पूर्वोत्तर क्षेत्रीय विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान   
North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology 
deemed-to-be-university under the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India
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Certificate Diploma B.Tech M.Tech Ph.D

M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs):

Programme Outcomes (POs):

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs):

  • Course Structure And Syllabus

Department:Mechanical Engineering

Programme: M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering

Computer Integrated Manufacturing & Automation (Regular Course)
Year I Semester I
Course Code Course Title L T P C
ME 7101 Advanced Operation Research 3 0 0 3
ME 7102 Finite Element Methods 3 0 0 3
ME 7103 Computer Aided Design 4 0 0 4
ME 7104 Computer Aided Manufacturing 4 0 0 4
ME 7105 Automation in Manufacturing Systems 4 0 0 4
ME 7151 Sessionals – I 0 0 6 3
Year I : Semester II
Course Code Course Title L T P C
ME 7201 Advanced Manufacturing Process 3 0 0 3
ME 7202 Advanced Manufacturing Management 3 0 0 3
ME 7203 Modeling of Manufacturing Systems 4 0 0 4
ME 70** Elective – I 4 0 0 4
ME 70** AElective – II 4 0 0 4
ME 7251 Sessionals – II 0 0 6 3
Year I Semester II
Course Code Course Title L T P C
ME 8098 Seminar - - - 2
ME 8099 Project – Phase I - - - 8
Year II : Semester II
Course Code Course Title L T P C
ME 8099 Project – Phase II - - -10
  Theses Evaluation - - -10
  Seminar and Viva voce - - -06

Computer Integrated Manufacturing & Automation (Part Time Course)

Semester I
Course Code Course Title L T P C
ME 7101 Advanced Operation Research 3 0 0 3
ME 7102 Finite Elements Methods 3 0 0 3
ME 7103 Computer Aided Design 4 0 0 4
Semester II
Course Code Course Title L T P C
ME 7201 Advanced Manufacturing Process 3 0 0 3
ME 7202 Advanced Manufacturing Management 3 0 0 3
ME 7203 Modeling of Manufacturing Systems 4 0 0 4
Semester III
Course Code Course Title L T P C
ME 7104 Computer Aided Manufacturing 4 0 0 4
ME 7105 Sessionals – I 0 0 6 3
Semester IV
Course Code Course Title L T P C
ME 70** Elective – I 4 0 0 4
ME 70** Elective – II 4 0 0 4
ME 7251 Sessionals – II 0 0 6 3
Semester III
Course Code Course Title L T P C
ME 7104 Computer Aided Manufacturing   4 0 0 4
ME 7105 Automation in Manufacturing Systems 4 0 0 4
ME 7151 Sessionals – I 0 0 6 3
ME 7151 Sessionals – I 0 0 6 3
Semester IV
Course Code Course Title L T P C
ME 70** Elective – I 4 0 0 4
ME 70** Elective – II 4 0 0 4
Sessionals – II 0 0 6 3
Semester V
Course Code Course Title L T P C
ME 8098 Seminar   - - - 2
ME 8099 Project – Phase - - - 8
Course Code Course Title L T P C
ME 8099

Project – Phase II Theses Evaluation  

- - -10
  Seminar and Viva voce - - -06


ME -7101 : Advanced Operations Research (3-0-0)
Unit I Linear programming — simplex algorithm & its variants, sensitivity analysis; Transportation & assignment models; Integer programming, Cutting plane method 12 lectures
Unit II Game theory; Dynamic programming, Goal Programming; Network   planning & control techniques; Queuing theory; Simulation techniques 10 lectures
Unit III  Inventory product control problems — EOQ, Production run, shortage, discount   8 lectures  
Unit IV ABC analysis; replacement models — capital equipment, PV, ARP, IRP,    Pay-off period, MAPI method 6 lectures
Texts / References:
  1. Taha, H. A., Operations Research, McMillam Press
  2. Gillet, B., Algorithmic approach for OR, TMG
  3. Rao, S.S., Linear Programming Techniques, TMG
  4. Mustaffi, C. K., Operations Research, New Edge International
ME -7102 : Finite Element Methods (3-0-0)
Unit I  Calculus of variation, Introduction to calculus of variations Introduction to   equilibrium equations in elasticity, Euler's Lagrange's equations, Principal    of virtual work, virtual displacements, Principles of minimum potential energy, boundary value, initial value problems, Flexibility approach,   Displacement approach, Different problems in structural analysis. FEM Procedure, Derivation of FEM equations by variation principle    polynomials, Concept of shape functions, Derivation for linear simplex element, Need for integral forms, Interpolation polynomials in global and   local coordinates. 7 lectures
Unit II Weighted residual Methods: Concept of weighted residual method Derivation of FEM equations by Galerkin's method, Solving cantilever beam problem by Galerkin's approach, Derivation of shape functions for CST triangular elements, Shape functions for rectangular elements, Shape   functions for quadrilateral elements. Higher order Elements: Concept of   iso-parametric elements, Concept of sub- parametric and super — parametric elements, Concept of Jacobin matrix.   7 lectures
Unit III  Numerical Integration Numerical Integration, one point formula and two    point formula for 2D problems, Different problems of numerical integration evaluation of element stiffness matrix, Automatic mesh generation schemes, Pascal's triangle law for 2D shape functions polynomial, Pascal's triangle law for 3D shape function polynomials, Shape function for beam elements, Hermition shape functions. 7 lectures
Unit IV Convergence: Convergence criteria, Compatibility requirements,   Geometric isotropy invariance, Shape functions for iso-parametric elements, Special characteristics of stiffness matrix, Direct method for   deriving shape functions using Lang rage's formula, Plane stress problems. 7 lectures  
UnitV Analysis of structures: Truss elements, Analysis of truss problems by direct    stiffness methods, Analysis of frames and different problems, Different axisymmetric truss problems, question paper problems.  7 lectures
Texts / References:
  1. The Finite Element method — ZIENKIEWICZ.O.C.,Tata McGraw Hill Pub. New Delhi
  2. Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis: - COOK. D. Robert. Malus.S.Dawd, Plesha E. Michel, John Wilely & sons, New York
  3. Finite Elements in Engineering Chandrapathla Bela gundi et. al., PHI Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
  4. Finite Element Analysis — C. S. Krishnamoorthy, TMGH, New Delhi
  5. Introduction to the Finite Element method — Desai /ABEL CBS Publishers, New Delhi
ME -7103: Computer Aided Design (4-0-0)
Unit I Introduction to CAD/CAM: Definition, Product cycle & CAD/CAM, Automation & CAD/CAM. Computer graphics and Database: Introduction, Software configuration of a Graphic system, Functions of a Graphics package, Constructing the Geometry, Transformations, Data Base Structure and Content, Wire -Frame Features & CAD/CAM Integration. 7 lectures
Unit II. CAD System Hardware & Software: Introduction, Graphics Input Devices, Modes of operation. CAD System Configuration, CAD Operating System, Graphics system, the overlay system. Graphics Database structure &handling, Operating features, Symbols, Macros. Editing Facility, Data Selection, Graphic transformation, Plotting. Graphic standards- GKS and    CORE, GKS-3D and PHIGS, IGES, Other Graphic Standards. Transformation : Display, Windowing and Clipping; 2D & 3D transformations, Linear transformations 10 lectures
Unit III Geometric Modelling: Introduction - Dimensions of models, Types of   models, Construction solid models. Wire frame models, wire frame Entities, Curve Representation. Parametric Representation of Analytic curves. Representation of Synthetic Curves - Hermite Cubic Splines,    Bezier Curves, B -Spline Curves, Rational Curves. Curve Manipulations - Displaying, Evaluating Points on Curves, Blending, Segmentation,   trimming Intersection Transformation Design and Engineering    Applications Problems Surface Models, Surface Entities, surface representationParametric Representation of analytic Surface now Surfaces, Surface Manipulations. Design & Engineering applications    Problems   7 lectures
Unit IV Computer aided solid modeling (Foundation) through either of the CAD/CAM software (Pro-E/UG/Solid works/Solidedge/etc.) environment 6 lectures  
Unit V FE Modeling in either of CAE softwares environment (ANSYSNASTRAN,   ABAQUS, Hypermesh, Patran, Algore, etc.) and implementation of FEM   tools for pre-processing/post-processing for solid beam/structure problems. 6 lectures
Texts / References:
  1. C.B. Besant and Ewk Lui, Computer Aided design and manufacture, Affiliated East livest, India
  2. Ibrahim Zeid, CAD/CAM Theory & Practice, Tata McGraw Hill.
  3. M.P Groover and E W Zimmers, CAD/CAM Computer aided Design and Manufacture,
  4. Finite Elements in Engineering Chandrapathla Bela gundi et. Al., PHI Pvt. Ltd., New DellH
ME 7104: Computer Aided Manufacturing (4-0-0)
Unit Introduction: Fundamentals of numerical control, advantages and limitations of NC systems, classification of NC systems. Features of NC Machine Tools: Design consideration of NC machine tools- Increasing   productivity with NC machines,- marching centre tooling for CNC machine. 10 lectures  
Unit I System Device: Device, feedback devices- counting devices, digital analog converters. Interpolations: DDA integrators, simple and symmetrical DD reference word CNC interpolators.   10 lectures
Unit II NC part programming: Introduction -punched, tape -manual part programming, computer aided programming, ATP programming. Control loops for NC systems: Introduction -control loops for point and counting systems. Computerized numerical control: CNC concepts- advantage of   CNC, references pulse techniques -sampled data techniques, micro computers in CNC. 12 lectures
Unit IV Adaptive control systems: Adaptive control with optimization, Adaptive control with constraints -variable gains AC systems, online search strategies 8 lectures
Unit V Process planning. Manufacturing support systems, CAPP, Advanced    Manufacturing, planning,Lean production & Agile Manufacturing. Production systems (operation level): Computer generated time Standards -machining inability data systems -cutting conditions   optimization-production planning -capacity, planning -shop floor control- computer, integrated manufacturing systems, system components, application. 14 lectures
Texts / References:
  1. Marto J "Numerical control of trhichine 100IS", MGH
  2. Y Koren 'Computer Controls of Manufacturing Systems",
  3. Y Koren & J Benuri 'Numerical Control of machine tools", Khanna.
  4. Wilson F.M 'Numencal control in manufacturing" Mc Grow Hill New York
  5. Wiliam M Newman & Robert Sproul, "Pnnciples of Interactive Computer Graphics",MGH
ME 7105 : Automation in Manufacturing Systems (4-0-0)
Unit I  Fundamentals of Manufacturing: Production system facilities, Manufacturing support systems, Automation in Production systems, Automation Principles and Strategies, Manufacturing operations, Product, production, relationship. 10 lectures
Unit II Mathematical concepts & models: Production concepts and Mathematical   models, costs of manufacturing operations. 10 lectures
Unit III Construction elements for automation, Automated workpiece handling,    working principles and techniques for feeding arrangement, transfer    mechanism,etc., Assembly automation, Automated packaging, Automated inspection, etc. 10 lectures
Unit IV Industrial Control: Industrial Control systems, Sensors, Actuators and other control systems, Discrete controls using PLC & PLC. Power Hydraulics and pneumatics: Concepts, features and parameters governing the section of various components necessary for building the elements, Circuit Design and Analysis, Industrial Application of fluid power and pneumatic systems, electro-hydraulic Servo system, Fluid logic    control, MPL, Fluidics logic control. 14 lectures
Unit V PLC: Introduction, Micro PLC, Programming a PLC, Logic functions,input &  output modules, PLC processors, PLC instructors, Documenting a PLC system, Timer and counter Instructions, comparison & data handling    instructions, sequencing instructions, mask data representation, typical PLC programming, exercises for industrial applications. 10 lectures
Texts / References:
  1. Performance Modelling of Automated Manufacturing systems, Vishwanandham, PHI
  2. Fluid Power system, by Goodwin, Mc Graw Hills Press Ltd.
  3. Principles and applications of PLC by Webb, Mc Milan
  4. Principles of CIM, By Vajpayee, PHI
  5. Automated Production system and CIM, by Michael P. Grover, Pearson Education,Asia
  6. Fluid Power with application 6 Th edition, by Anthony Esposito, PHI
  7. Mechatronics, by W, Bolton, Longman, Anderson Wiseley/li>
ME -7151 Sessional -1 (0-0-6) & ME -7251: Sessional -II (0-0-6)

Sessional courses will be combination of library work and practice classes in laboratory/workshop as per the requirements of the courses These courses will be evaluated in terms of seminar/practice test/ viva voce

ME 7201: Advancad Manufacturing Processes (3-0-0)
Unit I Characteristics of arc and mode of metal transfer in arc welding, weldability, determination of Preheat temperature, use of Schaeffier’s diagram, weldability tests, heat flow in welding - Significance, theory of heat flow, cooling rate determination,  selection of welding parameters based on heat flow analysis, Residential stress and distortion. 8 lectures
Unit II Force Analysis in forming and rolling operations, calculation of roll    pressure, etc., Force analysis in extrusion operation, friction and    frictionless drawing, extrusion and tube drawing.   8 lectures
Unit III Forgeability, theory of forging and mixed friction in forging and die design   for forging. 12 lectures
Unit IV Special Machining Processes like EDM, ECM, AJM, USM, LBM, EBM and   Water Jet Machining. 8 lectures
  1. Manufacturing Science — Ghosh and Ma/Ilk, Affilated East West Press.
  2. Welding and Welding Processes — R. S. Parmar, Khanna Publishers.
  3. Mechanical Metallurgy— G. Deiter, Mc Graw Hill International
  4. Advanced Machining Processes — V.K.Jain, Allied Publishers.
  5. Modern Machining Processes — Pandey and Shaw, TMH
  6. New Technology- Bhattacharya, I.E.(India)
ME -7202 : Advanced Manufacturing Management (3-0-0)
Unit I. System theory concepts and system simulation as applied to manufacturing. Flexible production system and continuous flow production 6 lectures
Unit II Productivity in manufacturing systems, Different techniques for    improvement of productivity, CAD, CAM, CIM, ROBOTICS, Group  Technology, Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) techniques.  8 lectures
Unit III Material requirement Planning, JIT, Kanban & Kaizen System,    Management by objectives, quality circles, PQ team approach, Flex time,    Job rotation, Shojunca Ergonomics. 10 lectures
Unit IV Total Quality Control, zero defect theory, Statistical Process Control. 6 lectures
Unit V Concepts of value engg., value analysis, zero base budgeting. Introduction   to Logistics. Management, Terrotechnology and Life Cycle Costing. 6 lectures
  1. Richard T Schonberger "JAPANESE MANUFACTURING TECHNIQUES", Free Press
  2. Yashro Mondreu. "TOTYOBA PRODUCTIONS SYSTEMS", Inst. Of Ind!.Engrs..
  3. Shgo Shingo 'SIMPLE MINUTE OF DIES", Productivity Press.
  5. Benjamin. S. Blanchard "LOGISTICS ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT ", Prentice Hall
ME -7203 : Modeling Of Manufacturing Systems (4-0-0)
Unit I Introduction to systems and modeling: discrete and continuous system - Limitations of simulation, areas of application - Monte Carlo Simulation. Discrete event simulation and their applications in queuing and inventory problems. 9 lectures
Unit II Random number generation and their techniques: random variable    generation, tests for random numbers. Analysis of simulation data.: Input   modeling - verification and validation of simulation models - output    analysis for a single model. 9 lectures
Unit III Modelling of Automated Manufacturing systems: Performance modeling tools, Markov chain models, Quenching models, Petrinet Models,   Integrated PRQN-ESP Models. 9 lectures
Unit IV Simulation languages and packages - FORTRAN, C , C++, GPSS, SIMAN V, MODSIM III, ARENA, QUEST, VMAP - Introduction to GPSS - Case studies - Simulation of manufacturing and material handling system. 9 lectures
Text / References:
  1. Jerry Banks and John S, Carson II "Discrete Event system Simulation", Prentice Hall,
  2. Geoffrey Gordon., "System Simulation", Prentice Hall
  3. Francis Neelamkovit, "Computer Simulation and Modelling", John Willey and sons
ME -7021: Flexible Manufacturing Systems (4-0-0)
Unit I FMS -an overview: Definition of an FMS - Types & configurations concepts -    Types of flexibility & performance measures. Function of FMS host computer - FMS host and area controller function distribution. Development & implementation of FMS: Planning phase - Integration -    System configuration - FMS layouts - Simulation - FMS Project development steps. Project management – Equipment development -   Host system development - planning - Hardware & Software development.    8 lectures
Unit II Automated Materials Handling. & Storage: Functions-Types/Analysis of    material handling equipment, Design of Conveyor & AGV systems Problems. Automated Storages: Storage system performance - AS/RS - Carousel storage system - WIP storage system - interfacing handling storage with manufacturing.   8 lectures
Unit III Modeling and Analysis of EMS . Analytical, Heuristics, Application of   simulation, A model of FMS, simulation softwares-SLAM II, etc. Concepts of distributed numerical control: DNC system - Communication between DNC computer & machine control unit - Hierarchical processing of date in DNC system - Features of DNC system, Inspection and clearing systems in FMS. 12 lectures
Unit IV Planning, Scheduling and Control of FMS: Introduction — Scheduling of single product, N -product, single batch, etc. Modeling of problems 'n’ operations on 'm' machines — Scheduling rules — Loading problems — Tool management & related issues, Material Handling system schedule. Heuristic algorithms& illustrated examples. Database in FMS. 10 lectures
Unit V Group Technology in FMS: Classification methods and clustering analysis method, Cell grouping approaches, Mathematical programming    formulations, Knowledge Base System for GT(KBGT), etc.   8 lectures
Unit VI FMS Relational: Economic and technological justification for FMS — as GT, JIT — operation and evaluation — Personnel and infra structural aspects — typical case studies — Factories of failures. 9 lectures
Text / References:
  1. Nand K.Jha, Handbook of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Academic Press Inc.
  2. Parrish D J, Flexible manufacturing, Butter Worth — Heinemann, Ltd Oxford
  3. GROOVER M P. Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Prentice Hall India (P) Ltd
  4. Kusiak A, Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
  5. William W. Luggen — Flexible Manufacturing Cells & Systems, Prentice hall, NJ
  6. CONS/DINE D M, and CONS/DINE G D, Standard Handbook of Industrial Automation, Chapman and Hall, London.
  7. Viswanatham N & Narahari Y, Performance Modeling of Automated Manufacturing Systems, PHI.
  8. Ranky P G, The design and Operation of FMS, IFS Pub. UK
  9. Dr. H. K. Shivanand, "Flexible Manufacturing System" — Dhanpat Rai Publications, New Delhi.
ME -7022 : Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (4-0-0)
Unit I Basic concepts of Artificial intelligence and expert systems - System   Components - System architecture and Data flow— System Operations 12 lectures
Unit II Knowledge based systems - knowledge representation - knowledge    acquisition and optimization - Knowledge based approaches to design of    mechanical parts, mechanisms and automated assembly Knowledge    based system for material selection - Intelligent process planning system. 16 lectures
Unit III Intelligent system for equipment selection - Intelligent system for protect management & factory monitoring. Scheduling in manufacturing scheduling the shop floor - Diagnosis & trouble shooting. 16 lectures
Unit IV The role of Artificial Intelligence In the factory of future - Intelligent   systems. 10 lectures
Text References:
  1. Andrew Kussiak„ 'Intelligent Manufacturing Systems", Prentice Hall.
  2. Simons, G L. introducing Artificial Intelligence", NCC Pub,
  3. Rich E, °Artificial Intelligence"
ME -7023 : Advanced Materials Technology (4-0-0)
Unit I. Development of Newer Materials: Properties of materials. structural    property relationship, Newer materials- Ceramics and  composite materials, Ceramics- Fine Ceramics, Types of Ceramics, Structure of Ceramics, Properties of Ceramics, Applications, Composite materials - types -metal matrix composites (MMC),Ceramic Matrix Composites(CMC), Polymeric Composites structure, Properties and applications of different composite materials 12 lectures
Unit II Powder Metallurgy: Introduction, Production of powder, characterization & testing of powders, powder conditioning,  powder compaction,    sintering, finishing operations, application of PM components. 12 lectures
Unit III  Processing of Composites: Processing of MMC, CMC, Vacuum infiltration,    squeeze casting, pressure die casting, Rheocasting, Compo casting, Super    Plastic Forming, Processing of PMC, Hand lay-up, Bag moulding Process, Autoclave moulding, Compression moulding, Pultrution, Filament winding, Resin transfer moulding, Injection, moulding. 16 lectures
Unit IV Surface Treatment: Surface engineering, Surface quality, and Integrity,   Concepts, Mechanical Treatment, Thermal & thermo- chemical treatment, Thermal spraying processes and applications, Vapour    Depositions processes and application, Ion treatment, Laser Treatment. 14 lectures
Text References:
ME 7024 Machine Tool Engineering (4-0-0)
Unit I Introduction to metal cutting, machine tools & Transmission of motion in   machine tools. 8 lectures
Unit II Mechanical drives for providing rotational movements in machine tools. 12 lectures
Unit III Strength and rigidity of machine tool structures. Analysis of Spindle    bearings, slides and guides.   14 lectures
Unit IV Vibration of machine tools & Dynamic rigidity. 10 lectures
Unit V Automatic drives for machine tools. NC & CNC systems for machine tools. 10 lectures
Text References:
ME 7025 Robotics (4-0-0)
Unit I Basic Concepts in Robotics: Introduction, Advantages, and applications of    Robots, Non -Industrial applications, Basic structures of Robots, Numerical control of machine tools, resolution, Accuracy and    repeatability, Position Representation. Classifications & Structures of    Robotics Systems: Point to Point continuous path systems, point to point Robotics systems, continuous — Path Robotics systems, Trajectory Planning, Control loop of Robotics systems, the manipulator, Cartesian Coordinate Robots. 10 lectures
Unit II Drives and control systems: Hydraulic Power supply — Servo valve, The    Sump,The hydraulic Motor. Direct Current Servomotors — Principle of operation, Dynamic response gearing. Control approaches of Robots, Control loops using current amplifier Control loops using Voltage Amplifier, Elimination of stationary position errors, control loops of CNC systems, conclusion & assessments.   10 lectures
Unit III  Kinematic Analysis and Coordinate transformation: Direct Kinematics    Problem in Robotics, Geometry Based direct Kinematic analysis coordinate and vector transformation using matrices, the orientation matrix and translator vector, homogenous transformation matrices, 3D   homogenous transformations, Denavit Hartenberg convention- Implementing the DH Convention, Obtaining the DH displacement   Matrices, Applications of DH methods. 12 lectures
Unit IV Trajectory interpolators: Introduction, the necessity of interpolators, the   Generation of Motion commands, the trajectory Planning, Basic structure   of Interpolators, Solvability of the inverse, Kinematics problem Particular Solutions for the inverse Kinematics problem — Two — Axis planner Mechanisms. Jacobian Matrix for positioning and orienting. Motions 12 lectures
Unit V Robot applications and Design: Its applications in Manufacturing —   Material transfer and machine loading / unloading — Processing operations — Inspection — Automation — Robot cell design — Control — Recent Developments and special applications.  10 lectures
Text References:
ME 7026 : Theory Of Machining (4-0-0)
Unit I Machining, definition and objectives. Geometry of cutting tools; turning,   milling and drilling in different reference system and work reference    systems, tool reference system, and work reference system. Sharpening   and re-sharpening of cutting tools. 8 lectures
Unit II Mechanism of chip formation by single point tool, drills and milling cutters. Type of chips and their characteristics. Effective rake. 8 lectures
Unit III Mechanics of machining, theoretical estimation and experimental determination of cutting forces and power consumption. Dynamometers: types, design, construction and use. Cutting tools, methods of failure, mechanics of tool wear, essential properties, assessment of tool life and cutting tool materials. 12 lectures
Unit IV Thermodynamics of machining, sources of heat generation, cutting   temperature modeling, measurement of cutting temperature. Cutting fluids: Purpose, essential characteristics, selection and methods of application. 10 lectures
Unit V Economics of machining: Principal objectives, main parameters and their role on cutting forces, cutting temperatures, tool life and surface quality,selection of optimum combination of parameters. 8 lectures
Unit VI Introduction to low temperature machining. 8 lectures
Text References:
ME 7027 : Advanced Tribology (4-0-0)
Unit I Introduction to tribology, friction, wear and lubrication. Regime of lubrication. Classifications of contacts and applications.   12 lectures  
Unit II Properties of lubricants. Boundary, hydrodynamic, hydrostatic and elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication theories. 20 lectures
Unit III Selection of bearing type: Sliding and Rolling. Generalized Reynolds equation: Application to hydrodynamic thrust and journal bearings. Gas   film lubrication. 20 lectures
Text References:
ME 7028: Computer Aided Product Development (4-0-0)
Unit I  Product development processes and organization, stages of product development and important definitions. 8 lectures
Unit II Early design, requirements definition, conceptual design methods,software design and requirement issues.  12 lectures
Unit III Tradeoff analysis, optimization analysis using cost and utility metrics, design for life cycle, design for warranties and design for producibility 12 lectures
Unit IV   Detailed design, detailed design for software, prototypes,  modeling and simulation, FEM, software tools for detailed design 12 lectures
Unit V Test and Evaluation, strategies, software test and evaluation, introduction   to SAP, production and field testing and software tools. Supply chain and logistics. 10 lectures
ME 7029 : Design For Manufacture And Assembly (4-0-0)
Unit I What is DFMA, traditional design and manufacture Vs. concurrent   engineering, DFMA as the tool for concurrent engineering. 8 lectures
Unit II Three DFMA criteria for retaining components for redesign of a product; design for manual assembly; design for automatic assembly.  12 lectures
Unit III Computer -Aided Design for assembly; design for manufacture (design for machining). 10 lectures
Unit IV Design for producibility, best practices, producibility software tools, Boothroyd and Dewhurst design for assembly, disassembly.   10 lectures
Unit V Geometric Tolerancing for Manufacture, Design for Test and Inspection,   Best practices for Testability, Design for effective and efficient tests 10 lectures
Text References:

Thermo Fluid Engineering(Regular Course)

Year I Semester II
Course Code Course Title L T P C
ME 7100 Numerical Techniques for Engineering Applications 3 0 0 3
ME 7111 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 4 0 0 4
ME 7112 Advanced Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer 4 0 0 4
ME 7113 Mechanical Systems Design 4 0 0 4
ME 7152 Practice-I 0 0 6 3
Year I : Semester II
Course Code Course Title L T P C
ME 7211 Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer 3 0 0 3
ME 7212 Measurements and Control in Fluid & Thermal Engg 3 0 0 3
ME 70** Elective I 4 0 0 4
ME 700** Elective II 4 0 0 4
ME 70** Elective III 4 0 0 4
ME 7252 Practice-II 0 0 6 3
Year II : Semester I
Course Code Course Title L T P C
ME 8098 Seminar - - - 2
ME 8099 Project-Phase I - - - 8
Year II : Semester IV
Course Code Course Title L T P C
ME 8099 Project-Phase II - - - 10
ME 8099 Thesis Evaluation - - - 10
ME 8099 Seminar and Viva voce - - - 6
Thermo Fluid Engineering(Part Time Course)
Year II : Semester IV
Course Code Course Title L T P C
ME 7100 Numerical Techniques for Engineering Applications 3 0 0 3
ME 7111 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 4 0 0 4
Semester II
Course Code Course Title L T P C
ME 7211 Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer 3 0 0 3
ME 7212 Measurements and Control in Fluid & Thermal Engg 3 0 0 3
ME 70** Elective I 4 0 0 4
Semester III
Course Code Course Title L T P C
ME 7112 Advanced Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer 4 0 0 4
ME 7113 Mechanical System Design 4 0 0 4
ME 7152 Practice-I 0 0 6 3
Semester IV
Course Code Course Title L T P C
ME 70** Elective II 4 0 0 4
ME 70** Elective III 4 0 0 4
ME 7252 Practice-II 0 0 6 3
Semester V
Semester VI
Course Code Course Title L T P C
ME 8098 Elective III - - - 2
ME 8099 Project-Phase I - - - 8
ME 8099 Project – Phase II - - - 10
ME 8099 Thesis Evaluation - - - 10
ME 8099 Seminar and Viva voce - - - 6


