Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Dr. Moirangthem Marjit Singh

Associate Professor

MANet,WSN, Network Security &Reliability, ML/DL, Image classification.

(EPBX/Office): 03602257401- Extn 6140
2nd January 2020ContinuingAssociate  ProfessorNERIST
2nd January 20171st January 2020Assistant Professor (Level 12)NERIST
2nd January 20121st January 2017Assistant Professor (Level 11)NERIST
2nd January 20071st January 2012Assistant Professor (Level 10)NERIST
Academic Excellence Award 2023Taylor's University, Malaysia2023
Best Paper in ICEAI 2023(Springer Publication)ICEAI 2023(Taylor's University Malaysia, RVS College of Engg. & Techology, India)2023
Eminent Alumni (JNVs of North Eastern Region  India)Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Regional Office Shillong, Ministry of Education,Govt. of India.2023
FellowThe Institution of Engineers (India)2022
FellowThe Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE),India2018
Senior MemberThe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE), USA2018
Best Paper Award in 10th ICACCT 2016(Springer Nature Singapore, Pte Ltd. Publication)ICACCT 2016, APIITSD, India2016
IEI Young Engineers Award 2014-2015  in Computer Engineering The Institution of Engineers (India)2015
Gold Medal in M.Tech.NERIST2010
2nd position in XII  examination amongst the candidates of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas  of eight north eastern states.CBSE1997
Selected and attended  SAARC  Childrens' Astronomy Program Bal Bhavan Society India,under MHRD Govt. of India,New Delhi1995
1st position in X  examination amongst the candidates of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas of eight north eastern statesCBSE1995
Ph.D.(Engineering)Computer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Kalyani2017
M.TechComputer Science & EngineeringNERIST2010
B.Tech.Computer Science & EngineeringNEHU2001
21.08.2024continuingChief Information Security Officer(CISO)NERIST
09.08.2024continuingAcademic-mentor for the Student Mentorship Program (SMP 2024), IEEE India Council Industry Academia Young Professionals Committee (IAPYC)IEEE India 
16.07.2024continuingIn-charge, Educational Technology CellNERIST
12.04.2024continuingMember Ethics Committee of IETE PublicationsThe Institution  of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE),India
27.02.2024continuingSingle Point of Contact Person(SPoCP)NIELIT Itanagar (Ministry of Electronics and IT, Govt. of India) 
12.10. 201825.07.2022Head of Department(Computer Science & Engineering)NERIST
30.09. 201931.10.2021Honorary Joint Secretary IEI Arunachal Pradesh State CentreThe Institution of Engineers(India), HQ Kolkata
2017-20182023-2024Founder Member Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Cell under MoE,Govt. of IndiaNERIST
2023-20242025-2026Member Board of Studies(BOS) CSE DepartmentNERIST
2018-2019continuingMember Academic/Counselling  Committee for all Engineering DepartmentsNERIST
2018-2019continuingCoordinator Monitoring Committee for Labs CSE Deptt.NERIST
22.11.2022continuing Member Central Library Advisory Committee(LAC)NERIST
04.12.201831.10.2023Executive Committee Member IEI AP State CentreThe Institution of Engineers(India), HQ Kolkata
December 2018May 2020Member NERIST Entrance Examination CommitteeNERIST
2014-20152016-2017Convenor Departmental Post GraduateCommittee(DPGC),CSE Deptt.NERIST
2014-20152016-2017Member Board of Studies(BOS) CSE DepartmentNERIST
2014-20152016-2017Academic Coordinator CSE DepartmentNERIST
March 2014July 2015Coordinator CSE, EC and EE departments for AICTE-NEQIP ProjectNERIST
2011-20122014-2015Member TEQIP-II(MHRD-WORLD BANK Project).NERIST
2010-20112011-2012 Member Departmental Research Committee,CSE Deptt.NERIST
 2011-2012October 2018Member Central Library Advisory Committee(LAC)NERIST
  1. Life Fellow Member The Institution  of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE),New Delhi, India. [Member No. F-221197].
  2. Senior Member Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers (IEEE), USA. [Member No.91283078]
  3. Life Member Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), New Delhi, India.[ISTE Life Member No. LM54971].
  4. Member International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology(IACSIT), Singapore.[Member No.80340615].
  5. Life Fellow Member The Institution of Engineers (India). [Member No. F 1288802]
  6. Member IAENG(Hong Kong).[Member No. 120709]
Course  NameSponsored ByDate
