Department of Civil Engineering

Dr. Ram Kailash Prasad


Groundwater Contamination and Remediation, Soft Computing, Water Distribution Network, Reservoir Operation and Hydrology

(EPBX/Office):03602258579 Ext.: 6133
From(Date of Joining)ToDesignationOrganisationNature of Association
10.12.2013 till dateProfessorNERISTRegular
10.12.20099.12.2013Associate ProfessorNERISTRegular
12.02.20089.12.2009Assistant ProfessorNERISTRegular
02.08.200711.02.2008Senior Lecturer NERISTRegular
01.01.1998    01.08.2007LecturerNERISTRegular
Scholarship received for  GATE 93Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Mumbai1993
QIP FellowshipIndian Institute of Technology, Delhi2004
Awarded Outstanding Council MemberThe Institution of Engineers (India)2020
Ph. D. Civil EngineeringIndian Institute of Technology, Delhi2008
M.Tech.Water Resources EngineeringIndian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Mumbai1995
 B. Sc. (Engg.)(With first Class distinction)Civil EngineeringNational Institute of Technology, Patna 1990
 13.03.2018  27.04. 2011  13.05.2021 19.08.2014 Dean (Planning and Development) HoD of Civil EngineeringNorth Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology (NERIST), Nirjuli North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology (NERIST), Nirjuli
26.07.200130.10.2003Warden, Boys Hostel Block-FNorth Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology (NERIST), Nirjuli
26.10.9815.05.2000Co-ordinator, Faculty on Natural Disaster ManagementNorth Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology (NERIST), Nirjuli
May 2002 . May  2004 Secretary cum Treasurer, ISTE Chapter, NERIST  North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology (NERIST), Nirjuli

1. DST (SPLICE-Climate Change Programme) sponsored Major Research and Development Project (MRDP) (under  Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem (NMSHE) on "Impact  of  Climate  Change  on  Water  Resources  of  Arunachal  Pradesh" for Rs. 2,46,51,965.00 (Rs. two crore fourty six lakh fifty one thousand nine hundred sixty five only for three years (sanctioned vide DST/CCP/MRDP/184/2019(G) dated 28.12.2020).

2. Impact Assessment Studies on Recent Flood in Dikrong River'-- Sponsored by  Faculty on Natural Disaster Management (FNDM), the North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Nirjuli,1999.

3. Conjunctive Management of Surface and Groundwater for Irrigation in the Lower Reaches of Gandak
Command'-- in Collaboration with  Center for Water Resources Studies and International Irrigation Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka, January, 1993.


1.Fellow, The Institution of Engineers (India), FIE, (Membership No. F-1206881)

2. Fellow, Indian Water Resources Society (IWRS), (Membership No. F-2019-1463)

3. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (Membership number 458123)

4. The Environmental and Water Resources Institute of ASCE (Identification number 7902799)

5. International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) (Membership  No. 7075)

6. Indian Socity for Hydraulics (ISH) (Membership No. LM-1544)

7.  Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) (Membership No. LM-31542)

8. Indian Association of Hydrologists (IAH) (Membership No. LM-1348)

9. Member, Indian Tex Users Group


Postgraduate Level: 
Environmental Systems Modelling 

Under Graduate Level: 
Computational Methods in Civil Engineering,
Irrigation and Hydraulic Structures,
Fluid Mechanics--I and II, Ground Water Hydrology,
Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering, Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines,
Water Resources Engineering, Water Supply and Sanitary Services, Watershed Management, Geodetic Surveying, Concrete Technology and RCC Structures, 
Design of Reinforced Cement Concrete -- I, Surveying, 
Transportation Engineering -- I, Survey Practice, Survey Trade Theory 
 Civil Engineering Drafting-- I, Civil Engineering Drafting -- II, Civil Engineering Drafting -- III,  Engineering Drawing. 


1.``Modeling of Dissolved Oxygen and Comparison of Biochemical Oxygen Demand using QUAL 2Kw Software" by Sampa Singha Choudhury, Department of Civil Engineering, NERIST, Nirjuli, July, 2020 (Online mode).

