Department of Electrical Engineering

Dr. Pukhrambam Devachandra Singh

Assistant Professor (Selection Grade/8000 GP)

Research interest includes Renewable Energy including Solar PV, Wind, Micro Hydro Power systems, etc., Distributed Generations, and related power quality analysis, Microgrid, Smart Grid and Electric Vehicle related studies, and Application of soft computing techniques in Power System studies.

(EPABX/Office): 0360-2257401-8 extn. 7017
2015Till dateAssistant ProfessorNERIST, Nirjuli, A.P.
20112015Engineer (Drilling Operation)Oil India Limited
Gold Medal in MTechNorth Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology2009
Ph.D  Electrical EngineeringN.E.R.I.S.T. ( Deemed to be University)2021
M.TechPower System EngineeringN.E.R.I.S.T. ( Deemed to be University)2009
B.TechElectrical EngineeringN.E.R.I.S.T. ( Deemed to be University)2007
July 2015Till dateProgramme Officer, NSS NERIST.
Aug 2016Till dateTechnical Expert member, EPABX SectionNERIST
April 2017Till dateMember Institution-Industry CellNERIST
April 2019Nov 2021Member Time table CommitteeNERIST
March 2020March 2023Vice Chairman, GymkhanaNERIST
May 2020Till dateMember, Online classes and exam committeeNERIST
Jan 2021Jan 2023Member NEE Committee 2021NERIST
Aug 2021Till dateAutomation CoordinatorNERIST
Sep 2021Till dateMember, Unnat Bharat AbhiyanNERIST
  1. IEEE member ( Membership no. 93314064) (IEEE Industrial Applications Society & Power and Energy)
  2. IAENG Life member (Membership No. 170360)
  3. Member, Institute of Engineers (Membership No. M-1737155)
TitleCourse CodeModuleSemester
Electrical Engineering DrawingEE-1251BASE 1st year2nd
Electrical Installation and Practices (PRACTICE COMPONENT only)EE-2201BASE 2nd year2nd
Installation and PracticesEE-3102DIPLOMA (LATERAL) 1st year1st
Power System Switchgear and ProtectionEE-4102DIPLOMA 2nd year1st
Electrical Estimating & CostingEE-4103DIPLOMA 2nd year1st
Electrical Power UtilizationEE-4203/EE-4402DIPLOMA 2nd year2nd
Solar PV Fundamentals, Technologies and ApplicationsEE 6042Degree 2nd Year1st
Smart Grid TechnologiesEE 7106MTECH 1st year1st
Soft Computing techniques in Power System ApplicationsEE 7201MTECH 1st year2nd
Economic Operation of Power SystemEE 7203MTECH 1st year2nd
Distributed GenerationEE 24003BTech 4th year1st
Electrical Measurements and InstrumentsEE12203Certificate 2nd year1st
Title of ProjectNames of Students
Modelling and performance analysis of parallel operated three phase self-excited induction generator for application in microgrid (2019)Domni Gamkak (MT/17/PSE/03)
Study On Overcurrent Protection Issues Of A Microgrid System (2020)Tapi Byai (MT/18/PSE/07)
Optimization Of Hybrid Renewable Microgrid System Using Artificial Intelligence (2020)Robert Bhadra Naorem (MT/18/PSE/10)
Genetic Algorithm For Solving Optimal Power Flow In Electrical Power Systems (2021)Bullo Loder (MT/19/PSE/018)
Artificial Intelligence in Power System (2021)Akib Jaman Laskar (MT/19/PSE/021)
Design and Control of Grid connected microgrid for integration of V2G (2023)Sudip Chowdhury (MT/21/PSE/17)
IoT based Solar PV Single Phase Inverter (2024)Taba Ania
Course NameSponsored ByDate
FDP on Recent advances in Microprocessors, Microcontrollers and their applications.TEQIP, NERIST.17th to 21st February 2015
2nd IEEE Workshop on advanced MATLAB applications.IEEE, IIT Guwahati.11th to 12th April 2015
E-journal user training workshop and 4th INDEST user convention.AICTE-INDEST user committee, NERIST.22nd to 23rd August and 31st October 2015
Induction training on Pedagogy & Research Methodology for 2 weeks.NITTR, Kolkata, at N.E.R.I.S.T.11th to 20th September 2015
