Department of Civil Engineering

Dr. Yamem Tamut

Associate Professor

Transportation Engineering

2257401 - 410 extn. 6115 (Off)
Mobile:+91 9436638386
From(Date of Joining)ToDesignationOrganisationNature of Association
14/12/2009 Till dateAssistant ProfessorNERISTRegular
Annual Excellence AwardAdi Baane Kebang2022
B.TechCivil EngineeringVTU, Karnataka
M.TechTransportaion EngineeringIIT, Madras
Ph.DCivil EngineeringNERIST
Feb,2013Sep,2017Warden, Block-GNERIST
20172021Counsellor CE, Training and PlacementNERIST
Sl. NoName of the Consultancy ProjectsConsultancy  fund mobilised  (INR)Consultants involvedRemarks
1Improvement and extension of Likhabali Township roads (10 km) in Lower Siang district.59,000/-          Dr. Y. Tamut Prof. R. K. Prasad
 Prof. S Mishra
2Construction of Road from Murga Bridge Point to Rho-village (15 km) in Tawang district.59,000/-2018-19
3Construction of Rigid Pavement Road in Tawang Township59,000/-2018-19
4Construction of Road from Chongkam to Meme via Namliang village (10 km) in Namsai district.59,000/-2018-19
5Construction of Road from Terung to Sumsipathar in Tirap District59,000/-2018-19
6Construction of Road from BRTF road to PIDI, West Siang District.59,000/-2018-19
7Construction of road from Longkhow to Pumao under Longding District (18.00 km) (Sh:-FC, Culverts, RW, Bridge).59,000/-2018-19
8Construction of Road from Bomikoto village to Nilling Circle HQ Via Sima-Dha (25 kms) in Upper Subansiri District under NESIDS59,000/-2018-19
9C/O Road from Rumgong ADC HQ to connect Kaying EAC HQ (64.0 kms) Phase –I (Molong to Bogne village 23.0 kms) in Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh59,000/-2018-19
10C/O Road from Likwa Gyadi to Gyawepurang (10.86) kms59,000/-2018-19
11Construction of Road from Kheti-Dadam (15.5 km)1,08,708/-2020-21
12Upgradation of Road from NH-13 to Ugyen Tsangpo Helipad at Tawang under NESIDS.1,04,200/-2021-22
13Construction of Town Double Lane Road at Pokriang SDO HQ, Langrh and Phassang circle HQ and adjoining villages  6,98,490 2021-22
14Construction of Road from Kodum CO HQR to Bam Tri-Junction 16.5 km under West Siang District2021-22
15Construction of Road from Marung Gika to Panior Bridge Point via Sarchgai, Mate, Kusuk & Pan-21 km in Papum Pare District2021-22
Total amount generated (Fifteen Lakhs One Thousand Three Hundred Ninety Eight)1501398/-  
  1. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)- Associate Member
  2. The Institute of Engineers (India) (IEI)—Life Member, Chartered Engineer (India)
  3. Water Resource Society (WRS)- Member
  4. Indian Roads Congress (IRC)—Life Member
  5. Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS)—Life Member
Sl. NoCourse CodeCourse TitleLevel
1CE9015Urban Transportation Systems PlanningPhD
2CE9014Traffic Flow Modeling and SimulationPhD
3GTE7006Geoenvironmental EngineeringP.G./PhD
7CE6101/24102Engineering GeologyB.Tech
11CE22204Design of RCC
12CE4226Basics Civil EngineeringDIPLOMA/ B.Tech
13CE4104/CE4203Transportation Engineering-IDIPLOMA/ B.Tech
14CE4299Project DiplomaDiploma
17CE2202Survey Trade TheoryBase
18CE2251Survey Practice-IBase
19CE2252Survey Practice-IIBase
20CE2151Civil Engineering Drafting-1Base
21CE1201Construction MaterialsBase
22CE5207Forest EngineeringBsc. Forestry
23CE1151Engineering Drawing-IBase
Sl. No.Title of the ProjectNames of StudentModule & Year
1.Improvement of Properties of Soil Subgrade Using Fly Ash and Cement as Admixture for Trans-Arunachal HighwayKapu TakarM Tech (May 2015)
2.Soil Nailing for Itanagar Capital Complex Region.Toba KargaM Tech (May 2017)
3.Stability of Slopes for Jullang Road Using Geosynthetic Reinforced Wall.Risso JhonyM Tech (May 2017)
4.A Study on Water Quality and Pollution Status of Dikrong River Water Flowing from Senkiview to Doimukh.Hage ArunaM Tech (May 2017)
5.Comparative Study on Improvement of CBR Behaviour of Soil Treated with Cement and Geotextile.Johny TasungM Tech (May 2018)
6.Effect of Freezing and Thawing Cycles on the Unconfined Compression Strength of Soil Treated with Cement and GeotextileSumita JongkeyM Tech (May 2018)
7.The effect of freezing and thawing on the strength parameter of cement stabilised soil aided with wood ash and polypropylene fibre.Mido NyoduM Tech (May 2019)
8. Priscilla JamohM Tech (May 2019)
9.Soil stabilization using guar gum and fly ashAditya AnshuM Tech (May 2020)
