Research and consultancy

Ongoing Projects

Sl. No.Title of the ProjectFunding AgencyProject No.Name of PIName of Co-PIDepartments
1Human Engineering and safety in AgricultureICAR128Dr. K.N. DewanganDr. T. PatelAgricultural Engineering
2Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA)IIT Delhi289Dr. P. LingfaMechanical Engineering
3Use of non-toxic nanoformulation for prolonging shelf life and reduction of post-harvest loss of mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata) of North East IndiaDBT299Dr. Madhu KamleDr. Pradeep KumarForestry
4Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources of Arunachal PradeshDST300Dr. K. N. DewanganDr. R.K. Prasad, Dr. A. Bandyopadhayay, Dr. P.K. Pandey, Dr. Meera Yadav, Dr. Ashish PaulAgricultural and Civil Engineering; Chemistry and Forestry
5Development of solar operated paddy thresher for sustainable livelihood of Agricultural workers in North-eastern IndiaNECTARNADr. T. PatelAgricultural Engineering
6Study and Development of Epoxy-Based Bamboo Composites for shipping containers using Indigenous Bamboo species of Arunachal Pradesh using Artificial Intelligence (Graph Neural Networks)AICTE308Dr. Santoh TamangDr. Kunal BorahMechanical Enineering and Physics
7Exploration of native legumes and characterization of associated nitrogen fixing microsymbiots in North-Eastern India for development of biofertilizersDBT309Dr. P. R. GajurelDr. Suresh Kumar SinghForestry
8Design and Implementation of Financial Tracking and Management E-platform for Chartered Professional AccountantsIBITF-IIT Bhillai310Dr. Ningrinla MarchangComputer Science and Engineering
9Theoretical Insights and kinetic study on the atmospheric chemistry of organic volatile compounds and fate of their alkoxy radicalsSERB, DST320Dr. A. MuruganChemistry
10Impact of climatic variables on heat stress and real time monitoring with IoT based solutions for sustainable agricultural livelihood DST316Dr. T. PatelAgricultural Engineering
11Centre of Excellence in 3D printing for Dental Applications under PMDeVINE scheme funded by DoNER, Govt. of IndiaAssam Electronics Development Corporation Limited (AMTRON)NADr. S. TamangMechanical
12Development of Radar Absorbent Materials (RAMs) using Carbon-besed and Bamboo-Charcoal CompositeTechnological Intervention using Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things for Smart Agriculture in North East IndiaNADr. S. Tamang and Dr. Kunal BorahME and Physics
13Technological Intervention using Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things for Smart Agriculture in North East IndiaTechnological Intervention using Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things for Smart Agriculture in North East IndiaNADr. M. Marjit SinghComputer Science and Engineering