Department of Agricultural Engineering

Recent Research, Publications, and Consultancy

  • Ergonomics
  • Occupational Health
  • Safety and injury prevention
  • Farm Machinery and Power
  • Hydroinformatics
  • Process and Food Engineering
2023 - 24
  • Dabral, P. P. (2023). Kodo Millets of Sikkim: A future prospect. Intensive Agriculture, 21–24.
  • Dewangan, K. N., Patel, T., Vidhu, K. P., Khumukcham, B. S., Lusang, I., Sumpi, N., & Yudik, L. (2023). An investigation of the hand anthropometric database of agricultural workers and integration of the database into tools and protective gear designs. Work, 74(4), 1461–1480.
  • Dewangan, K. N., Patel, T., & Lalremruata. (2023). Noise exposure and hearing loss among tractor drivers in India. Work, 74(1), 167–181.
  • Devi, S., Sarmah, B., Dewangan, K. N., & Dixit, S. K. (2023). The evolving path of customer engagement research: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research.
  • Sharma, P. T., & Dewangan, K. N. (2023). Design and development of a vertical plate precision seed metering device with positive seed knockout mechanism. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 25(1), 27–42.
  • Yao, Y., Dewangan, K. N., & Rakheja, S. (2023). Gender and anthropometric effects on seat-to-head transmissibility responses to vertical whole-body vibration of humans seated on an elastic seat. Vibration, 6, 165–194.
  • Chherty, B. S. K., Dewangan, K. N., Mahato, D. K., & Kumar, P. (2023). Endotoxin affecting human health during agricultural practices: An overview. AppliedChem, 3(1), 11–31.
  • Sharma, P. T., & Dewangan, K. N. (2023). Design of a self-propelled single row zero till pea planter for hills. Journal of Agricultural Engineering (India), 60(4), 340–352.
  • Bhadra, A., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2023). Projection of net irrigation requirement over India using bias-corrected spatially downscaled dataset. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 14(4), 1192–1225.
  • Bhadra, A., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2023). Dynamics and future prediction of LULC on Pare River Basin of Arunachal Pradesh using machine learning techniques. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195, 709.
  • Bhadra, A., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2023). Sensitivity assessment of hydrologic processes in an eastern Himalayan watershed to potential climate change using RHESSYS. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 9, 87.
  • Bhadra, A., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2023). Decadal variations in area under different soil erosion classes using RUSLE and GIS: Case studies of river basins from Western and Eastern Arunachal Pradesh. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 99(12), 1725–1737.
  • Bhadra, A., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2023). Response of two selected river basins from Eastern and Western Himalayan regions to climate change in terms of streamflow and snow parameters. Environmental Earth Sciences, 82, 393.
  • Bhadra, A., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2023). Assessment of baseflow estimates using ArcSWAT and Digital Filter Method in Mago River Basin of Arunachal Pradesh. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 9, 161.
  • Bhadra, A., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2023). Performance evaluation of MBT, OBIA and PBRF method for high-altitude water body mapping: A case study of Mago River Basin of Arunachal Pradesh. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 51(11), 2187–2200.
  • Bhadra, A., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2023). Automatic calibration tool for snowmelt runoff simulation using shuffled complex evolution algorithm. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 9, 178.
  • Bhadra, A., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2023). Simulation of flood inundation extent by integration of HEC-HMS, GA-based rating curve and cost distance analysis. Water Resources Management, 38(4), 1397–1417.
  • Bhadra, A., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2023). Temporal variation in glacier surface area and glacial lakes in glaciated river basins of Arunachal Pradesh. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 15(1), 50–74.
  • Bhadra, A., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2023). Analysis of the temporal variations in glaciers’ surface area in Alaknanda River Basin, Uttarakhand. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 15(2), 814–831.
  • Bhadra, A., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2024). Assessment of impact of climate change on streamflow and soil moisture in Pare Watershed of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 10, 82.
  • Pandey, P. K., & Pandey, V. (2023). Influence of short-and long-term persistence on identification of rainfall temporal trends using different versions of the Mann-Kendall test in Mizoram, Northeast India. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31(7), 10359–10378.
  • Pandey, P. K., & Pandey, V. (2023). Groundwater spring potential zonation using AHP and fuzzy-AHP in Eastern Himalayan region: Papum Pare district, Arunachal Pradesh, India. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31(7), 10317–10333.
  • Pandey, P. K., & Pandey, V. (2023). Characterization and return period analysis of meteorological drought under the humid subtropical climate of Manipur, Northeast India. Natural Hazards Research, 3(3), 546–555.