2. ``Simulation of Pressure-Deficient Water Distribution Network" submitted by Geto Kamda, Department of Civil Engineering, NERIST, Nirjuli, May, 2019.

3. ``Study on the River Water Quality of Arunachal Pradesh with special reference to Dikrong River" submitted by Doli Nyieyor, Department of Civil Engineering, NERIST, Nirjuli, May, 2018.

4. ``Groundwater Modeling of Different Recharge Basin using GMS" submitted by Rakesh Tekseng, Department of Civil Engineering, NERIST, Nirjuli, May, 2017.

5. ``Rainfall-Runoff Modeling using HEC-HMS " submitted by Abdul Khalid, Department of Civil Engineering, NERIST, Nirjuli, May, 2017.

6. `` Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste of Capital Complex, Itanagar'' by Raju Tachring, Department of Civil Engineering, NERIST, Nirjuli, Dec, 2015.

7. ``Study of Soil Erosion- An Experimental Approach"  by N. S. Maurya, Department of Civil Engineering, NERIST, Nirjuli, October, 1999.

      M. Tech. by Research:

8. ``Environmentally Sustainable Optimal Reservoir Operation for Ranganadi Hydroelectric Project in Arunachal Pradesh"  by Ms Mudo Puming, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NERIST, Nirjuli, December 2010.

TopicScholar NameStatus of Ph.DAwarded in Year
Simulation of Hydraulic and Quality behaviour of Water Distribution NetworkMr. P. SivaKumarAwarded2016
A Study of the Traditional Toilet and Sanitary Practices of Selected Indigenous Tribes of Arunachal PradeshEr. Tomi EteAwarded2020
Environmental Impact Assessment of Hydro Power Projectsin Siyom River Basin Agnivesh U RoySubmitted2017
Simulation of Intermittent Water Supply for a Water Distribution NetworkMr. Bini KironOngoing 
Impact of Climate Change and Land Use Land Cover Change on Stream flow of Periyar River basin using Hydrologic Model                                       Mr. Litan BarmanOngoing 
Assessment of Water Availability and Climate Change Impacts on Kameng and Subansiri River Basins of Arunachal Pradesh, IndiaMr. Ghrittartha GoswamiOngoing
Protection of Barak River Bank in Assam using Permeable SpurEr. Joydeep Dutta
  1. MHRD thematic workshop on vulnerability Atlus of India and Disaster Resistant Design and Construction Practices at New Delhi on May 3, 2019.
  2. MHRD thematic workshop on vulnerability Atlus of India and Disaster Resistant Design and Construction Practices at New Delhi on May 3, 2019. Science Refresher Courses on ``Hydrology of Floods"  sponsored by Indian Academics of Science, Bangalore, Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi and The National Academy of Science, India, Allahabad, Organized by G B Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar and National Institute of Hydrology (NIH), Roorkee During January 08-19, 2018. 
  3. ``Pedagogy training for outcome based education" at NERIST, Nirjuli, during March 16-17, 2017.
  4. Attended a workshop on `Role of local chapters on NPTEL at NERIST, Nirjuli`" on April 24, 2017.
  5. TEQIP sponsored faculty development programme on ``Appropriate Technology for Rural Development", Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering, NERIST, Nirjuli, during August 25-29, 2014.
  6. TEQIP sponsored faculty development programme on ``Pedagogical Training for Engineering Teachers," the North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology,   NERIST, Nirjuli, March 21-23, 2014.
  7. TEQIP sponsored faculty development programme on ``Stress Management" the North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology,   NERIST, Nirjuli, Nov 4-6, 2013.
  8. TEQIP sponsored faculty development programme on ``Remote Sensing and GIS Application in Natural Resource Management" the North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology,   NERIST, Nirjuli, 14 -18 May, 2012.
  9. TEQIP sponsored faculty development programme on ``Recent Advances: Pavement Materials and Design" the North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology,   NERIST, Nirjuli, 23 -27 April, 2012.
  10. AICTE sponsored staff development programme on ``Recent Advances in Mechanics and their Application in Nano Engineering and Technology" the North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology,   NERIST, Nirjuli, August 1 to August 12, 2011.
  11. AICTE sponsored staff development programme on`'Soft Computing" the North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology,   NERIST, Nirjuli, January, 25 to February 05, 2010.
  12. ``Optimization Methods for Water Resources Planning andManagement" the Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, June 15,2009 to June 19, 2009.
  13. Composite Materials: Manufacturing, Mechanics and Applications"the North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Nirjuli,  October 20, 2008 to October 24, 2008.
  14. A short course on ``Genetic Algorithms for Engineering Optimization", the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, July 20, 2005 to July 22, 2005.
  15. AICTE/ISTE sponsored QIP short term course on``Advances in Groundwater Research", the Indian Institute ofTechnology, New Delhi, January 17, 2005 to January 21, 2005.
Conference NameSponsored ByDate
Natural Disaster ManagementFNDM13.10.99
Technical Function  SHRISTI 2010NERIST01.04.10 to 04.04.10

