Centre for Management Studies (CMS)

Research:(Last Two Years)

Name of FacultySponsored projects/Consultancy
Dr. R. M. Pant.MHRD Sponsored research project "Agricultural and Sustainable Life Support Systems: A study of West Kameng and Tawang Districts of Arunachal Pradesh".
Dr. R. M. Pant.UNESCO, Macarthur funded multi institutional project "People Centred Land use patterns in Shifting Cultivation Affected Namdapha National Park of Arunachal Pradesh"
Dr. R. M. Pant.AICTE Sponsored research project "Efficient Management of Technical Institutions in Arunachal Pradesh: HRM Perspectives”
Project TitleName of P.I./Co-P.I.DurationFunding AgencyAmount
Development of Hydrological Module for Snowmelt Runoff in the Himalayan Region under Pracriti-II  Hydrology ProjectBhadra (PI) and A. Bandyopadhyay (Co-PI)2014SAC ISRO, Ministry of SpaceRs. 19,60,000/-
( Fund received during the review year: 10,50,000/-.)
Development of a hydro-ecological model to evaluate sustainability of agriculture and forest ecosystemsA. Bandyopadhyay (PI) and A. Bhadra (Co-PI)2014ITRA-WaterRS/33,91,000/-
(Fund sanctioned during the review year)
AICRP on Sacred Grove Ecosystem Services Assessment in Arunachal Pradesh, MoEF New DelhiO.P. Tripathi (PI) and P.K. Pandey (Co-PI)2014AICRP34,28,800