MANet,WSN, Network Security &Reliability, ML/DL, Image classification.
2nd January 2023 | Continuing | Professor | NERIST |
2nd January 2020 | 1st January 2023 | Associate Professor | NERIST |
2nd January 2017 | 1st January 2020 | Assistant Professor (Level 12) | NERIST |
2nd January 2012 | 1st January 2017 | Assistant Professor (Level 11) | NERIST |
2nd January 2007 | 1st January 2012 | Assistant Professor (Level 10) | NERIST |
Award/Honour | Organisation | Year |
Academic Excellence Award 2023 | Taylor's University, Malaysia | 2023 |
Best Paper in ICEAI 2023(Springer Publication) | ICEAI 2023(Taylor's University Malaysia, RVS College of Engg. & Techology, India) | 2023 |
Eminent Alumni (JNVs of North Eastern Region India) | Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Regional Office Shillong, Ministry of Education,Govt. of India. | 2023 |
Fellow | The Institution of Engineers (India) | 2022 |
Fellow | The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE),India | 2018 |
Senior Member | The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE), USA | 2018 |
Best Paper Award in 10th ICACCT 2016(Springer Nature Singapore, Pte Ltd. Publication) | ICACCT 2016, APIITSD, India | 2016 |
IEI Young Engineers Award 2014-2015 in Computer Engineering | The Institution of Engineers (India) | 2015 |
Gold Medal in M.Tech. | NERIST | 2010 |
2nd position in XII examination amongst the candidates of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas of eight north eastern states. | CBSE | 1997 |
Selected and attended SAARC Childrens' Astronomy Program | Bal Bhavan Society India,under MHRD Govt. of India,New Delhi | 1995 |
1st position in X examination amongst the candidates of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas of eight north eastern states | CBSE | 1995 |
Degree | Subject | University | Year |
Ph.D.(Engineering) | Computer Science & Engineering | University of Kalyani | 2017 |
M.Tech | Computer Science & Engineering | NERIST | 2010 |
B.Tech. | Computer Science & Engineering | NEHU | 2001 |
AISSCE | Science | CBSE | 1997 |
AISSE | General | CBSE | 1995 |
From | To | Designation | Organisation |
21.08.2024 | continuing | Chief Information Security Officer(CISO) | NERIST |
09.08.2024 | 31.12.2024 | Academic-mentor for the Student Mentorship Program (SMP 2024), IEEE India Council Industry Academia Young Professionals Committee (IAPYC) | IEEE India |
16.07.2024 | continuing | In-charge, Educational Technology Cell | NERIST |
12.04.2024 | continuing | Member Ethics Committee of IETE Publications | The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE),India |
27.02.2024 | continuing | Single Point of Contact Person(SPoCP) | NIELIT Itanagar (Ministry of Electronics and IT, Govt. of India) |
12.10. 2018 | 25.07.2022 | Head of Department(Computer Science & Engineering) | NERIST |
30.09. 2019 | 31.10.2021 | Honorary Joint Secretary IEI Arunachal Pradesh State Centre | The Institution of Engineers(India), HQ Kolkata |
2017-2018 | 2023-2024 | Founder Member Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Cell under MoE,Govt. of India | NERIST |
2023-2024 | 2025-2026 | Member Board of Studies(BOS) CSE Department | NERIST |
2018-2019 | continuing | Member Academic/Counselling Committee for all Engineering Departments | NERIST |
2018-2019 | continuing | Coordinator Monitoring Committee for Labs CSE Deptt. | NERIST |
22.11.2022 | continuing | Member Central Library Advisory Committee(LAC) | NERIST |
04.12.2018 | 31.10.2023 | Executive Committee Member IEI AP State Centre | The Institution of Engineers(India), HQ Kolkata |
December 2018 | May 2020 | Member NERIST Entrance Examination Committee | NERIST |
2014-2015 | 2016-2017 | Convenor Departmental Post GraduateCommittee(DPGC),CSE Deptt. | NERIST |
2014-2015 | 2016-2017 | Member Board of Studies(BOS) CSE Department | NERIST |
2014-2015 | 2016-2017 | Academic Coordinator CSE Department | NERIST |
March 2014 | July 2015 | Coordinator CSE, EC and EE departments for AICTE-NEQIP Project | NERIST |
2011-2012 | 2014-2015 | Member TEQIP-II(MHRD-WORLD BANK Project). | NERIST |
2010-2011 | 2011-2012 | Member Departmental Research Committee,CSE Deptt. | NERIST |
2011-2012 | October 2018 | Member Central Library Advisory Committee(LAC) | NERIST |
Sl.No. | Course Name | Sponsored By | Date |
1 | Foundation Course in Artificial Intelligence Applications | NIELIT, MietY, Govt. of India | 29th January 2025 to 18th February 2025 |
2 | 15 days Free Training Programme on Emerging Technologies of IT | NIELIT, MietY, Govt. of India | 8th to 23rd February 2024 |
3 | International Webinar on Computing Trends in AI | NERIST | 23 May 2022 |
4 | 1 Week online International Faculty Development Program on Technologies for Societal Needs: Real time applications of AI,ML and Research initiatives,2020 | KITS & NERIST | 3-7 August 2020 |
