Mobile ad hoc networks, sensor networks, cognitive radio networks, security issues in wireless networks, Mobile crowd-sensing, Security in Federated Learning
November, 1996 | May, 1999 | Lecturer | Sathyabama engg. college, Chennai |
May, 1996 | July, 2001 | Senior lecturer | Sathyabama engg. college, Chennai |
July, 2001 | August, 2007 | Lecturer | NERIST |
August, 2007 | June, 2014 | Assistant professor | NERIST |
June, 2014 | June, 2017 | Associate professor | NERIST |
June, 2017 | Till date | Professor | NERIST |
Award | Institute | Year |
Departmental best teacher award | Sathyabama Engg. College | 1998-1999 |
Departmental best teacher award | Sathyabama Engg. College | 1999-2000 |
GATE scholarship | 1993 |
Degree | Subject | University | Year |
B. Tech | Computer Sc. & Engg. | NERIST | 1993 |
M.Tech | Computer Sc. & Engg. | IIT Delhi | 1995 |
PhD | Computer Sc. & Engg. | NERIST | 2010 |
From | To | Designation | Organisation |
August, 2014 | September,2017 | Head | NERIST |
Topic | Funding Agency | Year |
1. Design and Implementation of Financial Tracking and Management E-platform for Chartered Professional Accountants - Rs. 40.61 lakhs. | IBITF-IIT Bhilai | 2023 |
2. Public Interest Event Monitoring in Sparsely-populated Mountainous Regions using Mobile Crowd-Sensing - Rs. 30.61 lakhs. | SERB-DST | 2018 |
3. Mobile Broadband Service Support over Cognitive Radio Networks", as a Partner Institution (PIN) 5 - Rs. 35.94 lakhs. | ITRA (MediaLabAsia) MeiTy | 2015 |
4. Mobile Ad hoc Network as a Rural Community Network) -Rs. 10 lakhs | AICTE | 2009 |
5. Example-based English-to-Manipuri Machine translation system - Rs. 8 lakhs. | MHRD | 2004 |
6. Design and Development of an Internet Billing System - Rs. 32,500/- | NERIST(in-house) | 2003 |
Title | Course Code | Module | Semester |
Design an Analysis of Algorithms | CS 5100 | Degree | I |
Advances in Algorithms | CS7101 | MTech (CSE) | I |
Database Engineering | CS7201 | MTech (CSE) | II |
Database Management Systems | CS 5200 | Degree | II |
Computer Network Security | CS 6102 | Degree | I |
Title of Project/Thesis | Names of Students |
Securing Spectrum Sensing in Infrastructure-based Cognitive Radio Network | Suchismita Bhattacharjee: PhD (awarded May'17) |
Securing Spectrum Sensing in Infrastructure-less Cognitive Radio Network | Roshni Rajkumari: PhD (awarded Aug'18) |
Mitigating Android App Collusion | :Md. Faiz Iqbal Faiz: PhD (warded Feb'2021) -(joint supervision) |
Security in Cognitive Radio Networks | Amar Taggu: PhD (awarded Dec'21) |
Towards Security and Efficiency in Resource Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks | W. Niranjan Singh: PhD student (awarded May'23) |
Task Allocation in Mobile Crowd sensing | Moirangthem Goldie Meitei: (awarded June'24) |
Security and Privacy in Mobile Crowd sensing | Tejendra Kumar: (awarded Nov. 2024) |
Design and Development of Incentive Mechanisms in Mobile Crowd sensing | Jowa Yangchin: PhD student |
Towards Anomaly Detection in Federated Learning | Anee Sharma: PhD student |
Course Name | Sponsored By | Date |
Interfacing add-on cards with PCs | Sathyabama Engg. College, Chennai | August 6-7, 1999 |
Disaster Management | ISTE-AICTE | Oct. 4-10, 2001 |
IT Applications in Library and Information Management | ISTE-AICTE | Nov. 11-22, 2002 |
Designing Multimedia Web page and Web site | ISTE-AICTE | Dec. 16-26, 2003 |
Advanced Oracle 9i Database Administration, Computer Science Division | IASST, Guwahati | Feb. 10-14, 2003 |
Translating ideas into Products and Patents | ISTE-AICTE | Feb. 17-28, 2003 |
Information Technology: Emerging Issues | ISI, Calcutta and NERIST | Sep .22-26,2003 |
Low Cost Need Based & Location Specific Technologies for Community Based Programmes | TTTI, Calcutta and NERIST | Nov.19-22, 2003 |
Science, Women and Creative Spirit | ISTE-AICTE | Mar.15-19, 2004 |
Trends and Issues in Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing | Tezpur University | Aug. 26-28, 2004 |
Soft Computing, Data Mining and Bioinformatics | ISI-NERIST | Feb. 14-18, 2006 |