1. Delivered lecture on ``Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources: Need for Change" at a Workshop on Engineering for Change} on Engineers day, Itanagar, Sept. 15, 2019.

2. Delivered four lectures during   practical   sessions in Three Training Programmes for APPWD Engineers for two days duration each on ``Concrete Mix Design"  during June 29-30, 2019, July 06-07, 2019 and July 13-14, 2019 respectively.

3. Delivered five lectures on self sponsored short term courses on``Advances in Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures" held at NERIST during Aug. 26-30, 2017.

4. ``Groundwater Contaminant Transport Modelling" Workshop on Water Conservation, Water Security and Water Quality Organised by CGWB, Naharlagun on 30 Sept. 2015.

5. Estimation of Peak Discharge and Hydraulic Design of Storm Water Drain" TEQIP sponsored faculty development programme on Recent Advances: Pavement Material and Design during 23-27 April, 2012.

6. Application of Optimization Techniques in Engineering" AICTE sponsored staff development programme on Recent Advances in Mechanics and their Application in Nano Engineering and Technology, NERIST, Nirjuli, August 9, 2011.

7. ``(i) Constrained Optimization Problems using Genetic Algorithms (ii) Use of Soft Computing Techniques in Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport (GFCT) Simulation", AICTE sponsored staff development programme on Soft Computing, NERIST, Nirjuli, February, 4, 2010.

8. ``Basic Concepts in Artificial Neural Network", for the  ISTE/AICTE short term training programme on
Reduced Order Modelling and Controller Design, NERIST, Nirjuli, March, 19, 2004.

9. ``Technological Options of Rain Water Harvesting", for a Workshop on Low Cost Need Based and
Location Specific Technologies for Community, NERIST, Nirjuli, November 21, 2003.

10. ``Use of Genetic Algorithm in Design of Machine Elements", for the AICTE/ISTE short term training programme on Experimental Techniques for Whole Field Stress Analysis, NERIST, Nirjuli, October 28, 2003.

11. ``Information Processing through Genetic Algorithm", for the ISTE--AICTE short term training programme on IT Application in Library and Information Management, NERIST, Nirjuli, November 13, 2002.

12. ``Floods -- A Natural Disaster" -- for a community based training programme on Disaster Management , NERIST, Nirjuli, October 9, 2002.

13. ``Prospects and Problems of  Water Resources in the North Eastern Region of India with special Reference to Floods"-- for the  ISTE short term training programme on Natural Disaster Management, NERIST, Nirjuli, October 9, 2001.

14. ``Design of Rain Water Harvesting Structures" -- for a  short term training programme on Rain Water Harvesting, the Public Health Engineering Department, Human Resources Development  Cell, Itanagar, November 25, 2000.

