Department of Civil Engineering

Dr. Dibyendu Pal

Associate Professor

Traffic data collection and analysis, Traffic flow theory and modeling, Road safety audit and accident analysis.
Road safety audit and accident analysis, Certified "Road Safety Auditor" by Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (Sponsored by MORTH, GoI), Noida.

(EPBX/Office): 0360-2257401-10 (extn 6128);
Mobile: +91-9402275919
From(Date of Joining)ToDesignationOrganisationNature of Association
09.02.2022Till dateAssociate ProfessorNERIST, Nirjuli, Arunachal PradeshRegular
09.02.201008.02.2022Assistant ProfessorNERIST, Nirjuli, Arunachal PradeshRegular
07.08.200922.12.2009EngineerSAI Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd. AhmedabadRegular
30.06.200630.07.2007Junior EngineerGammon India Limited, MumbaiRegular
Gold and Topper(1%) on FDP on 'Reinforced Concrete Road Bridges'AICTE-NPTEL (IIT Kharagpur)2018
Best paper awarded at SSRCE09IIT Madras2009
TA during M.TechIIT Guwahati2007-2009
Gate Qualified – AIR- 481MHRD, Govt of India2006
National Scholarship after class VIIIGovt. of Tripura1995
PhDTraffic EngineeringIIT GuwahatiApril' 2016
M.TechTransportation Systems EngineeringIIT Guwahati2009
B.TechCivil EngineeringNERIST, Nirjuli (Itanagar)2006

Contributions to Organization Managements

SL No.DesignationFromTo
1.Convener and Member, Board of Studies, Civil Engineering Department, NERISTSession 2023-242025-26
2.Member, Online Examination Technical support committee20/05/2020 
3.Member, Board of Studies, Civil Engineering Department, NERIST28/08/201727/08/2020
4.Chairman, Annual Physical Stock Verification committee of Hostel Block-B, NERIST2018-2019 
5.Member, NIRF Committee, NERIST27/10/20211 year
6.Member, seating arrangement and procession management committee, 8th convocation of NERISTFeb 2022 
7.Member, Annual Physical stock verification committee2013-2014, 2016-2017,
2019-2020, 2020-2021
8.Warden of Boys Hostel-B, NERIST13/03/201203/01/2014
9.Member of Anti Ragging committee, NERIST Boys HostelJuly-August: 2013, 2015
10.CR of NERIST Entrance Examination2012, 2013, 2015, 2023,
11.Member, Shristi Committee at NERIST10/10/201621/07/2017
12.Student Counselors at NERIST23/06/2017 

 Contributions to Departmental Managements

Sl. No.DesignationFromTo
1.NBA Departmental Coordinator, Department of Civil Engineering, NERISTFeb. 02, 2024till date
2.Departmental Web Coordinator, Department of Civil Engineering, NERISTFeb. 02, 2024till date
3.Lab In-charge, Highway Engineering Lab, Department of Civil Engineering, NERISTFeb. 02, 2024till date
4.Departmental MOOC’s coordinator, Department of Civil Engineering, NERISTJuly 18, 2022till date
5.Lab In-charge, Structural Engineering and Computer Laboratory Lab, Civil Engineering Department, NERISTJanuary 23, 2017Feb. 01, 2024
6.Member, Central library committee at NERISTMarch 20102014
7.Member, INDEST user committee at NERISTMarch 2010August 2011
8.Representative to ET cell, Civil Engineering Department, NERISTAugust 2011July 2015
9.Lab In-charge,Computer Lab, Civil Engineering Department, NERISTApril 2010March 2013
10.Lab In-charge, Highway Engineering Lab, Civil Engineering Department, NERISTAugust 2011March 2013
11.Training and Placement Counselor (CE Department), Civil Engineering Department, NERISTAugust 2014February 03, 2017
12.Member, Departmental Academic, Infrastructure Development and Purchase CommitteeJanuary 23, 2017Feb. 01, 2024
13.Faculty mentors, Class Review Committee of Degree 1st year (3rd year of 4 years Degree)August 11, 2017for 2 year
  1. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)- Associate Member
  2. Transportation research group of India (TRG)—Life Member
  3. World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR)- Member
  4. Indian Roads Congress (IRC)—Life Member
  5. Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)—Life Member
  6. The Institute of Engineers (India)-Member, Chartered Engineer (India)
Sl. No.Course CodeCourse titleLevel
1.CE9013Traffic EngineeringPhD
2.CE9014Traffic Flow Modeling and SimulationPhD
3.GTE7007Pavement DesignP.G.
5.GTE8100Seminar on Selected Topics of the SpecializationP.G.
6.CE23005Urban Transportation PlanningB.Tech
7.CE22251Computer-Aided Civil Engineering DrawingB.Tech
8.CE4104/ CE22105Transportation Engineering IDIPLOMA/ B.Tech
9.CE23166Study Tour (Audit)B.Tech
10.ES21151Engineering Graphics and DesignB.Tech
11.CE6029Traffic EngineeringDegree
12.CE6105/ CE6151Computational Methods in Civil EngineeringDegree
13.CE6010Pavement DesignDegree
14.CE6179Industrial TrainingDegree
15.CE6199/CE6299/ CE24199Project (Degree/B.Tech)Degree
16.CE5104/ CE23104Transportation Engineering-IIDegree/ B.Tech
17.CE5204Design of Steel Structures-IIDegree
18.CE5205Design of RCC structure IIDegree
19.CE6201Planning, Estimation and ValuationDegree
20.CE4301Geotechnical and Transportation EngineeringDegree
21.CE4403Structural Analysis and Steel StructureDegree
22.CE4202Design of Steel Structure-IDIPLOMA
23.CE4201Design of RCC structure IDIPLOMA
24.CE4101Structural Analysis IDIPLOMA
25.CE2103/ CE3103Surveying-IBASE/ DIPLOMA
26.CE4299Project (Diploma)DIPLOMA
27.CE3151Engineering GraphicsDIPLOMA
28.CE3202Surveying IIDIPLOMA
29.CE2253Civil Engineering Drafting-IBASE
30.CE2250Civil Engineering WorkshopBASE
31.CE2105Estimating & Quantity SurveyingBASE
32.ES1151Engineering DrawingBASE

