Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Dr. Pranab Kishore Dutta


Semiconductor Devices, Biosensors, and VLSI Circuits, Digital Design

(EPBX/Office):0360 2257401-8 extn. 9109
From(Date of Joining)ToDesignationOrganisationNature of Association
24/07/2022Till DateProfessorNERISTRegular
24/07/201923/07/2022Associate ProfessorNERISTRegular
24/07/200623/07/2019Assistant ProfessorNERISTRegular
August 2001July 2006LecturerSMIT, SikkimRegular
B.E.Instrumentation EngineeringDibrugarh University 
M.TechElectronics Design & TechnologyTezpur University 
PhDSemiconductor Devices & VLSI CircuitsJadavpur University 
  1. Annual Member of IEEE
  2. Life Member of ISTE
  3. Fellow of  IEI
  4. Life Member of IETE
TitleCourse CodeModuleSemester
Digital IC DesignEC 7034M.Tech1st
Low Power VLSI DesignEC7032M.Tech2nd
Advanced Computer ArchitectureEC7028M.Tech1st
Advanced Computer Architecture.IT7101M.Tech1st
Digital IC DesignEC6039Degree2nd
Computer Architecture and OrganizationEC5100Degree1st
Introduction to VLSI Design.EC5200Degree2nd
Advanced MicroprocessorsEC 5201Degree2nd
Digital Circuits and DesignEC4301Degree1st
Communication EngineeringEC4402Degree2nd
Microprocessor and ApplicationsEC4403Degree2nd
Digital Circuits & DesignEC4100Diploma1st
Linear Integrated CircuitEC4200(N)Diploma2nd
Communication EngineeringEC4200Diploma2nd
Microprocessor and ApplicationsEC4201Diploma2nd
Electronic Circuit and DevicesEC4121Diploma1st
Title of ProjectNames of Students
Analytical Modeling of Nanogap Silicon on Nothing (SON) Field Effect Transistor (FET) BiosensorVikas Pandey
Design and Implementation of a Low Leakage Energy Efficient Domino-Logic Circuit. (M.Tech)Deepti Tripathi
High performance leakage tolerant keeper domino circuit for wide fan-in gates (M.Tech)Catherine Langpoklakpam
Study and performance Analysis of Memory Cell Using D-FF in hybrid SET-MOS Architecture (M.Tech)Sharali Jun Gogoi
Study and Analysis of single electronic transistor at room temperature and its performance in hybrid SET MOS architecture (M.Tech).Dayananda Rajkumar
Digital Image Watermarking using Fast Walsh Transform (M.Tech).MrigankaGogoi
3D Scanning Using Laser Triangulation Method (Degree)Ankita Deb & Masum Imran Laskar
Study and performance analysis of hybrid SET-MOS circuits at room temperature. (Degree)Subhom Choudhury, Ashem Chingkhei Meitei, Abinash Thapa, Paolenmang Hmar
Design and performance analysis of digital circuits using single electron transistors. (Degree)Christopher G Paulthanglen, Priya Singh, Anupam Sarkar
Speaker recognition using Principal Component Analysis (ICA) (Degree)Anderson FendySyiemlieh, Debajit Bora, Sunil Kumar Chaudhary.
Microcontroller based pick and place robot(Degree).AnutoshDatta, Rajul Kumar Pandey, Rahul Deb, Surjit Bhowmick.
Remote controlled cellphone operated electric car (Degree).Ajitabh Kumar Tiwari, DiptanuNath, EtiPriyam, Kallol Das.
Implementation of Single Bit Error Correction by Unsystematic Encoder and Decoder Using VHDL (Degree).Meenakshi Singh, NupurMorayya.
Implementation of Unsystematic Cyclic codes on DSP 56F8300 Hybrid Board (Degree).Bed Prakash Pokhrel, GokulDeka, Sachin Kashyap.
Design and Simulation of a 2 bit ALU using Verilog HDL (Degree).ChautanBhowmik, Ashmita Paul, Minakshi Shukla.
Wireless Data logging and control system (Diploma).Bharat Chandra, BishwajeetSah, Md. ManzilHyssain, Prateek.
Microcontroller based DAM gate control System (Diploma).Bhaskarjyoti Pathak, Prakash BorpatraGohain, RupjyotiKalita, Tasso Tadi.
Microprocessor based automatic home appliance controller (Diploma)Ashutosh, Randheer Kr. Ravi, Danish Khan, sunil Kumar
Study and design of remote controlled power off switch (Diploma).Marbom Lollen, Meenakshi Singh, Nupur Morayya, Paramita Ghosh, Poly Karmakar.
