Department of Electrical Engineering

Dr. M. Deben Singh

Associate Professor

Area of Research Interests: Power Electronics Applications, Microgrids, Power Quality, Microprocessor based Systems.

(EPABX/Office): +91 (0)360 2257401-08 – 7011 (O)
Current DesignationDOJ on current PositionType of AssociationDesignationDate of joining in Organisation
Associate ProfessorJune 2019RegularAssistant Professor20/06/2006
June 2019Till dateAssociate ProfessorDept. of Electrical Engineering, NERIST
June 2006May 2019Assistant ProfessorDept. of Electrical Engineering, NERIST
January 2004May 2006Guest LecturerDept. of Electrical Engineering, NERIST
January 2002December 2003Guest LecturerDept. of Electronics & Communication Engg., NERIST
January 1999May 2000Guest LecturerDept. of Electrical Engineering, NERIST
Ph. DElectrical EngineeringNERIST, Nirjuli2020
M. Tech  Electronics Design & TechnologyTezpur University, Tezpur2001
B. TechElectrical Engineering NEHU, Shillong1997
DiplomaElectrical EngineeringManipur University, Imphal1993
October, 2021February, 2025Member, Central Time Table Committee (CTTC)NERIST
November, 2022Till dateMember, Central Library Advisory Committee (LAC)NERIST
August, 2016June, 2022NSS Programme Officer NERIST
August 2008
January 2014
April 2012 
November 2015
Counsellor  (Training & Placement)NERIST
March 2011August 2015Warden, PG Boys' Hostel, Block - PNERIST
October 2007March 2008Controller (Store & Purchase)NERIST
December 2006October 2007Warden, Boys' Hostel,
Block - C
  1. Member, International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Hong Kong, since January, 2019. 
  2. Active Member “IEEE”, the USA since 2013.
  3. Life Member “Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers (IETE)”, New Delhi since February 2012.
  4.  Life Member “Institution of Engineers (India)”, Kolkata since  October 2011.
  5. Life Member “Indian Society for Technical Education”, New Delhi  since 2008
TitleCourse CodeModuleSemester
Power QualityEE 7012Ph. D (Course work)I
HVDC Transmission SystemsEE 7104M. Tech (PSE)I
HVDC & AC TransmissionEE 7008M. Tech (PSE)II
Microprocessor & its ApplicationsEE 22201B. TechII
Flexible AC Transmission SystemsEE 6018DegreeI
Power Electronics - IIEE 5103DegreeI
Microprocessor & its ApplicationsEE 5201DegreeII
Switch Mode Power Supply SystemEE 4001/EE 4403Diploma & DegreeII
Fundamentals of Electrical EngineeringEE 4122Diploma ModuleI
Basic Electrical & Electronics EngineeringES 11200Base ModuleII
Ph. D Thesis supervising / supervisedName of ScholarRegistration Year & Status
Design & Development of Efficient Converter Configuration for EV-Grid InteractionMr. Hage Kaku   PhD/FT/21/EE/022021 (ongoing)
Power Quality Enhancement in Power System using FACTS DevicesMs. Joram Henjum  PhD/FT/23/EE/022023 (ongoing)
Course Work going on Mr. Sanasam Dhanabanta Singh
2024 (ongoing)
 M. Tech Dissertations supervisedNames of Students Year of completion 
1. Power System Fault Detection & Classification using ANFISMr. Padi Punu
2. Modelling & Simulation of Battery Charging System for Electric VehiclesMr. Nirmal Chaudhary
3. A Single Stage Bridgeless Cuk Based PFC Converter For Electric Vehicle Battery ChargingMs. Peter Gadi
4. Fuzzy Logic Control of Shunt Active Power Filter for Harmonic MitigationMr. Taken Nguri