  1. Prasad R. K. (2018), Environmental Systems Modeling, Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi (Cover Page). (
  2. Pamar, D. L. , Singh, R. M., Srivastava, A.,  Sinha, A.  and  Prasad, R . K.  (2017), Modelling of environmental and water  resources systems (Edited), Allied Publisher Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
  3. Puming M., Prasad R.K. (2016),Optimal Reservoir Operation with Environmental Flows for Ranganadi Hydroelectric Project in Arunachal Pradesh. In: Sarma A., Singh V., Kartha S., Bhattacharjya R. (Edited) Urban Hydrology, Watershed Management and Socio-Economic Aspects. Water Science and Technology Library, vol 73, 209-223, Springer,  International Publishing, Switzerland.(
  4. Sivakumar P., Prasad R.K. (2016) , Analysis of Water Distribution Network Using Epanet and Vertex Method.In: Sarma A., Singh V., Kartha S., Bhattacharjya R. (Edited) Urban Hydrology,Watershed Management and Socio-Economic Aspects. Water Science and Technology Library, vol 73, 227-239,  Springer,  International Publishing, Switzerland. (
  5. Sivakumar P., Prasad R.K.} (2016), Analysis of Looped Water Distribution Network with Different Head Loss Formula, In: Lingfa, P. and Gautam, S. S. (Edited) Aspects of Mechanical Engineering and Technology for Industry, Volume II, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi.
  6. Prasad, R.K.} and A.K. Sarma, (2002) , Frequency behaviour of peak flow of river Ranganadi in Arunachal Pradesh},  Allied Publishers Limited, India 74-82.

International Journals:

  1. Kiron, Bini., Prasad, R. K. (2023), Simulating Equity in Intermittent Water Supply using Pressure Sustaining Valve in EPANET 2.2, Urban Water Journal,
  2. Goswami, G., Prasad, R. K. (2023), Trend Analysis of Rainfall Pattern in Arunachal Pradesh (India), Environmental Modeling and Assessment,
  3. Barman, L., Prasad, R. K. and Sivakumar, B.  (2023). Streamflow Simulation using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT): Application to Periyar River Basin in India, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (Taylor and Francis) (Available Online). 
  4. Goswami, G., Prasad, R. K. and D. Kumar  (2022), Hydrodynamic flood modeling of Dikrong River in Arunachal Pradesh, India: a simplified approach using HEC‑RAS 6.1, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment.
  5. Prasad, R. K.  and Parmar, D. L. (2022), "Discussion of`Framework for Modeling Lead in Premise Plumbing Systems Using EPANET '' by J. B Burkhardt, H. Woo, J. Mason, F. Shang, S. Triantafyllidou, M. R. Schock, D. Lytle and R. Murray", Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE),
  6. Prasad, R. K. and Parmar, D. L. (2022), Discussion of Chromium Transport Modeling in Tannery Effluent from a Surface Water Body to Groundwater Regime: Case Study in Kodaganar Basin by J. Colins Johnny; M. C. Sashikkumar; J. Rajesh Banu; and Gopalakrishnan Kumar",  Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE),  26(1): 07021001. (
  7. Prasad, R. K.  (2021), Identification of Critical Pipes for Water Distribution Network Rehabilitation, Water Resources Management, 35, 5187-5204.
  8. Prasad, R. K. and Parmar, D. (2021), "Discussion of Hydraulic Analysis of Intermittent Water Distribution Networks Considering Partial-Flow Regimes by S. Mohan and G. R. Abhijith,"Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, American Society of Civil
    Engineers (ASCE), 147(11): 07021018. 
  9. Prasad, R. K. and Parmar, D. (2021), Discussion of ``Effect of Pipe Size and Location on Water-Main Head Loss in Water Distribution Systems  by Saeed Hashemi, Yves Filion, Vanessa Speight and Andrew Long," Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE),  147(10): 07021014. (
  10. Prasad, R. K. and Geto Kamda (2021), Comparison of Methods for the Solution of Pressure-Deficient Networks using Artificial Elements, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, . [ISSN-22502149, I.F. 0.96 (2020)].  (
  11. Prasad, R. K., (2021), Discussion of "Hydraulic Uniformity Index for Water Distribution Networks by Gimoon Jeong and Doosun Kang," Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE),  147(5), 07021003. (
  12. Sivakumar, P., Prasad, R. K., and Chandramoulli, S., (2016), Uncertainty Analysis of Looped Water Distribution Networks Using Linked EPANET-GA Method, Water resources management, 30(5),331-358. ( (
  13. Roy, A.U.,  Prasad, R. K. and Bharti, A. (2016). Hydropower for Safe Energy, Environment & Sustainable Development in India -A Perspective, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), 13(5), 01-08.
  14. Sivakumar, P., and Prasad, R. K., (2015), Extended Period Simulation of Pressure-Deficient Networks Using Pressure Reducing Valves, Water resources management, 29(5),1713-1730 [ISSN-0920-4741]. (
  15. Roy, A.U., Bharti, A., and Prasad, R. K. (2015). Environmental Impact Assessment of Hydro Power Development - A Critical Review, International Journal of Engineering Research & Management (IJERM), ISSN:2349-2058, 2(7), 1-8.
  16. Sivakumar, P., Prasad, R. K., and Chandramoulli, S., (2014), Uncertainty Analysis of Water Distribution Networks Using Linked EPANET-Vertex Method, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science Engineering and Technology, 3(12),17900-17911. [ISSN-2319-8753]. (
  17. Sivakumar, P., and Prasad, R. K., (2014), Simulation of water distribution network under pressure deficient condition , Water resources management, 28(10), 3271-3290, [ISSN-0920-4741]. (
  18. Sivakumar, P., Prasad, R. K., and Chandramoulli, S. (2014), Effect of Booster Disinfection on Water Quality Behaviour in Distribution Networks, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science Engineering and Technology, 3(4), 93-101. [ISSN-2319-8753]. (
  19. Sudheer ch, Kumar, D., Prasad, R. K., and Mathur, S. (2013), Optimal design of an in-situ bioremediation system using support vector machine and particle swarm optimization, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 151, 105-116, [ISSN-0169-7722]. (
  20. Prasad, R. K. and Mathur, S. (2010), Health risk-based remedial alternatives for contaminated aquifer management, Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 14(1), 61-69, [ISSN-2153-5493].(
  21. Prasad, R. K. and Mathur, S. (2010), Groundwater remediation using simulation-optimization approach-a review, International Journal of Environmental Engineering, Inderscience Publishers, 2 (1/2/3), 110-138, [ISSN-1756-8471]. (
  22. Parmar, D. L. and Prasad, R. K. (2010), Discussion of "Multiobjective strategic evaluation for urban development in Kaohsiung, Taiwan: case study by Junn-Yuan Teng, Wen-Chih Huang and Miin-Jye Huang," Journal of Urban Planning and Development, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE),136(3), 285-285, [ISSN-0733-9488].
  23. Prasad, R. K. and Mathur, S. (2008), Potential well locations in in-situ bioremediation design using neural network embedded Monte Carlo approach, Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 12(4), 260-269, [ISSN-2153-5493]. (
  24. Prasad, R. K. and Mathur, S. (2008), Closure of "Groundwater flow and contaminant transport simulation with imprecise parameters," Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE),134(2), 268-269, [ISSN-0733-9437]. (
  25. Prasad, R. K. and Mathur, S. (2007), Groundwater flow and contaminant transport simulation with imprecise parameters, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 133(1), 61-70, [ISSN-0733-9437].(
  26. Prasad, R. K. and Mathur, S. (2007), Discussion of "Remediation system design with multiple uncertain parameters using fuzzy sets and genetic algorithm by Jiabao Guan and Mustafa M. Aral," Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 12(1), 134-135, [ISSN-1084-0699]. (
  27. Prasad, R. K. and Parmar, D. L. (2007), Discussion of "Optimal pumping from skimming wells by S. N. V.Rao, Sudhir Kumar, Shashank Shekhar and D. Chakravorty," Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 12(6), 708-709, [ISSN-1084-0699](
  28. Prasad, R.K.(2000), Flood disaster analysis of NERIST campus and near by area in Arunachal Pradesh due to flood of 1998, HIMVIKAS, G. B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environmental and Development, Kosi-Katarmal, Almora,Uttaranchal, India, 16, 429-437.
  29. Prasad, R. K. and Parmar, D. L. (2007), Discussion of "Optimal pumping from skimming wells by S. N. V.Rao, Sudhir Kumar, Shashank Shekhar and D. Chakravorty," Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 12(6), 708-709, [ISSN-1084-0699](
  30. Prasad, R.K.(2000), Flood disaster analysis of NERIST campus and near by area in Arunachal Pradesh due to flood of 1998, HIMVIKAS, G. B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environmental and Development, Kosi-Katarmal, Almora,Uttaranchal, India, 16, 429-437.