10.Stabilization of soil using xanthan gum and ground granulated blast furnace slagAmit Kumar SumanM Tech (May 2020)
11.Subgrade Stabilisation Using Bamboo Fibres and CementSima JilenM Tech (June 2021)
12.Stabilization of Soil Using Corn Cob AshHage NariM Tech (June 2021)
13.Soil Stabilisation and Erosion Control by Miscanthus SinensisTaba NyokumM Tech (Aug’2022)
14.Study of Strength Properties of Pavement Subgrade by Using Building Waste Materials Tasso TarunM Tech (Aug’ 2022)
15.Vehicular Pollution and Its Impact on Human HealthMudang TamerM Tech (June’ 2023)
16.Behaviour of plastic waste fibre reinforced soil in Pavement subgrade applicationKime RinyaM Tech ( June’ 2023)
17.Influence of Shredded Plastic Waste on poor quality Subgrade soil of NH 415, Arunachal Pradesh and a Comparative Study of Egg Shell and Chir Pine Needles as a BinderBadahunlang KharkorgorM Tech ( June’ 2023)
18.Utilisation of Mesua ferrea seed shell ash (MFSSA) as pozzolanic material by partial replacement to cement in mortarMihin RinyaM Tech ( June’ 2024)
19. Nabam TaderM Tech ( June’ 2024)
20. Yorum TatuM Tech ( June’ 2024)
21. Rupnara Jasmin KhannM Tech ( June’ 2024)
Sl.noName of the Student(s)Title of ThesisYear (Awarded)
1 Taba NyokumMaterial resource mapping for sustainable low volume road in hilly terrainUnder progress
2Anu PanyangUnder progress 
3Mudang TamerUnder progress 
4Jumnya BasarUnder progress
Sl. No.Name of Programme/Course (details) attendedDuration, Year and dateOrganization/Sponsored
For the year 2021
1AICTE sponsored five-day FDP on Research Methodology27 Jan'2021 to 31 Jan'2021National Institute of Technology, Manipur.
2Two-weeks International Webinar (GEOLIVE-2021) on Geotechnical Engineering21 Feb'2021 to28 Feb'2021School of Civil Engineering, Lovely Professional University in association with IGS Jalandhar Chapter and Department of Civil Engineering Dr. B.R Ambedkar NIT, Jalandhar
3National Webiner on Innovative Research for Community Empowerment10 March 2021Centre for Management NERIST, Nirjuli
4E-Training Programme/ short term course on "Recent Advancement in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering"8 Mar'2021 to 13 Mar'2021Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Indore
5Short term training course on Advances in Geotechnical, Mining and Geology09 June 2021 to 13 June 2021IGS Raipur chapter in association with National Institute of Technology Raipur and Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Professional Management and Technology (SSIPMT) Raipur.
66-Days Webstruct – International Structural Engineering Webinar Series21 June 2021 to 26 June 2021School of Civil Engineering, Lovely Professional University, Punjab.
7Two weeks online Faculty Development Programme on “Digital Tools for Writing, Authoring and Reviewing Manuscripts” jointly organized by Academies during 12th to 23rd July 2021.12 Jul'2021 to 23 Jul'2021Electronics & ICT Academies, supported by MeitY, Govt. of India.
8Short course on Soil Exploration Organized by IGS SC 7-Student Chapter Activities and Continuing Education02 Jul'2021 to 07 Aug'2021(Saturdays & Sundays)IGS Raipur Chapter
9Short Term Training Programme on “Advanced Engineering Optimization through Artificial Intelligence12 Jul'2021 to 17 Jul'2021Department of Mechanical Engineering, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology, Nirjuli. Sponsored by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).
10One-week short term training program on “Applications of AI, IOT, NANO Technology in Civil Engineering18 Oct'2021 to 22 Oct'2021Marwari University, IGS Baroda Chapter, Gujarat.
For the year 2022
11Faculty development programme on “Application of Smart Materials and AI in Water and Wastewater Treatments17 Jan 2022 to 21 Jan 2022NIT Manipur
12One week FDP on “Advancements in the Field of Civil Engineering: Theory and Practice”21 Feb 2022 to 26 Feb 2022Department of Civil Engineering, Pravara Rural Engineering College, Loni
13Five days Faculty Development Programme on “Geo-Environmental and Geo-Transportation Engineering.27 June 2022 to 01 July 2022Jointly organized by IGS Raipur chapter, National Institute of Technology Raipur and Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Professional Management and Technology (SSIPMT) Raipur
