Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Kajal Kumar Mandal

Associate Professor

Production Engineering

0360 2257401-8 extn. 6222
From(Date of Joining)ToDesignationOrganizationNature of Association
10.07.2016Till DateAssociate ProfessorNERISTRegular
01.01.200609.07.2016Assistant ProfessorNERISTRegular
10/07/2001 31.12.2005LecturerNERISTRegular
06.07.200112.04.2000Senior Research FellowJadavpur UniversitySpecified Period
30.11.199811.04.2000Technical Project AssistantJadavpur UniversityContractual
Ph DLaser Material ProcessingJadavpur2019
M Prod EProduction TechnologyJadavpur1998
B M EMechanical EngineeringJadavpur1995
Departmental Training & Placement CounsellorNERIST
January 2018December 2020Faculty Incharge of Workshop
April 2018March 2021Member in Board of ManagementNERIST
July 2021Till DateDepartmental Member in Central Library CommitteeNERIST
21.10.2022Till DateChairman (TPT)NERIST

  1. The Institute of Engineers (India)  - F-1295949
  2. The Indian Society of Technical Education  - LM 35807
  3. Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics – L / 539
Sl. No.CourseSemesterTitleLevel/Module
1ME 3202SecondProduction Engineering IIDiploma
2ME 5202SecondManufacturing ScienceDegree
3ME 6102/ 24011FirstNumerical Control and CAMDegree
4ME 6028SecondIndustrial RoboticsDegree
5ME 23011FirstNon-conventional MachiningDegree
5ME 7101FirstAdvanced Operations ResearchPost Graduate
6ME 7201SecondAdvanced Manufacturing ProcessPost Graduate
Sl. No.Name of the StudentTitleStatusYear
1Samrat Choudhury Comparison of Single and Multi-Response Optimization for Laser Micro-Machining of Al 7075 Alloy using Genetic AlgorithmCompleted2020
2Wangsum Kamhoa Experimental Investigation and Prediction of Cutting Process using ANN on Light Metal Alloy under Laser Micromachining OperationCompleted 2022
3Priyam KashyapInvestigation of AZ31D Magnesium Alloy Reinforced with Inconel 718 Powder Developed by Friction Stir ProcessingCompleted2024
TopicScholar NameStatus of Ph.DAwarded in Year
Sl NoTitle of the CourseSponsored byOrganized byPeriod
1Special Topics in Fluid Mechanics (Refresher Course)University Grants Commission  Academic Staff College, JU01 – 21/01/2007
2Composite Materials: Manufacturing, Mechanics and ApplicationsAICTE-ISTE Mechanical Engg. Deptt., NERIST20 – 24/10/2008
3Behavioural Competency Development: Psychological AspectsAICTE- ISTE Humanitics and Social Sciences Deptt., NERIST23 – 27/03/2009
4RoboticsMHRD, New DelhiNITTTR, Kolkata17 – 21/08/2009
5Soft Computing in Engineering ApplicationsAICTEMechanical Engg. Deptt., NERIST25/01 – 05/02/2010
6Micro fabrication and Micromachining ProcessesDST Production Engg. Deptt. JU05 – 10/04/2010
7Mechatronics & AutomationMHRD, New DelhiNITTTR, Kolkata02 – 06/05/2010
8Recent Advances in Mechanics and their Application in Nano Engineering & TechnologyAICTE Mechanical Engg. Deptt., NERIST01 – 12/08/2011
9Introduction to MATLAB - SIMULINK , Control System and Image Processing ToolboxMHRD, New DelhiNITTTR, Kolkata02 – 06/05/2011
10Computational and Experimental Aspects in Thermal ScienceAICTE Mechanical Engg. Deptt., NERIST27/02 – 02/03/2012
11Personality DevelopmentAICTE Centre for Management Studies, NERIST7 - 9/09/2012
12Advances in Computer Integrated Manufacturing and RoboticsTEQUIPMechanical Engg. Deptt., NERIST26 – 30/06/2012
13Recent Advances in Tribology and Materials for Tribological ApplicationsTEQUIPMechanical Engg. Deptt., NERIST10 - 14/04/2013
14Ergonomics and Safety in Product DesignTEQUIPAgricultural Engg. Deptt., NERIST14 - 18/05/2013
15Pedagogical Training for Engineering TeachersTEQUIPMechanical Engg. Deptt., NERIST21 – 23/03/2014
16MicromanufacturingTEQUIPProduction Engineering Department, JU17 - 19/03/2016
17Recent Trend in Composite MaterialTEQUIPMechanical Engg. Deptt., JU18/08/2016
18Solidification and Phase TransformationTEQUIPMechanical and Metallurgial &Material Engg. Deptt., JU26 - 27/08/2016
19Advances in Joining ProcessesTEQUIPCentre of Excellence, TEQIP - II, JU22 - 23/09/2016
20Materials Characterisation TechniquesTEQUIPCentre of Excellence, TEQIP - II, JU4 - 5/10/2016
21Solid Waste and Wastewater TreatmentMHRD, New DelhiNITTTR, Kolkata30/10 - 10/11/2017
22Refresher Course on Engineering Mechanics and Strength of MaterialsMHRD, New DelhiNITTTR, Kolkata05 - 16/02/2018
23ThermodynamicsMHRD, New DelhiNITTTR, Kolkata12 - 16/11/2018
24Application of AutoCAD in Engineering & Basic SciencesMHRD, New DelhiNITTTR, Kolkata18 - 22/02/2019
25Theory and Practices of CNC Machining OperationsMHRD, New DelhiNITTTR, Kolkata26/08 - 06/09/2019
26Computer Aided Design With AnsysMHRD, New DelhiNITTTR, Kolkata16 - 20/03/2020
27Webinar on Robotics - Connecting Engineering MindsIIIT Delhi and McGraw HillIIT, Delhi06/07/2020
28Webinar on Understanding the Dynamics of Intellectual Property RightsAICTEMechanical Engg. Deptt. NERIST03 - 04/08/2020
29Webinar on Current Trends in Automation and RoboticsUGCKaziranga University18/09/2020
30Role of Teacher in CreatingEffective Learning Environment for StudentsAICTEElectronics and Communication Engg. Deptt. NERIST25-30/10/2021
31CNC Machining SystemEducation MinistryNITTTR, Kolkata23-27/05/2022
32Capacity BuildingAICTEMechanical Engg. Deptt. NERIST30.01 - 10/02/2023
33Computational Techniques for Mechanical EngineersEducation MinistryNITTTR, Kolkata11-15/09/2023
34Inculcating Universal Human Valuesin Technical EducationAICTEOnline25-29/09/2023
35Computational Intelligence for Solving Complex Engineering Problems using PythonATALME & ECE Deptt. NERIST30/10 - 04/11/2023
36Awarness on Quality Assesment in NIRF and NBANERISTNERIST16-20/01/2024
37Additive Manufacturing of Polymers for Bio-medical ApplicationsEducation MinistryNITTTR, Kolkata12-16/02/2024
Conference/Course NameSponsored ByDate
Workshop on Engineering OptimizationTEQIP14-18.05.2012
  1. Experimental Investigation on Surface Characteristics of Nd:YVO4 Laser Machined Al7075 Alloy, Online Summit on OPTICS AND PHOTONICS (COP-2021), April 06, 2021, Belgium
  2. Experimental Investigation on Laser Micro-machining of Al 7075 Alloy, 12th Int. Conf. on Optics, Photonics and Laser, June 17 -18 2019, London, UK.
  1. AHP-GRA integrated methodology for decision making in WEDM of Ti-6Al-4V alloy, D. Devarasiddappa, M. Chandrasekaran, K. K. Mandal, Modeling, Simulation and Optimization, Springer Nature, Singapore Pte. Ltd., June, 2022, pp. 599 – 612,
  2. Prediction of kerf qualities for 7075 Aluminium alloy on laser micro-machining using artificial neural network, K. K. Mandal, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing and Design, Springer Nature, Singapore Pte. Ltd., January 2025, pp. 443 – 456,