  1. Goswami, G., and Prasad, R. K (2023). Hydrodynamic Flood Modeling with HEC-RAS 6.3: A Case Study of the Pakke River in Siejosa, Arunachal Pradesh, India, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Organised by EWRI-ASCE,
  2. Goswami, G., Kiron, B., Prasad, R. K., and Basack, S (2022). Assessment of environmental flow on Wainganga River of Gondia District, Maharashtra, India: A case study, 9th International Groundwater Conference (IGWC-2022), IIT Roorkee, India. November 02-04, 2022
  3. Barman, L. and Prasad, R . K  (2021). Study of the Land Use and Land Cover Change in Periyar River (Kerala) during 1988-2020 ,  International  Conference on Threats and Challenges to Sustainability of Natural Resources (TCSNR): Contemporary Remedial Tools and Techniques  2021 (Online Mode) at College of Technology, GBPUAT, Pantnagar during Oct. 23-24, 2021.
  4. Doly, N and Prasad, R . K  (2019). Water Quality of River Dikrong in Arunachal Pradesh, India   International  Conference IGWC 2019} on  Sustainable Management of Soil Water Resources at IIT Roorkee during Dec. 21-24, 2019 [Also delivered key note address].
  5. Prasad, R . K  (2018). Urban Water Security at Local Level - A Pilot Study to Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, India,  International  Conference, NFiCE 2018} at IIT Bombay during Nov. 30- Dec. 1, 2018.
  6. Tacheng, R. and Prasad, R . K  (2017). Characterization of MSW of capital complex of Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, India-A case study,  9 th  International  Perspective  on water resources and the environment, Wuhan, China, Jan 3- Jan 6, 2017 Also Chaired a  session].
  7. Abdul, K and Prasad, R . K  (2017). Rainfall-Runoff  Modeling u sing HEC-HMS,  Proc. of International  Conference  ICMEWRS"',  HBTI Kanpur} during March 24- 26, 2017.
  8. Sivakumar, P.  and Prasad, R . K  (2017). Extended period simulation of pressure deficient networks using PRVs in looped WDNS"',  Proc. of International  Conference  ICMEWRS,  HBTI Kanpur} during March 24- 26, 2017.
  9. Kumar, Abhinay and Prasad, R. K. (2015), Computer Implementation of Slope Matching Method using Excell and MATLAB for Determination of Aquifer Parameters, Int. Conf. organised by Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) held at Singapore, 02-07, August 2015.
  10. Prasad, R. K. and Talley, Bamin (2014), Estimation of aquifer Parameters by graphical and numerical Methods : a case study, Int. Conference on Modeling Tools for sustainable water resources management (MTSWRM ) 2014, held at IIT Hyderabad , 26-29, December 2014.
  11. Sivakumar, P and Prasad, R. K. (2014). Analysis of looped water distribution network with different head loss formula, Int. Symposium on Aspects of Mechanical Engineering for Industry (AMETI 2014)}, organized by Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, NERIST, Nirjuli, 6-8 Dec. 2014.
  12. SivaKumar, P and Prasad, R. K. (2012), Analysis of water distribution Network Using EPANET and VERTEX Method, International Conference on Environmentally Sustainable Urban Ecosystems (ENSURE 2012), IIT Guwahati, during Feb 24-26, 2012.
  13. Puming, Mudo and Prasad, R. K. (2012), Optmal Reservoir Operation with Environmental Flows for Ranganadi Hydroelectric Project in Arunachal Pradesh, International Conference on Environmentally Sustainable Urban Ecosystems (ENSURE 2012), IIT Guwahati, Feb 24-26, 2012.
  14. Prasad, R. K. and Arya, K. C. (2010), Development of Aggregation Index for Environmental Impact Assessment: A Case Study of Hydro Power Project in Arunachal Pradesh, India. Proc. of 3 rd Int. Prospective on Current and Future State of Water Resources and the Environment, The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, 5-7 January, 2010.
  15. Prasad, R. K. and Mathur, S. (2009), Simulation of aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation processes for contaminated aquifers, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Water, Environment, Energy and Society (WEES)-2009, New Delhi, India, 12-16 Jan. 2009.
  16. Prasad, R. K. and Mathur, S. (2007), Human health risk-based decision analysis for management of contaminated groundwater, Proc. of Int. Conf. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS)- 2007, Bangkok}, 30 July-4 Aug. 2007.
  17. Prasad, R. K. and Mathur, S. (2006), In-situ bioremediation of contaminated groundwater using artificial neural network, Proc., Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI) World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Reston, Va.,1-10, held during May 21-25, 2006, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
  18. Prasad, R.K. and A.K. Sarma, (2002). Frequency behaviour of peak flow of river
    Ranganadi in Arunachal Pradesh. Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE 2002), I.I.T. Kharagpur, Published by Allied Publishers Limited, India, 74-82