Microprocessor based unmanned level crossing and automatic track control (Diploma).Diptanu Nath, Ajitabh Kumar Tiwari, Kallol Das
TopicScholar NameStatus of PHDRegistration Year
Design and Analysis of High Performance Improved Domino Logic Technique with Higher Noise ImmunitySapna Rani GhimirayAwarded2015
Modeling and Simulation of Field Effect Transistor Based BiosensorsKhuraijam Nelson Singh Awarded2017
Architectural Design and Analysis of Phase Lock LoopMriganka GogoiOngoing2018
Course work completedKaushik DasOngoing2020
Course NameSponsored ByDate
Present a Invited talk on Recent Trends in VLSI DesignKaziranga University30 Oct. 2019
FDP on VLSI Chip Design Hands on using open source EDADeptt of ECE, NERIST, and E & ICT Academy, IIT Guwahati08th – 12th July 2019
FDP on Antenna TrendsDeptt of ECE, NERIST, and E & ICT Academy, IIT Guwahati01st – 05th July 2019
FDP on Advancements in Signal Processing and optimizationDeptt of ECE, NERIST, and E & ICT Academy, IIT Guwahati03rd - 07th June 2019
NPTEL FDP online certification course on CMOS Digital VLSI Design.NPTELFeb 2019 to April 2019  (8 weeks )
FDP on Emerging trends on Wireless communication. Meity GOI and NERIST26/11/2018 to 30/11/2018
Presented a paper in IEEE International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON-2018)IEEE & Galgotia University28th -29th Sep 2018.
NPTEL FDP online certifaction course on Op-Amp Practical Applications: Design, SimulationNPTELJuly 2018 to Oct 2018 (12 weeks)
Workshop on Emerging areas of electronics and communication engineeringJadavpur University29/07/2016 to 29/07/2016
FDP on recent advancements of electrical machines and industrial applications.TEQIP, NERIST04/11/2015 to 08/11/2015
Prsented a paper in Michael Faraday IET International Summit: MFIIS-2015.Calcutta University & IET12th - 13th September 2015
Presented a paper in IEEE International conference on computing communication and automation (ICCCA 2015)IEEE & Galgotia University15th -16th May 2015
Presented a paper in International conference on Computing and Communication Systems (I3CS’15),NEHU Shillong & IRD, India9th -10th April 2015
ASC-UGC Refresher Course on "Nano Devices and Low Power VLSI Design"ASC-UGC, Jadavpur University.11/12/2013 to 02/01/201414
TEQIP FDP “Advances in Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Robotics”TEQIP, NERIST26/06/2012 to 30/06/2012
TEQIP FDP on "Emerging Research Areas in Electronics and Communication Engg"TEQIP, NERIST15/05/2012 to 19/05/2012
 TEQIP FDP on "Emerging Research Areas in Computer Science and Information Technology"TEQIP, NERIST01/05/2012 to 05/05/2012
12th North East Workshop on "Computational Information Processing"NERIST, ISI Kolkata22/02/2012 to 25/02/2012
2nd One day INDEST user ConventionNERIST, INDEST10/09/2011 to 10/09/2011
AICTE sponsored Staff Development Programme on “Recent Advances in Mechanics and their Application in Nano Engineering & Technology”AICTE, NERIST01/08/2011 to 12/08/2011
One day Seminar on “Nanoelectronics/ VLSI”NERIST, IEEE EDS  Calcutta  Chapter09/04/2011 to 09/04/2011
North East Spring School on "Graphs: Theory , Algorithms and Applications"ISI Kolkata, NERIST22/02/10 to 25/02/10
IEEE workshop on FACTS & SCADANERIST05/12/2009 to 05/12/2009
Workshop on “Frontier in Electronics and Communication”NERIST, University of Calcutta.07/08/2009 to 09/08/2009
AICTE sponsored short term course on “VLSI Design Verification and Test”AICTE, IIT Guwahati.08/06/2009 to 12/06/2009
Short term training programme on “Behavioural Competency Development: Psychological Aspects”NERIST, AICTE, ISTE23/03/2009 to 27/03/2009
Two weeks training programme on "Remote Sensing and GIS for Natural Resourse Management"ISRO, SMIT Sikkim02/06/2008 to 15/06/2008