Research Methodology | ICSSR-NERC | Mar. 20-24, 2006 |
Network Security Management-v2 | Guwahati | July 28th -29th , 2006 |
Graph Theory and Applications | NERIST | Oct. 9-16, 2006 |
Information Security – A practical approach | DIT, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Govt. of India, NERIST | Mar. 1-10, 2008. |
Application of Computer in Biology Teaching and Research | NERIST | Feb. 26-28th, 2009 |
Graph Theory: Algorithms and Applications | ISI-North East Spring School | Feb. 22-25th, 2010. |
Computational Information Processing | NERIST | Feb. 22-25, 2012 |
Research Issues and Prospects in Computer Science and Information Technology | TEQIP | May 1-5, 2012. |
Advances in Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Robotics | TEQIP | June 26-30, 2012. |
Soft Computing and Nano Technology in High Voltage Engineering | AICTE | Sept.17-28, 2012 |
3rd One-day INDEST User Convention | NERIST | Jan.19, 2013. |
Advances in Networking Technologies | TEQIP | April 29 - May 3, 2013 |
Advances in Electronics and Communication | TEQIP | July 22-26, 2013 |
Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology | TEQIP | Aug. 26-30, 2013 |
Emerging Issues in Speech and Natural Language Processing | TEQIP | 30th Sept.-4th Oct., 2013 |
Recent Advances in Signal Processing and Semiconductors Devices | TEQIP | Jan. 24-29, 2014. |
Prospects of Cloud Computing | TEQIP | 3rd-7th Feb., 2014. |
Outcome Based Accreditation | Royal Group of Institutions, Guwahati (NBA Nodal Center) | March 5 & March 21-23, 2014. |
Appropriate Technology for Rural Development | TEQIP | Aug. 25-29, 2014. |
Regional Workshop for Student, Faculty and Non-teaching staff Satisfaction Survey | TEQIP-II | Sep. 25, 2014. |
Coordinator's workshop - Introduction to AlgorithmsShort Term Training Programme on “Pedagogy Training for Outcome Based Education”, NERIST.Workshop on “The Role of Local Chapters”, NERIST2nd International Workshop on Pattern Analysis and Applications (IWPAA-2018), ISI Kolkota | NMEICT, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur NITTTR, Bhopa IIT Bombay ISI, Kolkota | March 16-20, 2015.March 16-17, 2017 April 29, 2017January 29-31, 2018 |
Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Block chain" | National Institute of Technology Raipur | September 14 –18, 2020 |
Attended Online Training Programme on “Entrepreneurship Development & Management for Women Scientists & Technologists with the Government Sector” | Entrepreneur Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad | December 11-15, 2023 |
Conference Name | Sponsored By | Date |
Faculty Development programme on "Research Issues and Prospects in Computer Science and Information Technology", NERIST. | TEQIP | May 1-5, 2012. . |
Faculty Development programme on "Advances in Networking Technologies", NERIST. | TEQIP | April 29 - May 3, 2013 |
Main workshop on Introduction to Algorithms, NERIST | NMEICT, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, | May 25-29, 2015 |
Workshop on "Cognitive Radio Networks: Prospects and Challenges", NERIST. | ITRA | April 8-9, 2016 |
Title | Place | Date |
“IT Applications in Library and Information Management” | NERIST | Nov. 11-22, 2002 |
“Designing Multimedia Web page and Web site” | NERIST | Dec. 16-26, 2003 |
“Information Security – A practical approach” | NERIST | March 1-10, 2008. |
“Application of Computer in Biology Teaching and Research” | NERIST | Feb. 26-28th, 2009. |
“Advances in Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Robotics" | NERIST | June 26-30, 2012. |
"Spectrum Sensing Attacks in Cognitive Radio Networks" - ATAL workshop | NIT Arunachal Pradesh | Feb. 3-7, 2020 |
"Towards Applying Machine Learning in Cognitive Radio Networks" - Panimalar Engg. College, Chennai | Virtual | June 30, 2020 |
1.Rakesh Tripathi, Saikat Majumdar and Ningrinla Marchang, "An Introduction to IoT Cognitive Radios", (LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2017), ISBN: 978-620-2-07244-1.
Book Chapter