FDP on recent advancements of electrical machines and industrial applications.TEQIP, NERIST.4th to 8th November 2015
Workshop on Digital IndiaMinistry of Electronics and Information Technology at NERIST24th August 2016
Skill development program on system modelling and FPGA prototypingTEQIP-II, NERIST19th to 24th September 2016
One Day Orientation Training on HIV/AIDS for Incharges of Red Ribbon Club/NSS Programme Officers APSACS at Naharlagun7th October 2016
Recent trends in renewable energy technologies for sustainable future with special reference to NE IndiaNIT-Mizoram28th to 29th October 2016
Pedagogy Training for Outcome Based EducationNITTTR, Bhopal, at NERIST16th March to 17th March 2017
Workshop on role of local chapters(NPTEL)IIT Kanpur, at NERIST29th April 2017
Two weeks ISTE STTP on Electric Power SystemISTE, IIT Kharagpur, at NERIST12th June to 15th July 2017
One week FDP on Advances in Renewable Energy Technologies and SystemsAICTE NEQIP at Tezpur University19th – 24th February 2018
2nd International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards Sustainable Growth (ICEPE)IEEE, NIT Meghalaya1st June to 2nd June 2018
8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics 2018IEEE, MNIT Jaipur13th Dec to 15th Dec 2018
In-house training Programme on Computer NetworkingNITTTR, Kolkata at NERIST28th Jan to 1st Feb 2019
1st International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies 2019Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu26th -27th April 2019
ARPRIT on Fundamentals of Outcome-based Curriculum in Engineering EducationSwayam-AICTEApril-May 2019
NPTEL-AICTE FDP on Introduction to Smart GridSwayam-AICTEJul-Sep 2019
Workshops on Recent trends in High Voltage and Power System EngineeringTEQIP-III sponsored at NIT Arunachal26th to 30th Aug 2019
Workshop on Distributed Generation in Power System EngineeringTEQIP-III sponsored at NIT Arunachal21th – 25th Oct 2019
2019 Research, Invention, and Innovation Congress (RI2C)King Mongkut Technological University, Bangkok, Thailand11th Dec to 13st Dec 2019
VLSI Chip Design Hands on Using open source EDAWinter NKN Summer courses of IIT Guwahati at NERIST16th to 20th Dec 2019
2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE2020)IEEE, Cochin, India, 20202nd – 4th January 2020
National Level Training Programme on DISASTER MANAGEMENTNIDM Govt. of India at NERIST27th Feb to 29th Feb 2020
SWAYAM NPTEL FDP on Introduction to Soft Computing (8 weeks)NPTEL Coordinator IIT MadrasJan-Mar 2020
Moodle- An Open source Learning Management SystemTEQIP-III sponsored, NIT Arunachal Pradesh29th June – 6th July 2020
Lab Experiments Development In Electrical And Electronics Engineering For Outcome Based EducationNITTTR BHOPAL27th – 31st July 2020
Understanding the Dynamics of Intellectual Property RightsIPR Cell NERIST in collab. With AP State Council for Science & technology4th August 2020
ATAL online FDP  on Application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Engineering ProblemsOrganized Department of ME, NERIST sponsored by ATAL Academy14th  – 18th Sep 2020
ATAL online FDP  on Energy Engineering and ApplicationsOrganized Department of EE, NERIST sponsored by ATAL Academy21st  – 25th Sep 2020
Emerging Trends In Renewable Energy TechnologiesTEQIP-III sponsored, NIT Arunachal Pradesh16th – 20th Nov 2020
A National Webinar on IoT and its ApplicationsNERIST25th Feb 2021
“ICT Tools for Teaching, Learning Process and Institute”Electronics & ICT Academies, NIT Patna, MNIT Jaipur, PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur, IIT Guwahati, IIT Kanpur, and IIT Roorkee15th -26th March 2021

