Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Sutanu Samanta


Ultrasonic NDT, Composite materials and non conventional machining

(EPBX/Office): (0360) 2257401-11 Extn. 6226 (O)6599 (R)
From(Date of Joining)ToDesignationOrganisationNature of Association
05.06.2017Till dateProfessorNERISTRegular
05.06.201404.06.2017Associate ProfessorNERISTRegular
01.01.200604.06.2014Assistant ProfessorNERISTRegular
15.03.200020.10.2001LECTURERJGEC, W.B 
04.05.199809.03.2000Engineer (Design)Greaves Ltd 
Ph.DMechanical EngineeringB.E.S.U, Shibpur2011
M.EMechanical EngineeringB.E.College (D.U)1998
B.EMechanical EngineeringB.E.College (Calcutta university)1995
20/04/200401/09/2010WardenBlock: F (NERIST)
August'2011Sept'2012Chairman, TPTNERIST
July’2006June’2015Program officer, NSSNERIST
06.06.201203.01.2013DR (Acad)NERIST
December'2018November'2022Advisor, NEENERIST
July'2016September'2023Advisor, T&PNERIST
December’2018November’2021Chairman, NHUNERIST
November'2021August'2023Inchrarge, AICTE CELLNERIST
January'2024till date Coordinator, NBANERIST
  1. Life member of ISTE
  2. Member of Institute of Engineers
  3. Life member of ISTAM
  4. Life member of Tribological Society of India
  5. Life member of ISNT
TitleCourse CodeModuleSemester
Advanced operation researchME7101PG1st
Strength of materialsME22203Degree4th
Advanced manufacturing processesME7201PG2nd
Manufacturing ProcessesME23103Degree5th
Engineering MechanicsES22100Degree3rd
Workshop PracticeES21251Degree2nd
Machine Elements and Machine ToolsME12105Base (certificate)3rd
Title of ProjectNames of Students
Effect of fillers on the tribological behaviour of hybrid composites Pranjal Borah  
Characterisation of hybrid composites.Pulakesh Chetia
Parametric modelling and optimization of machining magnesium based metal matrix composite with nano sized reinforcementHemanata Doley 
TopicScholar NameStatus of PHDRegistration Year
Characterization of Bamboo/Kevlar fiber reinforced polymer hybrid composite material Mr.  T. J. SinghCompleted (2016)2013
"Studies on characterization & EDM of Al7075 hybrid nanocomposites for sustainable production"Ms. Sweety Mahantacompleted (2019)2014
Synthesisand characterization of PEEK and HA-based composites.Mr S.K. DeyCompleted(2022)2014
Synthesis and Characterization of TiC reinforced Magnesium metal matrix Composites.Mr D. DashCompleted (2021)2014
Fabrication and characterization of HDPE/MWCNT/h-BNNP hybrid nanocompositesMr. N.D. BadgayanCompleted (2020)2015
Effect ofcell parameter alteration on mechanical properties of honeycomb sandwich beam"Mr. Santosh SahuCompleted (2020)2015
Study on characterization and WEDM investigation of AA6061/SiC/B4C hybrid nanocomposites"Mr. Shubhajit DasCompleted (2019)2014
Investigation of the thermal properties of Al2 O3, TiO2, graphene nano-fluid and their performance in ThermosyphonMr. Siddhartha Das Completed (2021)2015
Welding investigation on nitrogen alloyed austenitic stainless steel and parametric optimization for sustainable productionMr. Vivek SinghCompleted (2021)2016
An advanced model for identification of a shallow crack propagating to a deep crack in spinning rotorsMr. Pranjal BorahCompleted (2022)2016
Course NameSponsored ByDate
CADD ExcellenceTEQIP-II.NERIST30th July-9thAugust’14
Appropriate technology for rural developmentTEQIP-II.NERIST25th -29th August’14
Recent advances in microprocessors, microcontrollers and their applicationsTEQIP-II.NERIST17th -21st February’15
Micro-manufacturing for Biomedical ApplicationsAICTE23rd -27th February’15
Recent advancements of electrical machines and industrial applicationsTEQIP-II4th  -8th November’15
Pedagogy Training for Outcome Based EducationNITTTR, Bhopal16 -17th March, 2017
 Polymer composites and nanocompositesNITTTR, Kolkata12th -16th June,2017
Refresher course on “Engineering Mechanics & Strength of Materials”NITTTR, Kolkata5th-16th Feb,2018
Recent research trends in TribologyTEQIP-III, GIMT, Guwahati3rd -7th Aug,2020
FDP on "Art of living & Capacity Building”AICTE30th Jan-10th Feb, 2023
Conference NameSponsored ByDate
Faculty development programme on “Recent advances in Tribology and materials for Tribological applications”TEQIP-II10-14th April’2013
National conference on “Advances in welding technology”TEQIP-II10-11 May’2013
Conference on “Recent advancement s in Mechanical Engineering ( NCRAME)”TEQIP-II, NABARD8-9th November’2013
  1. Badgayan N. D., Samanta S., Sahu S. K., Siva S.B.V., Sadasivuni K. K., Sahu D,. Sreekanth P.S R. (2017), “Tribological behavior of 1D and 2D nanofiller based high density poly- ethylene hybrid nanocomposites: A run-in and steady state phase analysis,” Wear (ELSEVIER), Vol. 376-377, 1379-1390. (DOI: org/ 10.1016/j.wear.2016.12.037)
  2. Singh T.J & Samanta S (2017),“Effect of stacking sequence on mechanical strength of bamboo/Kevlar K29 inter-ply laminated hybrid composite”, Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research, NISCAIR, Vol. 42, 230-234. DOI:
  3. Singh T.J, Samanta S & Singh H (2017),“Influence of Kevlar Hybridization on Dielectric and Conductivity of Bamboo Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composite”, Journal of Natural Fibers, Taylor and Francis, Vol.14, 837-845. DOI:
  4. Tapadar J, Thakur R, Chetia P, Tamang S, Samanta S (2017),“ Modeling of WEDM Parameters while Machining Mg-SiC Metal Matrix Composite”, International Journal of Technology, Vol. 8, 878-886. DOI
  5. Mahanta.S, Chandrasekaran.M,.Samanta.S,. Arunachalam. R. M (2018), “EDM investigation of Al 7075 alloy reinforced with B4C and fly ash nanoparticles and parametric optimization for sustainable production,” J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng., Vol. 40, 263 (DOI: org/10.1007/s40430-018-1191-8)
  6. Sahu  S.K, Badgayan N.D, Samanta S, Sreekanth P.S R. (2018), “Quasistatic and dynamic nanomechanical properties of HDPE reinforced with 0/1/2 dimensional carbon nano fillers based hybrid”, Journal of Materials Chemistry and Physics, ELSEVIER, Vol.203, 173-184, (DOI: org/10.1016/j.matchemphys.2017.09.063), (SCI = 2.296 IF)
  7. Badgayan N. D,.Sahu S. K, Samanta S., Sreekanth P.S. R. (2018), “Assessment of nanoscopic dynamic mechanical properties and B-C-N triad effect of MWCNT/h-BNNP nanofillers reinforced HDPE hybrid composite using oscillatory nano indentation: An insight into medical applications,”Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical materials(ELSEVIER), Vol. 80, 180-188.(DOI: org/10.1016/j.jmbbm.2018.01.027)
  8. Sahu S.K, Badgayan N.D, Samanta S, Sahu D, Sreekanth P.S.R (2018),“ Influence of cell size on out of plane stiffness and in-plane compliance character of the sandwich beam made with tunable PCTPE nylon honeycomb core and hybrid polymer nanocomposite skin”, International journal of Mechanical Sciences, ELSEVIER, Vol.148, 284-292. DOI:
  9. Das S, Giri A, Samanta S, Kanagaraj S (2019), “An experimental investigation of properties of nanofluid and its performance on thermosyphon cooled by natural convection”, Journal of thermal science and engineering Applications”, Transactions of the ASME, Vol.11, August 2019/044501-1 to 044501-9.
  10. Das S, Giri A, Samanta S, Kanagaraj S (2019), “Role of graphene nanofluids on heat transfer enhancement in thermosyphon”, Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices , Vol.4, issue.1,  163-169,
  11. Das, S., Chandrasekaran, M., Samanta, S., Kayaroganam, P., Paulo Davim, J (2019),” Fabrication and tribological study of AA6061 hybrid metal matrix composites reinforced with SiC/B4C nanoparticles “, Industrial lubrication and Tribology,
  12. Badgayan N.D, Sahu S.K, Samanta S, Sreekanth P.S.R ,“Evaluation of Dynamic Mechanical and thermal behavior of HDPE reinforced with MWCNT/h-BNNP: An attempt to find possible substitute for a metallic knee in transfemoral prosthesis” International Journal of Thermophysics, Springer,2019, 40:93, (
  13. Dey S.K, Chatterjee. S, Spieckermann F, Ghosh P, Samanta S, “Reversing and non reversing effects of PEEK-HA Composites on tuning cooling rate during crystallization”, Journal of Polymer Research, Springer, 2019, 26:279 (
  14. Dharmeswar Dash, Ram Singh, Sutanu Samanta and Ram Naresh Rai, “   Influence of TiC on Microstructure, Mechanical and Wear Properties of Magnesium alloy (AZ91D) Matrix Composites”, Journal of scientific & Industrial research, Vol79, February 2020, pp164-169.
  15. Singh Vivek, Chandrasekaran M, Samanta Sutanu, Palani kumar K (2020), Welding Investigation on GMAW− Cold Metal Transfer of AISI 201LN for Superior Weld Quality. Vol.10, No.4, PP1–12.
  16. Singh Vivek, Chandrasekaran M, Samanta Sutanu, Devarasiddappa D, Arunachalam R (2021) Sustainability Assessment of Gas Metal Arc Welding Process of AISI 201LN using AHP-TLBO Integrated Optimization Methodology. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 43:68.
  17. Dharmeswar Dash, Sutanu Samanta and Ram Naresh Rai, “Flexural, Dry sliding wear and Machinability (EDM) characteristics of AZ91D/TiC (0,5,10,15 &20 wt%)”, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Taylor and Francis,  2021 DOI:
  18. Sahu S.K, Badgayan N.D, Samanta S, Sreekanth P.S.R (2021), “ Evaluation of cell parameter variation on energy absorption characteristic of Thermoplastic Honeycomb sandwich structure” , Arabian Journal for science and Engineering, Springer, 2021 DOI:
  19. Borah P, Samanta S (2022), “Wear behaviour of Glass/jute hybrid epoxy composites with addition of fillers”, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Taylor and Francis,  Vol.8, issue1, pp54-67.2022 DOI:
  20. Rajat Rathore, Saugata Bhattacharjee, Prayas Bora, Gorrepotu Surya Rao, Sutanu Samanta, “Effect of injection parameters on tensile and flexural properties of green composites”, Composite theory and practice, 2022, Vol:22, issue:4, pp196-204.