PhD Supervised

Sl. No.Title of ThesisName of student(s)Status of PhDAwarded in Year
1.Analysis and Modeling of Driver Injury Severity in Road Traffic Accidents of North-East Region of IndiaMr. Neero Gumsar SorumAwarded2023(Dec 01)
2.Analysis of Traffic Characteristics on curve sectionsMr. Sourav KumarOngoing 

Post Graduate (PG)

Sl. No.Title of Dissertation / ProjectName of student(s)Semester/yearLevel
1.Ongoing: Prediction of CBR of Soils with additives using AINabam Tado (MT/23/GTE/008)2024-25PG
2.Ongoing: Prediction of CBR of Soils using AISalam Medhajit (MT/23/GTE/013)2024-25PG
3.Analysis of Rutting in Flexible Pavement analysis using Finite Element MethodLipi Ori (MT/22/GTE/006)2023-24PG
4.Estimation of Maximum Tensile Stress on Rigid Pavement for Varying Surface TemperatureDeepa Das (MT/21/GTE/012)2022-23PG
5.A Study on the Effects of Waste Paper Ash and Tetra Pak on the Strength Behavior of Subgrade SoilPadi Kobing (MT/21/GTE/010)2022-23PG
6.Comparative Performance Analysis of Recycled and Virgin Aggregates as Base Course in Flexible PavementTaba Rinya (MT/20/GTE/010) 2021-22PG
7.Structural Performance Analysis of Flooded Flexible Pavement Using Finite Element MethodTao Tania (MT/20/GTE/008)2021-22PG
8.Finite Element Analysis of Rigid Pavement Using Everfe 2.26Ganno Lego (MT/19/GTE/006)2020-21PG
9.An experimental study on soilChukhu Tagar (MT/19/GTE/021)2020-21PG
10.Analysis and Modelling of Flexible Pavement using FEMRashidul Islam  (MT/18/GTE/03)2019-20PG
11.Improvement of Unpaved Shoulder using GeocellPrashant Kumar (MT/17/GTE/007)     2018-19PG

Under Graduate (UG)

Sl. No.Title of Dissertation / ProjectName of student(s)Semester/yearLevel
1.Modeling of Lateral Gap Maintaining Behavior of Vehicles Using Machine Learning TechniquesJagdish Chetia (D/20/CE/104),
Gaurav Changmai (D/20/CE/11),
Helito Wotsa (D/21/CE/207),
Preet Saha (D/21/CE/204)
2.Road Accident Data Analysis Using Machine Learning TechniquesHrituraj Debnath (D/19/CE/21),
Sristiraj Gupta (D/19/CE/22),
Risha Debbarma (D/19/CE/23),
Kanom Tatak (D/20/CE/208)
3.Road Accident Analysis: A Case Study of Alappuzha District, KeralaMuskaan Khanikar (D/17/CE/022),
Kevilonu Richa (D/18/CE/018),
Nimesh Anand (D/18/CE/020),
Bethelda Syiemlieh (D/18/CE/028)
4.Image Processing Technique to Track Vehicle’s Position in Real TimeSalam Medhajit (D/19/CE/015),
Waikhom Samson Singh (D/19/CE/017),
Kshetrimayum Jobash Singh (D/19/CE/101),
Cecilia L. Phanrang (D/19/CE/102)
5.Study of Traffic Stream Behaviour on Combined Horizontal and Vertical CurveChiteo N. Chah (D/16/CE/007)
Logyo Tagu (D/16/CE/101)
Kenjom Lollen (D/17/CE/212)
Nyajum Bame (D/17/CE/213)
6.Vehicle Trajectory Extraction using Image Processing TechniquesMr. A Uttam Kumar Singh (D/15/CE/27),
Prakas Choudhury (D/15/CE/28),
S. Kalai (D/15/CE/30), 
Animesh Deb (D/15/CE/36)
7.Distribution of Headway and Free-flow Speed of no-lane-disciplined traffic streamMs. Barsa Sharma (D/15/CE/008),
Ms. Nisha Kumari Singh (D/15/CE/201),
Ms. T. Palmo Bhutia (D/15/CE/209)
8.Quantification of Congestion at Mid-block Section of No-lane-disciplined Traffic StreamMr. Ngangbam Akash Singh (DE/15/CE/24),Mr. Nongthombam Robert Meetei (DE/15/CE/25),
Mr Akumtong Longkumer (DE/15/CE/28),
Mr. Ningthoujam Jimson Singh (DE/15/CE/29),
Mr. Jotish Thoidingjam (DE/15/CE/30)
9.Study on Headway Distribution of Different Vehicles Moving on No-lane-disciplined Traffic StreamMr. Sandipon Garg (D/15/CE/10),
Mr. T.Yhoshu(D/15/CE/14),
Ms. Bhagyashri Deuri(D/15/CE/20),
Ms. Leejum Subba(D/15/CE/22),
Mr. Prakas Chaudhury(D/15/CE/28),
Mr. Animesh Deb(D/15/CE/36)
10.Study of Traffic Parameters in Overtaking OperationsMs. Barsa Sharma (DIP/14/CE/005),
Mr. Lamtar Nasi (DIP/14/CE/020),
Ms. Medozonuo Ruth Kelio (DIP/14/CE/024),
Mr. Saunimantre Pohleng (DIP/14/CE/030),
Rajbahadur Reang (DIP/14/CE/107)
11.Variation in lateral Acceleration of Light Motor VehicleBanphira Lamare( DE/13/CE/02), Aolemba Jamir (DE/13/CE/08), Chonmila Shinglai (DE/13/CE/09),Serto Teneilen Kom (DE/13/CE/26), Sudipta Das (DE/13/CE/106)2014-15UG
12.Characteristics of Two-lane undivided Bidirectional Traffic StreamSampa Singha Choudhury (DIP/13/CE/04),Jayanta Kalai (DIP/13/CE/14),Jotish Thoidingjam(DIP/13/CE/102),Bishal Debnath (DIP/13/CE/109)2014-15UG
13.An Extensive Study on Passenger Car Unit (PCU)Jahirul Alam Laskar (DE/11/CE/102),Dwaipayan Paul (DE/11/CE/105), Nukshikumba Walling (DE/12/CE/022)2013-14UG
14.Analysis of Traffic Flow using Simulation ModelMs. N. Martina (DE/11/CE/12),Ms. Bahnisikha Das (DE/11/CE/14),Ms.Gargi Ghosh (DE/11/CE/22)2012-13UG
15.Analysis of Gap maintaining Behavior on heterogeneous TrafficNabin Kar (DE/10/CE/10),Sohana Debbarma (DE/10/CE/11),Gaurav Dhungel (DE/10/CE/12),Pausuipeule Gangmei(DE/10/CE/13)2011-12UG
16.Relationship between Heterogeneous Traffic Flow CharacteristicsMukesh Kumar (DIP/10/CE/15),Neesa Tamang (DIP/10/CE/17),Anil Kumar Yadav(DIP/10/CE/105),Sarita Subba (DIP/10/CE/109)2011-12UG
17.Analysis of the Capacity of Hilly Roads under Mixed Traffic ConditionsKongo Gyadi (DE/09/CE/01),Seemant Bhushan (DE/09/CE/03)2010-11UG
Course NameSponsored ByDate
STTP on 'NBA Accreditation and Document Preparation'NITTTR KolkataJul. 18-22, 2022
Workshop on 'R&D funding opportunities by SERB-DST: Awareness workshop for researchers from Nort-East institutions' organised by IASST, GuwahatiSERB, Govt. of IndiaJul. 14-15, 2022
Certification course for 'Road Safety Auditor'IAHE, Noida (MORTH)Feb. 01-15, 2021