Course/Conference NameSponsored ByDate
STTP on Advanced Engineering Optimization through Artificial IntelligenceAICTE12th  – 17th Jul 2021
ATAL online FDP  on Electric VehiclesAICTE ATAL Academy7th  – 11th Dec 2020
ATAL online FDP  on Energy Engineering and ApplicationsAICTE ATAL Academy21st  – 25th Sep 2020
ATAL online FDP  on Application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Engineering ProblemsAICTE ATAL Academy14th  – 18th Sep 2020
Webinar on Machine LearningCETPA11th May 2020
5th International Conference on  Computer and Management SkillsNERIST17th to 21st February 2015
1. A. Sharma, D. Singh, P. Devachandra Singh and S. Gao, "Analysis of Sinusoidal PWM and Space Vector PWM based diode clamped multilevel inverter," 2018 5th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON), Gorakhpur, 2018, pp. 1-6.doi: 10.1109/UPCON.2018.8596899

2. P. D. Singh and S. Gao, "An Isolated Hydro Power Generation using Parallel Asynchronous Generators at Variable Turbine Inputs using AC-DC-AC Converter," 2018 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), JAIPUR, India, 2018, pp. 1-6.doi: 10.1109/IICPE.2018.8709477

3. P. Devachandra Singh, A. Sharma and S. Gao, "PWM Based AC-DC-AC Converter for an Isolated Hydro Power Generation with Variable Turbine Input," 2018 2nd International Conference on Power, Energy and Environment: Towards Smart Technology (ICEPE), Shillong, India, 2018, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/EPETSG.2018.8659179

4. P. D. Singh and S. Gao, "A New Scheme of Micro Hydro Power Generation Using AC-DC-AC Converter and Parallel Asynchronous Generators With Variable Turbines," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE2020), Cochin, India, 2020, pp. 1-6. 10.1109/PESGRE45664.2020.9070651

5. P. D. Singh and S. Gao, "D-STATCOM based Voltage Compensator for a new Micro Hydro Power Generation Scheme Supplying Remote Areas," 2019 Research, Invention, and Innovation Congress (RI2C), Bangkok, Thailand, 2019, pp. 1-6. 10.1109/RI2C48728.2019.8999921

6. P. Devachandra Singh and S. Gao, “Grid Connected Hydro Power Generation with Variable Turbine Input Using PWM Based AC-DC-AC Converter”, 1st International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies 2019, Coimbatore, 26-27 April 2019, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer Publisher.

7. Bhadra Naorem, Robert and Singh, P.D. and Prakash Singh, T. Vimal, “Optimal Siting and Sizing of Grid-Connected Microgrid System for an Educational Institution Using HOMER Software” (January 10, 2020). Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computers & Management Skills (ICCM 2019) | North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology (NERIST), Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh, India. Available at SSRN: or

8. . Devachandra Singh, P. Borah, A. Perme, H. Allo, A. Chatterjee and R. K. Lohar, "IoT-based Online Condition Monitoring of Power Transformer," 2024 6th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment (ICEPE), Shillong, India, 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICEPE63236.2024.10668882.

1. Singh, P. D., & Gao, S. (2022). Clean and sustainable micro hydro power generation using parallel variable asynchronous generators controlled by AC-DC-AC converter and fuzzy PSO/PI D-STATCOM for remote areas. Sustainable Cities and Society77, 103527.

2. Singh, P. D., & Gao, S. (2022). Clean and sustainable micro hydro power generation using parallel variable asynchronous generators controlled by AC-DC-AC converter and fuzzy PSO/PI D-STATCOM for remote areas. Sustainable Cities and Society77, 103527.

3. P. D. Singh and S. Gao, “Efficient AC-DC-AC converter for operation of variable speed small scale hydro power generation schemes,” J. Electr. Syst., vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 001–020, 2021, [Online]. Available:

4. Singh, Pukhrambam Devachandra, and Sarsing Gao. "Fuzzy based AC-DC-AC Converter Controlled Micro Hydro Renewable Power Generation using Parallel Asynchronous Generators for Remote Areas." International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER), Vol. 10, no. 1, 2020, pp. 260-274. (ESCI and Scopus)

5. S.K. Tamang; P.D. Singh; B. Datta. "Forecasting of Covid-19 cases based on prediction using artificial neural network curve fitting technique". Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 6, Special Issue (Covid-19), 2020, 53-64. doi: 10.22034/GJESM.2019.06.SI.06

6. Singh, P. D., Ajay Upadhaya, Michael Simte, and A. Sanyal " Optimal Design and Performance Analysis of a Grid Connected Microgrid System" International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 8, no. 3, 2019: pp. 78-82.

7. Singh, P. D., Ajay Upadhaya, Michael Simte, and Heisnam Jimbrown Singh. "DESIGN OF AN EFFICIENT MICROGRID SYSTEM FOR A LOCAL AREA." Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Vol. 10, no. 3, 2019: pp. 64-72. DOI: 10.34218/IJEET.10.3.2019.008

8. P. D. Singh, A. Sharma and T. Byai, “Overcurrent Protection Issues in Distributed Generation based Microgrid System,” J. Electr. Syst., vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 8167-8176, 2024. Available:

Book Chapter:

  1. P. Devachandra Singh and S. Gao, “Sustainable and Renewable Isolated Micro Hydro Power Generation using Variable Asynchronous Generator controlled by Fuzzy PI AC-DC-AC Converter and D-STATCOM”, “Green Engineering and Technology: Innovations, Design and Architectural Implementation”, CRC Press Taylor & Francis, May 2021, Page 103-120. DOI: