Computer Lab

The departmental computer lab has computational facilities to carry out different laboratories/courses works of under graduate/post graduate programmes. The lab has two servers (IBM/HP) with 30 nos of clients (Apple iMac/HP/IBM). Clients of laboratory and Faculty member’s terminals are connected through LAN/Wireless network. Various general purpose/specific softwares along with CAD/CAM softwares such as Lingo/Lindo, Fortran 77, Gambit (5 module), AutoCAD 2002 (10 modules), Catia V5, ANSYS Educational Pack V15 (5 module), Creo Parametric 3.0 (50 module), EXSL-Win V9 (10 module, Mfg. soft), etc. has been installed in various PC’s etc.

Lab Incharge  Dr. Santosh Tamang
Lab Assistant  Mr. Y. T. Camder