Department Of Chemistry

Dr. Jagannath Bhuyan

Assistant Professor (On Lien)

Synthesis of inorganic/bioinorganic compounds, metal-clusters, supramolecular chemistry and nano-materials. More specifically on interaction of small gas molecules like nitric oxide, carbon dioxide with metalloporphyrins, synthesis of novel biomimetic catalysts, photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy and use of porphyrin based systems in the field of renewable energy and solar fuels.

(EPBX/Office):+91-360-2257401 to 411; Ext. 6114

January 2015ContinuingAssistant ProfessorNERIST, Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh
November 2012December, 2014Post-Doctoral Research Assistant (Supervisor- Prof. Patrick J. Farmer)Baylor University, Texas, USA
August, 20062007Junior Technical SuperintendentIIT Guwahati, Guwahati
 Qualified National Eligibility Test (NET) and awarded Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, Govt. of India2007
Qualified Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering (GATE) in Chemical SciencesIIT Kharagpur2006
Senior Research FellowshipCouncil of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, Govt. of India2010
International travel award to present paper at the Gordon Research Conference on May 13-18, 2012 at Lucca (Barga), Italy.SERB, Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, Govt. of India2012
International travel award to present a paper at the Gordon Research Conference on May 13-18, 2012 at Lucca (Barga), Italy.CSIR, New Delhi, Govt. of India2012
The paper "A magnesium porphyrin bicarbonate complex with  COmodulated photosystem I action" was recognized as a Very Important Paper by the journal Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2011
Post-doctoral Research AssociateBaylor University, Waco, Texas, USA2012-14
Start-up research grantSERB, New Delhi, Govt. of India2015
Mathematical Research Impact Centric Support GrantSERB, New Delhi, Govt. of India2020
The paper "Histamine-bound magnesium porphyrins: diverse coordination modes, inhibitory role in photodegradation of chlorophyll a and antioxidant activity" has been recognized as HOT articleDalton Transactions202352, 110852023
Ph. D . ChemistryIIT Kanpur, Kanpur (Supervisor Prof. Sabyasachi Sarkar)2012
M. Sc.Chemistry (Inorganic)Gauhati University, Guwahati2004
January 2016ContinuingIncharge, Central Research FacilityNERIST
April 2015ContinuingIncharge, Instrumentation lab, Department of ChemistryNERIST
April 20152021Incharge, PG Lab-1, Department of ChemistryNERIST
August 20152016Convener, DPGC, Department of ChemistryNERIST
August 20152017Programme Officer, NSSNERIST 
February, 2016ContinuingMember, Committee for maintaining the Institute’s website/AutomationNERIST
20172018Member, Editorial Board, Annual ReportNERIST
20192020Member, NERIST Entrance Examination Committee NERIST
20172020Convener, DPGC, Department of Chemistry (2nd term)NERIST
March 2021ContinuingIn charge PG Lab IV and PG Lab V, Department of ChemistryNERIST
2021ContinuingMember, Online Exam CommitteeNERIST
2023ContinuingMember, Incubation and Entrepreneurship CellNERIST
TopicFunding AgencyYear
Metallo-isoporphyrin: A biomimetic catalyst and a promising photosensitizer in photodynamic therapySERB, DST, New Delhi, Govt. of India.2015-2018
Density functional theory (DFT) investigation of metalloisoporphyrins as near infra-red dyes and photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy and iron(III) isoporphyrins as alternatives to iron(IV)-oxo porphyrin π-cation radicalSERB, DST, New Delhi, Govt. of India.2020-2023

(i) Life Member, Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI), LM 2939

(ii) Member, American Chemical Society (ACS)

(iii) Life member, Assam Science Society , Guwahati, Pichala Branch.

TitleCourse CodeModuleSemester
Inorganic Chemistry ICY7101M. Sc. 1st yearI
Inorganic Chemistry Lab1CY7151M. Sc. 1st yearI
Molecular SpectroscopyCY7204M. Sc. 1st yearII
Inorganic Chemistry Lab 2CY7251M. Sc. 1st  yearII
Engineering Chemistry IACY3202DiplomaII
Application of Spectroscopy in Inorganic CompoundsCY8003M. Sc. 2nd YearIII
Inorganic PhotochemistryCY8022M. Sc. 2nd YearIII
Special Topics in Inorganic ChemistryCY8016M. Sc. 2nd YearIV
Physical Methods in ChemistryCY9002Ph. D. Course workI

List of Postdoctoral associates/project assistants

Title of ProjectNames of Students, Funding Agency Position 
Oxo-rhenium(V) tetrapyrrolic complexes and Re-porphyrin conjugates: Synthesis, Application and Theoretical calculationsDr. Smita Majumder (NPDF, "PDF/2017/000865"), SERBNational Post-doctoral Fellow
Metallo-isoporphyrin: A biomimetic catalyst and a promising photosensitizer in photodynamic therapy (Sponsored Project)Ms. Karishma Devi Borah, SERBProject Assistant

PG (M.Sc.) projects completed – 15 students.

1.       Mr. Rajtonoy Bharali, Roll No-MS/21/CH/05, Topic- Chlorophyll : isolation, characterization, conversion to Zn-pheophytin a and photo-stability studies in presence of small molecules, awarded June-2023

2.       Mr. Nabadeep Bharali, MS/21/CH/06, Topic-Manganese(III) chloroporphyrin and isoporphyrin: Synthesis and characterization, awarded June-2023

3.       Mr Sasanka Bhuyan, Regn. No.: 420/01, Roll No: MS/20/CH/001, Title of the project: Zinc pyridyl porphyrin: synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity in dye degradation, awarded June-2022

4.       Miss Papori Konwar, Regn. No.: 420/059, Roll No: MS/20/CH/013, Title of the project: Iron Porphyrins and Iron Isoporphyrins: Synthesis, Characterization and Reactivity

5.       Mr Mrinmoy Gogoi, Regn No: 420/074, Roll. No. MS/20/CH/016, Title of the project: Nickel and Manganese porphyrin: Synthesis, electrochemical study and free-radical scavenging study, awarded June-2022

6.       Ms. Sudarshana Gogoi, Regn. No. 420/69, Roll No. MS/20/CH/15, Title of the project: Synthesis, characterization and antioxidant studies of magnesium porphyrins,

7.       Ms. Tokmem Libang, Regn. No. 420/39, Roll No. MS/20/CH/07, Title of the project: Cobalt Porphyrins: Synthesis, characterization and applications,  June-2022

8.        Miss Nupur Borah, Regn. No.: 419/091, Roll No: MS/19/CH/005, Title of the project: Cobalt(II) 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(p-chlorophenyl)porphyrin: Synthesis,characterization and reactions with monodentate and bidentate ligands

9.       Mr. Raghav Poudel, Regn. No.: 419/212, Roll No: MS/19/CH/020, Title of the project: The quest for better understanding of role of halo groups in zinc porphyrin and the synthesis of bicarbonato complexes of zinc porphyrins

10.    Miss Benazir Iliyas, Regn No: 419/075, Roll. No. MS/19/CH/002, Title of the project: Zinc meso-tetra(4-pyridyl)porphyrin and zinc meso-tetra(4-carboxyphenyl)porphyrin: Synthesis, characterisation and formation of isoporphyrin, awarded June-2021

11.    Miss Chamin Lowang, Regn, No.-419/213, Roll No.-MS/19/CH/021, Title of the project: Cobalt meso-tetra(4-pyridyl)porphyrin: Synthesis, characterization and application in degradation of methylene blue

12.    Mr Rituraj Chetia, Roll No.-MS/18/CH/004, Title of the project: Synthesis of zinc and vanadium isoporphyrin complexes, awarded-June 2020

13.    Mr. Anurag Deka, MS/17/CH/07, Title of the project: Synthesis and characterization of some zinc(II), iron(III) and oxovanadium(IV) porphyrin, awarded June-2019

14.    Mr. Jyoti Prakash Das, Roll No. MS/16/CY/09, Reg No-416/143, Synthesis, characterization and solvent driven aggregation of tetra-sulphonatophenyl porphyrins.