STTP on 'Introduction to ICT Tools for Teaching and Learning'NITTTR KolkataOct. 05-16, 2020
STTP on 'Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques (AEOTIT)'SVNIT SuratSept. 01-05, 2020
BIGRS IndiaRAP Webinar: World Bank and iRAP helping save lives on Indian roads.BIGRS and IndiaRAPJune (2,4,9 and 11), 2020
National Level Training Programme on 'Disaster Management'NIDM, MHA, GoIFeb. 27-29, 2020
FDP on 'ICT Tools for Teaching, Learning Process & Institutes'MeitY, GoIJan. 13-17, 2020
Online FDP course on 'Reinforced Concrete Road Bridges'NPTEL-AICTEAug-Sept. 2018
Online FDP course on 'Regression Analysis'NPTEL-AICTEJul-Oct. 2018
Online FDP course on 'Technical English for Engineers'NPTEL-AICTEAug-Sept. 2018
Workshop on the Role of Local Chapters of NPTELIIT KanpurApril 29, 2017
Sustainable Urban Transportation SystemAICTE, IITKGPMarch 23-25, 2017
Pedagogy Training for Outcome Based EducationNITTR, BhopalMarch 16-17, 2017
Challenges and Recent Advances in Geotechnical
Engineering Research and Practices
AICTEMarch 09-13, 2015
Innovative Technologies in Transportation EngineeringAICTEFeb 23-27, 2015
Advances in Environmental healthAICTEFeb 09-13, 2015
Solid Waste Management-Challenges and OpportunitiesMHRD, GOIJan 12-14, 2015
Computer Application in Structural Analysis and Design of Building including FoundationNITTTRSept 09-13, 2013
Recent Advances in Tribology and Materials for Tribological ApplicationsMHRD, GOIApril 10-14, 2013
Recent Advances: Pavement Materials and DesignAICTEApril 23-27, 2012
Recent Advances in Mechanics and their Application in Nano Engineering & TechnologyAICTEAug 01 - 12, 2011
Infrastructure Development and Construction managementAICTEJan 17 – 21, 2011
Teaching MethodologyNITTTRJan 03–07, 2011
Seismic Design of Building & BridgesAICTENov 29–Dec 03, 2010
Renewable Energy Technology: Issues & ProspectusMNRE and DSTSept 24-25, 2010
Road Maintenance & SafetyAICTEOct 11 – 15, 2010
Short-Term Course / Conference Name, and RoleSponsored ByDate
Chairman, Organizing Committee of the  International Conference on "Computer-Aided Modeling for the Sustainable Development of Smart Cities (CAMSSC 2024)" held at NERIST, Nirjuli (Itanagar), India.ANRF (SERB)Nov. 27-30, 2024
Technical Committee Member of "2024 The 12th International Conference on Information Technology and Science (ICITS 2024)" held in Phuket Island, Thailand. June 19-21, 2024
International Technical Committee Member of "2024 9th International Conference on Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (ICMAI 2024)" held in Beijing, China. May 10-12, 2024
Technical Committee Member of "2023 International Conference on Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (ICMAI 2023)" held at Chongqing, China. April 07-09, 2023
Chairman, Organizing Committee of "National Conference on Civil, Geotech and Transport Research (CGTR-2017)" held at NERIST, Nirjuli (Itanagar), India.Self-SponsoredOctober 14-15, 2017
Coordinator of "Advances in Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures" held at NERIST, Nirjuli (Itanagar), India.Self-SponsoredAugust 26-30, 2017
Coordinator of "Industry Institute Interaction with ECLAT Engineering Consultants", Hyderabad held at NERIST, Nirjuli (Itanagar), India.AICTE/TEQIPSept 25-26, 2016
Coordinator of "Advances in Traffic Flow and Environmental Management" held at NERIST, Nirjuli (Itanagar), India.AICTE/TEQIPApril 17-21, 2012
Presented a talk on "Road Safety & Audit"  at faculty development program "The recent trends and developments in the field of Civil Engineering" organized by Civil Engineering Department, ICFAI University Tripura.ICFAI University TripuraAugust 09, 2021
Presented a talk on "Introduction to Traffic Engineering and Traffic control Management" at  faculty development program “Traffic Flow and Environmental Management”  organized by Department of Civil Engineering, NERIST.NERIST, Nirjuli (Itanagar)April 17-21, 2012

