MAN (Mechanical Association of NERIST), was the paramount endeavor of the veteran highly qualified individuals from the core of Mechanicals. MAN is a body constituting Faculty Members, Students along with the staffs from the Mechanical Engineering of NERIST. MAN was formed with the intention to nurture the hidden potential within the students and to emulate the talents. Various endeavor from the side of MAN till date, itself epitomizes many things.
As every year, last year also MAN staged the same series of programmes, starting with the series of GDs, which was an open contest for students. Not only GDs, but MAN was well enough organized to conduct the seminars for the welfare of students.
SHRISTI, the Techno fest of NERIST ; the great extravaganza, was the platform where MAN showcased, its versatile qualities by organizing various types of contests like the design contest, boatotrix, robotrix, robogolf, etc. As a result whole NERIST was greatly moved towards those events, with huge participation from the side of students, leading shortage to the construction material for various events.
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