  • Pandey, P. K., & Pandey, V. (2023). Parametric calibration of Hargreaves–Samani (HS) reference evapotranspiration equation with different coefficient combinations under the humid environment. HydroResearch, 6, 147–155.
  • Pandey, P. K., & Pandey, V. (2023). Modification of the radiation-based Abtew reference evapotranspiration model under humid climate, Northeast India. H2Open Journal, 6(2), 208–222.
  • Pal, G., Patel, T., Singh, H. D., & Pal, A. (2023). Bluetooth module-based wearable heatstroke alert system based on physiological and environmental parameters. Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences.
  • Kumari, S., Chakraborty, S., Choudhary, A. K., Boiragi, A., Das, O., & Hazarika, M. K. (2023). Neuro‐fuzzy interface and mathematical modeling of rehydration kinetics and dynamic vapor sorption behavior of novel no‐cooking rice. Journal of Food Process Engineering, e14299.
2022 - 23
  • Dabral, P. P. (2022). SARIMA approach for modelling and forecasting of monthly stream flow of Godavari River in India. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 21(2), 208–214.
  • Dewangan, K. N. (2023). Design and development of a vertical plate precision seed metering device with positive seed knockout mechanism. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 25(1), 27–42.
  • Dewangan, K. N. (2023). Gender and anthropometric effects on seat-to-head transmissibility responses to vertical whole-body vibration of humans seated on an elastic seat. Vibration, 6, 165–194.
  • Dewangan, K. N., & Patel, T. (2023). Noise exposure and hearing loss among tractor drivers in India. WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, 74(1), 167–181.
  • Dewangan, K. N. (2023). Endotoxin affecting the human health during agricultural practices: An overview. AppliedChem, 3(1), 11–31.
  • Dewangan, K. N. (2023). Seat-to-head transmissibility responses of seated human body coupled with visco-elastic seats. Vibration, 5, 860–883.
  • Bandyopadhyay, A. (2023). Spatial pattern-based performance evaluation and uncertainty analysis of a distributed hydrological model. Hydrological Processes, 36(5), e14586.
  • Bhadra, A., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2022). Response assessment of hydrological processes to climate change using ArcSWAT in Mago basin of Eastern Himalaya. Journal of Earth System Science, 131, 252.
  • Bandyopadhyay, A. (2022). Diagnosis of GCM-RCM driven rainfall patterns under changing climate through the robust selection of multi-model ensemble and sub-ensembles. Climatic Change, 176, 13.
  • Bhadra, A., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2023). Spatio-temporal variability of glacier surface area, ELA, and AAR in the Mago river basin of Arunachal Pradesh. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 14(1), 253–271.
  • Pandey, P. K., & Pandey, V. (2023). Evaluation of cumulative infiltration models under different land uses in a temperate sub-alpine zone of Arunachal Pradesh. International Journal of Lakes and Rivers, 15(1), 91–110.
  • Pandey, P. K., & Pandey, V. (2022). Quantifying the significance of basin parameters and hydro-climatic factors to water and sediment yields across spatio-temporal scales in mountainous river Basin, Sikkim. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 13(8), 3189–3216.
  • Patel, T., & Pal, A. (2023). Bluetooth module-based wearable heatstroke alert system based on physiological and environmental parameters for agricultural workers. Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 13(5), 1388–1395.
  • Patel, T. (2023). Response surface design optimization for blade geometry of non-rotary push-pull type weeder. Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 13(4), 1079–1086.
  • Patel, T., & Pal, A. (2023). Engineering interventions and their effects on oyster mushroom cultivation: A systematic review. Indian Journal of Hill Farming, 35, 53–67.
  • Choudhary, A. K. (2023). Feed forward neural network and its reverse mapping aspects for the simulation of ginger drying kinetics. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 24(1), 176–186.
  • Choudhary, A. K. (2023). Neuro-fuzzy interface and mathematical modeling of rehydration kinetics and dynamic vapor sorption behavior of novel no-cooking rice. Journal of Food Process Engineering.
