Currently all digital electronics and microprocessor labs run here for both diploma in ECE and B.Tech in ECE. The basic digital electronics EC3201/EC4100 and 4301 and digital circuit design courses needs logic analyzer, digital kits, all ICS of logic gates n flip flops for all types of combinational, sequential, synchronous and asynchronous digital circuits are designed here. The 8bit n 16 bit microprocessor kits of 8085, 8086 along with side interfacing cards for practical are here for EC4201 and EC5201. Other than this the lab has 8051 microcontroller and PIC microcontroller kits with sensors for ec4003 an elective course for diploma students and EC6035 an elective for microcontroller and embedded system design elective course for B.Tech ECE students. Moreover B.Tech and diploma ECE students use this lab during projects under 4299 and 6199+6299 courses.
Lab Incharge | |
Lab Assistant |