Completed
8.Mr. Liagi TajoCo-SupervisedPh.D. Completed
9.Ms. Dhanshree LaishramSupervisedPh.D. Completed
10.Ms. Momang TaliSupervisorPh.D. Completed
11.Mr. Mahesh WangkhemCo-SupervisorPh.D. Completed
12.Ms. Joyshree DebbarmaSupervisorContd.
13.Ms. Rimzim PatowarySupervisorContd.
14.Mr. Dinesh Kumar MeenaSupervisorContd.
Participation in Short Term Courses/ Summer Schools/Winter Schools 
Course NameSponsored ByDate
Managing change for the growth of technical institutionsDepartment of HSS , NERIST,  Nirjuli, A. P.  05-06-2000 to15-06-2000
Integrated Watershed Development and ManagementDepartment  of Agri. Engineering, NERIST, Nirjuli, A. P.17-12-2001 to 28-12-2001
IT applications in library and information managementNERIST, Nirjuli, A. P.11-11-2002 to 22-11-2002
Mechanical Engineering Design: A concurrent engineering approachMechanical  Engg. Department, NERIST, Nirjuli, A. P.02-12-2002 to 13-12-2002
Translating Ideas into Products and PatentsMechanical Engg. Department, NERIST, Nirjuli, A. P.17-02-2003 to 28-2-2003
Integrated Management Programme for effective Management of Technical InstitutionsDepartment of HSS, NERIST, Nirjuli, A. P.17-03-2003 to 28-03-2003
Recent advances in design & testing of agricultural machinesDepartment of Agri. Engineering, NERIST, Nirjuli, A. P.23-06-2003 to 04-07-2003
Biomedical ImagingDepartment of Computer Sci. & Engg., NERIST, Nirjuli, A. P.10-11-2003 to 21-11-2003
Technical Institutions and Entrepreneurial Development : OD approachDepartment of HSS , NERIST, Nirjuli, A. P.16-12-2003 to 26-12-2003
 Ergonomics and safety in production designsDepartment of Agricultural Engineering, NERIST, Nirjuli, AP14-05-2013 to 18-05-2013
Appropriate Technology for Rural  DevelopmentDepartment of Mechanical Engg.,NERIST, Nirjuli, AP25-08-2014 to 29-08-2014

Teaching Engagements

Course TitleCourse CodeModule
Techniques in ForestryFR-3204Degree
Forest MensurationFR 5106Degree
Timber & Non-Timber Forest ProductsFR-5203Degree
Forest Science -IIFR-7277PG
Forest Goods & ServicesFR-8102PG
Concepts of Forestry -1FR-9001Ph.D.
Timber and Non-Timber Forest ProductsFR9003Ph.D.
Wood TechnologyFR-9010Ph.D.

Memberships in Professional bodies

  1. Life member of ISTE
  2. Life member of IAWS, Bangalore

Conferences/ Training programmes/ workshops organized

  1. A  short term training programme on "Management of Social Forestry for Sustainable Livelihood" on 25th-30th April, 2011 organized at Department of Forestry, NERIST jointly with  NIRD-NERC, Guwahati.
  2. A short term training programme on "Capacity Building for Rural Development Functionaries of NE Region" on 21st-26th November, 2011 organized at Department of Forestry, NERIST jointly with  NIRD-NERC, Guwahati.

Lectures delivered:

  1. Social Forestry and Wood Based Industries. A lecturer delivered during a  Training Programme on Management of Social Forestry for Sustainable Livelihood on 25th - 30th, April, 2011 held at Department of Forestry, NERIST
  2. Important NTFPs and their management. A lecturer delivered during a Training Programme on Capacity Building on 11th November, 2011 held at Department of Forestry, NERIST
  3. Wood Seasoning and its importance in rural economy. A lecturer delivered during a Training Programme on Capacity Building on 4th December, 2012  at NIRD-NERC, Khanapara, Guwahati

Research Publications (Last 5 Years)

  1. Tali,  M.,   Sharma,  C. L.,   Sharma, M.,  and  Wangkhem,  M , 2023. Physical properties of Calamus species of Arunachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Hill Farming  Volume 36: 92-98.
  2. Wangkhem,  M.,  Sharma, M., Sharma,  C. L., and  Tali,  M.  2023. Physico-anatomical properties of Rhododendron arboreum Sm. subspecies of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Indian Journal of Hill Farming  Vol. 36: 162-172.
  3. Sharma, M., Sharma,  C. L.,   Lepcha, P., Wangkhem,  M. and  Tali,  M.  2023. Wood anatomical characteristics of some Magnolia species  from Sikkim, India. Journal of Scientific Res. Vol. 67(2): 68–78. https://doi:10.37398/JSR.2023.670208.
  4. Pangging G.,  Sharma,  M.,  Sharma, C. L., Rai, N. and Gogoi, J. 2023.Status of geographical indications in the Northeast Region of India. Journal  Intellectual Property Rights, Vol 28: 304-311, DOI: 10.56042/jipr.v28i4.743.
  5. Patowary R. and Sharma, C. L. 2023. Ethnopharmacological properties and therapeutic uses of Ophiorrhiza mungos Linn: A review. Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(03): 230-235. DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/16412.
  6. Gogoi, J.,  Sharma, M., Sharma,  C. L.2023. Nutrient analysis of some selected wild edible plants traditionally consumed by the Wancho tribe of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Vegetos, https://
  7. Gogoi, J.,  Sharma, M., Sharma,  C. L.,   and Pangging, G. 2023. Market survey of wild edible plants consumed by Wancho tribe in Longding district of Arunachal Pradesh. Advances in Zoology and Botany Vol. 11 (4): 270-281. DOI: 10.13189/azb.2023.110404.
  8. Sharma, M., Sharma,  C. L.,   Marak L. M.,   Wangkhem,  M. and  Tali,  M.  2022. Anatomical and physical characteristics of some Ficus species of Meghalaya, NE India. J. Indian Acad. Wood Sci. 19(2): 67–78.
  9. Laishram, D., Sharma C. L. and  Sharma,  M. 2022. Evaluation of physical properties of some selected Bambusa species of Manipur. Agricultural Science Digest. DOI: 10.18805/ag.D-5588.
  10. Sharma, C. L.,  Sharma, M.,  Lamare, D. M., Wangkhem, M. and Pangging, G. 2021. Anatomical and physical characteristics of  Cephalostachyum mannii (Gamble) Stapleton – an endemic  scrambling bamboo of Northeast India.Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research, 8 (1): 99-110.
  11. Pangging G.,  Sharma, C. L. and Sharma, M. 2021.  Study on magico-religious plants in Mising tribe of Assam, India.  Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge,  20 (2): 390-403.
  12. Tajo, L,  Bordoloi, R., Paul, A., Das,  B., Sharma,  M. B., Tripathi, O. P. and Sharma, C. L. 2021. Characterization of soil properties and crop yield of a few traditional agroforestry systems of district Papum Pare, Arunachal Pradesh. Journal of Bioresources, 8 (1): 35-43.
  13. Pangging G., Tabin, B.,  Sharma, M. and Sharma C. L. 2020. The  growing stock of Phyllostachys bamboosoides Sie Bold & Zucc. plantation: A case study of Apatani tribe from Ziro valley, Eastern Himalaya. Indian Journal of Hill Farming, 33 (2): 316-321.
  14. Gogoi, B. R , Sharma M.  and  Sharma,  C. L.  2020. Variations in tracheid characteristics of Pinus kesiya Royle ex Gordon. Journal of Bioresources, 7 (1): 37-43.
  15. Gogoi, B. R , Sharma M.  and  Sharma,  C. L.  2020.Radial variation of wood density in Pinus kesiya Royle ex Gordon.Indian Forester, 146 (8): 730-735.
  16. Pangging, G., Sharma, C. L., Sharma, M., Rai, N. and Gogoi, J.2020. Traditional handloom practices of Nyishi tribe of Arunachal Pradesh, Eastern Himalaya.  Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 19 (2): 442-449.
  17. Wangkhem, M., Sharma, M. and Sharma,  C. L. 2020. Comparative wood anatomical properties of genus Syzygium (family myrtaceae) from Manipur, India. Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research, 7 (1): 27-42.
  18. Singh, M. K.,  Sharma, M. and Sharma, C. L. 2019.  Anatomical characteristics of some plant members of Meliaceae from Assam, India. Journal of Bioresources,  6 (2): 33-43.
  19. Pangging G., Rai, N.,  Sharma, C. L. and Sharma, M. 2019. Utilisation and valuation of important trees of Monpa tribe in Arunachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Hill Farming, 32 (2):191-202.
  20. Singh, M. K.,  Sharma, M. and Sharma, C. L. 2019. Wood anatomy of some  members of Euphorbiaceae and Phyllanthaceae from Assam, India. Pleione, 13 (1): 01 - 11.
  21. Pangging,  G., Sharma,  M., Sharma,  C. L., Rai, N. Gogoi J.  and Nyishi tribe  2019. Byopa: A traditional headgear of Nyishi tribe from Arunachal Pradesh (India) and its relevance to Geographical Indication. Pleione,13 (1): 12 - 18.
  22. Pangging G.,  Sharma, C. L. and Sharma, M. 2019. Ethnobotanical study on plants used in magico-religious practices of Deori tribe in Assam, India. Plant Archives, 19  (1): 387-399.