International Journals:

  1. Mandal, K.K., 2014. Development of an ANN Model to Predict Surface Roughness During Cryogenic Machining Operation.  Int. J. of Research in Engineering and Technology. 03/07, 393 – 397. eISSN: 2319-1163, pISSN: 2321-7308.
  2. Mandal, K.K., Chatterjee, B., Kuar, A.S., Mitra, S., 2016. Parametric Study of Hole Taper in Laser Micro-drilling of Copper Sheet. Int. J. of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology. 03/05, 393 – 397. ISSN 2348-9480.
  3. Chatterjee, B., Mandal, K.K., Kuar, A.S., Mitra, S., 2016. Parametric Study of Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) Width in Laser Micro-drilling of Copper Sheet. J. ELK Asia Pacific. ISBN: 978-81-930411-8-5. Special Issue.
  4. Mandal, K.K., Kuar, A.S., Mitra, S., 2018. Experimental investigation on laser micro-machining of Al 7075 Alloy. Optics and Laser Technology. 107, 260–267. ISSN: 0030-3992.
  5. Chowdhury, S., Mandal, K.K., 2019. Modeling of Artificial Neural Network for the Prediction of Hole Taper and HAZ Width of Nd:YVO4 Laser Micro-drilled Copper Sheet. Key Engineering Materials; Composite Materials and Material Engineering III. 801, 219 -226.  http// ISSN: 1662-9795.
  6. Chowdhury, S., Mandal, K.K., 2022. Single and Multi-response Optimization for Laser Micromachining of Al 7075 Alloy. Reason – A Technical Journal.  XXI, 39 – 47, ISSN:2277-1654, http://doi:10.21843/reas/2022/39-47/222962.
  7. Das, R. K., Nayak, B., Ganeshan, P., Gautam, S. S., Mandal, K.K., 2023. Dynamic mechanical behavior of a nano sized alumina fiber reinforced epoxy hybrid composites. Materials Today: Elsevier, 76(3), 524-527, ISSN: 2214-7853,