15.    Ms Nimisha Kashyap. Roll No.-MS/15/CH/01, Title of the project: Synthesis of zinc and magnesium isoporphyrins: promising photosensetizer for photodynamic therapy

TopicScholar NameStatus of PHDRegistration Year
Synthesis and reactivity of magnesium porphyrin and zinc isoporphyrin complexesMs. Karishma Devi BorahAwarded, January-20212016
Noncovalent interactions in metal complexes
of methoxyphenylporphyrins and their reactivity
Mr. Bishnu Prasad BorahAwarded, June-20222016 
Magnesium and zinc porphyrin complexes: synthesis, characterization and promising applicationsMr. N. Ghanashyam SinghAwarded, March 20232015
synthesis, characterization and reactivity studies of novel metalloporphyrin and metalloisoporphyrin complexesMs. Hano YamangOngoing2020
Cobalt and tin porphyrins: synthesis, characterization, theoretical studies and conversion to isoporphyrinsMr. Debashish BorahOngoing2021
Synthesis, characterization, and theoretical studies of small biological molecule bound magnesium porphyrinsMr. Abdul Kuddus ChoudhuryOngoing2021

List of Post-doctoral students:

1. Dr. Smita Majumder, National Post-doctoral Fellow, Funding: SERB, New Delhi, Govt of India (File No. PDF/2017/865/CS), duration 2017-2019

Iron(III)-hydroxyisoporphyrin: NO+-Induced Synthesis and Nucleophile mediated Ring-openingAt  UGC-SAP National Seminar “Emerging Trends in Chemical Sciences 2015” at Department of Chemistry, Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam6th November, 2015
Isoporphyrin, the tautomer of porphyrin: synthesis to applicationsIn the International E-Conference on Current Trends in Chemical Research, organized by Dept. of Chemistry in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Nowgong College, AssamAugust 22, 2020
Metalloisoporphyrins: The quest for new photosensitizers and biomimetic catalystIn the National Conference on Advances in Sustainable Chemistry and Material Science (ASCMS) at Department of Chemistry, Bodoland University, Assam30th April 2022
Porphyrin-isoporphyrin tautomerism: Quest for new photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy (PDT) and biomimetic catalystsIn the symposium “Chemical Education in Self Reliance: A Global Perspective” in collaboration with the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) at Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono-Hills, Arunachal Pradesh23 June 2022

International (high impact factored, web of science and SCOPUS) journals:

  1. Choudhury,  A. K., Sarkar, R., Bhuyan, J.,Histamine-bound magnesium porphyrins: diverse coordination modes, inhibitory role in photodegradation of chlorophyll a and antioxidant activity, Dalton Transactions2023, 52, 11085 (Identified as a HOT article)
  2. Yamang, H., Bhuyan, J., Quest for iron(III) isoporphyrins: synthesis, characterization, reactivity and theoretical studies, Journal of Molecular Structure, 2023,1296, 136754, 
  3. Choudhury, A. K.,Borah, B. P., Borah, K. D., Bhuyan, J.Synthesis, crystal structure, computational studies and antioxidant properties of dimethylformamide-bound magnesium tetraphenylporphyrin, J. Coord. Chem.2023, 76, 902
  4. Majumder, S., Bhuyan, J.,A new strategy for the synthesis of oxo-rhenium(V) porphyrins: Synthesis, characterization, theoretical calculations and electrochemical aspects Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2023, 547, 121344
  5. Borah,B. P., Majumder, S., Nath, PP, Choudhury, A K, Bhuyan, J Pyrazine-bridged cobalt porphyrin: Characterization, unique crystal structure and computational studies, Journal of Molecular Structure, 2023, 1275,134557
  6. N. G. Singh, K. D. Borah, J. Bhuyan, Unique magnesium porphyrinate structure: Synthesis, characterization, and theoretical study, Inorganica Chimica Acta, Vol. 542, 2022, 121145
  7. J. Bhuyan, B. Pakhira,  A. Begum,  S. Sarkar and  K. M. Tripathi, Structural control in the nano-assembly of the tungsten and molybdenum dithiolene complex analog, React. Chem. Eng., 2022
  8. K. D. Borah, H. Yamang, N. G. Singh,  J. Bhuyan, Quest for Zinc Methoxyisoporphyrin Molecules: Experimental and Theoretical Studies, Chemistry select, 2022, 7,  e202103777
  9. Borah, B. P., Majumder, S., Borah, K. D., Bhuyan, J. "The quest for a better understanding of ethanol coordination to magnesium and zinc porphyrin: A combined experimental and theoretical study" Journal of Molecular Structure, 2021, 1230,129646
  10. Majumder, S., Borah, B.P., Bhuyan, J.  “Rhenium in the core of porphyrin and rhenium bound to the periphery of porphyrin: synthesis and applications” Dalton Trans., 2020,49, 8419-8432
  11. Singh, N.G., Borah, K. D., Majumder, S. and  Bhuyan, J. “Ethanol coordinated zinc  trimethoxyphenylporphyrin: Structure, theoretical studies and formation of isoporphyrin” Journal of Molecular Structure,  2020, 1200, 127116
  12. Borah, K. D. and Bhuyan, J. "Methoxy-isoporphyrins of water-soluble porphyrins: Synthesis, characterization and electrochemical properties", Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 201972, 2251–2260
  13. Borah, B. P. and Bhuyan, J. "Influence of position of methoxy groups in Znmethoxyphenyl porphyrins" J. Chem. Sci, 2018, 130, 117
  14. Borah, K.D. and Bhuyan, J. ''Magnesium porphyrins with relevance to chlorophylls'' Dalton Trans.2017, 46, 6497-6509, 10.1039/C7DT00823F 
  15.  Borah, K.D., Singh, N.G. and Bhuyan J., ''Magnesium Trimethoxyphenylporphyrin Chain Controls  Energy Dissipation in the presence of Cholesterol'', J. Chem. Sci, 2017, 129, 449-455
  16.  Bhuyan, J., “Nucleophilic ring-opening of iron(III)-hydroxyisoporphyrin”, Dalton Trans., 2016, 45,      2694-2699.
  17.  Tripathi,  K.M., Sonker,  A.K., Bhati, A., Bhuyan, J.,  Singh, A., Singh, A., Sarkar, S and. Sonkar,    S.K.,  "Large-scale synthesis of soluble tunable-photoluminescence graphitic hollow carbon nano-    rods for selective fluorescent detection of DNA”, New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 1571-1579.
  18.  Bhuyan, J., “Metalloisoporphyrins: from synthesis to applications”, Dalton Transactions, 2015, 44,  15742-15756.
  19.  Bhuyan, J. and Sarkar, S., “NO2-Induced synthesis of nitrato-iron(III)porphyrin with diverse    coordination mode and the formation of isoporphyrin” J. Chem. Sci., 2013, 125, 707–714.
  20.  Bhuyan, J. and Sarkar, S., “Nitrous acid mediated synthesis of iron nitrosyl porphyrin: pH dependent  nitric oxide release”, Chem. Asian J., 2012, 7, 2690-2695.
  21.  Bhuyan, J., Sarkar, R. and Sarkar, S., “A magnesium porphyrin bicarbonate complex with  CO2modulated photosystem I action”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011,50, 10603-10607, (Very  Important Paper).
  22.  Bhuyan, J. and Sarkar, S., “Self-assembly of magnesium and zinc trimethoxyphenylporphyrin    polymer as nanospheres and nanorods”, Cryst. Growth Des.,11( 2011) 5410–5414
  23.  Bhuyan, J. and  Sarkar, S.,“Oxidative degradation of zinc porphyrin in comparison with its iron  analogue”,Chem. Eur. J., 2010, 16, 10649 – 10652
  24.  Abhilash G.J., Bhuyan, J., Singh, P., Maji, S., Pal, S. and Sarkar, S.“NO2º Mediated meso-  hydroxylation of Fe (III) porphyrin”, Inorg. Chem.,48 (2009) 1790-1792

Book Chapter:

1. Bhuyan, S. and Sarkar, S. "Bioinspired Models of Mo and W-Enzymes in CO₂ Reduction" Chapter in Volume 5, Bioinspired Chemistry: From Enzymes to Synthetic Models, Edited By:  Marius Réglier. Series on Chemistry, Energy and the Environment, World Scientific. Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 5- Toh-Tuck Link, Singapore- 596224, 2019, ISBN 9789813274433

2. Bhuyan, J. "Synthetic leaf and ubiquitous roles of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis"Article in a book “reflection”, published by Purbayon Publication, Guwahati on behalf of OP-118, UGC-HRDC, Gauhati University, Guwahati, 2019,  ISBN 978-93-88593-16-8

3. Borah, B. P., Majumder, S and Bhuyan, J. "Metalloporphyrins: Promising Catalysts for Carbon Dioxide Reduction and Azo-dye degradation"Article in the Book Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development, Published by Lakhimpur Girls College, 2022