14One week Faculty Development Program on “Computer Diligence in Civil Engineering & Applications for Sustainable Development11 July 2022 to 15 July 2022Department of Civil Engineering at Jaypee University of Information Technology.
15One Week Short Term Training Programme through ICT Mode on People Management & Leadership01 Aug 2022 to 05 Aug 2022NITTTR Kolkata
16Two Weeks Faculty Development Programme through ICT Mode on Evaluating Students' Performance & Designing Question Papers19 Sep 2022 to 30 Sep 2022NITTTR Kolkata
17Online FDP on “Application of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in Civil Engineering27 Oct 2022 to 25 Nov 2022 (Every Thursday and Friday)Department of Civil Engineering, R.V.R & J.C College of Engineering, Chowdavaram Guntur A. P. in association with Indian Geotechnical Society Guntur Chapter.
185 days FDP on “Application of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in Civil Engineering24 Nov 2022 to 29 Nov 2022Department of Civil Engineering Vishnu Institute of Technology
For the Year 2023
193-days online training on “Farm Equipment for Plant Health Management02nd to 04th May 2023National Institute of Plant Health Management, Hyderabad in collaboration with RCI, UBA, NERIST
20Effective Classroom Communication14th August to 18th August, 2023Organized by NITTTR Kolkata
21Leadership & People Management9th October to 13th October, 2023Organized by NITTTR Kolkata
For the Year 2024
22Sustainable Advancement in Structural and Transportation Engineering11th -15th March 2024Department of Civil EngineeringDr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
23Nurturing Future Leadership Program under Malviya Mission Teachers Training Program18th -22nd March 2024Department of Management Studies,Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
  1. Coordinator of "Advances in Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures" held at NERIST, Nirjuli (Itanagar), India from August 26-30, 2017.
  2. Coordinator of “Two Weeks Workshop and Training on Autocad-2D and ArchiCAD-3D Modeling”. Organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, NERIST in collaboration with NIELIT Itanagar from 25th March 2023 to 9th April 2023.
  3. Coordinator of “One Week Training Programme on Biomass Drying”. Organized by NERIST in collaboration with National Institute of Technology (NIT), Arunachal Pradesh in the Department of Civil Engineering, NERIST from 10th to 14th April, 2023.
  4.   Coordinator of ““One Day Seminar on Sustainable Environment under Mission LiFE”, jointly conducted by NERIST & RURAL WORKS DEPARTMENT, GOVT. OF Arunachal Pradesh in commemoration of World Environment Day on 5th June, 2023 at Department of Civil Engineering, NERIST.
  5. Trainer of “Summer Internship Trainee of students from Jorhat Engineering College and Dhemaji Engineering College” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, NERIST in July, 2023.
  6. Coordinator of “6 months/200 hours Training on Python Database”, in collaboration with NIELIT Training and Learning Academy centre Itanagar at Department of Civil Engineering, NERIST conducted from October 2023 to March 2024.
  7. Organised one day “An interaction session with Dr. Kiran Seth (Founder SPIC MACAY) at NERIST on 9th January, 2024.
  8. Coordinator of “Two Weeks Workshop and Training on Autocad-2D and ArchiCAD-3D Modeling”. Organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, NERIST in collaboration with NIELIT Itanagar from 23rd January, 2024 at NERIST.
  9. Organised an One Week Faculty Development Program (FDP)Energy and Environment: Conversion, generation, storage and efficient utilization, Department of Electrical Engineering & Civil Engineering North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology            -           24th August, 2020 – 28th August, 2020
  10. Organising committee member for the online workshop on “National training Programme on Academic Research Tools and Software” organized by Tech Booster Institute of Professional Studies (ISO 9001::2015 certified Institute)             Tech Booster   18th Oct’2020 to 8th Nov’2020
  11. Organising committee member for the AICTE Sponsored One Week Offline Short-term Training Programme (STTP) on “Role of Teacher in Effective Learning Environment for Students” organized by the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, NERIST AICTE            25th Oct’2021 to 30th Oct’2021