15 days Free Training Programme on Emerging Technologies of ITNIELIT, MietY, Govt. of India8th to 23rd February 2024
International Webinar on Computing Trends in AINERIST23 May 2022
1 Week online International Faculty Development Program on Technologies for Societal Needs: Real time applications of AI,ML and Research initiatives,2020KITS & NERIST3-7 August 2020
Foundation Course on Computer Skill for MBBS 1st Year Students,2019TRIHMS, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh17th&24th August 2019
1 Week In-House Training Programme on Computer Networking,2019NITTTR Kolkata28 Jan-01 Feb 2019
National Conference on Computing, Communication and Information Processing(NCCCIP-2015)AICTE-NEQIP2-3 May 2015
Faculty Development Program on Advances  in Computer Science and Information Technology, 2013TEQIP26-30 August 2013
Faculty Development Program on Research Issues and Prospects in Computer Science and Information Technology, 2012TEQIP1-5 May 2012
  1. Technical Program Committee & Section Chair - 2nd International Conference on Sustainability and Emerging Technologies for Smart Manufacturing (SETSM 2025), 22-23 April 2025,Hanoi University of Industry, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  2. Publicity Chair2025 7th Asia Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ACMLC 2025) July 25-27, 2025, Hong Kong, PR China.
  3. Technical Program Committee- 2025 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education(ICAIE 2025), May 14-16, 2025, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool UniversitySuzhou, China
  4. Publicity Chair -2025  5th International Conference on Computer Communication and Information Systems (CCCIS 2025), 28 February- March 2, 2025,  Hong Kong Chu Hai College, Hong Kong, PRC.
  5. Technical Program Co-Chair- 2024 8th International Conference on Information Technology (InCIT2024), 14-15 November 2024, Kanazawa- Ishikawa, Japan and Burapha University, Chonburi, Thailand.
  6. International Technical Program Committee2024 International Conference on Computing,Information Science and System(CCISS 2024), 10-12 May, 2024Xiamen, China.
  7. Technical Program Committee-2024  6th Asia Conference on Machine Learning and Computing(ACMLC 2024), 26-28 July, Bangkok, Thailand.
  8. Technical Program Committee-2024  4th International Conference on Computer Communication and Information Systems (CCCIS 2024), 27-29 February, Phuket, Thailand.
  9. Technical Program Committee- 2023 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications(ICICSA 2023), 22-23 September, 2023, National Institute of Technology Silchar, Assam, India.
  10. Technical Program Committee-2022  4th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Communications and Business Analytics (CICBA-2022), 7-8 January, 2022, Assam University, Silchar,India.
  11. Technical Program Committee- 2020 IEEE  International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Signal Processing(ACTS-2020), 04-06 December 2020, National Institute of Technology Silchar, Assam, India.
  12. Technical Program Committee- 2019  IEEE-IFIP International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies(ICISCT-2019)-Applications,Trends and Opportunities, 04-06 November 2019, Tashkent University of Information Technologies TUIT, TASHKENT,UZBEKISTAN.
  13. Advisory Committee  -16th IEEE-IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks-2019 (WOCN-2019) , 19-21 December 2019, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
  14. Reviewer BoardAmity International Conference on Artificial Intelligence(AICAI-2019),4-6 February 2019, Amity University Dubai Campus, DubaiUnited Arab Emirates.
  15. Member, Technical Program Committee - 3rdSymposium on Emerging Topics in Computing and Communications(SETCAC-2018), 19-22 September, 2018, PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore South CampusBangalore, India.
  16. Member, Technical Program Committee - International Conference on Advances in Computing Applications(ICACA-18), 26-27 February 2018,National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand Uttarakhand, India.
  17. Member, Technical Program Committee - 11th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies 2018(11thICACCT 2018), 17-18 February, 2018, Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology, Panipat, India
  18. Conference General Chair and Editor -15th IEEE-IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks-2018 (WOCN-2018) , 2-4 February 2018, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