Paper presented at international conferences

  1. At Modern Trends In Inorganic Chemistry-XVIII, Organized by the Department of Chemistry, IIT Guwahati in association with Gauhati University and Tezpur University, from 11-14th December 2019, at IIT Guwahati
  2. At the International Conference on "Emerging Trends in Chemical Sciences" from 26-28 February 2018 at the Department of Chemistry, Dibrugarh University, Assam
  3. At 20th CRSI National Symposiums in Chemistry, 2nd to 5th February, 2017  organized by Gauhati University, Guwahati
  4. At 5th Symposium on Advanced Biological Inorganic Chemistry (SABIC), 7th-11th January,2017, Kolkata, India, organized by the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) and Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS).
  5. At 69th   Southwest Regional Meeting of American Chemical Society, Waco Convention Centre, Texas, USA held (November 2013).
  6. At the prestigious Gordon Research Conference “Renewable Energy: Solar Fuels” in Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco Resort, Lucca (Barga), Italy (May 13-18, 2012).
  7. At “3rd Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ACCC-3)” Organized by IIT Kanpur and IIT Delhi in New Delhi (October 17-20, 2011).
  8. At “Symposium on Advanced Biological Inorganic Chemistry (SABIC-2009)” organized by the Department of Chemical Sciences,   Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Mumbai (November 4-7, 2009).

Invited Reviewer:

  1. Dalton Transactions
  2. RSC Advances
  3. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers
  4. Journal of Coordination Chemistry
  5. Journal of Molecular Structure
  6. Inorganica Chimica Acta
  7. Polyhedron

Invited member:

  1. External Expert, Board of Studies, Department of Chemistry, North Lakhimpur College (Autonomous), 2017 to continuing

Workshop/ conference attended:

  1. Participated in the short term two-week training programme on “Induction training” organized by the National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR) Kolkata held from 11.09.20115 to 20.09.2015
  2. Participated in the 4th Indest user convention (E-journal user training workshop) on 22-23rd August and 31st October 2015 organized by the AICTE-INDEST User committee, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Nirjuli.
  3. Participated in the 8th Seminar on “Hydrocarbon Industry Growth: Prospect and Challenges in North East” conducted at Digboi club premises, Digboi on 12th and 13th May 2016 organized by Petrotech, New Delhi.
  4. Participated in the “Pedagogy Training for Outcome Based Education” on 16th -17th March 2017 organized by the National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research, Bhopal
  5. Successfully completed a one-week short term training programme on “Leadership and team building in academia” organized by the National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR) Kolkata at NERIST held from  30/10/2017 to 3/11/2017
  6. Participated and obtained “A” Grade in a 4-week UGC-sponsored orientation Programme (OP-118) held from 15th December 2018 to 11th January 2019 at the Human Resource Development Centre, Gauhati University, Guwahati
  7. Participated two-week All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)  sponsored Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on ‘Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources’ held from October 14 - 25, 2019 organized by the Department of Agricultural Engineering, NERIST
  8. Participated in the one-week Faculty Development Programme on “ICT tools for teaching, learning process and institutes” jointly organized by Electronics and ICT Academics at NERIST, Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh held from 13th -17th January 2019.
  9. Participated in the one-week Online Faculty Development Programme on “Energy and Environment: Conversion, Generation, Storage and Efficient Utilization” from 24/08/2020 to 28/08/2020, organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering and Civil Engineering, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology, Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh.
  10. Participated in a webinar series on intellectual property rights from 3/8/2020 to 4/8/2020 at NERIST
  11. Participated in the one-week Online Faculty Development Programme on “Advanced Engineering Optimization through Artificial Intelligence” from July 12-17, 2021 Sponsored by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), organized by the Department of Engineering, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology, Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh
  12. Successfully completed a two-week refresher course in Chemistry, organized by the Human Resource Development Centre (UGC sponsored), DDU Gorakhpur University, UP 11th to 24th September 2021
  13. Successfully completed two weeks of “Online Training Programme on Digital Tools for Writing, Authoring and Reviewing Manuscripts” jointly organized by Electronics & ICT Academies IIT Guwahati from 12th to 23rd July 2021.
  14. Successfully completed the 5-day online FDP on the theme “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by the All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE) from 4 October 2021 to 8 October 2021.
  15. Participated in the Online Faculty Development Programme on “Research Methodology and Online Teaching” organized by E&ICT Academy IIT Guwahati held from 17 - 22 January 2022
  16. Participated in online IP Awareness/Training program under Nation Intellectual Awareness Mission on March 05, 2022.