  1. Tamut, Yamem & Kalita, Ajanta & Singh, Shantanu. (2022). Study of Geotechnical Characteristics of Frost-affected Soil Stabilized with Cement and Wood Ash. 10.1007/978-981-16-1993-9_13. 
  2. Tamut, Y., Kalita, A., Singh, S.K. (2022). Influence of Freezing–Thawing Cycles on Strength Properties of Frost-Affected Subgrade Soil Stabilised with Cement and Reinforced with Chir Pine Needles. In: Marano, G.C., Ray Chaudhuri, S., Unni Kartha, G., Kavitha, P.E., Prasad, R., Achison, R.J. (eds) Proceedings of SECON’21. SECON 2021. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 171. Springer, Cham.
  3. Evaluation and improvement of pavement subgrade using additives and soil reinforcement techniques in frost affected areas of Arunachal Pradesh and state of art design methodologies

International Journals:

1.     IMPACT OF GLYPHOSATE ON AGRICULTURAL SOIL QUALITY IN ICR, ARUNACHAL PRADESH, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, Volume:05/Issue:06/June-2023

2.     Study on the approaches of soil stabilization, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET),Volume: 09 Issue: 04 | Apr 2022.

3.     Mihin Rinya, Yamem Tamut, Taba Nyokum, "Utilization of Mesua Ferrea Seed Shell Ash (MFSSA) as Pozzolanic Material by Partial Replacement to Cement in Mortar," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 83-92, 2024. Crossref,

4.     Taba Nyokum, Yamem Tamut, "Assessing the Impact of Miscanthus Sinensis on Soil Strength Parameters and its Role in Flood Erosion Control," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 39-45, 2024. Crossref,


  1. Thankappan, Ajitha & Tamut, Yamem & Vanajakshi, L.. (2010). Traffic Stream Modeling under Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions. Proceedings of the ICE - Transport. 167. 401-411. 10.1061/41123(383)37. 
  2. Das, P., Juhi, P., Tamut, Y. (2023). Different Degradation Modes of Field-Deployed Photovoltaic Modules: A Literature Review. In: Mishra, M., Kesswani, N., Brigui, I. (eds) Applications of Computational Intelligence in Management & Mathematics. ICCM 2022. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 417. Springer, Cham.


  1. Comparative Studies of Soil Stabilization Approach, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN TECHNOLOGY, Volume 8 Issue 11 | ISSN: 2349-6002