  1. Prasad, R. K. (2001). "Status of natural disasters and strategy for its management." Proceedings of National Seminar and Workshop on Earthquake and Related Hazard Management: A Great Challenge of the Millennium,Organised by Science Trial Organisation, Silchar, Assam, 45-46.
  2. Prasad, R. K. (2000). "Rainwater harvesting for sustainable development: state of the art."  Presented paper as Resource Person on Workshop on Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in Arunachal Pradesh, supported by UNICEF, Itanagar.
  3. Prasad, R. K. (2000). "Flood problems in Ganga-Brahmaputra-Barak river basin in India." Proceedings of Brain Storming Session on Water Resources Problems in NE Region, Guwahati, 36-40.
  4. Prasad, R. K. and A. K. Sahu (2000). "Flood frequency studies of \Dikrong river in Arunachal Pradesh." Proceedings of National Seminar on Resource Management for self Reliant Agricultural Economy of NE Region, Organised by NERIWALM, Guwahati, 1-8.
  5. Maurya, N. S. and R. K. Prasad (1999). "Study of soil erosion under laboratory conditions."  Proceedings of Seminar on Hydrological Aspects of Watershed Management in North Eastern Region, Organised by INCOH, Naharlagun, 89-94.
  6. Prasad, R. K. and A. K. Sahu, (1999). "Review of flood problems: causes, control, and strategy for planning."  Proceedings of Seminar on Natural Disaster Management, Organised by Faculty on Natural Disaster Management, NERIST, Nirjuli, 38-46.
  7. Prasad, R. K. and P. Nagarjuna (1998). "Water resources management and development  of Arunachal Pradesh, problems, potentials and strategy." Proceedings of Regional Seminar on Rural Development in North East India, Jorhat, 9-11.
  8. Prasad, T. and R. K. Prasad (1997). "Imperativeness of conjunctive use of surface and groundwater for sustainably productive irrigated agriculture in humid alluvial plains."  Proceedings of  the Brain Storming Session on Hydrological Problems and Perspective of the Lower Gangetic Plains, North Regional Center, National Institute ofHydrology, Patna, 59-71.