Department of Agricultural Engineering

Dr. Pankaj Kumar Pandey


Irrigation & Drainage, RS & GIS, Stochastic Hydrology, Groundwater, Watershed Management, Climate Change

(EPBX/Office): 0360-2257401-8 Extn 6264
From(Date of Joining)ToDesignationOrganisationNature of Association
17.07.2022    ContinuingProfessorNERISTRegular
17.07.2006  16.07.2019Asst. ProfessorNERISTRegular
Ph.DSoil & Water Conservation EnggNERIST, Nirjuli2016
M.E.(IWME)Irrigation Water Management Engg.MPUAT,Udaipur2002
B.Tech (Ag.)Agricultural Engg.Allahabad University1997
TopicFunding AgencyYear
On-going: Assessment of carbon stock and carbon sequestration potential of major landuse sectors in Arunachal Pradesh.DST, New Delhi, Rs.84.624,2015-18
Biomass and carbon assessment in India- Phase II.NRSC, ISRO
Rs. 14.00 Lakhs
HIMADRI In Arunachal Pradesh (PRACRITI II);SAC-ISRO Ahmedabad;    
Rs. 23.01 Lakhs;
AICRP on Sacred Grove Ecosystem Services Assessment in Arunachal Pradesh.MoEF, New Delhi;
Rs. 34.288 Lakhs;
Completed: Impact analysis of spatio-temporal changes in land use/cover and plant diversity of Itanagar, Arunachal PradeshCSIR, New Delhi
Rs. 11.00 Lakhs
  1. Life Member, Soil Conservation Society of India New Delhi
  2. Life Member, ISTE, New Delhi
  3. Life Member, Indian Geological Cohgress
TitleCourse CodeModuleSemester
Soil Mechanics/ Mechanics of Granular MaterialAE- 4103/4301 Diploma 
Wasteland DevelopmentAE-4007Diploma 
Water Well and Pump EngineeringA E-5102Degree 
Fluid Mechanics/Comprehensive fluid MechanicsAE-3203/ AE-4401Diploma 
Irrigation Drainage Engineering IAE-4203 Diploma 
Agricultural Meteorology & Climate ChangeAE-5104Degree 
Irrigation Drainage Engg IIAE-6201Degree 
Irrigation System DesignAE-7133PG 
Ground Water HydrologyAE-7039PG 
Title of Project (M.Tech)Names of Students
Estimation of reference evapotranspiration using data driven techniquesMs. Topi Nyori(2013)
Hybrid SARIMA-GARCH Modelling of monthly rainfall time seriesMr. Hemendra Tripura(2014)
Copula based analysis for Interdependence between Rainfall and TemperatureMr. Lakhyajit Das (2015)
Title of Project (B.Tech)Names of Students
Performance evaluation of selected temperature based reference evapotranspiration models under climatic conditions of UmaimMr. Hibu Cheley (2007)
Mr. Radheshyam Keisen (2007)
Determination of Physical properties, water transmission and retention characteristics of soil of paddy field in vicinity of NirjuliMr.Ashish (2008)
Mr.Nikhil Kumar (2008)
Modelling of wetting pattern under trickle source application in sandy soil of NirjuliMr. K. Padameswer Singh(2009)
Mr.Sanjay Singh(2009)
Determination of Discharge coefficient and head discharge relationship of different hydraulic structureMr.T.Kumar(2010)
Mr. Sourav Chakraborty(2010)
Models to estimate soil moisture retention limits and saturated hydraulic conductivity Performance evaluation of temperature based Penman-Montieth (TPM) model under the climatic conditions of UmaimMr. Ashish(2010)
Mr. Igol Riba(2010)
Mr. Mai Aram(2011)
Mr. Lenin Tayang(2011)
Trend in Sunshine duration in humid climatic conditions of North East IndiaMr. Subu Laji (2012)
Mr.Tage Tapang(2012)
Economic evaluation and overall assessment of water harvesting ponds using score card systemMr. Pinak Pani Dutta(2013)
Estimation of mean solar radiation from air temperature without routinely observed meteorological dataMr. Shankar Bagan (2013)
Mr.P.Pawe (2013)
Determination of erodibility under different land use in vicinity of NirjuliMr. A. Choudhury(2014)
MS. M. Berman(2014)
Evaluation of pan coefficient equations for estimating reference ET under climatic condition of Jorhat(Assam)Mr.N.Singh (2015)
Mr.K.Tiwari (2015)
Mr.K.P.Narayanan (2015)
Course NameSponsored ByDate
Advances in Traffic Flow and Environmental Management
TEQUIP17-21 April, 2012
Faculty awareness camp on entrepreneurship
 Teaching methodology
NITTTR, Kolkata
26-28, Nov. 2009
3-7, Jan, 2011
Hydro informatics for Surface and Subsurface Water Resources at IIT,GuwahatiAICTE9-13, June,2008
Recent Advances in Mechanics and their application in Nano Engineering &TechnologyAICTE1-12, Aug., 2011
  1. Yadav, S., Deb P., Kumar, S., Pandey, V., Pandey, P. K.(2016) Trends in major and minor meteorological variables and their influence on reference evapotranspiration for mid Himalayan region at east Sikkim, India. Journal of Mountain Science, 13(2):302-315. DOI: 10.1007/s11629-014-3238-3.
  2. Singh C.P., Sharma, S.,…Pandey, P.K.,….. Agnihotri, V. (2015). HIMADRI Site in Arunachal Pradesh, ENVIS Newsletter: Himalayan Ecology, 12(2):8. (ISSN: 2277-9000)
  3. Pandey, V., Pandey, P.K. & Mahanta, A.P. (2014). Calibration and performance verification of Hargreaves-Samani equation in a humid region. Irrig. Drain., 63, 659–667.
  4. Dabral, P. P., Pandey, P. K., Kumar, T. and Chakraborty, S. (2014). Determination of discharge coefficient and head –discharge relationships of different hydraulic structures. Journal of Indian Water Resources Society, 34(1): 40-52. (ISSN 0970-6984)
  5. P. P. Dabral, Pandey, P. K., Pandey A., Singh, K. P., Singh, M. Sanjoy (2012) Modelling of wetting pattern under trickle source in sandy soil of Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh (India). Irrigation Science 30(4). DOI: 10.1007/s00271-011-0283-3
  6. Pandey, V., Lalnunkimi, M. Pandey, P.K. (2012). Calibration of temperature based solar radiation models for East Sikkim. CAU Research News Letter. July-December 2012. ISSN: 2319 – 3042.
  7. Pandey, P.K., Pandey, V. (2011) Lysimeter based crop coefficients for estimation of crop evapotranspiration of black gram (Vigna Mungo L.) in sub-humid region. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. DOI:10.3965/j.issn.1934-6344.2011.04.050-058
  8. Pandey, V., Pandey, P. K. (2010) Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil Moisture. International Journal of Geosciences 01/2010; 1(1). DOI:10.4236/ijg.2010.12012
  9. Pandey P.K, Pandey V, Singh R, Bhakar SR (2009) Stochastic modelling of actual Black Gram evapotranspiration. J Water Resour Prot. 1(6):448–455
  10. Pandey, P.K., Radheshyam, K. & Hibu, C. (2009). Assessing the performance of temperature based evapotranspiration models under the climatic conditions of Umaim (Meghalaya) India. Zeitschrift für Bewässerungswirtschaft, 44(1), 57–69.
  11. Pandey, P. K., Dabral, P. P., Ashish and Nikhil Kumar (2009). Determination of physical, water retention and transmission properties of paddy fields in the vicinity of Nirjuli (Arunachal Pradesh). J. Soil and Water Consev. 8(4):3-10. (ISSN 0970-3349)
  12. Dabral, P. P., Pandey, P.K, Debnath, S, Tado and Singh R. P. (2009). Excess-deficit analysis of rainfall for Umaim (Barapani), Meghalaya. J. Indian Water Resources Society. 29(3):15-21. (ISSN 0970-6984)
  13. Singh, P. K., Singh, K. K., Shukla, K. N. Pandey, P. K. (2007). Water Requirement of Mango (Magnifera india linn) Crop in Different Agro Climatic Regions of India. IE (I) Journal-AG, 88: 1-5.
  14. Singh, P.K., Shukla, K.N., Pandey, P.K., Singh, K.K. (2006) Integrated water and nutrient management of young mango crop in tarai region of Uttaranchal. IE (I) Journal-AG, 87
  15. Pandey, P. K., Singh, RajVir, Bhakar, S R. (2004) Modelling of Evapotranspiration based on growth parameters. Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 41(3): 37-40. (ISSN: 0256-6524)