Short term course on “Information Security-A Practical Approach”DIT, NERIST01/03/2008 to 10/03/2008
Workshop on “Advances in Devices, Communication and IT”NERIST,  TEQIP-UCTCU16/07/2007 to 18/07/2007
IEEE workshop on Mobile Communication, Advanced  Embedded Systems & Nanotechnology”IEEE Calcutta Section, SMIT Sikkim03/05/2006 to 04/05/2006
Short term courses on “RF & Microwave for Wireless Applications”IIT Kharagpur29/06/2004 to 10/07/2004
STTP on “Microcontrollers  & their Applications”AICTE-ISTE, NERIST16/12/03 to 26/12/03
Short term workshop on “Education Technology”TTTI, Kolkata09/06/2003 to 21/06/2003
  1. Khuraijam Nelson Singh, Pranab Kishore Dutta, "Analytical modeling of underlap graded channel field effect transistor as a label-free biosensor" Journal of Superlattices and Microstructures,Volume 155, July 2021, 106897, ISSN: 0749-6036, (Impact Factor: 2.658 )
  2. Shivam Kumar, Thokala Harikrishna, Pranab K Dutta, Amit Jain, "A Sub-threshold Low Noise Amplifier Design with an Emphasis on PVT Analysis", IEEE 6th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT) Coimbatore, India 2021,
  3. Khuraijam Nelson Singh, Pranab Kishore Dutta,"Chapter 8: Analytical Design of FET-Based Biosensors" Book ;Advanced VLSI Design and Testability Issues, Imprint CRC press, August 2020, eBook ISBN: 9781003083436
  4. Khuraijam Nelson Singh, Pranab Kishore Dutta, "Analytical Modeling of High-K Underlap Dielectric and Charge Modulated Silicon on Nothing FET Based Biosensor", Journal of Computational Electronics, Volume 19, Issue 2 Page No 1126-1135 June 2020, Electronic ISSN:1572-8137, Print ISSN:1569-8025(Impact Factor: 1.637)
  5. Sapna Rani Ghimiray, Preetisudha Meher, Pranab Kishore Dutta, "An improved charge‐sharing elimination pseudo‐domino logic" International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Volume 48, Issue 8, Page No 1346-1362, August 2020, Online ISSN: 1097-007X, (Impact Factor: 1.554 )
  6. Mriganka Gogoi, Pranab Kishore Dutta,"Review and Analysis of Charge-Pump Phase Locked Loop",International Conference on Electronic Systems and Intelligent Computing, ESIC 2020 (Springer) NIT Arunachal Pradesh, 02-04th March 2020.
  7. Sapna Rani Ghimiray, Pranab Kishore Dutta, "High-Performance Energy-Efficient Stacked-Pseudo Domino based Full Adder Cell", IEEE International Seminar Cum Research Colloquium on MEMS based Sensors and Smart Nanostructured Devices, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India 27th December 2019
  8. Vikas Pandey, Nelson Khuraijam, Pranab Kishore Dutta, "Analysis of Stack Gate Oxide Nanogap Silicon on Nothing (SON) for Biosensing Application", 5th International Conference on Computers & Management skills(ICCM 2019), NERIST, Arunachal Pradesh India, December 15-16, 2019
  9. Khuraijam Nelson Singh, Amit Jain, Pranab Kishore Dutta, "Analysis of Split Gate Dielectric and Charge Modulated SON FET as Biosensor", Communication, Devices and Networking (ICCDN-2019), Sikkim, India, 9-10 December 2019.
  10. Sapna Rani Ghimiray, Preetisudha Meher, Pranab Kishore Dutta,"Noise Immune Pseudo-Stacked-wide keeper Domino technique for Ultra Deep Submicron Technology", International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Volume 8, Issue 6, Page No 3001-3009, August 2019, ISSN: 2249 – 8958
  11. SR Ghimiray, PK Dutta, "Novel leakage current reduction domino technique for Leakage tolerant hybrid XOR gate", Journal of Analysis and Computation, Volume 13 Issue 2 Page No 1-10,March 2019  ISSN 0973-2861
  12.  Khuraijam Nelson Singh, Pranab Kishore Dutta, "Comparative Analysis of Underlapped Silicon on Insulator and Underlapped Silicon on Nothing Dielectric and Charge Modulated FET based Biosensors", 3rd IEEE International conferenceDevices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC 2019), 2019, Kalyani, West Bengal.