Journal Papers


  1. Sorum, N. G., and Pal, D. "Modeling of Driver Injury Severity in Single and Two-vehicle accidents using Binary Logistic Regression with interaction." (Under Review)
  2. Das, D., and Pal, D. (2025). "Estimation of Maximum Tensile Stress on Rigid Pavement for Varying Surface Temperature." Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development, 29(02), 260-269. DOI: (SCOPUS)
  3. Tado, N., Medhajit, S., and Pal, D.(2025) "Forecasting California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of Soil Using Machine Learning Algorithms: A Review." Research on Engineering Structures and Materials, 11(1), 383-398. DOI: (SCOPUS)
  4. Sorum, N. G., and Pal, D. (2024). "Modeling Driver Injury Severity Using Machine Learning Algorithms ." Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 51(11), 1302-1316. DOI:
  5. Sorum, N. G., and Pal, D. (2024). "Identification of the Best Machine Learning Model for the Prediction of Driver Injury Severity." International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 31(3), 360-375, DOI: (SSCI)
  6. Sorum, N. G., and Pal, D. (2024). "Analysis of Influencing Factors on Driver Injury Severity: A Case Study of Arunachal Pradesh, India." Advances in Transportation Studies, 62, 89-110. (SCOPUS)
  7. Das, D., Paul, A., and Pal, D. (2024). "Analysis of Doweled Multi-slab Concrete Pavement System for Critical Stress and Dowel Slab Action." Civil Engineering and Architecture, 12(1), 391 - 400. DOI: . (SCOPUS)
  8. Sorum, N. G., and Pal, D. (2022). "Effect of Distracting Factors on Driving Performance: A Review." Civil Engineering Journal, 8 (02), 382-405. DOI:  (SCOPUS/WOS)
  9. Pal, D., and Chunchu, M. (2020)" Effect of Vehicular Lateral Gap Models on Heterogeneous Traffic Stream Behavior ." Transportation Letters, 12(06), 399-407. DOI: (SCI)
  10. Pal, D., and Chunchu, M. (2019)"Modeling of lateral Gap Maintaining Behavior of Vehicles in Heterogeneous Traffic Stream." Transportation Letters, 11(7), 373-381. DOI: . (SCI)
  11. Pal, D., and Chunchu, M. (2018)" Smoothing of Vehicular Trajectories under Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions to Extract Microscopic Data ." Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 45(6), 423-434. DOI: (SCI)
  12. Pal, D., and Mallikarjuna, C. (2010).  “Cellular Automata Cell Structure for Modeling Heterogeneous Traffic.” Transportei Europei, n-45, 50-63. (SCOPUS)

Conference Papers

Conference Papers on SCOPUS/WOS

  1. Rinya, T., and Pal, D. (2024). "Comparative Performance Analysis of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement and Virgin Aggregates as Base Layer Materials in Flexible Pavement." Advances in Science and Technology, 157, 51-57. DOI: .(SCOPUS)
  2. Pal, D., Suvin, P. V., and Chunchu, M. (2020). "Characteristics of Vehicular Lateral Shifts in Non-lane-disciplined Traffic Stream." Transportation Research Procedia, 48, 3245-3253. DOI:
  3. Pal, D., and Sreenivasulu, S. (2019). "Impact of vehicular lateral placement on speed under non-lane discipline traffic stream." J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1298, 012016. DOI:
  4. Pal, D., and Mallikarjuna, C. (2016). "Analysis of the Effect of Variable Lateral Gap Maintaining Behavior of Vehicles on Traffic Flow Modeling." Procedia Engineering, 142, 198-204. DOI:
  5. Mallikarjuna, C., Budde, T., and Pal, D. (2013). “Analysis of the Lateral Gap Maintaining Behavior of Vehicles in Heterogeneous Traffic Streams.” Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, 104, 370-379. DOI:

Conference Attended


  1. Pal, D., and Sreenivasulu, S. (2025). "Examining Vehicular Accident Pattern Along National Highway 66 in Alappuzha District, Kerala, India." Accepted for 4th International Conference on Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (iCEAT2025), University of the Philippines Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines, March 12-15.
  2. Rinya, T., and Pal, D. (2024). "Comparative Performance Analysis of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement and Virgin Aggregates as Base Layer Materials in Flexible Pavement." 15th International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Technologies (ICMMT 2024), Nha Trang, Vietnam, March 22-24.
  3. Pal, D., Suvin, P. V., and Chunchu, M. (2019). "Characteristics of Vehicular Lateral Shifts in Non-lane-disciplined Traffic Stream." 15th World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR), IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, May 26-31.
  4. Pal, D., and Sreenivasulu, S. (2019). "Impact of vehicular lateral placement on speed under non-lane discipline traffic stream." 9th International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics (ICAPM 2019), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, January 21-23.
  5. Pal, D., and Mallikarjuna, C. (2016). "Vehicle Trajectory correction using Empirical Mode Decomposition." 12th Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries (TPMDC), IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, December 19-21.
  6. Pal, D., and Mallikarjuna, C. (2016). "Impact of Variable Lateral Gap Maintaining Behavior of Vehicles on Macroscopic Traffic Relations." 14th World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR), Shanghai, China, July 11-16.
  7. Pal, D., and Mallikarjuna, C. (2014). "Correction of Vehicle’s Trajectory Extracted from Video Image Processing." 19th International Conference of HKSTS, Hongkong, December 13-15.
  8. Mallikarjuna, C., Budde, T., and Pal, D. (2013). "Analysis of the Lateral Gap Maintaining Behavior of Vehicles in Heterogeneous Traffic Streams." 2nd Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (2nd CTRG), Agra, India, December 12-15.
  9. Pal, D. (2012). "Capacity of Hilly Roads under Mixed Traffic Conditions: A Case Study." International Research Conference on Management, Engineering, and Technology (IRCMET), Bangkok, Thailand, March 2-3.


  1. Pal, D., and Mallikarjuna C. (2009). "Effect of Lateral Gap Maintaining Behavior on the Structure of the Cellular Automata Based Traffic Flow Model." Student Symposium on Research in Civil Engineering, SSRCE09, IIT Madras, Chennai, India.


  1. Kumar, S., and Pal, D.(2023)."Pole for Vehicle Movement & Environmental Data Collection." Patent and Design Journal, Journal No. 21/2023 (Part III-Designs), Dated 26/05/2023, Class 14-02, Date of Registration 02/08/2022, Government of India.
  1. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition)
  3. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation(Taylor & Francis)
  4. Journal of Advanced Transportation (Wiley)
  5. Transportation Letters (Taylor & Francis)
  6. Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development
  7. TRG2013 (2nd International Conference of Transportation Research Group of India)
  8. TIPCE-2022 (2nd International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure Projects Conception to Execution)
  9. CoMSO 2022 (3rd International Conference on Modeling simulation and optimization)
  10. CTSEM2023 (9th Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management)

(Amount mobilized above Rs. One Lakhs only)

SL.YearTitle of WorkTitle of ProjectClientProject Value /Cost (Rs. in Lakhs)
1.2022-2023Vetting of Detailed Project Report (DPR) of the project- “Bypass Road from NH-415 at Chimpu to NH-415 at Papu Nallah via Jollang (11.00 km)”Bypass Road from NH-415 at Chimpu to NH-415 at Papu Nallah via Jollang (11.00 km)The Chief Engineer, Western Zone, Public Works Department, Government of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar.Project cost: 4800 Lakhs; Mobilized: 5.664 Lakhs
2.2022-2023Vetting of DPR under NESIDS "C/o Construction of Multi Sports Facility Outdoor Stadium at Namsai."”Construction of Multi Sports Facility Outdoor Stadium at NamsaiPublic Works Department, Government of Arunachal Pradesh.Project cost: 3800 Lakhs; Mobilized: 4.484 Lakhs
3.2023-2024"Technical Vetting of Monsoon Drain RCC Cover Slab at ALG Ziro"."Monsoon Drain RCC Cover Slab at ALG Ziro".M/S T. Y. Traders, Ziro, Hapoli, Arunachal Pradesh-791120.Mobilized:1.18 Lakhs