  19. Reviewer BoardInternational Conference on Infocom Technologies and Unmanned Systems(ICTUS-2017), 18-20 December 2017, Amity University Dubai Campus, DubaiUnited Arab Emirates.
  20. Technical Program Committee- 2017  IEEE-IFIP International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies(ICISCT-2017)-Applications,Trends and Opportunities, 02-04 November 2017, Tashkent University of Information Technologies TUIT, TASHKENT,UZBEKISTAN.
  21. Technical Program Co-Chair, Reviewer -14th IEEE-IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks-2017 (WOCN-2017) Next Generation Internet, 24-26 February 2017, Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Mumbai, India.
  22. Technical Program Committee- 2016  IEEE-IFIP International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies(ICISCT-2016)-Applications,Trends and Opportunities, 02-04 November 2016, Tashkent University of Information Technologies TUIT, TASHKENT,UZBEKISTAN.
  23. Technical Program Co-Chair, Reviewer and Editor-13th IEEE-IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks-2016 (WOCN-2016) Next Generation Internet, 21-23 July 2016, GITAM School of Technology Hyderabad Campus, Telangana State, India.
  24. Co-Convener- International Conference on Electronic Devices, Circuits, Applied Electronics and Communication Technology (EDCAECT-2015), 8-10 October 2015, Gauhati University, Assam, India.
  25. Technical Program Co-Chair -12th IEEE-IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks-2015 (WOCN-2015) Next Generation Internet, 9-11 September 2015, MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India
  26. Technical Program Committee Member and Reviewer-  4th IEEE- International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO-2015), 02-04 September 2015, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India.
  27. Conference Chair- National Conference on Computing, Communication and Information Processing(NCCCIP-2015), 2-3 May 2015, NERIST Arunahal Pradesh, India.[Sponsored by AICTE-NEQIP]
  28. International Program Committee Member and ReviewerSecond International Conference on INformation Systems Design and Intelligent Applications-2015(INDIA-2015), 8-9 January 2015, Kalyani University West Bengal, India.[Technically sponsored by IEEE]
  29. Technical Program Committee Member and Reviewer2014 3rd IEEE -International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO-2014), 8-10 October 2014, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India.
  30. Technical Program Co-Chair, Reviewer and Editor-11th IEEE-IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks-2014 (WOCN-2014) Next Generation Internet, 11-13 September 2014, KL University Vijayawada, Andra Pradesh, India.
  31. Reviewer- IEEE International Conference on Signal Propagation and Computer Technology (ICSPCT2014), 12-13 July 2014, Govt. Engineering College Ajmer, Rajasthan, India.
  32. Program Committee Member- International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (8th INDIACom-2014), 5-7 March 2014, BVICAM New Delhi, India. [Technically sponsored by IEEE]
  33.  Program Committee Member and ReviewerFirst International Conference on Computational Intelligence: Modeling, Techniques and Applications (CIMTA-2013), 27-28 September 2013, Kalyani University West Bengal, India.[Technically sponsored by IEEE]
  34. Technical Program Committee Member, Reviewer and Editor10th IEEE-IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks-2013 (WOCN-2013) Next Generation Internet, 26-28 July 2013, TIT College Bhopal,Madhya Pradesh, India.
  35. Program Committee Member and Reviewer- IEEE-International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization(ICRITO-2013), 29-31 January 2013,Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India.
  1. Sarkar, N.K., Singh, M.M. & Nandi, U.(2024): Image classification with deconvolution operation and augmentation, The Computer Journal, Oxford University Press, 2024;, bxae099,
  2. Sarkar, A., Singh, M.M. & Sharma, H.S.(2024): Artificial recurrent neural network coordinated secured transmission towards safeguarding confidentiality in smart Industrial Internet of Things. International  Journal of  Machine Learning and  Cybernatics (2024), Springer, DOI:
  3. Sarkar, N.K., Singh, M.M., Nandi, U. and  Mandal, J.K.,(2024): Ensemble Transfer Learning for Image Classification, ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 25–36, Nov. 2024, DOI:
  4. Bhakta,S., Nandi, U., Mahapatra,K.R., Singh,M.M. and Noorwali, A.(2024): SWOSBC: A novel optimizer for learning Convolutional Neural Network, IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3481640
  5. Singh, M.M. and Sarkar, N.K.(2024). Capsule Network Approach for Image Classification. In: Gunjan, V.K., Zurada, J.M. (eds) Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Recent Trends in Machine Learning, IoT, Smart Cities and Applications. ICMISC 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 873. Springer, Singapore.
  6. Sarkar, A., Nandi, U. Singh, M.M., Paul, B. and Selvaraju, R.(2024): Finding efficient activation functions for deep learning based hyperspectral image classification. International Conference on Data Analytics and Insights(ICDAI 2024), July 25-27, 2024, Kolkata, India.(Best Paper Award-1st Runner-Up)
  7. Singh, M.M., Sharma, H.S. & Sarkar, A. (2024). PSO-based Hyperparameter Optimization in CNN for detection of Mirai and GAFGYT attacks in WSNs. 2nd International Conference on Women in Multifaceted Research (ICWMR-2024),11th - 12th, March 2024,Gopal Narayan Singh University, Bihar, India
  8. Singh, M.M., Sarkar,N.K. & Nandi, U.(2023)Image classification using few shot learning, International Conference on Evolutionary Artificial Intelligence(ICEAI 2023), 13-14 September, 2023, Taylor's University Lakeside Campus,  Malaysia.(Best Paper Award)
  9. Sarkar,A.,Nandi,U.,Paul,B.,Ghosal,S.K.,Singh,M.M.,Mandal,J.K. and Faruqui, N.(2023): Searching optimizers for deep learning based hyperspectral image classification, International Conference on Computational Technologies and Electronics(ICCTE 2023), 23-25 November, 2023, University of North Bengal, India.
  10. Sharma, H.S., Sarkar, A. & Singh, M.M. (2023): An efficient deep learning-based solution for network intrusion detection in wireless sensor network. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management (2023), Springer,
  11. Sarkar, N.K., Singh, M.M. & Nandi, U.(2023): A novel deep neural network model using network deconvolution with attention based activation for crop disease classification. Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023). Springer,
  12. Thockchom, N., Singh, M.M. & Nandi, U.(2023):  A novel ensemble learning-based model for network intrusion detection. Complex & Intelligent Systems(2023),  Springer,
  13. Ghorai, A., Nandi, U., Changdar, C., Si,T.,Singh,M.M. & Mandal,J.K.(2023): Indian sign language recognition system using network deconvolution and spatial transformer network. Neural Computing & Applications(2023), Springer.
  14. Sharma, H.S, Singh, M.M., Sarkar, A. (2023): Detection of Mirai and GAF-GYT Attack in Wireless Sensor Network. In: Hemanth, J., Pelusi, D., Chen, J.IZ. (eds) Intelligent Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things, Engineering Cyber-Physical Systems and Critical Infrastructures, vol 3. pp 587-597, Springer, Cham.
  15. Bhakta, S., Nandi, U., Mahapatra, K.R., Singh, M.M., Ghosal, S.K., Paul, B. (2023). ATCBBC: A Novel Optimizer for Neural Network Architectures. In: Gopi, E.S., Maheswaran, P. (eds) Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Computational Intelligence for Wireless Communication. (MDCWC 2023). Signals and Communication Technology. Springer, Cham.
  16. Sharma, H.S., Singh, M.M., Sarkar, A. (2023): Machine Learning-Based DoS Attack Detection Techniques in Wireless Sensor Network: A Review. In: Kumar, A., Ghinea, G., Merugu, S., Hashimoto, T. (eds) Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive and Intelligent Computing, Cognitive Science and Technology , pp 583-597, Springer Singapore.
  17. Bhakta, S., Nandi, U., Changdar, C.,Singh, M.M. (2023). angularParameter: A Novel Optimization Technique for Deep Learning Models. In: Sisodia, D.S., Garg, L., Pachori, R.B., Tanveer, M. (eds) Machine Intelligence Techniques for Data Analysis and Signal Processing. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 997, pp. 201-212, Springer, Singapore.
  18. Sarkar,N.K, Singh, MM. and Nandi,U.(2022): Recent researches on image classification using deep learning approach, International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, University of Bahrain, pp 1357-1374,ISSN: 2210-142X, DOI:
  19. Singh,M.M. and Kane, N.(2022): Outlier detection using ensemble learning, 2022 6th International Conference on Information Technology(InCIT),Nonthaburi, 10-11 November 2022, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Panyapiwat Institute of Management(PIM),Thailand, 2022, pp. 234-239, doi: 10.1109/InCIT56086.2022.10067524.
