Department Of Agricultural Engineering

Dr. Tage Tapang

Assistant Professor

Farm Machinery and Power, Application of sensors and automation in agriculture

0360 - 2257401-8 Extn. 6108 +91 98638 10608(M)
From(Date of Joining)ToDesignationOrganisationNature of Association
6/10/2016ContinuingAssistant ProfessorNERISTRegular
8/02/20155/10/2016Assistant ProfessorNERISTContractual
MHRD GATE Scholarship for M. Tech. IIT, Delhi2012
National Eligibility TestASRB (ICAR)2016
Best Presentation Award (3rd position)SKUAST, AETDS2023
M TechFarm Machinery and PowerNERIST2014
Ph.DAgricultural EngineeringNERIST2023
6/2/2019continuingLab Incharge Farm Power Lab.A.E. NERIST 
18/7/2022continuingDepartmental MOOCs CoordinatorA.E. NERIST 
16/8/2023continuingMember, State Academic Committee, NSCSARUNACHAL PRADESH STATE COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
22/8/2023continuingHostel WardenHMC, NERIST
03/12/2023continuingBadminton InchargeGymkhana, NERIST
02/02/2024continuingAnti-Ragging CounsellorHMC, NERIST
21/06/2024continuingIn-Charge Silver Jubilee HallNERIST
23/06/2024continuingInstitute Development Plan, Dept. CoordinatorA.E. NERIST
22/10/2024continuingAlumni Cell, Departmental CoordinatorNERIST
TitleCourse CodeModule
Introduction to tractorAE-2151Base
Land Reclamation MachineryAE-2102Base
Food Process EngineeringAE-2105Base
Farm equipment and MaintenanceAE-2200Base
Tractor Service Centre ManagementAE-2201Base
Tractor SystemsAE-2202Base
Applied MechanicsES-3101Diploma
Engineering thermodynamicsAE-3201Diploma
IC EngineAE 4101Diploma
Farm Power-IAE 4201Diploma
Farm Machinery-IAE-4102Diploma
Building Materials and ConstructionAE-4204Diploma
Renewable Sources of EnergyAE-5103B. Tech.
Dynamics of tillage and tractionAE-6013B. Tech.
Testing of tractor and farm equipmentAE-6005B. Tech.
Tractor Systems and PerformanceAE 24101B. Tech.
Tractor System Design-IFMP 7101M. Tech.
Testing and evaluation of tractor and farm equipmentFMP 7203M. Tech.

1. Life Member of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers (ISAE)

Title of ProjectDegreeName of StudentsYear
Microcontroller based controlled irrigation systemDiplomaLalenkawli and Tolito Shohe2017
Development of Auto Controlled greenhouse under hot and humid conditionDiplomaSanjeev Chakravarty and Rimum Murtem 2018
Development of instrumentation system for varying the hitch height of tractor trailer combinationDiplomaTadar Mamang, Richa Roy and Tarh Tariang2019
Micro Controller Based Automation of Tractor Draw-bar Hitch pointDiplomaRamesh Ruji and Rajkumar Dennis Singh 2020
Instrumentation System for Measuring Front Axle Load of TractorDiplomaIhalung Herie and Tasso Tare 2020
3 dimensional analysis of centre of gravity of a 2WD tractorB Tech.Gaurav Kumar and Rahul Kumar Thakur 2018
Study of thermal insulation properties of coconut fibreB Tech.Emily PC Lalnunhlimi and Srijana Gurung 2019
Measurement of Dynamic load of front axle of 2WD tractor using strain gaugeB Tech.Lalenkawli and Roshna Khawas 2019
Performance Evaluation of Plastic MulchingB Tech.Rimum Murtem and Rukna Sikom 2020
Evaluation of Draft on Tractor Trailer Combination Under Dynamic Condition During TransportationB Tech.Pema Sonam Sherpa, Lairenmayum Imocha Meitei and Soram Samananda Singh2021
Evaluation of wheel slip under dynamic condition and varying slopeB Tech.Hojam Tamin, Tayar Tamut and Danies L Haokip2021
Installation of DCV in Tractor for Varying Trailer Hitch HeightB Tech.Megha Gurung, Sujit Hazarika and Ankur Borgohain2021
Performance Evaluation of Tractor Mounted Disc Plough in Tilled and Untilled SoilB Tech.Novjeet Raj Sah, Somipam Haorei and Chukhu Tadap2022
Investigation on Thermal Conductivity of Different Locally Available Materials for Construction of Mud HousesB Tech.Priyanka Ngangkham and Nongmaithem Umi Devi2022
Investigation on the Effect of Temperature on the Biogas ProductionB Tech.L. Binita Chanu and Sh. Shivaranee Sharma2023
Performance Evaluation of Solar Operated SprayerB Tech.Ashreek Katoni and Ramesh Ruji2023
Development and evaluation of thermal efficiency of coconut fibre insulated flatbed solar collectorM Tech.Khriezelhou Seyie 2019
Development of Prediction Models to Predict the Performance of Disc PloughM Tech.Pashin Khiamniungan2022
Development of Push-Type Multipurpose Sprayer cum WeederM Tech.Liponi Lotha Ovung2022
To Investigate the Biogas Production from Cow Dung and Food Waste Under Anaerobic Mono and Co-digestion ProcessM Tech.Chetan Yumnam2023
Ergonomic Evaluation of Manual and Solar Operated SprayerM. Tech.Jinglila Sangtam2023
Development and Evaluation of a Mechanical Bamboo Flattening DeviceM. Tech.N Thungchebimo Lotha2024
Development of Double-Glazed Natural Circulation Solar Dryer for Seed DryingM. Tech.K Sorila Yimchunger2024
TopicScholar NameStatus of PhDRegistration Year
Courses or Conference NameSponsored ByDate
Cyber Physical System: Recent Trends and its Application to Health SystemsAICTE20 - 25 September 2021
Workshop on Revision of B. Tech. curriculum in light of NEP 2020NERIST18 October 2024
Fostering Health, Nutrition and Well-beingItanagar23rd August 2023
  1. Leadership and Team building in Academia (October 30 to 3 November, 2017)
  2. Adaptation of Energy Efficient Agricultural Technologies for Climate Change Mitigation (June 4 to 24, 2018)
  3. Impact of Climate Change on water Resources (October 14 to 25, 2019) 
  4. National Level Training Programme on Disaster Management (February 27 to 29, 2020)
  5. Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events (4 August, 2020)
  6. Drudgery Reduction in Rice Cultivation Operations through Farm Mechanisation (11 September, 2020)
  7. Energy Engineering (September 21 to 25, 2020)
  8. Engine Combustion and Emission Diagnostics (October 5 to 9, 2020)
  9. Post Harvest Management of Agricultural Produce Natural Calamities/Disaster (October 19 to 21, 2020)
  10. Automation in Agricultural Mechanisation: An Overview (October 23, 2020)
  11. Waste Technology (October 26 to 30, 2020)
  12. Emerging Trends in Renewable Energy Technologies (November 16 to 20, 2020)
  13. Advanced Engineering Optimization through Artificial Intelligence (July 12 to 17, 2021)
  14. Recent Advances in Renewable Energy Technology (September 17 to 18, 2021)
  15. Cyber Physical System: Recent trends and its application to health systems (September 20 to 25, 2021)
  16. 8 Module MOOCs course (February 2022)
  17. Machine Learning and Its Applications using Python (December 19 to 30, 2022)
  18. Faculty Development Program on Disaster Management (February 22 to 24, 2023)
  19. Farm Equipment for Plant Health Management (May 2 to 4, 2023)
  20. Leadership & People Management (October 9 to 13, 2023)
  21. Application of IoT in Agriculture (April 8 to 12, 2024)
  22. Science and Technology for Disaster Risk reduction (July 8 to 12, 2024)
  23. Business Start-ups and IPRs (January 20 to 24, 2025)
  24. Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education (February 7 to 9, 2025)
  1. P.K. Pranav, T. Patel, M. Rathore, A J Sonowal, Tage Tapang and Subu Laji. (2012).  Computer Simulation for Haulage Performance of Power Tiller. International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-8887), Volume 58-No.5
  2. “Pranav P K, Tapang T, Pal A, Deb S K”, (2015). “Importance of automatic variable single hitch point for 2WD tractors - A theoretical analysis”, “ Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food ”, “ ISSN: 1881-8366”, “10.1016/j.eaef.2015.03.005”.
  3. D. Jhajharia, P.K. Pandey, T. Tapang, S. Laji, K. Dahal, R.R. Choudhary, Rohitashw Kumar (2018). Trends in Sunshine Duration in Humid Climate of Northeast India: A case study. Urban Ecology, Water Quality and Climate Change pp 181-191.
  4. Performance evaluation of variable hitch height during haulage by 2WD tractor, 53rd Annual Convention of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers (ISAE) and International Symposium on Engineering Technologies for Precision and Climate Smart Agriculture, Pg. no. 190, ISAE-2019/FMP/PFICT-08.
  5. B.S.K. Chhetry, T. Tapang and P.K. Pranav (2019). Effect of Hitch Height on Wheel Slip and Stability of 2WD Tractor. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Computers and Management Skills (ICCM) 2019.
  6. Tapang, T., Chhetry, B. S. K. and Pranav, P. K. (2022). Effect of hitch height on traction and longitudinal stability during haulage operation using 2WD tractor. International Journal of Agricultural Technology 2022Vol. 18(5):2293-2306
  7. Effect of automated variable single point trailer hitch system for 2WD tractors. 5th International Conference on “Climate Change and Its Impact (CCI 2023)” June 9-11, 2023. ISBN 978-93-5396-006-3
  8. Nikita Mishra, Lamneithem Hangshing, Darshan Shashank Kadam,Tage Tapang and Shameena S. (2024). Advances in Vertical Farming: Opportunities and Challenges. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports. Volume 30, Issue 8, Page 212-222, 2024; Article no.JSRR.120207, ISSN: 2320-0227
  9. Development and Evaluation of a Mechanical Bamboo Flattening Device. 6th International Conference on “CSATEH-2024” August 24-26, 2024. AETDS/PC/CSATEH/2024/295.