2023 - 24
S.No. Name of PI/Co-PI Title of the project Funding Agency Date of Sanction Total Amount Fund received during the year under review 
 K.N. Dewangan (PI) and T. Patel (Co-PI) All India Coordinated Research Project on Ergonomics and  Safety in Agriculture ICAR 20.04.2020 35,51,000 35,51,000 
 K.N. Dewangan (Co-PI) Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources of Arunachal Pradesh DST 28.12.2020 2,46,51,965  Nil 
 Aditi Bhadra Assessment of Variability in Glacier melt and Snowmelt Runoff under Projected Climatic Scenarios for Data Scarce Himalayan River Basins DST June 2019 69,40,712 Nil 
 Arnab Bandyopadhyay Development of Flood Warning System for Tlwang River, Mizoram, Development of Rating Curve & Preparation of Water Data Yearbook National Hydrology Project, World Bank via Irrigation and Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Mizoram April 2022 59,96,524 14,99,131 
 T. Patel, A. Pal Development of solar operated paddy thresher for sustainable livelihood of agricultural workers in North Eastern India NECTAR 18 February 2021 6,38,000 Nil 
 A. Pal Development of GPS based steering assist system for agricultural tractor AICTE 10 March 2021 7,25,000 Nil 
2022 - 23
S.No. Name of PI/Co-PI Title of the project Funding Agency Date of Sanction Total Amount Fund received during the year under review 
 K.N. Dewangan (PI) and T. Patel (Co-PI) All India Coordinated Research Project on Ergonomics and  Safety in Agriculture ICAR 20.04.2020 35,51,000 35,51,000 
 K.N. Dewangan (Co-PI) Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources of Arunachal Pradesh DST 28.12.2020 2,46,51,965  Nil 
 Aditi Bhadra Assessment of Variability in Glacier melt and Snowmelt Runoff under Projected Climatic Scenarios for Data Scarce Himalayan River Basins DST June 2019 69,40,712 Nil 
 Arnab Bandyopadhyay Development of Flood Warning System for Tlwang River, Mizoram, Development of Rating Curve & Preparation of Water Data Yearbook National Hydrology Project, World Bank via Irrigation and Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Mizoram April 2022 59,96,524 14,99,131 
 T. Patel, A. Pal Development of solar operated paddy thresher for sustainable livelihood of agricultural workers in North Eastern India NECTAR 18 February 2021 6,38,000 Nil 
 A. Pal Development of GPS based steering assist system for agricultural tractor AICTE 10 March 2021 7,25,000 Nil 
Sl. No. Name of software Creators Reference Year 
Bio MMH model B Surya Kumar Chhetry and K. N. Dewangan SW-18731/2024 2024 
Oyster mushroom plantation machine code Huidrom Dayananda Singh  and  Thaneswer Patel SW-18950/2024 2024 
Dynamic anthropometric measurement via real time 2d image processing (dam-rt2dip) Anubhab Pal, Huidrom Dayananda Singh, Thaneswer Patel SW-18873/2024 2024 
Spatially Distributed Snow and Glacier Melt Runoff Model (SDSGRM) Bhadra, A., Bandyopadhyay, A., Chiphang, N., Vanlalnunchhani, P.C. SW-17911/2023 2023 
PixelSWAT Bhadra, A., Bandyopadhyay, A., Bole, N. SW-17910/2023 2023 
Glacier Mass Balance Model (GMBM) Bhadra, A., Bandyopadhyay, A., Golom, T. SW-17912/2023 2023 
Sl No. Name of product Inventors Reference Year 
Battery assisted pineapple leaves pruning device K.N. Dewangan, B Surya Kumar Chhetry, Sarju Thokchom 549396 2024 
Power-operated mini rhizome planter K. N. Dewangan, Thaneswer Patel, Sarju Thokchom, B. Surya Kumar Chhetry, Bishorjit Ningthoujam 548570 2024 
A kiwi vine prunner device K.N. Dewangan,  Sarju Thokchom, B. Surya Kumar Chhetry 529277 2024 
Device for catching aquatic subjects in trenches of agricultural fields’ K.N. Dewangan,  Tapi Tada, B. Surya Kumar Chhetry  2024 
Oyster mushroom layer-by-layer plantation machine Huidrom Dayananda Singh, Thaneswer Patel, Hijam Jiten Singh, Naseeb Singh, Anubhab Pal 402710-001 2024 
Remote controlled turning mechanism of power tiller with safety features Dr. P. K. Pranav, B. Surya Kumar Chhetry, Anubhab Pal, Mayangkaba Aier 546351 2024 
Manual three row multi seed dibbler Anubhab Pal, Huidrom Dayananda Singh, Rohit Kr. Pasi, ajay Marbom, Modify Rymbai, Michi Rimin, Phanuma Kochari 426972-001 2024 
Manually operated gun type Kiwi pollinator Priyam Goswamy, Thaneswer Patel, Himanshu Bora, Bishorjit Ningthoujam, Subhabrata Basu 431518-001 2024