ME 7111 : Advanced Fluid Mechanics (4-0-0)
Unit I  Derivation of general Navier-Stokes equation; Simplification of N-S   Equation; 8 lectures
Unit II Energy equations; Potential flows;   10 lectures  
Unit III Velocity & Thermal boundary layers;  14 lectures
Unit IV Exact and Approximate solutions of Boundary Layers Equations; 12 lectures
Unit V Normal & Oblique shocks; Prandtle – Meyer expansion; Fanno & Rayleigh flows; 12 lectures
Text References:
ME 7112 : Advanced Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer (4-0-0)
Unit I Review of Engg. Thermodynamics; Thermodynamics laws & their corollaries; Properties of mixtures; Work transfer – direct & indirect  converters;  Statistical approach to thermodynamics;   12 lectures
Unit II   Three dimensional transient and steady conduction;  10 lectures
Unit III  Natural and forced convection; Radiation heat transfer; 12 lectures
Unit IV  Combined conduction, convection & radiation; Heat transfer in two phase  flows;  10 lectures
Unit  V  Mass diffusion; Combined heat & mass transfer;  10 lectures
ME 7113 : Mechanical Systems Design (4-0-0)
Unit I  Properties of engineering materials; Static & Dynamic Stresses in machines elements; Stress concentration & stress intensity in machine members; 10 lectures
Unit II System analysis & synthesis; Human Ergonomics: Internationally   accepted standards & data, Foolproof designing tools & design    improvement – Fishbone or Ishikawa diagram 10 lectures
Unit III FMEA, why-why analysis etc., Ethical issues in system design; Design & control of dynamic mechanical systems;  10 lectures
  Unit IV Design of of prime movers, non prime movers & Power transmission systems   (Pressure vessels/Pumps/Turbines/Gear boxes/Conveyor systems/belt &   Pulley drives etc.);  18 lectures
Unit V  Introduction to MEMS & NEMS (Micro- & Nano- Electro Mechanical Systems) design; 8 lectures
ME 7212 Measurements and control in Fluid & Thermal Engineering (3-0-0)
Unit I  Introduction to measurements for scientific and engineering applications – need and goal broad category of methods for measuring field and derived  quantities.   8 lectures
Unit II  Principles of measurement – parameter estimation – regression analysis – correlations – error estimation and data presentation – analysis of data  8 lectures
Unit III  Measurement of field quantities – thermometry – heat flux measurement – measurement of force, pressure, flow rate, velocity, humidity, noise, vibration – measurement of the above by probe and non intrusive techniques   14 lectures
Unit IV  Measurement of derived quantities – torque, power, thermophysical properties – radiation and surface properties Analytical methods and pollution monitoring – mass spectrometry – chromatography – Spectroscopy   12 lectures
ME 7001 Viscous Flow Theory (4-0-0)
Unit I Comparison of theoretical, experimental & numerical studies; Similarity principles; Navier-Stokes equations;  6 lectures
Unit II Boundary layer equation; Non dimensionalisation approximation of B.L. equation; B.L. equation; B.L. separation & control; Vortex formation;     12 lectures
Unit III  Some Exact solutions of B.L. equation;  12 lectures
Unit IV  Approximate solutions of N-S equation; 12 lectures
Unit V    Integral methods Turbulent Boundary layer; Turbulence models and flow             equations Steady and Unsteady Turbulent boundary layers; Numerical methods  14 lectures
ME 7002 Theory of Compressible flow (4-0-0)
Unit I   Introductory concepts : Energy equation, Critical & Stagnation state properties; 1-D flow with area change;                 8 lectures
Unit II   Normal and Oblique shock analysis; Isentropic turn of supersonic flow – Prandtle-Meyer expansion; 12 lectures
Unit III Compressible flow with friction; Compressible flow with heat transfer; Combined effect of friction & heat transfer; Multidimensional compressible flow;       14 lectures
Unit IV                       Compressible flow measurements; Supersonic wind tunnel; Flight speed measurement; Schlieren technique; Inferometer; 10 lectures
Unit V  Computational techniques for compressible flow equations;    12 lectures
ME 7003 Dynamics & Thermodynamics of Turbomachines (4-0-0)
Unit I  Dimensional analysis: Similitude; Basic Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics; Definitions of efficiency;   8 lectures
Unit II  Two dimensional cascade analysis; Two dimensional analysis of axial flow machines : Turbines, Compressors Fans; 14 lectures
Unit III Centrifugal pumps, fans & compressors;                      12 lectures
Unit IV   Three dimensional flow in axial turbo machines;  Radial flow machines; 12 lectures
Unit V                                              Hydraulic turbines & wind turbines;     10 lectures
ME -7004 Cryogenic Engineering (4-0-0)
Unit I Methods of producing cold: thermodynamic basis, first and second law analyses. 12 lectures
Unit II Vapour compression systems: Ideal and actual cycles; single stage,    multistage and cascaded systems Environmental aspects and alternate refrigerants. 14 lectures
Unit III Vapour absorption systems: Refrigerant - absorbent combinations; single stage, multistage and open cycle systems. 16 lectures
Unit IV Non -conventional systems: Vapour jet, air -cycle, thermo- electric refrigeration Cryogenic liquefaction and refrigeration systems Low temperature insulations Typical applications of refrigeration and cryogenics. 14 lectures
ME -7005 Combustion Engineering (4-0-0)
Unit I Characteristic of free and confined turbulent and swirling gas jets and their combustion Stabilization of burning gas jets, characteristics design             consideration of gas burners. 14 lectures
Unit II Combustion of liquid fuels, fuel atomization, types of  injectors and spray characteristics, burning droplet in its ballistic trajectory, characteristics of        spray combustion, characteristics and design consideration of oil burners. 14 lectures
Unit III Coal Combustion. Combustion of pulverized coal  Combustion of coal on a bed, in a fluidised bed and in a cyclone furnace Stabilization of             pulverized coal combustion Design considerations of coal burners. 14 lectures
Unit IV Boilers and Furnaces: types used in industries,  thermodynamics, fluid           flow and heat transfer aspects of boilers and furnaces Combustion in            Internal Combustion Engines Combustion generated pollution. 14 lectures
ME -7006 Convection & Multiphase flow (4-0-0)
Unit I Introduction to Single and Two-phase flows Conservation  laws Navier     Stokes equations Differential and Integral forms. 10 lectures
Unit II External laminar flows Flat Plate, Wedge flows, flow over cylinders,   Separation, Internal Laminar Flow Circular pipe, non -circular ducts. 12 lectures
Unit III Free convection Vertical plate cylinders, mixed convection, natural     convection in porous media, enclosures. 16 lectures
Unit IV Turbulent flows: Theory, models and correlations  Condensation, Boiling           and Two phase flows Film and drop wise condensation Nusselt theory Pool and film boiling Pressure drop and heat transfer in two phase flows        Numerical solution to Convection problems. 18 lectures
ME -7007 Conduction and Radiation (4-0-0)
Unit I Conduction Heat Transfer — Heat equation in cartesian, cylindrical and       spherical coordinates — boundary conditions — extended surfaces heat   transfer. 12 lectures
Unit II Transient conduction — conduction with phase change —integral method,     integral transforms and numerical methods. 16 lectures
Unit III Radiation Heat Transfer — Fundamental laws of thermal radiation —   surface properties radiative heat exchange among diffuse, gray and non - gray surfaces separated by non-participating media. 12 lectures
Unit IV Gas radiation and radiation transfer in enclosures containing absorbing and emitting media - interaction of radiation with conduction and convection. 16 lectures
ME -7008 Gas Turbines & Jet Propulsion (4-0-0)
Unit I  Axial flow turbines Two-dimensional and experimental flow in turbines — design charts —correlations and applications to stage performance Off -design performance estimation. 10 lectures
Unit II Three dimensional flow Viscous flows Losses and  efficiencies Turbines of low shape parameter Partial admission turbines — Stenning's analysis Supersonic and transonic turbine stages — nozzle and rotor blade passage calculations. 12 lectures
Unit III Cooled turbines: Single spool compressor and turbine matching General methods and simplified methods of equilibrium operation; Turbine cooling methods. 14 lectures
Unit IV Theory of propellers; Reaction principle Essential features  of propulsive  devices Momentum Theory applied to propulsive devices Performance of turboprop, turbojet and turbofan engines.         10 lectures
Unit V Combustion in jet engines Augmentation of thrust, noise suppression Factors influencing performance and design of ramjet engines Supersonic      inlets and starting problem. 10 lectures
ME-7009 Design of Heat Exchangers (4-0-0)
Unit I Classification of heat exchangers Basic design methods for heat exchangers Design of shell and tube heat exchangers TEMA Code. 12 Lectures
Unit II Plate heat exchangers Power plant heat exchangers Heat exchangers for heat recovery at low medium and high temperatures. 16 lectures
Unit III Computerised methods for design and analysis of heat exchangers Compact heat exchangers Regenerative heat exchangers. 14 lectures
Unit IV Principles of boiler design Codes for mechanical design of heat exchangers. Performance enhancement of heat exchangers Fouling of heat exchangers Testing, evaluation and maintenance of heat exchangers. 14 lectures
ME -7010 Refrigeration Machinery and Components (4-0-0)
Unit I  Design of Reciprocating Compressor Components - Frames, Crank Case, Stuffing Boxes, Seals, Valves, Pistons, Piston Rings, Cranks, Connecting    Roads etc. Design of Rotary Vane, Rotary Piston and Screw Compressors. 12 lectures
Unit II Analysis of Centrifugal Compressor - Capacity Regulation of Compressors. Testing of Refrigeration Compressors. 12 lectures
Unit III Various types of condensers and evaporators - Thermal  Design and construction of condensers and evaporators - Types of expansion devices - capillary tube, thermostatic expansion valves, automatic expansion valves   and float valves etc Design and selection of expansion devices - Design of        refrigerant piping. 16 lectures
Unit IV Refrigeration system controls and safety devices: Solenoid  valves,        suction and evaporator pressure regulators, Filters, doers oil separators, relief valves, safety valves, high and low pressure cut outs, thermostats,           water regulators etc. Motors for refrigeration compressors - Dehydrating,   charging and testing of refrigeration systems – application of microprocessors in refrigeration system. 16 lectures
ME -7011 Sorption Refrigeration and Heating Systems (4-0-0)
Unit I Classification of sorption systems: Absorption and  Adsorption, Dry and      Wet types apsorption refrigeration systems, heat pumps, heat transformers. 12 lectures
Unit II.            Wet absorption systems: Solution thermodynamics, Refrigerant absorbent combinations, Vapour pressure/concentration/ temperature / enthalpy relations and charts. 12 lectures
Unit III  Single stage, multistage, resorption and hybrid systems - Types and   design considerations for components such as absorbers, generators, rectifiers, etc., - Pumpless absorption systems. 16 lectures
Unit IV Dry absorption / adsorption systems: Refrigerant / sorbent combinations and their properties, System analysis – Metal hydride based systems - Heat and Mass transfer in sorption beds and reactors. 16 lectures
ME 7012 Engine Design & Performance (4-0-0)
Unit I Constructional features of different types of internal  combustion engines Number, size and arrangement of cylinders 8 lectures
Unit II Detailed design procedure for important components like cylinder, piston, piston rings, connecting rod, crank-shaft,crankcase, manifolds and      poppet valves.                                    12 lectures
Unit III  Design procedure for inlet ports and exhaust ports of two-  stroke engines             Engine balancing Design of cooling system components. 12 lectures
Unit IV Silencer and air filter design. Design of turbochargers and  superchargers. 12 lectures
Unit V Engine materials and manufacturing processes Computer aided design of     engine components ;Engine performance analysis  12 lectures
  1. Materials and Processing in Manufacturing — E. Paul Degarmo, J. T. Black, Ronald A Kohser, MGH
  2. Powder Metallurgy, A.K. Sinha
  3. Fibre Reinforced Composites — P.K. Maffik.
  4. Metal Matrix Composites — Minoru Taya, Richard J. Arsenault
  5. Composite Material Handbook — M.M. Schwartz, Mc Graw Hills.
ME 7024 Machine Tool Engineering (4-0-0)
Unit I Introduction to metal cutting, machine tools & Transmission of motion in       machine tools. 8 lectures
Unit II Mechanical drives for providing rotational movements in machine tools. 12 lectures
Unit III Strength and rigidity of machine tool structures. Analysis of Spindle     bearings, slides and guides.   14 lectures
Unit IV Vibration of machine tools & Dynamic rigidity. 10 lectures
Unit V Automatic drives for machine tools. NC & CNC systems for machine tools. 10 lectures
Text Books / References:
  1. Principles of machine tool -- Sen & Bhattacharya, New central Book Agency
  2. Design of machine tool--N.K. Mehta,TMH
  3. Fundamentals of Machining and Machine Tools, Boothroyd & Knight, Taylor & Francis
ME 7025 Robotics (4-0-0)
Unit I Basic Concepts in Robotics: Introduction, Advantages, and applications of        Robots, Non -Industrial applications, Basic structures of Robots, Numerical control of machine tools, resolution, Accuracy and  repeatability, Position Representation. Classifications & Structures of Robotics Systems: Point to Point continuous path systems, point to point Robotics systems, continuous — Path Robotics systems, Trajectory Planning, Control loop of Robotics systems, the manipulator, Cartesian Coordinate Robots. 10 lectures
Unit II Drives and control systems: Hydraulic Power supply — Servo valve, The Sump,The hydraulic Motor. Direct Current Servomotors — Principle of operation, Dynamic response gearing. Control approaches of Robots, Control loops using current amplifier Control loops using Voltage Amplifier, Elimination of stationary position errors, control loops of CNC systems, conclusion & assessments.  10 lectures
Unit III            Kinematic Analysis and Coordinate transformation: Direct Kinematics      Problem in Robotics, Geometry Based direct Kinematic analysis coordinate and vector transformation using matrices, the orientation matrix and translator vector, homogenous transformation matrices, 3D    homogenous transformations, Denavit Hartenberg convention- Implementing the DH Convention, Obtaining the DH displacement   Matrices, Applications of DH methods.                     12 lectures
Unit IV Trajectory interpolators: Introduction, the necessity of interpolators, the Generation of Motion commands, the trajectory Planning, Basic structure of Interpolators, Solvability of the inverse, Kinematics problem Particular  Solutions for the inverse Kinematics problem — Two — Axis planner Mechanisms. Jacobian Matrix for positioning and orienting. Motions 12 lectures
Unit V Robot applications and Design: Its applications in Manufacturing —Material transfer and machine loading / unloading — Processing operations — Inspection — Automation — Robot cell design — Control —Recent Developments and special applications.           10 lectures
Text Books / References:
  1. M.P. Groover, "Industrial Robotics", MGH.
  2. Y. Koren, "Robotics for Engineers", MGH
  3. Roland Sigwart, and Illah R Nourbaksh, "Introduction to Autonomus Mobile Robots ,PHI
  4. B. Brooks Ed- "Robot Vision and Sensory Controls, Vol -3" North Holland.
  5. J. Duffy, "Analysis of Mechanism and Robot Anipulators", John Willey and Sons
  6. Craig, "Robotics", Addison-Wesley.
ME 7026 : Theory Of Machining (4-0-0)
Unit I Machining, definition and objectives. Geometry of cutting tools; turning,    milling and drilling in different reference system and work reference     systems, tool reference system, and work reference system. Sharpening     and re-sharpening of cutting tools. 8 lectures
Unit II Mechanism of chip formation by single point tool, drills and milling cutters.            Type of chips and their characteristics. Effective rake. 8 lectures
Unit III Mechanics of machining, theoretical estimation and experimental   determination of cutting forces and power consumption. Dynamometers: types, design, construction and use. Cutting tools, methods of failure, mechanics of tool wear, essential properties, assessment of tool life and      cutting tool materials.         12 lectures
Unit IV Thermodynamics of machining, sources of heat generation, cutting          temperature modeling, measurement of cutting temperature. Cutting   fluids: Purpose, essential characteristics, selection and methods of application. 10 lectures
Unit V Economics of machining: Principal objectives, main parameters and their role on cutting forces, cutting temperatures, tool life and surface quality,selection of optimum combination of parameters. 8 lectures
Unit VI Introduction to low temperature machining. 8 lectures
  1. Fundamentals of Metal Cutting and machine tools - G. Boothoyd, Mc Graw Hill international
  2. Production Technology - HMT, TANI
  3. Fundamentals of Metal Cutting and machine tools - New Age International (P) Ltd
ME 7027 : Advanced Tribology (4-0-0)
Unit I Introduction to tribology, friction, wear and lubrication. Regime of lubrication. Classifications of contacts and applications.            12 lectures  
Unit II Properties of lubricants. Boundary, hydrodynamic, hydrostatic and elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication theories. 20 lectures
Unit III Selection of bearing type: Sliding and Rolling. Generalized Reynolds equation: Application to hydrodynamic thrust and journal bearings. Gas film lubrication. 20 lectures
  1. Tribology of bearings — Majumdar
  2. Fluid Film Lubrication — Cameron
  3. Fluid Film Lubrication — B.J. Hamrock
ME 7028: Computer Aided Product Development (4-0-0)
Unit I  Product development processes and organization, stages of product development and important definitions. 8 lectures
Unit II Early design, requirements definition, conceptual design methods,software design and requirement issues.  12 lectures
Unit III Tradeoff analysis, optimization analysis using cost and utility metrics, design for life cycle, design for warranties and design for producibility 12 lectures
Unit IV                    Detailed design, detailed design for software, prototypes,  modeling and simulation, FEM, software tools for detailed design 12 lectures
Unit V Test and Evaluation, strategies, software test and evaluation, introduction to SAP, production and field testing and software tools. Supply chain and logistics. 10 lectures
  1. Product Development and Design for Manufacturing — A Collaborative Approach to Producibility and Reliability, John W Priest, Jose M Sanchez; Marcel Dekker Inc
  2. Product Door and Corporate Strategy, R Blaich and J. Blaich; McGraw Hill Inc.
ME 7029 : Design For Manufacture And Assembly (4-0-0)
Unit I What is DFMA, traditional design and manufacture Vs. concurrent engineering, DFMA as the tool for concurrent engineering. 8 lectures
Unit II Three DFMA criteria for retaining components for redesign of a product; design for manual assembly; design for automatic assembly.  12 lectures
Unit III Computer -Aided Design for assembly; design for manufacture (design for machining). 10 lectures
Unit IV Design for producibility, best practices, producibility software tools, Boothroyd and Dewhurst design for assembly, disassembly.   10 lectures
Unit V Geometric Tolerancing for Manufacture, Design for Test and Inspection,Best practices for Testability, Design for effective and efficient tests 10 lectures
Text / References:
  1. G. Boothroyd, P. De whurst & W. Knight, Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly, Marcell Dekker
  2. Poli, C Design for Manufacturing: A Structured Approach, Butterworth Heinemann

Thermo Fluid Engineering(Regular Course)

Year I : Semester I
Course Code      Course Title    L T P C
ME 7100  Numerical Techniques for Engineering Applications    3 0 0 3
ME 7111 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 4 0 0 4
ME 7112 Advanced Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer 4 0 0 4
ME 7113 Mechanical Systems Design 4 0 0 4
ME 7152 Practice-I 0 0 6 3
Year I : Semester II
Course Code      Course Title    L T P C
ME 7211     Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer 3 0 0 3
ME 7212 Measurements and Control in Fluid & Thermal Engg.  3 0 0 3
ME 70** Elective I 4 0 0 4
ME 700**    Elective II 4 0 0 4
ME 70** Elective III 4 0 0 4
ME 7252      Practice-II     0 0 6 3
Year II : Semester I
Course Code      Course Title    L T P C
ME 8098 Seminar ---2
ME 8099  Project-Phase I   ---8
Year II : Semester IV
Course Code      Course Title    L T P C
ME 8099                                                                                                    Project-Phase II  
  Thesis Evaluation - - -1 0
  Seminar and Viva voce   - - - 6

Thermo Fluid Engineering(Part Time Course)

Semester I
Course Code      Course Title    L T P C
ME 7100 Numerical Techniques for Engineering Applications 3 0 0 3
ME 7111 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 4 0 0 4
Semester II
Course Code      Course Title    L T P C
ME 7211 Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer 3003
ME 7212   Measurements and Control in Fluid & Thermal Engg. 3003
ME 70**         Elective I  4004
Semester III
Course Code      Course Title    L T P C
ME 7112    Advanced Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer 4 0 0 4
 ME 7113 Mechanical System Design      4 0 0 4
ME 7152 Practice-I 0 0 6 3
Semester IV
Course Code      Course Title    L T P C
ME 70**  Elective II 4004
ME 70** Elective III  4004
ME 7252 Practice-II 0063
Semester V
Course Code      Course Title    L T P C
ME 8098 Seminar - - -2
ME 8099 Project-Phase I - - - 8
Semester VI
Course Code      Course Title    L T P C
ME 8099  Project – Phase II 
Thesis Evaluation
- - -0
  Seminar and Viva voce  - - - 6


ME 7111 : Advanced Fluid Mechanics (4-0-0)
Unit I   Derivation of general Navier-Stokes equation; Simplification of N-S Equation;                                                                      8 lectures
Unit II  Energy equations; Potential flows;   10 lectures           
Unit III Velocity & Thermal boundary layers;   14 lectures
Unit IV Exact and Approximate solutions of Boundary Layers Equations; 12 lectures
Unit V  Normal & Oblique shocks; Prandtle – Meyer expansion; Fanno & Rayleigh flows;   12 lectures
Text / References:
  1. Schlichting, H., “Boundary Layer Theory”, McGraw Hill Book Company, New York
  2. Shapiro A. H., “The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compression Flow”, Vol.I, The Ronald Press Company, New York
  3. Fluid Mechanics, Duncun, Thom & Young, Arnold
  4. Rathakrishnan, E., Gas Dynamics, PHI
  5. Mohanty, A. K.,”Fluid Mechanics”, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi
ME 7112 : Advanced Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer (4-0-0)
Unit I Review of Engg. Thermodynamics; Thermodynamics laws & their corollaries; Properties of mixtures; Work transfer – direct & indirect  converters;  Statistical approach to thermodynamics;   12 lectures
Unit II   Three dimensional transient and steady conduction;  10 lectures
Unit III  Natural and forced convection; Radiation heat transfer; 12 lectures
Unit IV  Combined conduction, convection & radiation; Heat transfer in two phase  flows;                                                                          10 lectures
Unit  V  Mass diffusion; Combined heat & mass transfer;                          10 lectures
Text / References:
  1. Rogers, G.F.C. & Mayhew Y.R., “Engg. Thermodynamics : Work & Heat transfer”, Longman
  2. Spalding& Cole, “Engineering Thermodynamics”, Arnold Press
  3. Zemansky M.W., “Heat & Thermodynamics”, MGH
  4. Keenan, J.H. &Hatsopoulos, G.N., Principles of General Thermodynamics, Wiley
  5. Ozisick, M.N., “Heat Transfer : A Basic Approach”, MGH
  6. Kern, D.Q., “Process Heat Transfer”, MGH
  7. Bird, R.B., et al., “Transport Phenomena”, Wiley India
ME 7113 : Mechanical Systems Design (4-0-0)
Unit I  Properties of engineering materials; Static & Dynamic Stresses in machines elements; Stress concentration & stress intensity in machine members; 10 lectures
Unit II System analysis & synthesis; Human Ergonomics: Internationally accepted standards & data, Foolproof designing tools & design improvement – Fishbone or Ishikawa diagram 10 lectures
Unit III  FMEA, why-why analysis etc., Ethical issues in system design; Design & control of dynamic mechanical systems; 10 lectures
Unit IV Design of prime movers, non prime movers & Power transmission systems (Pressure vessels/Pumps/Turbines/Gear boxes/Conveyor systems/belt & Pulley drives etc.);                                                    18 lectures
Unit V  Introduction to MEMS & NEMS (Micro- & Nano- Electro Mechanical Systems) design;      8 lectures
Text / References:
  1. Anderson, J.D., Computational Fluid Dynamics, MGH
  2. Anderson, D.A., et al., Computational Fluid Mechanics& Heat Transfer, Hemisphere
  3. Roache, P.J.,Computational Fluid Dynamics, Hermosa
ME 7212 Measurements and control in Fluid & Thermal Engineering (3-0-0)
Unit I  Introduction to measurements for scientific and engineering applications – need and goal broad category of methods for measuring field and derived  quantities.                                                      8 lectures
Unit II  Principles of measurement – parameter estimation – regression analysis – correlations – error estimation and data presentation – analysis of data                                            8 lectures
Unit III  Measurement of field quantities – thermometry – heat flux measurement – measurement of force, pressure, flow rate, velocity, humidity, noise, vibration – measurement of the above by probe and non intrusive techniques                                                                  14 lectures
Unit IV  Measurement of derived quantities – torque, power, thermophysical properties – radiation and surface properties Analytical methods and pollution monitoring – mass spectrometry – chromatography – Spectroscopy                                                                  12 lectures
Text / References:
  1. R.P. Benedict, “Fundamentals of Temperature, Pressure and Flow Measurement”, John Wiley
  2. E.O.Doebelin, “Measurement Systems – Application and Design”, 3rd Edition., McGraw Hill
  3. E.R.G.Eckert and R.J.Goldstein, “Measurements in Heat Transfer”, 2ndEd.,McGraw Hill
ME 7001 Viscous Flow Theory (4-0-0)
Unit I    Comparison of theoretical, experimental & numerical studies; Similarity   principles; Navier-Stokes equations;                       6 lectures
Unit II    Boundary layer equation; Non dimensionalisation approximation of B.L. equation; B.L. equation; B.L. separation & control; Vortex formation;                                                                 12 lectures
Unit III  Some Exact solutions of B.L. equation;                  12 lectures
Unit IV  Approximate solutions of N-S equation;                                         12 lectures
Unit V    Integral methods Turbulent Boundary layer; Turbulence models and flow equations Steady and Unsteady Turbulent boundary layers; Numerical methods  14 lectures
Text / References:
  1. White, F.M., Viscous fluid flow, MGH
  2. Schlichting, H., Boundary Layer Theory, Springer
  3. Fluid Mechanics, Duncun, Thom & Young, Arnold
ME 7002 Theory of Compressible flow (4-0-0)
Unit I    Introductory concepts : Energy equation, Critical & Stagnation state properties; 1-D flow with area change;                 
Unit II    Normal and Oblique shock analysis; Isentropic turn of supersonic flow – Prandtle-Meyer expansion;
Unit III  Compressible flow with friction; Compressible flow with heat transfer; Combined effect of friction & heat transfer; Multidimensional compressible flow;
Unit IV  Compressible flow measurements; Supersonic wind tunnel; Flight speed measurement; Schlieren technique; Inferometer;
Unit V   Computational techniques for compressible flow equations;    
Text / References:
  1. Zucker, R.D., Fundamental of Gas Dynamics, Matrix publication
  2. Zucrow& Hoffmann, Gas Dynamics, Vol I & II, Weley International
  3. Saphiro, A.H,. Dynamics & Thermodynamics of Compressible, John Wiley & Sons
  4. Rathakrishnan , E., Gas dynamics, PHI
ME 7003 Dynamics & Thermodynamics of Turbomachines (4-0-0)
Unit I  Dimensional analysis: Similitude; Basic Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics; Definitions of efficiency;   8 lectures
Unit II  Two dimensional cascade analysis; Two dimensional analysis of axial flow machines : Turbines, Compressors & Fans;                                    14 lectures
Unit III Centrifugal pumps, fans & compressors;                      12 lectures
Unit IV  Three dimensional flow in axial turbo machines;  Radial flow machines; 12 lectures
Unit V                                              Hydraulic turbines & wind turbines;     10 lectures
Text / References:
  1. Dixon, S.L., “Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery”, Elsevier
  2. Csanady, G.T.,”Theory of Turbomachines”, McGraw Hill, New York
  3. Shepherd, D.G., “Principles of Turbomachinery”, Macmillan Co., New York
  4. Yahya, S.M., “Turbines, Compressors and Fans”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
  5. Lazarkiewicz, S. and Troslanski, “Impeller Pumps”, Pergamom Press, Oxford
  6. Nechleba, M., “Hydraulic Turbine”, Arita, Prague
ME -7004 Cryogenic Engineering (4-0-0)
Unit I Methods of producing cold: thermodynamic basis, first and second law analyses. 12 lectures
Unit II Vapour compression systems: Ideal and actual cycles; single stage,     multistage and cascaded systems Environmental aspects and alternate refrigerants. 14 lectures
Unit III Vapour absorption systems: Refrigerant - absorbent combinations; single stage, multistage and open cycle systems. 16 lectures
Unit IV Non -conventional systems: Vapour jet, air -cycle, thermo- electric refrigeration Cryogenic liquefaction and refrigeration systems Low temperature insulations Typical applications of refrigeration and cryogenics.  14 lectures
Text / References:
  1. Stoecker W. F. and Jones, J. W., "Refrigeration and Air Conditioning", McGraw Hill, New Delhi
  2. Gosney W. B., "Principles of Refrigeration", Cambridge University Press
  3. Threlkeld J. L., "Thermal Environmental Engineering", Prentice Hall, New Jersey
  4. Barron, R. F., "Cryogenic Systems", Oxford University Press, New York
ME -7005 Combustion Engineering (4-0-0)
Unit I Characteristic of free and confined turbulent and swirling gas jets and their combustion Stabilization of burning gas jets, characteristics design consideration of gas burners.  14 lectures
Unit II Combustion of liquid fuels, fuel atomization, types of  injectors and spray   characteristics, burning droplet in its ballistic trajectory, characteristics of         spray combustion, characteristics and design consideration of oil burners. 14 lectures
Unit III Coal Combustion. Combustion of pulverized coal  Combustion of coal on   a bed, in a fluidised bed and in a cyclone furnace Stabilization of            pulverized coal combustion Design considerations of coal burners. 14 lectures
Unit IV Boilers and Furnaces: types used in industries,  thermodynamics, fluid            flow and heat transfer aspects of boilers and furnaces Combustion in             Internal Combustion Engines Combustion generated pollution. 14 lectures
Text / References:
  1. M.W. Thring, "The Science of Flames and Furnace", Chapman & Hill Lt., London
  2. M. L. Smith and K. W. Stinson, "Fuels and Combustion", Mc Graw-Hill Book Co , New York
  3. G. R. Pryling, "Combustion Engineering", Revised Edn., Combustion Engg Inc., New York
  4. C.J. Lawn (Editor), "Principles of Combustion Engineering For Boilers", Academic Press
  5. W. Trink, “Industrial Furnaces” , Vol.1, 4th Edn., John Wiley, New York
ME -7006 Convection & Multiphase flow (4-0-0)
Unit I Introduction to Single and Two-phase flows Conservation  laws Navier Stokes equations Differential and Integral forms. 10 lectures
Unit II External laminar flows Flat Plate, Wedge flows, flow over cylinders,Separation, Internal Laminar Flow Circular pipe, non -circular ducts. 12 lectures
Unit III Free convection Vertical plate cylinders, mixed convection, natural convection in porous media, enclosures. 16 lectures
Unit IV Turbulent flows: Theory, models and correlations  Condensation, Boiling  and Two phase flows Film and drop wise condensation Nusselt theory Pool and film boiling Pressure drop and heat transfer in two phase flows Numerical solution to Convection problems. 18 lectures
Text / References:
  1. M. Kays and M. E. Crawford, "Convective Heat and Mass Transfer", W, McGrahill Inc.
  2. loan Pop and Derek B. Ingham, "Convective Heat Transfer„ Pergamon
  3. Adrian Bejan, "Convection Heat Transfer", Wiley — Interscience Publication
  4. K. Stephan, "Heat Transfer in Condensation and Boiling", Springer Verlag
  5. L. S. Tong and Y. S. Tang. "Boiling Heat Transfer and Two Phase Flow" , Taylor and Francis
  6. Satish G. Kandlikar, Masahiro Shoji, Vijay K. Dhir (Eds.), "Hand Book of Phase Change. Boiling and Condensation", Taylor and Francis
ME -7007 Conduction and Radiation (4-0-0)
Unit I Conduction Heat Transfer — Heat equation in cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates — boundary conditions — extended surfaces heat   transfer. 12 lectures
Unit II Transient conduction — conduction with phase change —integral method, integral transforms and numerical methods. 16 lectures
Unit III Radiation Heat Transfer — Fundamental laws of thermal radiation — surface properties radiative heat exchange among diffuse, gray and non -    gray surfaces separated by non-participating media. 12 lectures
Unit IV Gas radiation and radiation transfer in enclosures containing absorbing   and emitting media - interaction of radiation with conduction and convection. 16 lectures
Text / References:
  1. G. E. Myers, ."Analytical Methods in Conduction Heat Transfer", McGraw Hill
  2. A J. Chapman, "Heat Transfer", MacMillan
  3. E. M. Sparrow and R. D. Cess, "Radiation Heat Transfer", Brooks / Cole
  4. R. Siegel and J. R. Howell, "Thermal Radiation", McGraw Hill
ME -7008 Gas Turbines & Jet Propulsion (4-0-0)
Unit I  Axial flow turbines Two-dimensional and experimental flow in turbines — design charts —correlations and applications to stage performance Off -design performance estimation. 10 lectures
Unit II Three dimensional flow Viscous flows Losses and  efficiencies Turbines of low shape parameter Partial admission turbines — Stenning's analysis Supersonic and transonic turbine stages — nozzle and rotor blade passage calculations. 12 lectures
Unit III Cooled turbines: Single spool compressor and turbine matching General methods and simplified methods of equilibrium operation; Turbine cooling methods. 14 lectures
Unit IV Theory of propellers; Reaction principle Essential features  of propulsive devices Momentum Theory applied to propulsive devices Performance of turboprop, turbojet and turbofan engines.         10 lectures
Unit V Combustion in jet engines Augmentation of thrust, noise suppression Factors influencing performance and design of ramjet engines Supersonic inlets and starting problem. 10 lectures
Text / References:
  1. Horlock J H., "Afial Flow Turbines: Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics", Krieger
  2. Dixon, 8 L , "Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery", Butterworth- Heinmann
  3. Rogers and H Cohen, "Gas Turbine Theory", 5th Edition, Pearson Education Asia
  4. Yahys, S. M., '"turbines, Compressors and Fans", Tata McGraw Hill
  5. Wilson D. G. "The Design of High Efficiency Turbo machines", MIT. Press
  6. Glassman. A J (Ed), "Turbine Design and Applications", 3 Volumes, NASA
ME-7009 Design of Heat Exchangers (4-0-0)
Unit I Classification of heat exchangers Basic design methods for heat exchangers Design of shell and tube heat exchangers TEMA Code. 12 Lectures
Unit II Plate heat exchangers Power plant heat exchangers Heat exchangers for heat recovery at low medium and high temperatures. 16 lectures
Unit III Computerised methods for design and analysis of heat exchangers Compact heat exchangers Regenerative heat exchangers. 14 lectures
Unit IV Principles of boiler design Codes for mechanical design of heat exchangers. Performance enhancement of heat exchangers Fouling of heat exchangers Testing, evaluation and maintenance of heat exchangers. 14 lectures
Text / References:
  1. Donald Q. Kern, "Process Heat Transfer, McGrow Hill
  2. G. F. Hewitt, G. L. Shires and T. R. Bott, "Process Heat Transfer, CRC Press
  3. W. M. Kays and A. L. London, "Compact Heat Exchangers", McGrow Hill
  4. Sadik Kakac and Hongtan Liu, "Heat Exchanger Selection, Rating and Thermal Design", CRC
  5. Holger Martin, "Heat Exchangers", Hemisphere Publishing Corporation
  6. E. U. Schunder (Ed.), "Heat Exchanger Design Handbook". Hemisphere Publishing Corporation
ME -7010 Refrigeration Machinery and Components (4-0-0)
Unit I  Design of Reciprocating Compressor Components - Frames, Crank Case, Stuffing Boxes, Seals, Valves, Pistons, Piston Rings, Cranks, Connecting    Roads etc. Design of Rotary Vane, Rotary Piston and Screw Compressors. 12 lectures
Unit II


Analysis of Centrifugal Compressor - Capacity Regulation of Compressors. Testing of Refrigeration Compressors. 12 lectures
Unit III Various types of condensers and evaporators - Thermal  Design and  construction of condensers and evaporators - Types of expansion devices - capillary tube, thermostatic expansion valves, automatic expansion valves    and float valves etc Design and selection of expansion devices - Design of  refrigerant piping. 16 lectures
Unit IV Refrigeration system controls and safety devices: Solenoid  valves, suction and evaporator pressure regulators, Filters, doers oil separators, relief valves, safety valves, high and low pressure cut outs, thermostats, water regulators etc. Motors for refrigeration compressors - Dehydrating,    charging and testing of refrigeration systems – application of  microprocessors in refrigeration system. 16 lectures
Text / References:
  1. Chlumsky V., "Reciprocating and Rotary Compressors", SNTL Publishers for Technical Literature, Prague, Czechoslovakia
  2. ASHRAE Handbook Refrigeration
  3. ASHRAE Handbook Fundamentals
  4. ASHRAE Handbook HVAC Systems and Equipment
  5. Heat Exchanger Design Hand Book, Hemisphere Publishing Co
ME -7011 Sorption Refrigeration and Heating Systems (4-0-0)
Unit I Classification of sorption systems: Absorption and  Adsorption, Dry and Wet types apsorption refrigeration systems, heat pumps, heat transformers. 12 lectures
Unit II.  Wet absorption systems: Solution thermodynamics, Refrigerant absorbent combinations, Vapour pressure/concentration/ temperature / enthalpy relations and charts. 12 lectures
Unit III  Single stage, multistage, resorption and hybrid systems - Types and    design considerations for components such as absorbers, generators, rectifiers, etc., - Pumpless absorption systems. 16 lectures
Unit IV Dry absorption / adsorption systems: Refrigerant / sorbent combinations and their properties, System analysis – Metal hydride based systems - Heat and Mass transfer in sorption beds and reactors. 16 lectures
Text / References:
  1. Gosney W. B., "Principles of Refrigeration", Cambridge University Press
  2. 2Herold K. E., Radermacher R. and Klein S. A., "Absorption Chillers and Heat Pumps", CRC Press, Tokyo
  3. Alefeld G and Radermacher R., "Heat Conversion Systems", CRC press
ME 7012 Engine Design & Performance (4-0-0)
Unit I Constructional features of different types of internal  combustion engines   Number, size and arrangement of cylinders 8 lectures
Unit II Detailed design procedure for important components like cylinder, piston, piston rings, connecting rod, crank-shaft,crankcase, manifolds and poppet valves. 12 lectures
Unit III  Design procedure for inlet ports and exhaust ports of two-  stroke engines Engine balancing Design of cooling system components. 12 lectures
Unit IV Silencer and air filter design. Design of turbochargers and  superchargers. 12 lectures
Unit V Engine materials and manufacturing processes Computer aided design of engine components ;Engine performance analysis  12 lectures
Text / References:
  1. A. Kolchin and V. Demidov, "Design of Automotive Engines", Mir Publishers, Moscow
  2. Edward F. Obert, "The Internal Combustion Engines", Int. Text Book Co. Pennsylvania, USA
  3. Charles Fayette Taylor, "Internal Combustion Engine in Theory and Practice", Vols. I and 2, Second revised edition, The MIT Press, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
  4. John Fenton, "Engine Design", University Press Cambridge, Great Britain
  5. P. H. Schweitzer, "Scavenging of Two Stroke Cycle Diesel Engine", Macmillan Company
  6. John B. Heywood, "Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals", MGH, Singapore
  7. Richard Stone, "Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines", Macmillan, London
  8. Ganesan, V., "Internal Combustion Engines", Tata McGraw Hill, India
  9. Rowland W. Benson and N. D. Whitehouse, "Internal Combustion Engines", Robert Maxwell MC., London
  10. Heinz Heisler, "Advanced Engine Technology", Arnold Publications. London