5. A Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Optimal Power Flow Problem in Electrical Power SystemsMr. Bullo Loder
6. Power Quality Analysis in the Micro-grid EnvironmentMr. Th. Stalin Singh
7. Optimization of a Micro-hydro Power PlantR. Sohshang
8. Development of Voltage Source Converter Based Unified Power Quality Conditioner for Voltage Sag MitigationMs. S. Chandrakala Devi
9. Harmonics Mitigation using Active Power Filters in Power Distribution SystemMr. Mantu Koiri
10. Power Quality Enhancement Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer System.  Ms. Lipi Karso
11. Modelling & Control of Hydro-electric Power Plant & Study on Control Schemes & Preparation of DPR for Small / Micro Hydro Power Plant.Mr. Sriniwas Singh
B. Tech Projects GuidedNames of StudentsYear of completion
1. Study and Development of IoT Based Circuit BreakerKhupmuansang, K. Chaya, A. T. Achumi & Tasso Kuru2024
2. Study & Development of Transmission Line Fault Detection SystemRishav Gogoi, B. M. Marak, B. K. Bora & Sahcho2024
3. Wireless EV Charging System using Solar EnergyMr. Chandratap Sarkar, Mr. Aakash P. Nair & Ms. Aiame M. Sangma2023
4. Embedded Design for Power Monitoring & OptimizationMr. Sajar Hadem, Mr. Mangminlun & William D Ngulkholen2023
5. Voice Control Smart Home Automation using NODEMCU (ESP8266)Md. Sheikh Anash, Mr. G. Devabarta Sharma & Mr. Shiba Sora2023
6. Micro-controllerless Four Quadrant DC Motor ControlMs. Alokali, Ms. Taba Kuku & Mr. Punyo Tabyo2023
7. Automation of Power Factor CompensationBornali Shome, Saima Shaharya, Dibyajit Saha & Phur Tshering Sherpa2022
8. Home Security System Using 8051 MicrocontrollerPrajalita Phukan, Bishal Kumar Saikia, Rosalin Suting & Gakir Dolum2022
9. Automatic Water Level Tank Controller using ArduinoMr. Tezam Tongluk,  Mr. Richard War, and Mr. Samuel Vanlalpeka 2021
10. Simulation of Three-Phase Inverter Using PWM TechniqueMr. Kelvin Rajkumar, Ms. SHWETA, Ms. Rikginchi Ch. Marak  and Mr. Keshab Das2021
11. IoT Based Power Theft Detection SystemMs. Priyanka Patil, Ms. Juhi & Ms.Siamliliy Khelma2020
12. Study of Wireless Power Transmission SystemNg. Kesen, H. Jimbrown Singh, Kh. Rajan Singh & Medemrenla Tzudir2019
13. Study and Development of SVC Using 8051 MicrocontrollerBhaskar Jyoti Das, Sarangapani Dutta & Puspendu Chatterjee2018
14. Development of a Microprocessor-Based Low Power DC Motor DriveMoanungla Tzudir & Fem Cherik G. Momin2017
15. Design and Implementation of Gate Drive Circuit of Power MOSFET for Switching ConvertersTeri Nanung & G. Motu Lamdik2017
16. Development of Microprocessor-Based Power Frequency Monitoring SystemBomter Zirdo & Melissa Ch. Momin2016
17. Study and Simulation of No Break System Integrated High Voltage Power Supplies for RADARMr. N. M. Marak, Mr. Nguvitho K. & Mr. Mridul Sarma2015
18. Study & Simulation of Unified Power Flow Controller Ms. Dani Happy, Ms. Neibanuo Livi & Mr. A. Rajesh Roy2014
19. Stability Analysis of Switching Power Supply: A Case Study on Buck ConverterMs. Emilo Ngully, Ms. Sunita Tamang & Mr. Khaningkhai G.2013
20. Study of Power Electronics Based Stepper Motor DrivesMr. Binod Rai & Mr. Chandan Saroj2012
21. Custom Power Quality Improvement using Power Electronics Technology: A case study on D-STATCOMMr. Sarwesh Kumar & Mr. Gobindro Sarkar2011
22. Power Quality Improvement using Power Electronics Technology: A case Study on Active FilterMr. Brajagopal Datta & Ms. Susmita Deb2010