  13. C Langpoklakpam, SR Ghimiray, PK Dutta, "A Novel High-Performance Leakage-Tolerant Keeper Domino Circuit for Wide Fan-In Gates", Advances in Communication, Devices and Networking, Springer, Singapore, pp 11-19, 2019, DOI:
  14. Sapna Rani Ghimiray, Pranab Kishore Dutta, " Strength-Varying keeper based 4: 1 MUX for low-leakage and low jitter at 500 MHz Clock, IEEE International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies  (GUCON-2018), Pg. No 997-1002. 2018 DOI: 10.1109/GUCON.2018.8675094
  15. SR Ghimiray, P Meher, PK Dutta, "Ultralow power, noise immune stacked‐double stage clocked‐inverter domino technique for ultradeep submicron technology", International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications Volume 46, Issue 11,  Page 1953-1967, 2018, ISSN Online ISSN:1097-007X, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. (Impact Factor: 1.554 )
  16. A Jain, A Ghosh, PK Dutta, NB Singh, SK Sarkar,  "Error probability independent delay analysis of single electronics circuits", International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Volume 46, Issue 2 Page:  290-298, 2018, ISSN Online ISSN:1097-007X, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., (Impact Factor: 1.554 )
  17. Sapna Rani Ghimiray, Preetisudha Meher, Pranab Kishore Dutta, Energy efficient, noise immune 4× 4 Vedic multiplier using semi-domino logic style, TENCON 2017 IEEE, Pg. No1037-1041, 2017 DOI: 10.1109/TENCON.2017.8228010
  18. Sujit Kumar Singh, Rusni Kima Mangang, Pranab Kishore Dutta, "Design and implemntation of intelligent car parking system", International journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System. Volume 6 Issue 3,Page 143-146, March 2017, ISSN 2348-117X, DOI:
  19. A Sarkar, PK Dutta, A Ghosh, S Ray, SK Sarkar, "Implementation of Universal Gates (NAND) Based on Nano-Magnetic Logic Using Multiferroics", Quantum Matter 5, Volume 4, 2016, Pages 505–509, ISSN ISSN: 2164-7615 , DOI:
  20. Mukherjee Sudipta,  BandyopadhyayDipan,  Dutta Pranab Kishore &  Sarkar Subir Kumar, "Quantum analytical modeling and simulation of CNT on insulator (COI) and CNT on nothing (CON) FET: a comparative analysis", Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics, Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 91–97 , June 2016, ISSN 1735-9325, DOI 10.1007/s40094-015-0205-5
  21. Dayananda Rajkumar, Pranab Kishore Dutta, Subir Kumar Sarkar, "Design and implementation of 4-bit ripple carry adder using SETMOS architecture", IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT), Pg. No. 58-61, 2016, DOI: 10.1109/RTEICT.2016.7807782
  22. Dutta Pranab Kishore, Bibhas Manna and Subir Kumar Sarkar, “Analytical modeling of linearly graded alloy material gate recessed ultra thin body source/drain SON MOSFET” Journal of Superlattices and Microstructures,Volume 77, January 2015, Pages 64–75, ISSN: 0749-6036, (Impact Factor: 2.385 )
  23. Bag J,  Roy SDutta P.K.,SarkarSK, “Design of a DPSK Modem Using CORDIC Algorithm and Its FPGA Implementation”,IETE Journal of Research, Vol 60 Issue5, Pages 355-363 September 2014, (Impact Factor: 0.829 )
  24. Bag ,J., SahooRashmi Ranjan, Dutta P.K.,  Sarkar Subir Kumar, “Design and VLSI Implementation of Power Efficient Processor for object localization in Large WSN”, Int. J. High Performance Systems Architecture, Inderscience Journal, page- 204-217, vol 4, 2013. DOI:10.1504/IJHPSA.2013.058982, ISSN: Online 1751-6536
  25. SarkhelSaheli,  Manna Bibhas, Dutta P.K.and   Sarkar Subir Kumar, “Analytical Model for performance comparison of a nano scale dual material double gate Silicon on insulator SOI and Silicon on nothing SON MOSFET”, Journal of Nano engineering and Nano manufacturing,vol 4, 2013, ISSN: Online ISSN: 2157-9334, DOI:
  26. Dutta Pranab Kishore, BaggaNavjeet, NaskarKausik, Sarkar Subir Kumar, “Analysis and simulation of dual metal double gate son mosfet using hafnium dioxide for better performance” Michael Faraday IET International Summit: MFIIS-2015, September 12 – 13, 2015, Kolkata, India.
  27. Pranab Kishore Dutta, N Basanta Singh, Amit Jain, Subir Kumar Sarkar, "Design and Implementation of An Asynchronous Arbiter Circuit using SET CMOS Hybrid Architecture Approach", IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA2015),Noida,India 15-16 May 2015. DOI:10.1109/CCAA.2015.7148610
  28. Dutta Pranab Kishore, BaggaNavjeet, NaskarKausik, Sarkar Subir Kumar, “A comparative analysis of Nano SON DMDG MOSFET using Hafnium oxide as dielectric for better performance”, International Conference on Computing and Communication Systems (I3CS’15),Shillong, India,9th to 10th April, 2015
  29. SheeSharmistha, Bhattacharyya Gargee, Dutta Pranab Kishore and Subir Kumar Sarkar, “Threshold voltage roll-off and DIBL Model for DMDG SON MOSFET: A Quantum  Study” , IEEE TechSym 2014 IEEE Students' Technology Symposium IIT Kharagpur, India, DOI:10.1109/TechSym.2014.6808080
  30. SheeSharmistha, Bhattacharyya Gargee, Dutta Pranab Kishore and Sarkar Subir Kumar , “Quantum Confinement Effects in the Subthreshold Characteristics of Short-Channel          DMDG MOSFET” CIEC14: International Conference on Control, Instrumentation,  Energy & Communication, Kolkata, India.2014, DOI:10.1109/CIEC.2014.6959062
  31. Bhattacharyya Gargee, SheeSharmistha, Dutta Pranab Kishore and Sarkar Subir Kumar, “Influence of Mole Fraction Variation of Binary Metal Gate on SON MOSFET Device          Performance”, ICAEE-14: International Conference on Advances in Electrical    Engineering, Vellore, India, Jan-2014, DOI:10.1109/ICAEE.2014.6838567
  32. Bhattacharyya Gargee, SheeSharmistha, Dutta Pranab Kishore and Sarkar Subir Kumar, “A Quantum Analytical Model for Inversion Current in Short Channel DMDG SON MOSFET” IWPSD: International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Noida, India,page – 197-201 December 2013,DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-03002-9_49
  33. MalakarTiyaDey, MannaBibhas, SarkhelSaheli, NaskarSourav, DuttaP.K., SarkarSubir Kumar, “Small - Signal Parameter Extraction to Study the RF Performance of SOI and SON MOSFET” IEEE conference CODIS 2012, Kolkata, India 2012,DOI:10.1109/CODIS.2012.6422169
  34. Saikia P., Bora D., SyiemliehA. F., ChaudharyS. K.,  MajumderS. and  DuttaP.K., "Real Time Speaker Recognition System using PCA and ICA", in pg 176-181, proceedings of Michael Faraday IET India Summit, Organized by Young Professional Section, IET Kolkata Local Network, Kolkata, India, November 25, 2012
  35. MajumderS., Pal S., Dutta P. K., and Ray A. K."Wavelet and Empirical Mode Decomposition Based QT Interval Analysis of ECG Signal"pg 247-254 proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer interaction, (IHCI 2010) ISBN No: 978-81-8489-540-7, organized by IIIT, Allahabad from 16th to 18th January 2010.
  36. DekaG, KashyapS, PokhrelB P, MajumderS, Dutta P K"Implementation of Unsystematic Cyclic Codes on DSP 56F8300 Hybrid Board", as CIS-6105 in 4th International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication (CODEC 2009), organized by the institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, University of Calcutta, on 14th to 16th December 2009, in Kolkata , West Bengal, India. ISBN 978-81-8465-152-2, IEEE catalog-CFP 09 0111-CDR.
  37. MajumderS., PalS. and DuttaP.K. ,"A Comparative Study for Disease Identifi cation from Heart Auscultation using FFT, Cepstrum and DCT Correlation Coefficients", Vol 23rd proceedings of IFMBE for the 13th International Conference on Biomedical Engg, held at National University of Singapore, Singapore from 3rd to 6th December 2008; Lim, Chwee Teck; Goh, James C.H. (Eds.) 2009, LI, 2303 p. In 3 volumes, ISBN: 978-3-540-92840-9    pg 754–757.
  38. SinghA.D., SubadarR.,  MajumderS. and DuttaP.K.,  "PIC Controlled Self-Navigating Vehicle", pg 47, proceedings of National Conference on Emerging trends and advances in Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy (NCEEERE 2008) held on 22nd to 24th December 2008 Jointly organized by: Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Sikkim & Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of Sikkim under technical colaboration with Institution of Engineers