Sl No | Title of the Course | Sponsored by | Organized by | Period |
1 | Special Topics in Fluid Mechanics (Refresher Course) | University Grants Commission | Academic Staff College, JU | 01 – 21/01/2007 |
2 | Composite Materials: Manufacturing, Mechanics and Applications | AICTE-ISTE | Mechanical Engg. Deptt., NERIST | 20 – 24/10/2008 |
3 | Behavioural Competency Development: Psychological Aspects | AICTE- ISTE | Humanitics and Social Sciences Deptt., NERIST | 23 – 27/03/2009 |
4 | Robotics | MHRD, New Delhi | NITTTR, Kolkata | 17 – 21/08/2009 |
5 | Soft Computing in Engineering Applications | AICTE | Mechanical Engg. Deptt., NERIST | 25/01 – 05/02/2010 |
6 | Micro fabrication and Micromachining Processes | DST | Production Engg. Deptt. JU | 05 – 10/04/2010 |
7 | Mechatronics & Automation | MHRD, New Delhi | NITTTR, Kolkata | 02 – 06/05/2010 |
8 | Recent Advances in Mechanics and their Application in Nano Engineering & Technology | AICTE | Mechanical Engg. Deptt., NERIST | 01 – 12/08/2011 |
9 | Introduction to MATLAB - SIMULINK , Control System and Image Processing Toolbox | MHRD, New Delhi | NITTTR, Kolkata | 02 – 06/05/2011 |
10 | Computational and Experimental Aspects in Thermal Science | AICTE | Mechanical Engg. Deptt., NERIST | 27/02 – 02/03/2012 |
11 | Personality Development | AICTE | Centre for Management Studies, NERIST | 7 - 9/09/2012 |
12 | Advances in Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Robotics | TEQUIP | Mechanical Engg. Deptt., NERIST | 26 – 30/06/2012 |
13 | Recent Advances in Tribology and Materials for Tribological Applications | TEQUIP | Mechanical Engg. Deptt., NERIST | 10 - 14/04/2013 |
14 | Ergonomics and Safety in Product Design | TEQUIP | Agricultural Engg. Deptt., NERIST | 14 - 18/05/2013 |
15 | Pedagogical Training for Engineering Teachers | TEQUIP | Mechanical Engg. Deptt., NERIST | 21 – 23/03/2014 |
16 | Micromanufacturing | TEQUIP | Production Engineering Department, JU | 17 - 19/03/2016 |
17 | Recent Trend in Composite Material | TEQUIP | Mechanical Engg. Deptt., JU | 18/08/2016 |
18 | Solidification and Phase Transformation | TEQUIP | Mechanical and Metallurgial &Material Engg. Deptt., JU | 26 - 27/08/2016 |
19 | Advances in Joining Processes | TEQUIP | Centre of Excellence, TEQIP - II, JU | 22 - 23/09/2016 |
20 | Materials Characterisation Techniques | TEQUIP | Centre of Excellence, TEQIP - II, JU | 4 - 5/10/2016 |
21 | Solid Waste and Wastewater Treatment | MHRD, New Delhi | NITTTR, Kolkata | 30/10 - 10/11/2017 |
22 | Refresher Course on Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials | MHRD, New Delhi | NITTTR, Kolkata | 05 - 16/02/2018 |
23 | Thermodynamics | MHRD, New Delhi | NITTTR, Kolkata | 12 - 16/11/2018 |
24 | Application of AutoCAD in Engineering & Basic Sciences | MHRD, New Delhi | NITTTR, Kolkata | 18 - 22/02/2019 |
25 | Theory and Practices of CNC Machining Operations | MHRD, New Delhi | NITTTR, Kolkata | 26/08 - 06/09/2019 |
26 | Computer Aided Design With Ansys | MHRD, New Delhi | NITTTR, Kolkata | 16 - 20/03/2020 |
27 | Webinar on Robotics - Connecting Engineering Minds | IIIT Delhi and McGraw Hill | IIT, Delhi | 06/07/2020 |
28 | Webinar on Understanding the Dynamics of Intellectual Property Rights | AICTE | Mechanical Engg. Deptt. NERIST | 03 - 04/08/2020 |
29 | Webinar on Current Trends in Automation and Robotics | UGC | Kaziranga University | 18/09/2020 |
30 | Role of Teacher in CreatingEffective Learning Environment for Students | AICTE | Electronics and Communication Engg. Deptt. NERIST | 25-30/10/2021 |
31 | CNC Machining System | Education Ministry | NITTTR, Kolkata | 23-27/05/2022 |
32 | Capacity Building | AICTE | Mechanical Engg. Deptt. NERIST | 30.01 - 10/02/2023 |
33 | Computational Techniques for Mechanical Engineers | Education Ministry | NITTTR, Kolkata | 11-15/09/2023 |
34 | Inculcating Universal Human Valuesin Technical Education | AICTE | Online | 25-29/09/2023 |
35 | Computational Intelligence for Solving Complex Engineering Problems using Python | ATAL | ME & ECE Deptt. NERIST | 30/10 - 04/11/2023 |
36 | Awarness on Quality Assesment in NIRF and NBA | NERIST | NERIST | 16-20/01/2024 |
37 | Additive Manufacturing of Polymers for Bio-medical Applications | Education Ministry | NITTTR, Kolkata | 12-16/02/2024 |