23. Custom Power Quality Improvement using Power Electronics Technology: A case Study on DVRMs. L. Khumanleima Chanu & Ms. Anamika Sinha2009
24. Interfacing AGC with Economic Dispatch ControlMr. Tuankhanlal & Mr. Radhe Kani2008
25. Design & Stabilisation of Power ConverterMr. Penmi Kashung, Mr. Jyotiska Dutta & Mr. Somnath Choudhury2008
26. Effects of Adding Generating Units on Improvement of Power System ReliabilityMr. Manoj Kr. Teli & Mr. Rajesh Ram2007
27. Simulation of Automatic Generation ControlMr. P. Devachandra Singh & Mr. Abhijit Daimari2007
28. Voltage Security Monitoring using Synchronised PMU for SCADA operation of Power SystemMr. Animesh Das, Mr. Dulal Ch. Das & Mr. Jaydip De2006
Course NameSponsored byDate
One-week FDP on "Computation Intelligence for Solving Complex Engineering Problems using Python" jointly organised by Department of ECE & Mechanical Engg. during 30th October to  4th November, 2023.ATAL-AICTE, New DelhiOctober 30th to November 4th, 2023.
One week Workshop on “BMS for Electric Vehicle: EV-PRENEURESHIP 2023”conducted by Institute Industry Interaction cell, NERIST, Arunachal Pradesh during 12 - 15 October 2023.iNurture, Ghziabad & Electrovent LPP, KolkataOctober 12-15,  2023
NIELIT, (MeitY) Itanagar sponsored Two-week STTP on “Internet of Things (IoT) & Its Applications”  organised by the Department of Electrical Engineering, NERIST during 05th-12th October, 2023. NIELIT, (MeitY, Govt. of India)October 5-12, 2023
IEEE EDS sponsored Distinguish Lecture on “Compacting Models: The Art of Compact Modeling” Organized by IEEE Madhya Pradesh Section EDS Chapter, IIT Indore.IEEE EDS, IIT IndoreAugust 11, 2023.
One-week Training Programme on "High Voltage Testing of Insulating Materials" organised by Dept. of Electrical Engineering, NERISTPIU, NIT Agartala, DST-STUTI, New DelhiMay 9-15, 2022
National Webinar on "Recent Advances in Renewable Energy Technology" organised by the Dept.of Mechanical Engineering, NERIST.   NERISTSeptember 17- 18, 2021.
FDP on "Electric Vehicles" organised by the Dept.of Electrical Engineering, NERIST. ATAL-AICTE, New Delhi December 07- 11, 2020.
FDP on "Energy Engineering, Applications and Control" organised by the Dept.of Electrical Engineering, NERIST.ATAL-AICTE, New DelhiSeptember 21-25, 2020.
FDP on " Energy and Environment: Conversion, generation, storage and efficient utilization" jointly organised by the Dept.of EE and Dept. of CE, NERIST.
NERIST, NirjuliAugust 24- 28, 2020
IFDP on "Technologies for Societal Needs-Realtime Application of AI, ML and Research Initiatives" jointly organised by the Dept.of CSE, KITS and NERIST.CSI & IEEEAugust 3 - 7, 2020
STTP on "Lab.  Experiments Development in Electrical and Electronics Engineering for Outcome-Based Education" organized by NITTR, Bhopal.NITTR, BhopalJuly 27 - 31, 2020
FDP on “Power Quality and Reactive
Power Management”, organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, Delhi Technological
University, Delhi.
Clariant Power System Ltd., Pune. July 06th -10th, 2020.
National level training programme on "Disaster Management" organised by NERIST.NIDM, New DelhiFebruary 27 - 29, 2020.
FDP on "ICT Tools for Teaching, Learning Process & Institutes" jointly organised by Electronics and ICT Academics at NERIST through NKN.AICTE, UGC & NBAJanuary 13 - 17, 2020.