5 | Foundation Course on Computer Skill for MBBS 1st Year Students,2019 | TRIHMS, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh | 17th&24th August 2019 |
6 | 1 Week In-House Training Programme on Computer Networking,2019 | NITTTR Kolkata | 28 Jan-01 Feb 2019 |
7 | National Conference on Computing, Communication and Information Processing(NCCCIP-2015) | AICTE-NEQIP | 2-3 May 2015 |
8 | Faculty Development Program on Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology, 2013 | TEQIP | 26-30 August 2013 |
9 | Faculty Development Program on Research Issues and Prospects in Computer Science and Information Technology, 2012 | TEQIP | 1-5 May 2012 |
Sl. No. | Title | Place | Date |
1 | Delivered an Invited Talk titled "Precision Disease Classification through Deep Learning: Unlocking Accurate Diagnostics" | 2024 International Conference on Precission Bio-Medicine and Sustainable Smart City Development (ICPBSSC), organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, India and National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan, September 4-6,2024 | 6th September 2024 |
2 | Delivered an Invited Talk titled "Unsupervised Machine Learning based Techniques for NIDs" | 2024 6th Asia Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ACMLC 2024), Bangkok, Thailand, July 26-28,2024. | 27th July 2024 |
3 | Delivered an Invited Talk titled "Machine Learning / Deep Learning- based Techniques for NIDs" | 2024 4th International Conference on Computer Communication and Information Systems(CCCIS 2024),Phuket,Thailand (Virtual Conference), February 27-29,2024 | 28th February 2024 |
4 | Delivered a technical talk titled "Ensemble Learning Approach for NIDs" | Pre-2nd International Conference on Women in Multifaceted Research(ICWMR -2024) Tutorial organised by Gopal Narayan Singh University, Bihar, India on 25th November 2023. | 25th November 2023 |
5 | Delivered a technical talk titled "Cyber Security Issues and Challanges" | "Cyber Jagrookta Diwas 2022" organised by North Eastren Electric Corporation Limited(NEEPCO), HQShillong, Meghalaya. | 2nd November 2022 |
6 | Delivered a technical talk titled "Deep Learning Approach for Cyber Security" | Pre-ICRITO 2021 Faculty Development Program on "Modern Engineering Technologies" organised by Amity Institute of Information Technology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India during 23-31August 2021 | 27th August 2021 |
7 | Delivered an Invited Talk titled "Machine Learning Techniques for Wireless Sensor Network: Issues and Challenges" | International Conference on "Recent Trend and Practices in Science, Technology, Management and Humanities for Sustainable Rural Development (STMH- 2019)University of Science and Technology Meghalaya | 7 September 2019 |
8 | Delivered a talk on the topic titled “Fault Tolerant Computing” | Faculty Development Program titled “Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology", NERIST | 3 August 2013 |
9 | Delivered a talk on the topic titled" Information and Network Security" | Workshop on Information Security- A Practicl Approach under ISEA Project, NERIST | 1-10 March 2008 |
1. Projects/ Consultancies/ Collaborations
A. Title: Utilisation of Technology for Improving the Supervision of Criminal Case Investigation.
Collaborating Organization - Superintendent of Police Seppa, Arunachal Pradesh Police,
Duration- 1 Year(June 8, 2022 to June 2, 2023)
Role: Project Investigator
B. Title: "Technological Intervention using Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things for Smart Agriculture in North East India". Funding Agency: NEC, Ministry of DoNER, GoI, Amount: Rs 19.73 Lakh, Duration: 03 Years, Role: Principal Investigator
2. Patents Granted : Patent Number :542853, Patent Office, Govt. of India, Date of Filing: 30.7.2021, Date of Grant: 25.6.2024, Term: 20 years, Inventors: Dr. Moirangthem Marjit Singh and Dr. Hanjabam Saratchandra Sharma.
3. PhD Scholars
4. No. of MTech Thesis Supervised: 12
5. No. of UG Projects Supervised: 15
6. Academic Internships Supervised
1. Title: Human finger detection and counting using convolutional neural network. Semester :July-Dec 2022
Students: Mrinal Kanti Roy, Himangsu Kalita, Shiva Sharma, Dipankar Baruah, Ashish Jaishwal
Organization: Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Jorhat Engineering College, Assam,India
7. Editorials
8. Webinars Organized during COVID pandemic
9. Countries visited
10 .Reviewer in Journals
1. Wireless Networks Springer
2. Microsystem Technologies Springer
3. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering Springer
4.Journal of ambient intelligence & humanized computing
5. SN Computer Science Springer
6. PloS One
7.IEEE Internet Computing
8. Expert Systems Wiley