  1. Banik, R., Pongen, R., Mandal, K. K., Mandal,  A., 2011. Development of an ANN Model to Predict Tool Wear During Cryogenic Machining. Int. Conf. Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Technology, Chitkara University, Chandigarh. 28 – 30.
  2. Mandal, K.K., 2014. Development of an ANN Model to Predict Surface Roughness During Cryogenic Machining Operation.  Int. Conf. Trends in Technology for Convergence, AVS Engg. College, Salem, Tamil Nadu. 1-8.
  3. Mandal, K.K., Biswas, R., Kuar, A.S., Mitra, S., 2014. Int. Symposium on Aspects of Mechanical Engineering and Technology for Industry, NERIST, Nirjuli, Ar. P. 120-126.
  4. Chatterjee, B., Mandal, K.K., Kuar, A.S., Mitra, S., 2016. Parametric Study of Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) Width in Laser Micro-drilling of Copper Sheet. 2nd Int. Conf. ARIMPIE-2016 ITS Engg. College, Greater Noida, UP. 143-147.
  5. Mandal, K.K., Chatterjee, B., Kuar, A.S., Mitra, S., 2016. Parametric Study of Hole Taper in Laser Micro-drilling of Copper Sheet, Int. Conf. on Recent Issues in Engineering, Science & Technology – 2016, IER, Salem, Tamilnadu. 15-20.
  6. Mandal, K.K., Kuar, A.S., Mitra, S., 2016. Taguchi-based Grey Relational Analysis of Hole Taper and Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) Width for Laser Micro-drilling of Copper Sheet. 6th Int. & 27th AIMTDR–2016, College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, 425-429.  ISBN: 978-93-86256-27-0.
  7. Mandal, K.K., Kuar, A.S., Mitra, S., 2017. Investigation on Kerf Width, Heat Affected Zone and Angular Deviation in Laser Micro-machining of Al 7075 Alloy. AMPT'2017, V.I.T. University, Chennai, Tamilnadu.
  8. Chowdhury, S., Mandal, K.K., 2019. Modeling of Artificial Neural Network for the Prediction of Hole Taper and HAZ Width of Nd:YVO4 Laser Micro-drilled Copper Sheet. 2019 4th ICCMME, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan.
  9. Mandal, K.K., 2019. Experimental Investigation on Surface Characteristics of Nd:YVO4 Laser Machined Al 7075 Alloy, Online Summit on OPTICS AND PHOTONICS (COP-2021), April 06, 2021, Belgium.
  10. Das, R. K., Nayak, B., Ganeshan, P. Gautam, S. S. ,Mandal, K.K., 2022. Dynamic Mechanical Behaviour of a Nano Sized Alumina Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Hybrid Composites, International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processes for Engineering Applications, July 08 - 09, Hyderabad, INDIA.
  11. Chowdhury, S., Mandal, K.K., 2023, RSM Based Single and Multi-Response Optimizationn for Laser Micro-Machining of Al 7075 Alloy using Genetic Algorithm, International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Technologies, November 20-23, BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus, UAE, 
  12. Mandal, K.K., 2024. Prediction of Kerf Qualities for Al 7075 Aluminium Alloy on Laser Micro-Machining using Artificial Neural Network, International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, January 5 - 6, Jadavpur University Kolkata India.


  1. Chowdhury, S., Mandal, K.K., 2021. Single and Multi-Response Optimization for Laser Micro- Machining of Al 7075 Alloy, National Conference on Innovations in Mechanical Engineering, December 17-19, Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India.
  2. Mandal, K. K., 2025, Critical Analysis of Fiber Laser Micro-machined Kerf Quality on Al7075 alloy sheet, Recent Advancements in Manufacturing Technology & Management, January 16-17, Production Engg. Deptt. JU, Kolkata,