STTP on “Computer Networking” organized by NERIST.NITTR, Kolkata28th January 2019 to 1st February, 2019.
FDP on “Emerging Trends in Wireless Communications” organized by Dept. of ECE, NERIST.E&ICT Academy IIT GuwahatiNovember 26- 30 2018.
STTP on “Leadership & Team Building in Academia” organized by NERIST. NITTR, Kolkata30th October 2017 to 3rd November, 2017.
Workshop on “Role of Local Chapters” conducted by NPTEL IIT Kanpur Chapter at NERIST.NPTEL, KanpurApril 29, 2017.
 STTP on “Pedagogy Training for Outcome-Based Education” organized by NERIST.NITTR, BhopalMarch 16-17, 2017.
Skill development programme on “System Modelling & FPGA Prototyping” organized by EDULIFE INDIA with Dept. of ECE, NERIST.TEQIP-IISeptember 19 – 24, 2016 
FDP on “Recent Advancements of electrical machines and industrial applications”, organized by the Dept. of Electrical Engineering, NERIST.TEQIPNovember 4-8, 2015.
National Conference on “Computing, communication and Information processing” organized by the Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, NERIST duringAICTE-NEQIPMay 2-3, 2015.
FDP on “Recent Advances in Microprocessors, Microcontrollers and Their Applications”, organized by the Dept. of Electrical Engineering, NERIST.TEQIPFebruary 17-21, 2015.
Short Term Course on “Pedagogical Training for Engineering Teachers” organized by IIT, Guwahati, Assam at NERIST.TEQIPMarch 21 – 23, 2014.
FDP on “Recent Advances in Signal Processing and Semi-conductor devices”, organized by the Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, NERIST.TEQIPJanuary 24-29, 2014.
Faculty Development Programme on “Integrated Circuits and Power Electronics”, organized by the Dept. of Electrical Engineering, NERIST.TEQIP30th  September to 6th  October 2013.
Short Term Course on “Optoelectronics & Optical Communication” organized by the Dept. of EEE., IIT, Guwahati, Assam.AICTESeptember 16-20, 2013.
FDP on “Advances in Computer Science & IT” organized by the Dept. of CSE., NERIST.TEQIPAugust 26-30, 2013.
FDP on “Advances in Electronics & Communication” organized by the Dept. of ECE., NERIST.TEQIPJuly 22- 26, 2013
FDP on “Ergonomics & Safety in Product Design” organized by the Dept. of AE., NERIST.TEQIPMay 14-18, 2013.
FDP on “Advances in Networking Technologies” organized by the Dept. of CSE., NERIST.TEQIPApril 29 - May 3, 2013.
FDP on “Recent Advances in Tribology& Materials for Tribological Applications” organized by the Dept. of ME., NERIST.TEQIPApril 10-14, 2013.
Staff Development Programme on “Soft Computing & Nano Technology in HV Engineering organized by the Dept. of EE., NERIST.AICTESeptember 17- 28, 2012
Faculty Development Programme on   “Advances in Computer Integrated Manufacturing & Robotics” organized by the Dept. of ME., NERIST.TEQIPJune 26-30, 2012.
Faculty Development Programme on “Emerging Research Areas in ECE” organized by the Dept. of EE., NERIST.TEQIPMay 15-19, 2012
Faculty Development Programme on “Research Issues & Prospects in Computer Science & IT” organized by the Dept. of CSE., NERIST.TEQIPMay 1-5, 2012.
Workshop on “Solar Photovoltaics: Fundamentals, Technologies & Applications” organized by IIT, Bombay at NERIST.ISTEDecember 12-22, 2011
Short Term Course on “Digital Communication Techniques” organized by the Dept. of EEE, IIT, Guwahati, Assam.AICTESeptember 12-16, 2011
SDP on “Recent Advancement in Mechanics & their Applications in Nano Engg & Technology” organized by the Dept. of ME., NERIST.AICTEAugust 1 – 12, 2011.