  20. Sarkar, A., Sharma, H.S. & Singh, M.M.(2022): A supervised machine learning-based solution for efficient network intrusion detection using ensemble learning based on hyperparameter optimization.  International Journal of  Information Technology, Springer  (2022).
  21. Sarkar, N.K., Singh, M.M., Nandi, U. (2022): Learning Based Image Classification Techniques, In: Mukhopadhyay, S., Sarkar, S., Dutta, P., Mandal, J.K., Roy, S. (eds) Computational Intelligence in Communications and Business Analytics. CICBA 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1579. pp 28-44,Springer, Cham.
  22. Nandi, U., Ghorai, A., Singh, M.Met al.(2022): Indian sign language alphabet recognition system using CNN with diffGrad optimizer and stochastic pooling.  Multimedia Tools and Applications (2022), Springer,
  23. Singh,N.B., Singh, M.M., Sarkar, A. and Mandal,J.K.,(2021): A novel wide & deep transfer learning stacked GRU framework for network intrusion detection. Elsevier's Journal of Information Security and Applications,Volume 61,September 2021,
  24. Sarkar,A., Singh, M.M., Khan,M.Z. and Alhazmi,O.H.,(2021): Nature-Inspired Gravitational Search-guided Artificial Neural Key Exchange For IoT Security Enhancement, IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 76780-76795, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3082262.
  25. Sarkar,A., Singh,M.M and Mandal,J.K.,(2021): Neural Synchronization-Guided Concatenation of Header and Secret Shares for Secure Transmission of Patients’ Electronic Medical Record: Enhancing Telehealth Security for COVID-19, Arab J Sci Eng 46, Springer, pp 3301–3317 (2021).
  26.  Singh, N.B.,Singh, M.M. and Sarkar,A. (2022): Deep Learning Architectures, Libraries and Frameworks in Healthcare, In: Sujata Dash, Subhendu Kumar Pani, Joel Rodrigues, Babita Majhi(Eds) Deep Learning, Machine learning and IoT in Biomedical and Health Informatics Techniques and Applications, 1st Edition, Chapter 13, pp 221-248, eISBN:9780367548445,CRC Press, Taylor & Francis,Group.
  27. Sarkar,A., Khan, M.Z., Singh,M.M., Noorwali,A., Chakraborty,C. and Pani,S.K.,(2021): Artificial Neural Synchronization Using Nature Inspired Whale Optimization, IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 16435-16447, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3052884.
  28. Nandi U., Ghorai A., Laya B., Singh M.M. (2021): A Fast Partitioning Strategy: Its Application to Fractal Image Coding. In: Sherpa K.S., Bhoi A.K., Kalam A., Mishra M.K. (eds) Advances in Smart Grid and Renewable Energy. ETAEERE 2020. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 691, Pp 237-247, Springer, Singapore.
  29. Nandi, U., Ghorai, A.,Laya, B. and Singh,M.M.(2020): Three-level hierarchical classification scheme: Its application to fractal image compression technique, In S.C. Satapathy et al.(eds.), Intelligent Data Engineering and Analytics, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1177, Pp 123-132, Springer Nature Singapore Pte. Ltd (2021) DOI:
  30. Singh, M.M., Dutta,N., Singh,T.R. and Nandi,U.(2020): A technique to detect wormhole attack in wireless sensor network using artificial neural network, In V. Suma et al. (eds.), Evolutionary Computing and Mobile Sustainable Networks, Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies 53.Pp 297-307, Springer Nature Singapore Pte. Ltd. (2020) DOI:
  31. Singh, M.M and Barthakur, S.(2019): A review on techniques of misdirection attack detection in wireless sensor network,  Proceedings of International conference on advances in Architecture,Engineering & Chemical Sciences Thailand 2019, Asian Institute of Technology Conference center,Bangkok,Thailand,pp 175, Nov15-16, 2019, ISBN: 978-93-86435-95-8
  32. Singh, M.M. and Mandal, J.K.(2019): Gray hole attack analysis in AODV based mobile ad hoc network with reliability metric, Proceedings of 2019  IEEE 4th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems(ICCCS 2019), 23-25 February 2019, Pp 565-569, Nanyang Technological University Singapore.
  33. Dutta, N. and Singh,M.M.(2019):  Wormhole attack in wireless sensor network: A critical review, In:  J.K.Mandal et al (eds.), Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies,  Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 702, pp 147-161. Springer Nature Singapore Pte. Ltd, (2019) DOI:
  34. Singh, M.M. and Mandal, J.K.(2018), Impact of black hole attack on reliability of mobile ad hoc network under DSDV routing protocol, International Journal of Systems, Control and communications,(Inderscience), Vol.9,No.1,pp.20-30, ISSN: 1755-9340.(2018).
  35. Singh, M.M. and Basumatary, H.(2018), MERAM-R: Multi-clustered energy efficient routing algorithm with randomly moving sink node,  J Sci Ind Res, Vol. 77(01)2018,pp.15-17, ISSN: 0022-4456.
  36. Singh, M.M. and Mandal, J.K(2018).: Effect of black hole attack on MANET reliability in DSR routing protocol, In: R.K.Chaudhary et al. (eds.), Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 562, pp 275-283. Springer Nature Singapore Pte. Ltd, (2018), DOI: Paper Award in 10th ICACCT 2016, APIIT SD, India)
  37. Basumatary, H and Singh,M.M.(2018): Multi clustered energy efficient routing algorithm with mobile sink node moving in clockwise direction, In: B.Tiwari et al.(eds.), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 34, pp 645-654. Springer Nature Singapore Pte. Ltd, (2018) DOI:
  38. Singh, M.M. and Dutta, N.(2017), Security issues in wireless sensor networks, International Journal of Distributed and Cloud Computing, Vol.5, Issue 2, December 2017, pp.07-16, ISSN: 2321-6840. 
  39. Singh, M.M. and Mandal, J.K(2017)., Reliability of MANET under the influence of black hole attack in ad hoc on demand distance vector routing protocol, J Sci Ind Res, Vol 76(07)2017,pp 423-426,ISSN: 0022-4456.
  40. Singh, M.M. and Basumatary, H.(2017), Lifetime analysis of wireless sensor network considering stay time and stay location of the sink node, CSI Journal of Computing, Vol.3, No.2, July 2017, pp 01-08, e-ISSN: 2277-7091.
  41. Singh, M.M. and Mandal, J.K.(2017), Logistic regression based reliability analysis for mobile ad hoc network with fixed maximum speed and varying pause times,  J Sci Ind Res, Vol.76 (02) 2017, pp 81-84, ISSN: 0022-4456.
  42. Singh, M.M., Singh, A., Mandal, J.K(2015), A Snapshot of Black Hole Attack Detection in MANET, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), New York USA, Vol 16, Number 14, April 2015, ISSN: 0975-8887, DOI: 10.5120/20406-2759, pp 23-26, 2015.
  43. Singh, M.M. and Mandal, J.K.(2015): Reliability analysis of mobile ad hoc network, Proceedings of 7th IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN-2015), 12-14 December 2015. Jabalpur, India, ISBN: 978-1-5090-0076-0. IEEE Xplore, DOI: 10.1109/CICN.2015.39.
  44. Pal, M, Mandal, J. K., Singh, M. M.(2015): Modified PCT on Variable Cipher Block Chaining Mode, In: J.K.Mandal(eds.), Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 340, pp457- 465. Springer India 2015, DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-2247-7_47.
  45. Singh, M.M. and Mandal, J.K.(2015): Reliability computation method for computer network under wired scenario, Proceedings of the National Conference on Computing, Communication and Information Processing (NCCCIP-2015), 2-3 May 2015. NERIST,Nirjuli, India, ISBN: 978-93-84935-27-6, pp 206-213, 2015.
  46. Kalita, H., Singh, M.M. and Tuithung,T.(2015): A Reversible Secrete Image Sharing Scheme in Matrix Projection Using Discrete Haar Wavelet Transform, Proceedings of the National Conference on Computing, Communication and Information Processing(NCCCIP-2015), 2-3 May 2015. NERIST,Nirjuli, India, ISBN: 978-93-84935-27-6, pp 105-111, 2015.
  47. Singh, M.M., Singh, A, Mandal, J.K(2014), Towards Techniques of Detecting Node Replication Attack in Static Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Information and Computation Technology, Vol 4, Number 2(2014), ISSN: 0974-2239, pp 153-164, 2014.
  48. Singh, M.M., Singh, A, Mandal, J.K.(2014): Preventing Node Replication Attack in Static Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Xplore,DOI:10.1109/ICRITO.2014.7014687, 2014.
  49. Singh, M.M., Baruah, M, Mandal, J.K.(2014): Reliability Computation of Mobile Adhoc Network Using Logistic Regression, IEEE Xplore, DOI: 10.1109/WOCN.2014.6923060,2014.
  50. Singh, M.M.(2013),Computing Network Reliability Where Nodes are Imperfectly Reliable and Links are Perfectly Reliable, Cyber Times International Journal of Technology and Management, Vol 6, Issue 1, October 2012-March 2013,ISSN: 2278-7518, pp 108-113, 2013.
  51. Bar, R.K, Mandal, J.K, Singh, M.M.(2013): QoS of MANet Through Trust Based AODV Routing Protocol by Exclusion of Black Hole Attack, Elsevier Procedia Technology volume 10,2013, Elsevier DOI: 10.1016/j.protcy.2013.12.392, pp 530-537, 2013.
Sl. No.TitlePlaceDate

Delivered an Invited Talk titled "Precision Disease Classification through Deep Learning: Unlocking Accurate Diagnostics"2024 International Conference on Precission Bio-Medicine and Sustainable Smart City Development (ICPBSSC), organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technolo gy, India and National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan, September 4-6,20246th September 2024
2Delivered an Invited Talk titled  "Unsupervised Machine Learning based Techniques for NIDs"2024 6th Asia Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ACMLC 2024), Bangkok, Thailand, July 26-28,2024.27th July 2024
3Delivered an Invited Talk titled  "Machine Learning / Deep Learning- based Techniques for NIDs"2024 4th International Conference on Computer Communication and Information Systems(CCCIS 2024),Phuket,Thailand (Virtual Conference), February 27-29,202428th February 2024
4Delivered a technical talk titled "Ensemble Learning Approach for NIDs"Pre-2nd International Conference on Women in Multifaceted Research(ICWMR -2024) Tutorial organised by Gopal Narayan Singh University, Bihar, India on 25th November 2023.25th November 2023
5Delivered a technical talk titled "Cyber Security Issues and Challanges""Cyber Jagrookta Diwas 2022" organised by North Eastren Electric Corporation Limited(NEEPCO), HQShillong, Meghalaya.2nd November 2022
6Delivered a technical talk titled "Deep Learning Approach for Cyber Security"Pre-ICRITO 2021 Faculty Development Program on "Modern Engineering Technologies"  organised by Amity Institute of Information Technology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India during 23-31August 202127th August 2021
7Delivered an Invited  Talk titled "Machine Learning Techniques for Wireless Sensor Network: Issues and Challenges"International Conference on "Recent Trend and Practices in Science, Technology, Management and Humanities for Sustainable Rural Development (STMH- 2019)University of Science and Technology Meghalaya7 September 2019
8Delivered a talk on the topic  titled “Fault Tolerant Computing”Faculty Development Program titled “Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology", NERIST3 August 2013
9Delivered a talk on the topic titled" Information and Network Security"Workshop on Information Security- A Practicl Approach  under ISEA Project, NERIST1-10 March 2008