Seminar on “Nano-electronics / VLSI” organized by the Dept. of ECE., NERISTIEEE  EDS Calcutta ChapterApril 9th, 2011.
Short Term Training Programme on “Teaching Methodology” organized by NERIST.NITTRJanuary 3-7, 2011
National Seminar on “Renewable Energy Technology: Issues & Prospects” organized by the Dept. of ME. and Dept. of EE, NERIST.MNRE & DSTSeptember 24-25, 2010
Staff Development Programme on “Soft Computing In Engineering Applications” organized by the Dept. of ME., NERIST.AICTEJanuary, 25 to February 5th 2010
Workshop on “FACTS & SCADA” organized by the Dept. of EE., NERIST.IEEE Kolkata ChapterDecember 5, 2009.
Workshop on “Faculty Awareness Camp on Entrepreneurship” organized by the Dept. of EE., NERIST.ISTE-NSTEDBNovember 26-28, 2009
Workshop on “Frontiers in Electronics & Communication” organized by the Dept. of ECE., NERIST.Institute of Radio Physics & Electronics, Calcutta University ( UGC- NRCPS) August 7-9, 2009 
Short Term Course on “Recent Trends in Power System” organized by the Dept. of EE., NERIST.AICTE-ISTEJune 23- 27, 2008
Workshop on “Advances in Devices, Communication & IT” organized by the Dept. of ECE., NERIST.TEQIP-UCTCUJuly 16-18, 2007
FDP/STTP/Conference Name organisedSponsored ByDate
One Day training sessions on “Retailers Training Programme under Standards & Labelling Programme” of BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency) conducted at Dept. of EE, NERIST in collaboration with APEDA, Itanagar on November 17, 2023.BEE (Ministry of Power, Govt. of India) & APEDA, Itanagar.November 17, 2023
Two-week long STTP on “Internet of Things (IoT) & Its Applications”  NIELIT, (MeitY, Govt. of India)October 5-12, 2023
Five (05) days Faculty Development Programme on “Optical Techniques & Devices in Scientific and Engineering System Applications”TEQIP (MHRD-World Bank)28th October– 1st November, 2013.
1. Lecture on “Energy Saving Issues & Prospects on Electric Motors” in the 05 (Five) days TEQIP-II (MHRD-World Bank) sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Advancements of electrical machines and industrial applications”, organized by the Dept. of Electrical Engineering, NERIST.NERIST, Nirjuli, Arunachal PradeshNovember 4 - 8, 2015.
2. Lecture on “Microprocessor Based Realization of Digital Circuits” in the 05 (Five) days TEQIP (MHRD-World Bank) sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Advances in Microprocessors, Microcontrollers and Their Applications”, organized by the Dept. of Electrical Engineering, NERIST.NERIST, Nirjuli, Arunachal PradeshFebruary 17 - 21, 2015
3. Lecture on “Optical Fiber and Applications” in the 05 (Five) days     TEQIP (MHRD-World Bank) sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Optical Techniques & Devices in Scientific and Engineering System Applications”  jointly organized by the Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Dept. of Physics, NERISTNERIST, Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh28th October – 1st November 2013
  1. M. D. Singh et al.” Integrated Fuzzy-PI Controller for Mixed Hydro-thermal Power System”, AMSE Journal on Modelling, Measurement & Control: Pt. C, published by AMSE Press, France, Vol. 63, no. 3, p.p. 30 – 43, July 2008. ISSN: 1240-4535.
  2. M. Deben Singh et al. “Push-Pull Topology for High Voltage Switching Power Supply System”, AMSE Journal on Modelling, Measurement & Control: Pt. A, published by AMSE Press, France, Vol. 79, no. 3, p.p 73-85, July 2006. ISSN: 1259-5985.
  1. Member, Departmental Board of Studies (BOS)
  2. In-Charge, Power Electronics Lab.
  3. Secretary, DFM
  4. Ex-Coordinator, NERIST Electrical Engineering Association (NEEA)
  5. Ex-Coordinator, Diploma Projects.