1. Projects/ Consultancies/ Collaborations

A. TitleUtilisation of Technology for Improving the Supervision of Criminal Case Investigation.

Collaborating Organization - Superintendent of Police  Seppa, Arunachal Pradesh Police,

Duration- 1 Year(June 8, 2022 to June 2, 2023)

Role: Project Investigator

B. Title: "Technological Intervention using Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things for Smart Agriculture in North East India". Funding Agency: NEC, Ministry of DoNER, GoI, Amount: Rs 19.73 Lakh, Duration: 03 Years, Role: Principal Investigator

2. Patents Granted   :   Patent Number :542853, Patent Office, Govt. of India, Date of Filing: 30.7.2021, Date of Grant: 25.6.2024, Term: 20 years, Inventors: Dr. Moirangthem Marjit Singh and Dr. Hanjabam Saratchandra Sharma.

3. PhD Scholars

  1. Mr. Hanjabam Saratchandra Sharma (Roll No. PhD/PT/19/CSE/01, Regn. No. 519/001, Date of Registration: 26.07.2019, Date of Defence: 15.03.2024,TitleMachine Learning Approach for Detection of Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks): (Status: Awarded)
  2. Mr. Nayan Kumar Sarkar(Roll No. PhD/PT/20/CS/02, Regn. No: 520/026, Date of Registration: 21.11.2020):  (Status: Pre-submission held on 13 December 2024).

4. No. of MTech Thesis Supervised: 12

5. No. of UG Projects Supervised: 15

6. Academic Internships Supervised

1. TitleHuman finger detection and counting using convolutional neural network. Semester :July-Dec 2022

    Students: Mrinal Kanti Roy, Himangsu Kalita, Shiva Sharma, Dipankar Baruah, Ashish Jaishwal 

   Organization: Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Jorhat Engineering College, Assam,India

7. Editorials

  1. Editor- Proceedings of IEEE 15th International WOCN Conference-2018. (ISBN:978-1-5386-4798-1)
  2. Editor- Proceedings of IEEE 13th International WOCN Conference-2016. (ISBN:978-1-4673-8973-0)
  3. Reviewer Board- Handbook of Research on Natural Computing for Optimization Problems (ISSN:2327-0411, EISSN:2327-042X), Published by IGI Global book series Advances in Computational Intelligence and Robotics(ACIR), USA. (2016)
  4. Editor- Proceedings of National Conference on Computing, Communication and Information Processing(NCCCIP-2015), 2-3 May 2015, NERIST Nirjuli, Arunahal Pradesh, India. [Sponsored by AICTE]
  5. Editor- Proceedings of IEEE 11th International WOCN Conference-2014. (ISBN:978-1-4799-3155-2)
  6. Editorial Board- Proceedings of IEEE 10th International WOCN Conference-2013. (ISBN:978-1-4673-5997-9)

8. Webinars Organized during COVID pandemic

  1. Conducted a National Webinar on “Computer Networks and Security” held on 4 March 2021 at NERIST, Arunachal Pradesh. (Program Chair)
  2. Conducted a National Webinar on “IoT and it’s Applications” held on 25 February 2021 at NERIST, Arunachal Pradesh. (Program Chair)
  3. Conducted a National Webinar on “Recent Trends in Industry 4.0” held on 11 February 2021 at NERIST, Arunachal Pradesh. (Program Chair)
  4. Conducted a Technical Talk cum Webinar on “Inter-antenna Interference in MIMO Wireless” held on 13 February 2021 at IE(I) Arunachal Pradesh State Centre, (Program Convener)

9. Countries visited

  1. Singapore (21-26 February 2019,Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore)
  2. Thailand (9-12 November 2022, Panyapiwat Institute of Management, Nonthaburi, Bangkok)
  3. Malaysia(12-15 September 2023, Taylor's University, Malaysia)
  4. Thailand(25-28 July 2024, Asian Institute of Technology Bangkok, Rangsit University, Bangkok University)

10 .Reviewer in Journals

1. Wireless Networks Springer

2. Microsystem Technologies Springer

3. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering Springer

4.Journal of ambient intelligence & humanized computing

5. SN Computer Science Springer

6. PloS One

7.IEEE Internet Computing

8. Expert Systems Wiley